eligible - suitable, meeting the conditions; worthy of being chosen

Dubh-ghall (du goul) (gael) - Black-foreigner, i.e., Dane + Fremdling (ger) - stranger.

in a clean way (Joyce's note) Connacht Tribune 31 May 1924, 6/4: 'Armed Raids': (cross-examination in a trial of armed raid) 'Why didn't he come in a clean way and not with guns?'

Tammany - Deleware chief, facetiously canonized as patron saint of U.S.A. His name was adopted by a New York City fraternal organization whose building, Tammany Hall, was a byword for political corruption in the Democratic Party, long a nest of Irish-American bosses + not to care a twopenny hang - not to care at all. 

mucky - dirty, filthy, muddy; fig. Applied to money, as 'filthy lucre'; also to a miserly person + muc (Irish) - pig.

hoot - a loud inarticulate exclamation, a shout, outcry + not to care two hoots - not to care at all.

Constantine - Roman Emperor

a namesake of my own (Joyce's note) Irish Independent 7 May 1924, 5/4: '"Matchmaking" in the West': (cross-examination of a father who was supposedly selling his fifteen-year old daughter into marriage) '"I was not selling her at all," replied Ward. "She refused to accept John Ward a namesake of my own." "But who was she being married to?" pressed Mr. Murtagh. Witness - "A man named Michael Colleran." "What age is he?" - "Something about 33 or 53"'.

attaboy - An exclamation expressive of encouragement or admiration. 

Enoch - a great-grandfather of Noah, and father of Methuselah. This Enoch is distinctive because, as the story goes, he never experienced death. Instead, he lived a life where he "walked with God", afterwhich "he was not, for God took him". (Genesis 5:1-18)

townmajor - the major of a town-guard, as formerly in Edinburgh; Applied vaguely to the chief magistrate or administrative officer of a foreign town.

circuit - fig. Sphere of action, etc.; spec. The journey of judges (or other persons) through certain appointed areas, for the purpose of holding courts or performing other stated duties at various places in succession.

Remus, Uncle - Joel Chandler Harris' old Negro story-teller + 'Dear Uncle Remus' - letters to a children's column in Weekly Freeman.

baas - master, boss + bás (Irish) - death

YORK - City, Yorkshire, North England. Called by the Romams Eboracum (Wars of Roses). 

Ulysippo (l) - city in Luisitania, mod. Lisabon + Ulisse (it) - Ulysses + Lisbon supposedly founded by Ulysses.

knickerbocker - a descendant of the original Dutch settlers of the New Netherlands in America, hence, a New Yorker

lanky - awkwardly or ungracefully lean and long

sire - one who exercises dominion or rule; a lord, master, or sovereign + Lancaster (Wars of Roses).

Wolverhampton - city in England

brisling + a Norwegian sprat + Bristol.

soke - a right of local jurisdiction; a district under a particular jurisdiction

twoway - having, or connected with, two ways, roads, or channels; situated where two ways meet + Matthew 16:18: 'Tu es Petrus'.

Peterborough - the name of a town in eastern England, site of a phase of the Neolithic Age: used to denote the type of civilization of that period, and the materials or people associated with its culture + Saint Petersburg - city and a federal subject (a federal city) of Russia located on the Neva River at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea. In 1914 the name of the city was changed to Petrograd, in 1924 to Leningrad and in 1991 back to Saint Petersburg.

The Prospekt Nevskiy is a main Petrograd thoroughfare, cutting across the bend of the Neva. 

prospect - a long, wide, straight street; an avenue of houses

breach of promise = spec. Breach of promise to marry + Joyce's note: 'land of breach of promise' → Saint Brendan visited the Land of Promise of the Saints in the Atlantic (also supposedly discovered America) + Hebrews 11:9: (of Abraham) 'By faith he sojourned in the land of promise'.

Brendan Kerry (Joyce's note) → Sheed: The Irish Way, 'Saint Brendan - Navigator (483-577)', 30: 'in the year 483... Brendan, son of Finnlugha and predestined patron of Kerry and Clonfert, was born'.

Upper whitemist (Joyce's note) Sheed: The Irish Way, 'Saint Brendan - Navigator (483-577)', 30: 'Mobhi was the name first given him, but a mantle of white mist (broen finn) was seen to descend until it veiled all Fenit, and henceforth he who was white in soul and body was called Broenfinn or Brendan'.

BRAZIL (BRASIL) - Hy Brasaille, Ir. "Enchanted Isle," the Irish Atlantis. St Brendan (d 578) of Clonfert (in Galway), one of St Patrick's 4 saints, was in legend the first to cross the Atlantic, and the discoverer of the "Promised Land of the Saints," or "Isle of the Blest," an island West of Ireland. From the 6th to as late as the 18th century, geographers accepted its existence; it was sometimes identified with Labrador, sometimes with Atlantis. St Brendan's Isle was in the middle ages confused with "brazil," a red dye-wood. It is for the latter that Brasil in South America was named + Joyce's note: 'High Brazil' → Sheed: The Irish Way, 'Saint Brendan - Navigator (483-577)', 39: (of a legendary island in the Atlantic said to have been discovered by Saint Brendan) 'So recently as 1634 the French geographer, Tassiu, drew a map in which he placed the island of Hy Brazil to the west of Ireland'.  

March's pebbles (notebook 1924) Sauvé: Proverbes et Dictons de la Basse-Bretagne no. 695: 'March with its hammers comes knocking on our doors' (glossed in a footnote: 'La grčle' (French 'Hail')).

footstep - a step or tread of the foot + Joyce's note: 'gravel spun from / beneath his feet' > The Four Million, 'By Courier' 231: The gravel spun from beneath the boy's feet. (MS 47482b-15v, LPA: ^+with the gravel spinning from under ^+beneath+^ my feet+^ | JJA 57:032 | probably Apr 1924 | ).

fire and sword - destructive burning, esp. of any large extent or mass of combustible material, e.g. a building, forest, etc.

rest assured (notebook 1923) → Schuré: Woman the Inspirer 9: (letter from Richard Wagner to Mathilde Wesendonck) 'If, in future, I impose upon myself more frequent acts of self-denial... rest assured that this is because I am determined, above all else, to obtain forgiveness'.

lookout - a prospect or prospective condition, an outlook

insister - one who insists

marked man - one whose conduct is watched with hostile intent; one who is kept in mind as an object for suspicion or vengeance + Markt (ger) = markt (Dutch) - market.

query - to question, interrogate (a person)

quare (l) - by what means?, why?

think & think & think (notebook 1931) Young: Trial of Frederick Bywaters and Edith Thompson 11: (letter from Edith Thompson to Bywaters, trial exhibit 15) 'Darlint - You must do something this time - I'm not really impatient - but opportunities come and go by - they have to - because I'm helpless and I think and think and think'.

muffed - clumsily missed or bungled

porridge - a conglomeration, a hotchpotch; unsubstantial stuff + (notebook 1931): 'the wrong porridge' Young: Trial of Frederick Bywaters and Edith Thompson 10: (letter from Edith Thompson to Bywaters, trial exhibit 27) 'I had the wrong Porridge to-day, but I dont suppose it will matter, I dont seem to care much either way'.

ignorant - an ignorant person + ignoratis (l) - you (pl.) misunderstand, do not know, make a mistake + ignoramus.

the Shaun way (Joyce's note) → Key: John McCormack, His Own Life Story 18: 'It was the McCormack way, again; another instance of his inclination to slip over matters which put him in a favorable light and which he prefers to let others relate'.

go a long way - to achieve much, to make much progress. If you say that someone will go a long way, you mean that they will be successful ('I like my men older - and richer.' 'You'll go a long way with ideas like that, my girl!') + (notebook 1924): 'went a long way towards'.

outsider - a person who is considered socially inferior + Joyce's note: 'I'll break yr face'

make up to - to make advances to (a person), to pay court or make love to

Jeremaiah 8:22: 'Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then has not the health of the daughter of my people been restored?' The dire conditions of the people that caused them to need balm was given in the verse previous. "For the brokenness of the daughter of my people I am broken; I mourn, dismay has taken hold of me." Jeremiah was dismayed, and maybe even disgusted, that the condition of the people have gotten so bad.

Song, "I'll Sing Thee Songs of Araby." 

sanctuary - a holy place + sanctuaire (fr. slang) - vulva.

nuptial - of or pertaining to marriage or the marriage ceremony

ditto - the aforesaid, the same + dito (it) - finger + (measuring for wedding ring).

oiboiboi (gr) - ah me! alas! woe! + ohibň! (it) - now then!, oh!

blunderbuss - a blundering fellow, a blunderhead + Pretty Molly Brannigan (song): 'Oh, if I had a blunderbuss, I'd go and fight a duel, man'.

sicker - certain, sure


as Leary toward Leinstermen (notebook 1924) Kinane: St. Patrick 111: (quoting Petrie's Tara) 'The body of Laeghaire was... interred... with his face turned southward upon the Lagenians as it were fighting with them, for he was the enemy of the Lagenians (men of Leinster) in his lifetime'.

ourn - ours + hisn - his.

liniment - something used for smearing or anointing + Blake: 'Lineaments of gratified desire' (quoted in connection with Mulligan in Ulysses 9).

face reduced to a pulp (Joyce's note)

bump - a sudden collision, more or less violent

Blitz (ger) - lightning + Iblis - the devil in Muslim mythology.

muezzin - in Muslim countries, a public crier who proclaims the regular hours of prayer from the minaret or the roof of a mosque

darkest + Turkish.

pillarbox - a hollow pillar about five feet high, erected in a public place, containing a letter-box or receptacle for posting letters; a shade of red, that of a pillar-box

stiffen - to make more steadfast, unyielding, or obstinate


a broken reed - a person or thing that cannot be depended on in a difficult situation + Isaiah 26:6: 'Thou trustest in the staff of this broken reed'.

grand opera - serious opera without spoken dialogue

Cheka and its successor O.G.P.U.

The Coombe - street and area in the Liberties, west of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin

brash - a mass or heap of fragments + grass

Saint Patrick's Close, Dublin (in the Liberties, by cathedral; associated with Swift in Ulysses)

Lausbub (ger) - rascal