linkman - a man employed to carry a torch + Joyce's note: 'linkman' → Fay: A Short Glossary of Theatrical Terms 19: 'Linkman. -- The attendant in front of the theatre to open carriage doors for visitors or call their conveyances after the performance. In the past he held a lighted torch or link'.
leisurely - Of persons: Having leisure or unoccupied time, proceeding without haste.
lampman - one who has charge of or tends lamps
loungy - suggestive of lounges or lounging + lounge - to pass time indolently or without definite occupation.
Cill Easra (kilasre) (gael) - Easar's ("profusion": 8th c. saint) Church, N.E. Dublin district; anglic. Killester + 'By Killarney's lakes and fells' (song).
lape = lap - Of water: To move with a rippling sound like that made in lapping + lapis (l) - stone.
fall - the falling of a stream of water down a declivity; hence, a cascade, cataract, waterfall
stave - one of several thin slats of wood forming the sides of a barrel or bucket
keel - the lowest longitudinal timber of a ship or boat, on which the framework of the whole is built up + The Keel Row (song) + more power to his elbow - good luck to him.
fairish - somewhat fair, moderately good, passable + free and easy - friendly and free from anxiety + FDV: he overbalanced by weight of the barrel and rolled backwards [in a curious mode of motion] a fairish way behind the times, in the Inshicore direction of Delgany before being set put righted.
as the crow flies - in a direct line, without any of the detours caused by following a road
Sitric Mac Aulaf (Silkenbeard) gave the ground for Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin + MacAuliffe - Matt Gregory as the 1st letter of the Hebrew alphabet, aleph. (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake).
crucet house - a chest used in medieval torture to hold the body of one who was to be pressed with stones; house of torment
Open the Door Softly (song sung by Sean in Boucicault's Arrah-na-Pogue; Arrah pretends to mistake voice for pig or cow)
Thomas Moore, song: The Fortune-Teller: 'Down in the valley' [air: Open the Door Softly]
upright - to raise to an upright or vertical position, to erect
dip - a hollow or depression to which the surrounding high ground dips or sinks
the Downs - the part of the sea within the Goodwin Sands, off the east coast of Kent, a famous rendezvous for ships. (It lies opposite to the eastern termination of the North Downs.)
uile (ili) (gael) - all, whole + voilą! (fr) - there!, that's is!
spoor - the trace, track, or trail of a person or animal + spoorloos (Dutch) = spurlos (German) - without leaving a trace, without a trace.
vanessid - belonging to the family of butterflies of which Vanessa is the type + disappeared and vanished.
Popo (ger) - posterior + popņ (it) - shit + (flushed toilet).
circulation - movement in a circle, circular motion or course + circularis circulatio (l) - a round revolution + per omnia saecula saeculorum (l) - for ever and ever.
stella (l, it) - star + Swift's Stella + Puccini: Tosca III: 'E lucevan le stelle e olezzava la terra, stridea l'uscio dell'orto e un passo sfiorava la rena. Entrava ella, fragrante, mi cadea tra le braccia. Oh! dolci baci o languide carezze, mentr'io fremente le belle forme disciogliea dai veli!': 'And the stars shone and the earth was perfumed, the gate to the garden creaked and a footstep rustled the sand on the path. Fragrant, she entered, and fell into my arms. Oh! sweet kisses, languid caresses, as I trembling unloosed her veils and disclosed her beauty'.
strew - to scatter, spread loosely
aromatize - to render aromatic or fragrant
pibroch - in the Scotch Highlands, a series of variations for the bagpipe, founded on a theme called the urlar. They are generally of a martial character, but include dirges + piobaireacht (Irish) - playing on the (bag)pipes (Pronunciation 'pibrokht').
crept - past of creep + Ppt ('Poor pretty thing', Swift's name for Stella in his Journal to Stella).
mong - among
darkness + donker (Dutch) - dark.
reek - vapour or steam arising from something in a moist or heated state, as wet or marshy ground (hence also Sc., fog or mist), wet clothes, boiling water, etc. + (toilet smell).
waft - to send (a sound, fragrance, etc.) through the air; to float upon, come or go with the wind or breeze + left
Luft (ger) - air
fragrance - sweetness of smell; sweet or pleasing scent
dulcid - sweet to the eye, ear, or feelings
languid - weak, wanting in force; slow of movement
taboo + tobacco (possibly the source of the smell).
sharm = chirm - to cry out, vociferate, roar + charming - fascinating, highly pleasing or delightful to the mind or senses + Sharman, John - 19th-century author of a textbook on astronomy.
yep - repr. a dial. (esp. U.S.) or vulgar pronunc. of yes + Harry S. Miller: song The Cat Came Back (1893): 'But de cat came back, couldn't stay no longer, Yes de cat came back de very next day; De cat came back - thought she were a goner, But de cat came back for it wouldn't stay away.'
dire - fraught with extreme danger + Thomas Moore: How Dear to Me the Hour (song): 'How dear to me the hour when daylight dies' [air: The Twisting of the Rope].
dull - not clear, bright, vivid, or intense; obscure, dim + dall (doul) (gael) = dall (Breton) - blind, dark.
bedowe - ? to sadden + es ist zu bedauern (ger) - it is regrettable + Bedouin.
Thour't passing Hence (Joyce's note) → 'Thou'rt Passing Hence, My Brother' (song).
bruder - obs. form of brother + mein Bruder (ger) - my brother
able - having or showing general mental power or skill; talented, clever + Joyce's note: '*V* able Shaun'
whisk - to move with a light rapid sweeping motion; to make a single sudden movement of this kind, to rush or dart nimbly
throe - a violent spasm or pang, such as convulses the body, limbs, or face. Also, a spasm of feeling; a paroxysm; agony of mind; anguish + Thomas Moore, song: In the Morning of Life [air: The Little Harvest Rose].
God's + cat's cradle - a children's game in which two players alternately take from each other's fingers an intertwined cord so as always to produce a symmetrical figure + (sea).
carnal - sexual
und (ger) - and
Ind - an earlier name of the country now called India + ends
Tyskland (Danish) - Germany + elephant's tusk.
oliphant - obsolete form of elephant + Oliphant, Laurence (1829-88) - British author, foreign conrespondent, religious and sexual eccentric, associated with Eastern countries.
scrum - to jostle, crowd + scream.
oust - to eject or expel from any place or position + outs + ouest (fr) - west.
toll (ger) - wild + tall story - a hackneyed tale, a piece of boasting or exaggeration + (skyscrapers).
more (Serbian) - sea + more's the pity - and that is something to be sorry about + Joyce's note: 'more is the pity' → Jespersen: The Growth and Structure of the English Language 33 (sec. 33): 'the first conquest of England by the English... The more is the pity that we know so very little either of the people who came over or of the state of things they found in the country they invaded'.
ooft (Dutch) - fruit + oft - many times at short intervals + too soft.
forever doing (Joyce's note) → Key: John McCormack, His Own Life Story 53: 'a young Athlone attorney named John Walsh... was forever doing something for others; an altruist, if ever there was one'.
mano (it) - hand + a mano a mano (it) - little by little, gradually.
milia (l) - thousands
humble - marked by meekness or modesty
humility - a disposition to be humble; a lack of false pride + Joyce's note: 'humble people whose favourite virtue is humility' → Irish Independent 26 Apr 1924, 8/7: (letter to the editor) 'As this is the age for summer courses for the "backward" in all branches of learning, I hereby propose that Miss McSwiney should give a summer course of lectures to the Bishops on Theology... as to her qualifications, is she not by profession a teacher of infant school children?... As to the attendance of the Bishops, I answer with the Yankees, it is a "sure thing" they would attend. They are humble people whose favourite virtue is humility'.
Parthalon settled on Old Plain (Sean Moy) (notebook 1923) → Sean-Magh (shanma) (gael) - Old Plain, Old Country (Moyelta, where Parthalonian colonisers died of plague and were buried) + moj (Serbian) = moi (Russian) - my (i.e. my Shaun).
holy boy
tootoo - to make an instrumental or vocal sound resembling these syllables
stayer - one who stays or remains; one who stays or supports
graced - endowed with grace; favoured; having a grace or graces; embellished, etc.
god - pl. The occupants of the gallery.
pittite - one who occupies a seat in the pit of a theatre → Pearce: Sims Reeves, Fifty Years of Music in England 133: 'A "popular" musical audience of those days, like the pittites of the theatre who could bless or damn a play on its first night' + Hittites.
salus - a salutation + salus (l) - safety, health + Simeon Salus ("the crazy"), St (d. 590) - Syrian monk who cared for prostitutes.
countenance - the face, visage
disparition - disappearance
afflictedly - in an afflicted manner, distressfully
Fionn (fin) (gael) - Fair + fuin (fwin) (gael) - end, limit; sunset, late evening.
gaming - the action or habit of playing at games of chance for stakes; gambling + (II.1).
pro- - 'before in time'
story book - a book containing stories, esp. children's stories; also occas. a novel or romance + (II.3).
picturesque - possessing pleasing and interesting qualities of form and colour (but not implying the highest beauty or sublimity)
silentious - given to silence
musha - an exclamation of surprise used by Irish speakers + musha (Anglo-Irish) - well, indeed.
bemind (Dutch) - beloved + be minded + (think of us).
the Cockpit - name of a theatre in London, in 17th c., on the site of a cock-pit
scholar - one who is taught in a school; esp. a boy or girl attending an elementary school + 'A dillar, a dollar, a ten o'clock scholar' (nursery rhyme).
anywhen - at any time, ever + Joyce's note: '*V* any time'
wisha - an exclamation indicating dismay, emphasis, or surprise + wisha (Irish) - well, indeed.
be coming
biddy - a chicken, a fowl; a woman, usu. with derogatory implication; red biddy + Ulysses.8.200: 'Milly tucked up in beddyhouse'.