lowly - in a low voice

longly - for a long while (obs.)

wail - expression of pain or grief by prolonged vocal sound

Sheain (Irish) - John (vocative; Pronunciation 'Yawn')

lay low - an occas. use erroneously developed from to lie low (to lie on or in the ground, lie prostrate)

mead = meadow - Originally a piece of land permanently covered with grass which is mown for use as hay. In later use often extended to include any piece of grass land, whether used for cropping or pasture; and in some districts applied esp. to a tract of low well-watered ground, usually near a river + med (Serbian) - honey.

hillock - a little hill

ba - Egyptian heart-soul (Budge: The Book of the Dead) + "The bee, as a collector of honey from the flowers of the fields of heaven, typified the initiate sucking magical nourishment from the kalas, the subtle perfumes of which exuded from the 'flowers' of the priestess chosen for the mystical rites. Upon the imbiber of the honey of those flowers is conferred the boon of immortality... The bee is used, therefore, as a symbol of the stars as shedders of the nectar of immortality... Massey suggests that the Egyptian name for the soul, Ba, may be identical with our word bee." (Kenneth Grant: Outside the Circles of Time)

dormant - sleeping, lying asleep or as asleep

mid - poetical aphesis of amid (in the middle, in the midst (obs.); surrounded by, among)

shadowed - protected from light and heat, furnished with shade

landscape - an expanse of scenery that can be seen in a single view

brief - a formal letter, dispatch; a letter, dispatch, note (obs.)

wallet - a bag for holding provisions, clothing, books, etc., esp. on a journey either on foot or on horseback + Brieftasche (ger) - wallet (literally 'letter bag').

loose - Of living beings or their limbs: Free from bonds, fetters, or physical restraint.

staff - a stick carried in the hand as an aid in walking or climbing

citron - thorny evergreen small tree or shrub of India widely cultivated for its large lemonlike fruits that have thick warty rind

briar - a prickly, thorny bush or shrub in general + FDV: In On the mead of the hillock he lay, the brief wallet by his side, one hand arm still loosely on his staff of citron wood briar.

cause - that which produces an effect + course

para- - outside of, beyond, beside + poly- - many, much, multi + polylogue - a discussion between more than two persons + polylogy (Archaic) - loquacity, much speaking + parapolylogikos (gr) - very loquacious, illogicaly loquacious.

lock - a piece of a person's hair that coils or hangs together

Lucan - pertaining to the evangelist St. Luke + (notebook 1922-23): 'Irish tinge' Leader 11 Nov 1922, 325/2: 'A Candid Critic on the Government': 'firms with any tinge of Irish-Ireland management have been ignored'.

tinge - a slight shade of colouring, esp. one modifying a tint or colour

ripely - with mature or developed appearance + FDV: Distressfully Most distressfully (but, ah my dear, how successfully!) he waited, his golden richlookingrippling quickrich rippled riperippling locks downflowing unfilleted, his lashful lashbetasselled lids at on the brink the verge of closing time, and out of his sidewaysopen sidewiseopen mouth the breath of him, as sweet languishing as any the princeliest golden syrup treble treacle or lichoo chewchow you money a purse could buy.

ripple - to have or present a ruffled surface, to be covered with small waves

fillet - to bind or tie up (the hair) with or as with a fillet (a narrow headband or strip of ribbon worn as a headband)

betassel - to adorn with tassels

ouze - obs. form of ooze + out + FDV: his lashful lashbetasselled lids at on the brink the verge of closing time, and out of his sidewaysopen sidewiseopen mouth the breath of him,

sidewise - directed towards one side, sideward

ever so + ebenso (ger) - alike.

languishing - pining with love or grief

princely - like a prince, princelike

treble - having or denoting a high range ("soprano voice"; "soprano sax"; "the boy still had a fine treble voice")

treacle - a small flow of liquid; a pale cane syrup + FDV: as sweet languishing as any the princeliest golden syrup treble treacle or lichoo chewchow you money a purse could buy.

lichee - Chinese fruit having a thin brittle shell enclosing a sweet jellylike pulp and a single seed

chowchow - a mixture or medley of any sort; e.g. mixed pickles or preserves. Also, food of any kind.

purse - a money-bag or -receptacle and its contents

swoon - the action of swooning or the condition of one who has swooned; a (deep or sound) sleep (obs. rare.)

helping - a portion of food served at one time + FDV: Yawn in a semiswoon was wailing. And, O hooh!, his how much honey for what heaps of honeyfed sweetness! O Phew! the his piercing earpiercing dulcitude!

honeyful - full of or abounding in honey or sweetness + "The fisting... is on living substances, the kalas themselves, the honey previously mentioned. This is the Rite of the Hive..." (Kenneth Grant: Outside the Circles of Time)

sweet head + zoetheid (Dutch) - sweetness.

phew - a vocal gesture expressing impatience, disgust, discomfort, or weariness

earpiercing - shrill and irritating to the ear

dulcitude - sweetness

blunt - Of an angle, edge, or point: Not sharp, obtuse + pointblank + Montblanc pen (a famous brand of fountain pens) + (sticking pin in hypnotic subject to test depth of trance).

cushionet - a little cushion, a pin-cushion + FDV: As though you were to go and push a pin with your bluntproof pin in each either hand into the lovable hinterplush fleshplush cushionettes of a chubby angelins angeleen angelboy boybold love of an angel.

chubby - round-faced; plump and well-rounded

buzzer - an electrical device, similar to a bell, that makes a buzzing noise and is used for signaling + buzzing of a bee + (notebook 1922-23): 'buzzer (fire alarm)' Irish Times 9 Jan 1923, 3/4: 'The Dublin Fire Tragedy': 'Patrick Barry, station officer at Buckingham street Fire Station, said he received an alarm from the "buzzer" at the corner of Gardiner street at 8.40 p.m.'

Alfred Lord Tennyson: The Charge of the Light Brigade + (rising of the Fire Snake).

keep the home fires burning - to keep everything in good condition in one's own country, home, etc. during a war or time of trouble + (notebook 1922-23): 'kept wires hot'.

churr - a deep or low trilled or whirring sound made by some birds, etc. + FDV: And as the buzzer brings the firebrigade lightbrigade keeping the home wires burning, so did they come from all parts by the first quaint skreek of the gloaming hopping it up the little mountainy molehill, traversing climes of the days gone by, of the times not worth remembering, & inventing some excuses [with a seven fold sweat of nightfears over them, phopho, furchu aggala, jishi, pallula, palloola, uridimini,] for fear of the kind of chap he was [ells end upon ells [so many square feet] of him at one fair stretch among the daffydowndillies [with a halohedge of wild spuds hovering over him, mixodorian, epicures & garden fillers, a pair of puritan shoots and a posse of Aran chiefs,]] arrowroot meteor flesh & rainbowskin [a belly bellyvoid of nebulose under a neverstop navel,] phosphor phosphor & melanite [shooting] veins of phosphor & melanite & arrowroot knuckles, [ribs & members, all] obversable.

Themselves (Joyce's note) + (The Magi).

midland - the middle part of a country. Also pl. esp. applied to the middle counties of England.

suit - a livery or uniform; also, in wider use, a dress, garb; any of the four sets (spades, clubs, hearts, diamonds) of which a pack of playing-cards consists.

crowner - one who crowns (to invest with the regal crown, and hence with the character and dignity of a king or ruling prince); coroner (a public official who investigates by inquest any death not due to natural causes).

cardinal points - the four points of the horizon (or the heavens) which lie in the direction of the earth's two poles (cardines), and of sunrise and sunset respectively + (notebook 1924): '*X* cardinals'.

amber - of the colour and clearness of amber, of a clear yellowish brown + Joyce's note: 'amber route' Sullivan: The Book of Kells 38n: 'spirals were introduced from Scandinavia, where this motive had penetrated early from the Ęgean along the amber route'.

Brosna - river at center of Ireland (meeting point of four provinces); Mullingar is on the Brosna. Brosna, Ir. "faggot: bundle of firewood" + Hill of Usnach, near the Brosna river, junction of the four provinces, was regarded as the centre of Ireland, site of convention each Bealtaine.

furzy - covered or overgrown with furze (spiny yellow-flowered European shrub, aka gorse)

'senator' is derived from Latin senex: old man

quaint - attractively unusual or old-fashioned

screech - a loud shrill cry, usually one expressive of violent and uncontrollable pain or alarm + (notebook 1924): 'skreek of day'.

gloaming - evening twilight; Said occas. of morning twilight.

hop it - to be off, go away quickly + (notebook 1922-23): 'hop it' + Daily Mail 12 Jan 1923, 9/7: 'Mystery House Disclosures': 'left the following letter... My dear little girl, Mrs. Middleton, committed suicide here on August 24... I have put the dear little soul in the bath, and am now going to hop it and join her'.

mountany - belonging to or dwelling in the mountains

molehill - a small mound of earth thrown up by a mole burrowing near the surface + make a mountain (out) of a mole-hill - to attribute great importance to something (esp. a difficulty or grievance) which is really insignificant.

clime - fig. Region, realm + Joyce's note: 'walk up Mt traverse climates'

two-ply, three-ply, four-ply - a fold of two, three, etc., layers + Joyce's note (notebook 1924): 'Tahiti - Several words to 7 nightfears' Irish Statesman 1 Mar 1924, 788/1: 'Reviews': 'Isles of Illusion. Anonymous; with a foreword and Edited by Bohum Lynch... "It is an awful pity... that the real Tahitian language is practically extinct... It is an awful bastard tongue that is spoken now; it has lost all the lovely old words, for example, descriptive of the different kinds of fear that come by night. Fortunately an old French priest has taken the trouble to write a grammar and dictionary of the ancient tongue"' + FDV: & inventing some excuses [with a seven fold sweat of nightfears over them, phopho, furchu aggala, jishi, pallula, palloola, uridimini,]