jaunty - easy and sprightly in manner, lively, brisk; affecting airy self-satisfaction or unconcern
FDV: Shaun, as I next saw, halted to take breath & loosen his boots at the weir by Lazar's Walk a about [nine] score of barrel minutes distance as he truly merited to do.
catch ones breath - to rest for a short time after hurrying
cothurnus - a thick-soled boot reaching to the middle of the leg, worn by tragic actors in the ancient Athenian drama; a buskin + terminus + (first leg of a donkey, i.e. Mathew).
pull through - to get (a person) through a difficult, dangerous, or critical condition or situation; to bring (a thing) to a successful issue; to accomplish + pull one's leg - to deceive someone playfully.
preamble - to walk before or in front (rare.); to make a preamble or introductory statement
bruised - crushed, battered, dinted
brogue - a rude kind of shoe, generally made of untanned hide, worn by the inhabitants of the wilder parts of Ireland and the Scotch Highlands
hosen - a pair of hose + Hosen (ger) - trousers, pants + (notebook 1924): '(Parvenu) His boots were made before his socks' → Sauvé: Proverbes et Dictons de la Basse-Bretagne no. 376: 'His shoes were made before his stockings' (glossed in a footonote: 'Said of a refused applicant').
weir - a barrier or dam to restrain water, esp. one placed across a river or canal in order to raise or divert the water for driving a mill wheel
Lazar's Walk College Street (notebook 1924) → Lazar's Hill, Dublin (now Townsend Street).
noted - widely known and esteemed
footgear - boots, shoes, or similar covering for the feet
a matter of 15 yds (Joyce's note)
merit - to earn by meritorious action; spec. in Theology, to become entitled to (reward) at the hands of God.
planimetrically - by means of, or with regard to, planimetry (the measurement of plane surfaces; the geometry of plane surfaces, plane geometry)
that was to say P (Joyce's note)
cot - a small bed for a child; properly, one suspended so as to swing between uprights; a swing-cot; also frequently applied to a 'crib' or four-legged bed-stead with sides to prevent the child from falling out.
yestereve - the evening of yesterday
speed - to go or move with speed; Of time: To advance or pass quickly.
amply - with sufficient fullness to satisfy all demands; fully, abundantly
square - honest or straightforward in dealing with others; honourable, upright
notwithstanding - although
*V* foot asleep (notebook 1924)
januarius (l) - January
bullock - Orig. a young bull, or bull calf; but afterwards, and in later times always, a castrated bull, an ox + Joyce's note: 'has a whole calf's hoof in his shoes' → Sauvé: Proverbes et Dictons de la Basse-Bretagne no. 549: 'It's a calf's hoof he has in his shoes. (He's an idiot)'.
buskin - a half-boot; the high thick-soled boot (cothurnus) worn by the actors in ancient Athenian tragedy
hallux - the innermost of the digits (normally five in number) of the hind foot of an air-breathing vertebrate, the great toe
transcend - to pass or extend beyond or above (a non-physical limit); to go beyond the limits of (something immaterial)
bigmouthed - having a big mouth; loquacious or boastful
propped - held up or supported by or as by a prop
restant - remaining (obs. rare.) + poste restante (fr) - post to be collected + (notebook 1924): 'poste restante - haste' + (notebook 1924): 'Poste Restante' → Gallois: La Poste et les Moyens de Communication 55: 'Imagine the impatience and the emotions found at our Poste Restante and say if it's not true that there is nothing new except that which has never grown old'.
Warden of the Piece - an inferior magistrate appointed to preserve the peace in a county, town, or other district, and discharge other local magisterial functions. They were instituted in England in 1327, and are appointed by the sovereign's special commission, directing them, jointly and severally, to keep the peace in the area named. Their principal duties consist in committing offenders to trial before a judge and jury when satisfied that there is a primâ facie case against them, convicting and punishing summarily in minor causes, granting licenses, and acting, if County Justices, as judges at Quarter Sessions + Gárda Síochána (Irish) - policeman (Irish síochána: of the peace).
constable - a member of the constabulary or police force, a policeman
Sigurd - hero of the Volsunga Saga and of an opera (1884) by Reyen + FDV: He was there perspiring but happy propped up by against a slumbering clown guardian of the peace, one Sigurdsen, who had fallen asleep there in the embrace of a confiscated bottle.
surfaceman - a miner or other labourer who works at the surface, or in the open air; on a railway, a workman who keeps the permanent way in repair + serviceman - a man who serves, or has served, in the armed forces.
bootblacking - the polishing of boots and shoes
cozy - Of persons: Comfortable from being warm and sheltered; snug + koz (Breton) - old + kozy (Pan-Slavonic) - she-goats + dozy - drowsy, sleepy.
slumbersome - slumberous, sleepy
Curing station (Joyce's note) → Irish Independent 23 Jan 1924, 9/2: 'Employment and Migration': 'The curing of fish was also a branch of the industry which gave much employment. Several curing stations have been erected, but these are now practically derelict' + Fish to be cured are usually first cleaned, scaled, and eviscerated. Fish are salted by packing them between layers of salt or by immersion in brine. The fish most extensively salted are cod, herring, mackerel, and haddock. Smoking preserves fish by drying, by deposition of creosote ingredients, and, when the fish are near the source of heat, by heat penetration.
equilibrate - to bring into or keep in a state of equipoise or equilibrium, to balance + inebriated + (notebook 1924): 'equilebriated' → Key: John McCormack, His Own Life Story 40: 'equilibrium'.
monopolize - to obtain exclusive possession or control of + (notebook 1924): 'monopole' → Gallois: La Poste et les Moyens de Communication 129: 'In 1809, under the Empire, the Company of Imperial Messenger Service, later called Royal, then National, was established, retaining the monopoly over public transportation until 1826'.