75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 |
90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 |
Tiergarten - zoo +
Lyons' tea rooms - English chain of restaurants, the only place where women
could use public toilets.
Pegasus - Winged horse
of Greek myth, symbol of the sacred king's or hero's journey to heaven; an image
of death and apotheosis, like the mythic death-hordes of northern Europe. He
sprang from the "wise blood" of the Moon-goddess Medusa, who embodied the principle
of medha, the Indo-European root word for female wisdom. Or, alternately, he
was the magic horse Arion, "the moon creature on high," born of the Goddess
Demeter and ridden by Heracles in his role of sacred king in
baregam (Armenian) - friend
+ gam - a leg.
mademoiselle - an
unmarried Frenchwoman; a (foreign) serving-maid + marmara (gr) - marbles +
Marmor (ger) - marble + marmnaser (Armenian) - carnal, sensual.
Marmeniere - Armenia + marmin (Armenian)
- flesh, body + 'Mademoseille
from Armentiиres' (British soldiers' song).
tot weerziens
full (obs.) - a drinking vessel, cup, goblet + full (Colloquial)
- drunk.
en twintig
post zegel
- invested or surrounded by hostile forces
stil (Dutch) - silent,
- female demon of Jewish folklore; her name and personality are derived from the
class of Mesopotamian demons called lilû (feminine: lilitu). In rabbinic
literature Lilith is variously depicted as the mother of Adam's demonic
offspring following his separation from Eve +
Isis Unveiled - first major work of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. In this book
she criticized the science and religion of her day and asserted that mystical
experience and doctrine were the means to attain true spiritual insight
and authority.
- engaged in or accustomed to watching or close observation, vigilant
is to say - Used to introduce a more explicit or intelligible re-statement
of what immediately precedes, or a limiting clause necessary to make the
statement correct; Sometimes used sarcastically to introduce a statement
of the real fact which a quoted statement misrepresents or euphemistically
zeep (Dutch) - soap +
soep (Dutch) - soup
we moesten ons haasten (Dutch) - we had to hurry
te (Dutch) - to
declareer (Dutch)
- declare
glim - to take
a look at, watch
yield - the
action of yielding crops or other products, production; that which is produced,
produce; esp. amount of produce.
corn - a grain,
a seed + Iseult's hair was as fine and gold as cornsilk.
habben (
a bit - a little,
somewhat + bitty - tiny, (charmingly) small +
door (Dutch)
- through, by
want (Dutch)
- for (causal conj.) +
Anglicised Dutch: "We have to look it up a bit in our township's newspapers,
because we knew it"; (We hebben - We have; Opzoeken - "Seek up", to look
something up; Beetje - "Bittie", a little bit; Door - through; Courants -
Newspapers; Want - because; 't - it).
't (Dutch)
- it, the (reduced form of 'het')
- the fact of penetrating with the eyes of the understanding into the inner
character or hidden nature of things; a glimpse or view beneath the surface.
seamanna (shamena)
broadstone - hewn or squared stone, masonry of such stone
+ Steyne - a pillar formerly standing in Dublin, erected by the Vikings near
their landing place.
George du Maurier: Trilby (1894 best-selling horror novel): 'Trilby!
Trilby!' +
STATUE OF WILLIAM III - The equestrian statue erected in College Green
1 July 1701 was long a symbol of the Protestant Ascendancy, a point of contention
between the Orange faction, for whom it was a rallying point, and Irish nationalists.
Before it was finally blown up in 1929, and removed, it was frequently covered with tan and grease, defaced,
or partially blown up. Generations of Dubliners commented on the fact that the statue faced the Castle, turning its back on
TCD + billy
white horsed
William III stayed at
Finglas after the Battle of Boyne, 1690
seat - a seat near the pulpit; a state of worry or anxiety caused by uncertianity.
kun je niet geef mij
(Dutch) - can you not give me + gift (Dutch)
- gift, present; poison, venom + geef mij, geef me (Dutch) - give me + geef mij toe (Dutch)
- grant me, admit to me, give in to me.
Tobit - Apocryphal book.
Tobit was blind and saw again + toe bout a peer = to peer about +
peer (Dutch)
- pear + pair
zacht ei (Dutch)
- soft-boiled egg + can ye not give me to boot a pair of soft boiled eggs.
helluf -
ex profundis
malorum (l) - "out of the depths of evil"
charity -
love, kindness, affection, natural affection: now esp. with some notion
of generous or spontaneous goodness.
(Dutch) - English + Engel (Dutch) - Angel.
any old how = any how
rab (rob) (gael)
'Serpents too are gluttons for woman's milk'
- ability to discern the most suitable, politic, or profitable course of
action, esp. as regards conduct; practical wisdom.
unfold - to
open or unwrap the folds of, to spread open (transf. or fig.)
posteriors = descendants
blackfaced - impudent; having a black or dark-coloured face + Black-faced Connemara - a breed of sheep.
Connemara - district in Connacht province, Ireland
fold - a pen
or enclosure for domestic animals, esp. sheep; fig., esp in a spiritual
- the inmates of a house collectively
- that besests (to surround, assail: said of temptations, dangers, difficulties,
obstacles, evil influences; to set or place (one's mind, affections, faith,
trust, love) on or upon).
pace - with all
due respect or courtesy to
predominant - prevailing, prevalent
- formal structure + FDV:
- favoured by Nature, fortune, or Providence; having unusual advantages
or blessings.
clime - a tract
or region of the earth; now often considered in relation to its distinctive
climate + ..."climes, /
- town, County Tipperary (its name means 'meadow of honey'; site of a prison).
(ger) - hospitable
Mountjoy Prison, Dublin
stratum -
a portion of a body of institutions, beliefs, etc., proceeding from one
historical period or representing one stage of development; a level or
grade in social position or culture; the part of a population belonging
to a particular level in station or education, as social stratum; and the
Chвteau de
Ham - famous prison on the Somme in France (housed several famous prisoners,
including Mirabeau and the future Napoleon III).
- a burglar
yegg - robber,
thereby -
by that
from /
- characterized by being derived, drawn, obtained, or deduced from another;
coming or emanating from a source.
decasualization - doing away with the casual employment of (labor)
+ Casual Labor - 'Unskilled help, employed and discharged at frequent intervals,
and dependent upon the varying demand of the labor market from day to day,
without any prospect of continuous employment.'
vindicat urbes terrorum (l) - the assassin sets free the cities of
terrors + securus iudicat orbis terrarum (l) - untroubled, the world judges + vindicat (l) - to
sicker - assuredly,
certainly + sic (l) - thus (i.e. misspeling sigarius is correctly
transcribed) + sic-er (fake l) - thuser (i.e. improbable reading terrorum is even more
correctly transcribed) (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake).
make a long story short - in few words, briefly
taal - a language
developed in southern Africa; tale + taal (Dutch) - language.
arter - after
civium urbis felicitas - the municipal motto of Dublin
help the health of the
gode - goad; good
't is goed (Dutch)
- it's all right
teak - a large East Indian
tree; more usually, its timber, a dark, heavy, oily wood of great strength and
flint glass manufacturers, in Potter's Alley off Marlborough Street in the 19th
turn in -
to deliver up, hand over + FDV:
patly - aptly,
suitably + pitpat
- with a succession of light rapid pats.
near - to draw
or come near, to approach (in place or time) +
corpus - the body of a man
or animal +
effect - to
bring about (an event, a result)
cause - a matter
of concern, an affair, business + cause and effect.
liever (Dutch) - preferably,
THING MOTE - The assembly place, usually on a mound, established by the Vikings
whenever they settled. In Dublin, the Thing Mote was on a low hill South of the present
Dame Street. The hill of the Thing Mote was called the Howe, Haugh, or "Howe
over the Stein" (Steyne), from haugr, Old Danish "hill, sepulchral mound."
committee - a body of
(two or more) persons appointed or elected (by a society, corporation, public
meeting, etc.) for some special business or function + Joyce's note:
vote - to choose,
elect, or enact by vote; to ratify or determine by formal expression of
- a place in which troops are quartered for defensive or other military
court order - a
direction issued by a court or judge, usu. requiring a person to do or refrain
from doing something; a decision of a court or judge, made or entered in
writing + kurz (ger) - short + koorts (Dutch) - fever.
grondwet (Dutch) - constitution (of the country)
for all - now and for the last time, once as a final act, once and done with
plotty - marked
by intricacy of plot or intrigue; Also, of a novel, play, or the like:
having an elaborate or complicated plot.
afore said - earlier in time or order, previously in document
voorschot (Dutch) -
(Dutch) - company, corporation, society, community +
maat (Dutch)
- measure, size, metre, bar (in music); mate, partner +
scheepsmaat, scheepsmaatje (Dutch) - ship mate +
kip (Dutch)
- hen +
ei (Dutch)
- egg.
cut and run - to make off promptly, hurry off
Nieuw pak kleren (Dutch)
- a
new suit of clothes + een nieuw pak (Dutch)
- a new suit of clothes + kleed (Dutch) - cloth, garment (plural
persist -
to remain in existence, to last, endure
protem - for
the time, temporary
MOYELTA - The plain
running North and North-East from Dublin was anciently called the Sean Magh Ealta
Eadair, the "Old Plain of the Bird Flocks of Howth." Moyelta is
recorded as the site of Parthalon's settlement.
Lough Neagh
- a freshwater lake in Northern Ireland. With an area of 392 square kilometres, it ranks among the forty largest lakes of Europe and is the largest lake in Great Britain
and Ireland. An old Irish story tells how the Lough was formed when Ireland's legendary giant Fionn mac Cumhaill (sometimes known as Finn McCool) scooped up a portion of
the land and tossed it at a Scottish rival. He missed, and the chunk of earth landed in the Irish Sea, thus creating the Isle of Man.
misoneism - intolerance of something new or changed
limni- - freshwater
lake + limne (gr) -
lake + phobos (gr) -
fear + limnephobos (gr) - lake-fearer.
wacht - to drink in large
draughts + Wacht (ger) - guard; awake +
fishy - abounding
in fish +
James Joyce: Letters I.256: letter
01/07/27 to Michael Healy: (of the people of Holland) 'curry which they call
fianna (Irish)
- 'band of hunters'
foreman -
the chief or leader
handful - the amount that
a hand can hold
enrich - to
make 'richer' in quality, flavour, colour, etc
dutchy - characteristically
Dutch or German
linn (Irish)
- pool
knoll - a small
hill or eminence of more or less rounded form; a hillock
beck - a brook
or stream: the ordinary name in those parts of England from Lincolnshire
to Cumbria which were occupied by the Danes and Norwegians; hence, often
used spec. in literature to connote a brook with stony bed, or rugged course,
such as are those of the north country.
osiery - an
area where osiers are grown, an osier bed; a mass of osiers (osier: a species of
willow used to make baskets).
chatty - given
to chat or light easy talk
sally - old
world willow, european wren
wilt - the action
or an act of wilting
Walton, Isaac (1593-1683)
- author of The Compleat Angler + compleat - arch. spelling of complete.
ogle - to eye with amorous,
admiring, or insinuating glances +
tickle - a
tickling sensation, a tickled or pleasantly excited feeling
rod - an angling-rod,
a fishing-rod; penis (erect)
silly - to act
foolishly, to fool about
ripple - to
have or present a ruffled surface, to form little waves upon
quilt - a thick
covering +
over - to cover with gilding, so as to conceal defects
somnolent - inclined to
sleep; heavy with sleep; drowsy + somnolentus (l) - sleepy, drowsy +
Bog (Serbian, Russian) - God
erst - formerly + erst (ger) =
curst - cursed
true blue - faithful, staunch and unwavering (in one's faith, principles, etc.),
genuine, real.
Donau (ger) - Danube + The
O'Donoghue - chieftain supposedly living in a palace under Lake of Killarney,
supposed to emerge annually if good harvests were on the way + Strauss: The
Blue Danube.
best (Dutch) -
very well!, all right! (Used to open a sentence
or discussion, similar to "bien" in French. Listed by Joyce among
Dutch phrases in his notebooks of foreign words. Similar to opening of previous
mole - a small
animal about six inches in length, having a velvety fur, usually blackish,
exceedingly small but not blind eyes, and very short strong fossorial fore-limbs
with which to burrow in the earth in search of earthworms and to excavate
the galleried chambers in which it dwells.
- a turning upside down, a reversal of position, order, sequence, or relation.
phallos (gr) - penis +
pharos (gr) - piece of cloth: plough; a
lighthouse to guide seamen, a conspicious light + phallopharos (gr) - phallos-cloth; phallos-plough; phallos-lighthouse (phallos
the size of the lighthouse).
foster - to
encourage or help to grow, to promote the growth of (plant)
wheat crop
- the yield or produce of wheat in a single season or in a particular locality.
ginger up
- to spirit up (to stimulate, animate, encourage)
mgr. - monsieigneur
CEMETERY - In East Paris; Oscar Wilde is buried there, among many other
notables +
peur (fr) - fear + chasse (fr) - hunting.
obcaecate - to blind
petrify - to convert into a
stone +
- one who contracts or undertakes to supply certain articles, or to perform
any work or service (esp. for government or other public body), at a certain
price or rate.
Thomas а Becket and Saint Laurence O'Toole
- so as to be invulnerable (incapable of being damaged or injuriously affected
by attack; not effectively assailable).
Osiris was also known as
'First (or Foremost) of the Westerners'
master builder - a person
notably proficient in the art of building + Henrik Ibsen: The Master Builder.
Cassivelaunus -
British chieftain defeated by Julius Caesar, 54 B.C.
blast - to blow
up (rocks, etc.) by explosion + FDV:
Samhain (souwen)
(byoultini) (gael) - May; May Day; Spring Festival; close of winter,
beginning of summer half-year.
bombing - an attacking
with bombs; bombarding + post - a place at which a body of soldiers is
stationed, or the force occupying this +
ahoy - to call
ahoy (Cf. to hurrah, halloo) + ahead
- about
sternboard = starboard (the right-hand side of a ship)
aerial torpedo - torpedo
dropped from an aircraft +
auto dynamikon
(gr) - self powerful
- characterized by expectation or waiting for the course of events.
- a portion of the sea in which mines have been laid; also, an area of
land in which mines have been laid + Joyce's note:
tin - a vessel made of tin,
or more usually of tinned iron
- made better or more serviceable; brought to a higher or more desirable
ammonia -
a colourless gas with pungent smell and strong alkaline reaction
lashed - fastened
with a lash or cord
plate - to cover
with plate or plates, to overlay with metal plates + Viking boats carried a row
of shields along each side.
gunwale -
the upper edge of a ship's side
fused - liquefied
by heat, melted
trip-up cables
slip - to slide
on or down a slippery surface
thole - a peg (often coming in pairs) inserted into a
gunwale to support an oar + Tholsel - the medieval Dublin city-hall and
guild-hall (from tholsel: tolsel, guildhall) + the holes.
play down
- to minimize, to try to make (something) appear smaller or less important
than it really is; to make little of.
tower - the pilot-house of a war-ship, esp. the shot-proof pilot-house
of an iron-clad.
fusebox -
box of fuses (a strip or wire of easily fusible metal (or a device containing
this) inserted in an electric circuit, which melts (or 'blows') and thus
interrupts the circuit when the current increases beyond a certain safe
phrase 'as different
as chalk and cheese'
(gr) = horologe (French) - clock + oorlog (Dutch) - war.
Sigtrygg - a Norwegian
name usually rendered as Sitric (e.g. Sigtrygg Silkbeard, the 11th century king
of Dublin) + sixteen.
Ryan, John - last bailiff of Dublin; title afterward changed to sheriff
+ an rioghan bhocht (un rien vukht) (gael) - the poor queen: Ireland.
Vogt (ger) - bailiff,
warden +
Pfeife (ger) - pipe +
(Dutch) - when + whaanever (Ulster Pronunciation) - whenever.
(ger) - leaves + blather - voluble foolish talk.
rough - having
a surface diversified with small projections, points, bristles, etc., so
as to be harsh or disagreeable to the touch; not even or smooth.
bark (Slang) - the
(human) skin
wholly - completely,
husky - dry,
as a husk; without natural moisture
by step
Woodman, Spare
That Tree (song)
line - to cover
the outside of
- armoured concrete or reinforced concrete
- proof against damage by rot
mortar - a
material consisting of lime and sand mixed with water, which is used to
make the joints between stones and bricks in building, and which, when
set, binds them together into a solid mass.
fosse - a ditch or dike
formed to serve as a barrier against an advancing foe, a moat surrounding a
fortified place + face
to face
heptarchy - a
government by seven persons
toweret -
a little tower + TOWER OF LONDON - On Tower Hill, City of London. The White Tower is the Norman keep; among the towers on the walls
are the Byward, the Beauchamp, the Bell, the Wardrobe, and the Bloody.
byward - a
ward or guard which is not a main one (as byward tower)
- smeared with blood + seven towers of the Tower of London: Beauchamp, Byward,
Bell, Lion, White, Wardrobe, and Bloody.
instep - the arched midle
portion of foot + instappen, als 't u belieft (Dutch) - get in,
please!, take your seats, please! all aboard, please! + {This harks back to
entering the Wellington museum in the first chapter}.
alls - pl. of
all +
als = also + als hatt's (ger) - as though it had.
council -
a body of men associated with the president (or directors) of a society
or institution, to consult upon its business and share in its administration;
a deliberative and administrative committee.
lit. Abteilungen
(ger) - compartments, departments
+ H
holde af (Danish)
= houde van (Dutch)
- to like + ik houd wel van (Dutch) - I am pleased with + houden (Dutch)
- to hold, to keep.
ladykind - ladies + konnt's d'Uhr (ger) - could you [tell me] the time
+ Ledikants te huur (Dutch) - Beds for hire +
hear out - to listen to to the end
+ Hure (ger) - whore.
breeder -
one who breeds cattle or other animals + Joyce's note:
of merchants - an incorporated society of the merchants of a town or city,
having exclusive rights of trading within the town.
staple - a
town or place, appointed by royal authority, in which was a body of merchants
having the exclusive right of purchase of certain classes of goods destined
for export; also, the body of merchants so privileged.
et (l) - and
a.u.c. (l) - anno urbis
conditae or ab urbe condita = in the year of the founded city or since
the city was founded (designation of Roman-era years, reckoned from 753
B.C.) (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake).
unto - to
funebrial - of or pertaining to funerals; sad, gloomy
pomp - splendid
display or celebration, magnificent show
and above - in addition
According to Genesis 25:9 and 50:13, the burial place of Abraham, and also of Sarah, Isaac, Rebecca, and Leah.
valediction - the action of bidding or saying farewell; an utterance, discourse, etc.,
made at (or by way of) leave-taking or bidding farewell.
fair words - pleasant or attractive speech
gehellt (ger) -
illuminated +
Heer (ger) - army + Herr (ger) - Mr
+ Heer (Dutch) - sir, gentleman;
- to give over; surrender, desist, cease; to give in addition + overgeven (Dutch) -
- used as an exclamation of disrespect (for a person) +
thuis (Dutch) - at
home (derived from te huis)
sheet - a sheet in which a corpse is wrapped for burial; a shroud
goedkoop (Dutch)
- cheap (literally 'good buy')
bier (Dutch) = Bier (German) - beer
urn - an urn for the ashes of cremated bodies
blass (ger) - pale
+ brass - memorial plaque.
snuff box - a box for holding snuff, usually small enough to be carried in the pocket.
poteen - whisky
distilled in Ireland, privately, i.e. the produce of an illicit still.
- Of a vase: Intended to contain tears
Hoden (ger) - testicles + Dose (ger) - box, canister
+ hoedendoos (Dutch, pronounced 'hoodendose') - hatbox.
(ger) - perfume + Becher (ger) - A large drinking vessel with a wide mouth; an open cup or goblet
+ riekwater (Flamish slang) - perfume (lit. smelly water) +
Literal translation of
'Braakmiddel' (Dutch) - emetic
zoutzak (Dutch) - salt-sack,
salt bag; also: milksop,
weak-kneed fellow + zoet (Dutch) - sweet + soutzoukia (Modern Greek) - smoked sausages.
eetlust (Dutch)
- appetite
Op je gezondheid!
(Dutch) - 'To your health!' (literally, 'Up your health!'), a toast
when drinking.
rookworst (Dutch)
= Rauchwurst (ger) - smoked sausage.
vleeschhouwer (Dutch)
- butcher (literally 'meat-hewer')
varkenpootjes (Dutch) - pig's feet + forken -
javel - a vagabond or
worthless fellow; jail; a quantity of stalks of flax, corn, etc. laid in the sun
to dry +
- the action or practice of burying in the ground
bric a brac - old curiosities of artistic character, knick-knacks, antiquarian
odds-and-ends, such as old furniture, plate, china, fans, statuettes, and
the like.
- the action of adorning, or embellishing; embellishment, ornamentation.
Honophreum - the
tomb of Honophreus (modeled on Latin Mausoleum: the tomb of king Mausolus).
met deze trein (Dutch)
- with this train +
k onditie (Dutch) - condition
halas - alas
wandeling (Dutch) - a walk, perambulation
+ Wandelung (ger) - transformation + wight - human being.
ze passen hem (Dutch)
- they fit him (i.e. the shoes) + Schuh (ger) - shoe.
- Med. Occurring in or characteristic of the period of life preceding old
age, esp. the two or three decades immediately before.
- abundance of resources or power; wealth, riches
ere - rather,
in preference to; before
- a state of feebleness and decay, esp. that due to old age
lent - post,
loan + lente (Dutch) - spring.
- lenient (gentle, tolerant) action or behaviour,
stuffer -
a person who stuffs or fills (dead animals or cushions) +
whale away
- to make a vigorous attack on a person or thing; to preach, talk, or lecture
away continuously or vehemently.
the while - during the whole time +
all of (P) - completely, quite (used to emphasize how great, how small
etc. something is).
- a period of time, a time marked by bad conditions, trouble
Hypnos - name
of the god of sleep in Greek mythology +
hypnos chilia aionon (gr) - a sleep for thousands of ages.
Lethe - a river in Hades,
the water of which produced, in those who drank it, forgetfulness of the
past. Hence, the 'waters of oblivion' or forgetfulness of the past + lulled - quieted;
reduced to calmness.
(ger) - thunder, thunderstorm, thunderweather
hunder - hundred +
gross - massive,
big +
Kopf (ger) =
mega (gr) - great +
pod (gr) - foot +
embalm - to
impregnate (a dead body) with spices, to preserve it from decay.
- looked for, expected
abide - to wait
for, await; remain ready for, watch for, expect
Zeus - the ruler
of gods and men, and the god of the heavens, whose weapon was the thunderbolt
(Greek myth.) + Zeit (ger) - time.
summon - an
authoritative call to attend at a specified place for a specified purpose.
all - after considering everything to the contrary, nevertheless + Upon hearing
of her father’s death Lucia Joyce said, “What is he doing under the ground, that
When will he decide to come out? He’s watching us all the time.”
Blitz (ger) -
lightning + blitzblau (ger) - black and blue +
bolt - to dart
off or away, take flight, escape; to rush suddenly off or away + {he burrows his
way out - all the way to the surface}.
hinge - the
movable joint or mechanism by which a gate or door is hung upon the side-post.
hallmark - a distinctive mark or token of genuineness, good breeding, or excellence.
- a place of abode or residence
burrow - to dig a hole or
tunnel in or through
gehenna [heb.
- valley of hinnom] - hell, a place or state of misery
- to produce new individuals, to reproduce prolifically
Unterwelt (ger) -
seam - Geol.
A thin layer or stratum separating two strata of greater magnitude
Sheol - the
underworld; the abode of the dead or departed spirits, conceived by the
Hebrews as a subterranean region clothed in thick darkness, return from
which is impossible.
uppercrust - having
the characteristics of the highest class of society;
sideris (l)
- star +
siderea (l) - starry, pertaining to constellations +
utilitбrios (
hoarder -
one who hoards or stores up, esp. money; a keeper of the hoard or treasure.
propagate - to breed, to produce offspring; to reproduce itself, i.e. its kind
plut- - wealth + Pluto - Greek god of the underworld
+ "There seemed to be an awful, immemorial linkage in several definite stages
betwixt man and nameless infinity. The blasphemies which appeared on earth, it
was hinted, came from the dark planet Yuggoth [Pluto], at the rim of the solar
system; but this was itself merely the populous outpost of a frightful
interstellar race whose ultimate source must lie far outside even the
Einsteinian space-time continuum or greatest known cosmos." (H.P.Lovecraft:
The Whisperer in Darkness)
progeniem (l) -
descent, posterity, offspring.
bidden - p.p. of bid,
arhaic p.p. of bide +
boughten = bought (ppl.
a.) Used poet. for the sake of metre; otherwise only dial. and in U.S. in
application to purchased as opposed to home-made articles +
spur way - a Horse-way through a Man's Ground, which one may ride in by right of
(Dutch) - railway
Abraham's bosom - the
abode of bliss, paradise
Vater Unser (ger) -
Our Father
breed (Dutch)
- broad +
brood (Dutch)
- bread.
at length
- after a long time, in the end
- sevenfold
Cian - Irish chief, father of Lug. When his murderers tried to
bury him, the ground rejected him seven times +
monad - An ultimate
unit of being, an absolutely simple entity. Chiefly used with reference
to the philosophy of Leibniz (1646-1716), according to which the universe
of existence consists of entities without parts, extension, or figure,
and possessing, in infinitely various degrees, the power of perception.
Those among these 'monads' which have the perceptive power in the higher
degrees are souls; the rest are formed in the view of the percipient mind
into aggregates, which constitute bodies. The term was adopted by Leibniz
from Giordano Bruno (d. 1600), with whom the 'monad' has the twofold aspect
of a material atom and an ultimate element of psychical
existence + Monat (ger) - month.
vigilante - a member of
vigilance committee (a volunteer committee of citizens for the oversight and
protection of an interest); a night watchman + vigilante (Dutch) - taxi, cab.
riding - a
festival or pageant marked by a procession
sweet wine - wine
having a sweet taste (as distinguished from dry wine) +
pledge - the
drinking of a health to a person, party, etc.; a toast
aardappel (Dutch)
- potato
putrifaction -
the decomposition of animal and vegetable substances, with its attendant
unwholesome loathsomeness of smell and appearance; decomposed or putrid matter.
drei Fusse (ger) - three
feet (*E*)
ramp - to trample
in triumph; to go about in a loose, immodest way
parch - to dry to
extremity, to make hot and dry +
hoodwink - one who
hoodwinks (to blind by covering the eyes, to prevent (any one) from seeing the
truth or fact; to 'throw dust in the eyes' of, deceive, humbug); a deceiver +
hoedenwinkel (Dutch) - hat store.
freed - p. of
(ger) - patrician + In Ireland before the potato famine, pigs were usually
housed close to the main dwelling, and sometimes in a wing attached to the house
by a covered breezeway. Not only did this help keep the pigs warm and safe from
predators, it was more convenient access for feeding kitchen scraps and
collecting manure so very necessary for growing healthy crops. Pigs were
butchered in the fall, around St. Martin’s in November. This meant that the
animals wouldn’t need scarce fodder over the winter (stocking up enough hay was
tedious and land-intensive for a small-holder) but also that cooler weather
would slow down spoilage until the salted meat could cure. Cottagers would
preserve enough ham, bacon, sausage & lard to see them through the year, and
sell the rest to the butcher, providing enough cash to pay the annual rent,
hence the phrase “the gentleman who pays the rent”.
scare - a state
of fear, panic + scared.
grunter -
an animal or person that grunts; esp. a pig +
druiven (Dutch) - grapes
muscat - variety of grapes
of the species Vitis vinifera widely grown for wine, raisins and table
grapes. Their color ranges from white to near black.
- rel. to Celtiberia, a mountanous district of ancient Spain; one of the
Celts that inhabited ancient Celtiberia.
onset - beginning, start
Sth Ireland
ULSTER - North province of Ireland.
The name is from ancient Uladh or Ulidia, Ir. "tomb" + Vetera Uladh (l + gael) - Old Ulster, Ancient Ulster.
BLAALAND - Old Norse name ("Blueland") for Africa. In the Sagas, Africans
(usually Moors) are called 'bluemen' + Blumen (ger) = bloemen (Dutch) -
ferment -
a process of the nature of that resulting from the operation of leaven
on dough or on saccharine liquids; in Alchemy, it was the name of an internal
change supposed to be produced in metals by a 'ferment', operating after
the manner of leaven; fig. Agitation, excitement, tumult.
Pope, John (1822-95) -
Union general who lost the 2d battle of Bull Run + {come back from a battle
either with a shield or on it}
or less - in a greater or less degree; to a greater or less extent
S. Grant - 18th President of the United States (1869–1877) as well as military
commander during the Civil War. Under the command of Grant, the Union Army
defeated the Confederate military and ended the Confederate States of America.
con - a reason,
argument, or arguer against, esp. in pros and cons (reasons for and
against) + con (French, Slang) - vulva.
dives -
The Latin word for 'rich (man)', occurring in the Vulgate, Luke xvi; whence
commonly taken as the proper name of the rich man in that parable; and
used generically for 'rich man'.
mor - humus which
forms a discrete layer on top of the soil with little or no mineral soil
mixed with it, which is characteristic of coniferous forests and is generally
strongly acid in
reaction + mor (mor) (gael) - big, great.
the defensive - in a state of defense
the eternal
- God
Bellona -
proper name of the Roman goddess of war; transf. a spirited woman of commanding
bottom - the name of a dance, esp. popular in and for a time after 1926
ohibт! (it) - fie!
becrime -
to make guilty of crime
carver - one
who carves wood, ivory, stone, etc.; a sculptor: most frequently (when
not otherwise qualified) applied to one who carves in wood.
in conjunction - in union, association or combination
- made lean, atrophied, deprived of flesh
'nough - An
aphetic form of
garotte -
to strangle + FDV:
= whoever - whatever person, no matter who
the time off - to use a certain amount of one's time + ham - town, village, a plot of pasture ground; mawkish sentimentality.
plain - plan;
a level or flat surface (ideal or material)
involve - to wrap, envelop
cirque - any
circular space, esp. for games or the like; a circle or ring, of any sort
waggery -
mischievous merriment
nay - no
Whiggism - principles and polices associated with Whigs
[whig]issimus (l) - whiggest, most whig, superlatively whig + ipsissimus (l) -
own very self (Ipsissimus 10=1).
incarnadine - to dye
flesh colored, pink or red +
bully - a ruffian
hired for purposes of violence or intimidation (arch.) + 'Billy in the Bowl' -
legless beggar and strangler in old Dublin.
- to remain in a torpid or inactive state
massa - master
demi - half +
barmecidal - imaginarily satisfying or sumptuous; unreal, illusory
savour - flavouring,
spice (obs.) +
eat his own length in mackerel
trout - a large stout bodied trout [Joyce's note:
taert, young salmon,
atta - wheaten
flour or meal + ait tigh (at'ti) (gael) - house site; anglic. -atta- in place-names.
tarn - a mountain lake
(especially one formed by glaciers)
William Shakespeare:
Macbeth IV.1.80: 'for none of woman born Shall harm Macbeth' + (notebook
1924): '
great crested grebe - the largest European species of diving birds
of the genus Podiceps or family Podicipedidæ that feeds on
fish (including roach).
- 60 +
roach - a small
freshwater fish of the Carp family, common in the rivers of northern Europe.
life day
- a day or some period of man's life
minnow - a
small cyprinoid freshwater fish, Leuciscus phoxinus or Phoxinus lævis, common in the streams, lakes, and ponds of Europe. Often
loosely applied to any small fish.
gibbet - originally
synonymous with gallows, but in later use signifying an upright post with
projecting arm from which the bodies of criminals were hung in chains or
irons after execution.
salmon ladder
- sum, whole; absolute or indiscriminate oppression
- put in a wrong place + Joyce's note:
ironed - fitted,
furnished, covered, armed, or strengthened with iron +
Joyce's note: '
Dana-dun (donedun)
(gael) - Fort of Dana (Ana) [goddess of
dead] +
Danair-Dun (danirdun) (gael) - Danes' Fort.
frond - large
compound leaf, e.g. of the palm, banana, etc.; friend + Joyce's note:
earwig - An
insect, Forficula auricularia, so called from the notion that it
penetrates into the head through the ear.
deed - that which is done, acted, or performed by an intelligent or responsible agent; an act
+ (legend that Cain got the idea of burial from seeing an earwig burrowing in
the soil by Abel's body).
soil - ordure, excrement; the dung of animals used as a compost; manure.
- subterranean fruiting body of fungi
decline - said of the day
(evening, etc.), also fig. of one's life: To draw towards its close +
legacy - anything
handed down by an ancestor or predecessor, what one bequeaths.
Venus - Mythol. The ancient Roman goddess of beauty and love (esp. sensual love),
the wife of Vulcan;
a beautiful and charming woman.
giggle - to
laugh continuously in a manner not uproarious, but suggestive either of
foolish levity or uncontrollable amusement.
tentatrix (l) -
[female] assailant, attempter, tempter; (eccl. l) temptress.
guffaw - to
laugh loudly or boisterously; to laugh coarsely or harshly.
Forficula - Latin "small shears or scissors,"
pincers (of an earwig), diminutive of forfex, the typical genus of the earwig
fickle - inconstant and
capricious in nature or character; Of places: Treacherous, dangerous + {wives'
frocks full of fickles}.
inghean (inyen)
(gael) - daughter, young woman
efter - after + {any
erenoon or afternoon}
godkin - a
lokal deity +
hem (Archaic)
- them
Lugh (lu) (gael) -
god of sun and genius
(du) (gael) - black
- in a pretty manner; nicely; gently, softly
em - them
tapette - a passive male
homosexual; an effeminate man (from French taper: to strike, beat, type) +
I Know Where I'm Going (song):
'...the dear knows who I'll marry'
- a garden of herbs or flowers; a flower-garden; orchard + a, b, c, d +
- a barrow or shallow open box mounted between two shafts that receive
the axle of a wheel at the front ends, the rear ends being shaped into
handles and having legs on which it rests.
dung cart
- a cart used to convey manure + four-stage Viconian cycle: Book I (birth), Book
II (marriage), Book III (death), Book IV (ricorso).
Strong, Kate - Chart says: "The most odious of Dublin tax collectors...
a woman, Kate Strong. The people erected an effigy of her, armed with a toll-dish
of utterly unfair proportions." Fitzpatrick says: "Katherine Strong, a widow, inherited from her deceased
husband the post of city scavenger, and a grant of tolls for performing the duties of that office. The lady... seems to have been
much more active in collecting her dues than in removing the abundant filth of the city, notwithstanding the oath the city scavengers
were bound to take."
lane - lone,
lonesome; a narrow passageway between fences + Lane, Sir Hugh (1875-1915) - nephew of Lady Gregory's who offered some good paintings to Dublin, but when Dublin dragged its feet,
he gave them to the Tate. When he went down on the Lusitania, he left a will,
again giving the paintings to Dublin, but a legal flaw let the Tate keep them. A celebrated controversy followed.
diorama -
a mode of scenic representation in which a picture, some portions of which
are translucent, is viewed through an aperture, the sides of which are
continued towards the picture; the light, which is thrown upon the picture
from the roof, may be diminished or increased at pleasure, so as to represent
the change from sunshine to cloudy weather, etc.
vidual - of or belonging
to, befitting, a widow or widowhood +
nose - to smell
out, to pry or search, to discover by the smell
- having the qualities of family living, simple and wholesome
cottage -
a dwelling-house of small size and humble character, such as is occupied
by farm-labourers, villagers, miners, etc.
elvan - the
name given in Cornwall to intrusive rocks of igneous origin, so hard as
to resist the pick, as quartz-porphyry, whinstone, etc.
- dung of animals (Now only pl.) + Kate, who has the job of emptying the
chamberpots, understandably and typically describes both privy ('Pat's Purge')
and adjoining yard and path as she usually sees it, a repellant heap of
'droppings of biddies... (there is at least one chicken and hence presumably a
henhouse, the elm and a gravel path)
biddy - domestic
fowl, a young chicken; woman + Biddy Doran, the hen.
stinkend (
fishes + pussies (Colloquial)
- cats.
moggy - cow, calf; slut,
prostitute +
fester - to
putrefy, rot; to become pestiferous or loathsome by corruption
rubbage =
beggars' bullets (Slang) - stones
+ {stones thrown at his home}
omnifarious - Of all
kinds or forms: exceedingly various +
germ - In early
use, vaguely, the 'seed' of a disease. In mod. use, a micro-organism or
microbe; often, one of the microbes which are believed to cause disease.
- in a gleeful manner, with glee
- to smash or blow up into tiny fragments + {broken windows from stones thrown
at his home}
pane - one of
the compartments of a window, etc. consisting of one sheet or square of
glass held in place by a frame of lead, wood, etc.; the piece of glass
itself, or of horn, paper, or the like substituted for it.
the weakest goes to the wall -
- to remove dirt or waste +
king Hamlet
gulden - a
gold coin (obs.); the name was subsequently transferred to a silver coin +
dayne - to
think it worthy of oneself (to do something); disdain + days +
lean - wanting
in flesh, not plump or fat, thin
besom - an implement for
sweeping, a broom + bosom.
make a clean breast - to make a full disclosure or confession
+ Sir James Carroll, Lord-Mayor of Dublin, on Katherine Strong: 'she cleans but
sparingly and very seldom'.
macadamized - (road) made of macadam
- a side path
nekropolitan - of or
belonging to necropolis (cemetery, an ancient burying place)
barring -
footbeat - foot step, pace, tread
+ bothar (boher) (gael) - road, path; anglic. -batter in place-names.
Giant's Causeway - a natural formation in county Antrim, Ireland, consisting of
a collection of basaltic columns extending like a mole or pier into the
- having a border, edged
- one or other species of Veronica, an extensive genus of small herbaceous
plants with leafy stems and small blue (rarely pink or white) flowers.
clover - trefoil T. repens
sorrel or spinach dock -
slender plant about 60 cm high, with juicy stems and edible, oblong leaves +
beaten - worn
out, dilapidated
- Law. The party who brings a suit into a court of law; a complainant,
prosecutor; opposed to defendant.
- one who collects filth, one who does 'dirty work'
dump - a pile or heap of
refuse or other matter 'dumped' or thrown down
- a winding path, something that winds sinuously + Although the long pond which curves from one end of the Zoo in Phoenix Park to the other resembles the Serpentine
lake in Hyde Park, London, it has no name, official or popular. The avenue of elms laid out by Lord Chesterfield
along the line of the present Main Road was serpentine.
fornix (l) - arch, vault,
brothel +
porneion (gr) - brothel + Phoenix Park.
keepsake -
anything kept or given to be kept for the sake of, or in remembrance of, the
giver +
trans. Pairc an Fionnuisce (park un finishki) (gael) - Field of
the Clear Water;
baptized + tau (gr) - letter
T +
tauf- (ger) -
baptize + Tau (ger) -
dew + taub (ger) - deaf + "mishe mishe to tauftauf thuartpeatrick".
purge - that
which purges; spec. an aperient medicine, a purgative; the act of
purging +
Patrick's Purgatory - a cave on an island in Lough Derg, which Christ revealed to St Patrick, saying that whoever spent a day and a night
there would witness hell's torments, heaven's bliss. It was a favorite resort of pilgrims, but was closed by the pope's order on St Patrick's Day, 1497,
following reports of diabolic visions there.
Also, according to legend it was the last stronghold of the devil in Ireland until St Patrick
drove the devil out by 40 days of fasting and prayer.
South of Castleknock Gate, Phoenix Park. In Le Fanu's The House by the
Churchyard, Dr Sturk is bludgeoned and left for dead in Butcher's Wood by Paul
Dangerfield (alias Charles Archer), who is overheard by Charles Nutter, agent for Lord
Castlemallard's Irish properties, as Dangerfield is his English agent.
Fireworker O'Flaherty, of the artillery regiment stationed in Chapelizod, is not involved.
- one who makes a fireworks; an artillery officer
O' Flaithbheartaigh (o'flaverti) (geal) - descendant of Flaithbheartach
("bright ruler").
nutter - a
gatherer of nuts; an insane person, an eccentric person +
Nutter - in LeFanu's House by the Churchyard, Nutter is steward to Lord Castlemallard; he fights a comic
duel in the Phoenix Park with Fireworker O'Flaherty.
Archer, Charles -
villain of LeFanu's (q.v.) "House by the Churchyard". Through most of the novel, Archer is known as Dangerfield; with deadly
intent, he stuns Sturk, who later is, so to speak, "resurrected." The crime is done in Butcher's Wood in the Phoenix Park
Sturk - occupant of LeFanu's
House by the Churchyard, he is attacked in Butcherswood in the Phoenix Park.
Sturk is "resurrected" by Black
Dillon + sturc (sturk) (geal) - corpse of one who dies
upright + torc (turk) - wild boar, hog.
footprint - the print
or impression left by the foot; spec. in Geol. a fossilized one +
breech - the
buttocks, posteriors, rump, seat
envolve =
involve - to entangle (a matter), to render intricate
subtle - not
easily grasped, understood, or perceived, intricate, fine or delicate,
esp. to such an extent as to elude observation or analysis.
weald - a heavily
wooded area, forest
wolfberry - sort of shrub, mountain cranberry
castra (l)
- camp (pl. of castrum: fort) + castramentor (l) - to pitch
camp + castratio (l) - pruning; castration.
leabhar (lyour)
(geal) - book + {Irish monks hid books from the Vikings}
pointedly asked with
gaeilish gall wodkar blizzard's business Thornton had with that Kane's fender
only to be answered by the aggravated assaulted that that that was the snaps for
brand (Danish) - fire
- a letter written by a lover to the beloved, and expressing amatory sentiments
+ MAGIC WAS brought to perfection, historically speaking, in ancient Egypt. But
long anterior to the systematized exploration and control of subconsciousness,
the African sorcerer was already controlling unseen forces by means of a
peculiar charm or fetish known as the d-mammu or "effigy of blood", which was
later typified by the mummy. Being the true magical link with the unseen world
the d-mammu is still the basis of all practical occultism, although its form
changes with the times. In antiquity it often took the form of a "chance" object
which has become associated by the sorcerer with the object of his desire, or
somehow identified with his magical power. Once it had been charged with his
vitality it was no longer an ordinary object, and it was then burnt or
concealed. According to whether the magical working involved the element earth,
fire, air or water, the object was buried, burnt, hidden in the foliage of a
lofty tree or submerged in a lake or river. This act affirmed a forgetting by
the conscious mind, a sinking of the talisman in the abyss of subconsciousness.
It was in the dark womb of forgetfulness that the hidden desire germinated.
(Kenneth Grant)
ruction -
a disturbance, riot, tumult
- previous thought or consideration; thought for the future, provident
- the fact of reconciling or being reconciled to another or to each other.
give over
- to leave off, finish, cease from (an action); to give up, abandon (an
attempt, a habit, a mode of life).
pick - a tool consisting of an iron bar, usually curved, steel-tipped, tapering squarely to a point at one end, and a chisel-edge or point at the other (but sometimes blunt at one end), attached through an eye in the centre to a wooden handle placed perpendicularly to its concave side. Archжol. A prehistoric implement used for breaking up rocks, soil, etc.
Fishing. A kind of gaff, an eel-spear.
Sprache (ger) -
language +
Krishna - Hindu god of fire and storm + christians.
propaganda fide
(l) - things of the faith to be propagated (name of a Vatican
agency) (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake).
nuptial -
of or pertaining to marriage or the marriage ceremony
of prey - a predatory or rapacious bird +
mortal +
pome - a fruit
of the apple kind or resembling an apple; a jocular alteration of 'poem' + pomme
de terre (French) - potato (literally 'apple of earth').
terrine -
a French meat-dish cooked in an earthenware cooking vessel (also, the vessel
itself) +
terrenus (l) - consisting of earth, earthy.
Agni - [Sanskrit:
"Fire"] fire-god of the Hindus, second only to Indra in the Vedic mythology
of ancient India. He is equally the fire of the sun, of lightning, and
of the hearth that men light for purposes of worship.
aflame - in
or into flame; ablaze +
ara (l) -
altar + flamen
(l) - priest of one particular
deity + aurea
flamma (l) - golden
flame + oriflamme - a banner or standard serving as a rallying point (after the
sacred banner of Saint Denis, used by early French kings) +
Flamme (ger) - flame.
Mithra - [Sanskrit:
"friend" or "contract."; In short, Mithra may signify any kind of communication
between men and whatever establishes good relations between them] the Iranian
god of the sun, justice, contract, and war in pre-Zoroastrian (6th century
BC or earlier) Iran.
monish - admonish
(to give authoritative or warning advice)
Shiva - [Sanskrit:
"Auspicious One"] one of the main deities of Hinduism and one of the most
complex gods of India, embodying seemingly contradictory qualities. He
is both the destroyer and the restorer, the great ascetic and the symbol
of sensuality, the benevolent herdsman of souls and the wrathful avenger.
slew - p.p. of
maya - [Sanskrit:
"wizardry," or "illusion"] powerful force that creates the cosmic illusion that the phenomenal world is real
mahamudra - [Sanskrit: "the great seal"] , in Tantric Buddhism, the final
goal, the union of all apparent dualities. Mudra, in addition to its more usual
meaning, has in Tantric Buddhism the esoteric meaning of "female partner," which
in turn symbolizes prajña ("wisdom"). The union of the Tantric initiate with his
sexual partner signifies the symbolic union of the upaya (the "means," or method
of teaching the goal) with prajña and--on the highest level--the identity of
samsara (the phenomenal world) with Nirvana (ultimate reality).
oblivial - causing oblivion
obluvius (l) - "washed for" (modeled on Latin alluvius:
"washed to" → land washed to the shore by flowing of
water) + in Greek mythology, the waters of the Lethe river induced a complete
memory loss.
(flood) +
- in a winding manner, with twists and turns
gehorsam (ger) -
hasty - quickly
excited to anger, quick-tempered, passionate, irritable
wasty - wasteful,
destructive, desolate, given to waste
- one who makes things of timber; a carpenter
archpriest - a chief priest
flamen - a
priest devoted to the particular god of the roman pantheon + fan - an enhusiastic
devotee, enthusiast.
lighten -
to kindle, ignite
Jove - Jupiter +
Poseidon - Greek sea-god. The reference here is to Poseidon and Apollo
building the walls of
Troy +
Posidonius (b. 135 B.C.) - Stoic philosopher, historian, teacher of Cicero.
- having the character of waves, fluctuating
lave - to wash, bathe +
minx - a pert, flirtatious
or impudent young woman +
minxit (l) - [he, she] has urinated + mix - to join in sexual intercourse.
rare = rear -
the back part of something
- an Anglican clergyman; the church of a monastery
shane - p. of
shine (obs.)
bury the hatchet - to lay down one's arms, to cease from hostilities
+ Heytesbury Street, Dublin.
gush - to flow
or rush out with violence
and 28 girls cross Dublin by tram
scamper -
the action of scampering (to run or caper about nimbly; to go or journey
hastily from place to place) + Richard Brinsley Sheridan: School for Scandal.
sash - a scarf,
often with fringe at each end, worn by men, either over one shoulder or
round the waist.
lucan - rel.
to evangelist Luke +
{Westbound conductor shouting: current stop Chapelizod, anybody to Lucan?}
viability - the ability to
live or to succeed; the condition of being traversable +
vicinal -
neighbouring, adjacent, near + vicinus (l) - neighbor +
vicinal way or road - a local common way as distinguished from a highway; a by-road or crossroad.
on someone's corns - to offend a person +
trespass - to transgress, offend.
flumineus (l) - of,
in or belonging to a
river + [Via] Flaminia (l) - ancient Roman road, extending north from Rome (built by Gaius Flaminius, consul 223 B.C.)
- held in slavery, not freed
slave - to employ
at hard labor, to wear out by hard work +
to pave the way - to prepare the way (for, to something to come); to facilitate
or lead on to a result or an object in view.
- the magnificent tomb of Mausolus, King of Caria, erected in the middle
of the 4th c. b.c. at Halicarnassus by his queen Artemisia, and accounted
one of the seven wonders of the world; a stately tomb.
gigas (gr) - giant
(Latin artificial) -
- a pillar set up on a highway or other road or course to mark the miles.
cead mile failte
(ked mili falti) (geal) - a hundred thosand welcomes +
faulter =
falter - to move as if irresolutely or hesitatingly; to tremble, quiver.
trame = tram
- silk thread consisting of two or more single strands loosely twisted
together + trame (fr) - thread (of life) + Strecke (ger) - track, line + tram
Brahm = Brahma
- the supreme god of post vedic Hindy mythology
Hermes - Greek
messenger of the gods (led souls to the realm of the dead, equated with Mercury).
per omnia saecula saeculorum (l) - in ages of ages, to all
amain - with full force,
violently, suddenly + amen
r[h]aeda (l) -
four-wheeled carriage + r[h]aeda-r[h]oad (l-eng) - carriage-road (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake).
BOHERMORE - The name is from
Bothar Mor, Ir. "Great Road." There were 5 "great roads" built in Ireland in the 2nd
century, but none was uniquely called the Bothar
Mor + Seo morbhothar Ui Chonaill (shu morvoher i khunil) (geal) - This is
O' Connell highway.
rainy - wet,
like rain, affected with rain +
ridden - broken
in, oppressed, taken advantage of.
Romeo - a lover,
a passionate admirer; a seducer, a habitual pursuer of women.
scallop -
To bake (oysters, etc.) in a scallop-shell or similar-shaped pan or plate
with bread crumbs, cream, butter, and condiments +
I'll eat [swallow] my (old Rowley's) hat - an asseveration stating one's readiness
to do this, if an event of which one is certain should not occur + (cockleshells
in hats of pilgrims to Saint James's shrine).
wonder +
fane - a temple
fiacre - a
small hackney coach +
SAINT FIACRE - Hotel Saint Fiacre, Rue St Martin, Paris. Vehices for hire in Paris are
called "fiacres" after the hackney coaches which once were stationed at the
hotel + Fiacre, St - 7th-century Irish
saint + Fiachra
(fikhre) (geal) - "Raven"; name of Irish founder of Breuil
monastery, France.
halte (ger) - stop
hard by - close by
howe - valley; the middle
part of a night or winter; a hill, hillock;
tumulus, barrow, burial mound + Howe - site of Thingmote (Dublin Viking
assembly) + house + who's there? (sentry calling).
plainly -
in a clear or distinct manner; so as to be clearly seen, heard, or understood.
desolated - made or left desolate
Buchan - the
name of a Scottish meteorologist, Alexander Buchan (1829-1907), used to
designate certain specified periods of cold weather ("cold spots") foretold by him as
of annual occurrence.
cold spot
- Physiol., a spot upon the skin which is sensitive to cold, but insensitive
to warmth, pain, or pressure.
rupes (l) - stone, rock +
rupestrian - done on rock or cave walls +
resurface - to provide
with a new surface; to come to the surface again
Luttrell, Henry (1655-1717)
- Irish soldier who betrayed Limerick to the Williamite besiegers in 1691 (his
grave was violated and his skull broken with a pickax in 1800).
saddle - a
low point in a ridge + Cnoc Breanainn (knuk brenen) (geal) - Brendan's Hill, Co. Kerry, has
ancient stone causeway leading to summit.
BRENNER PASS - Alpine pass,
between Austria and Italy. The lowest and one of the oldest of the important Alpine passes.
Malpas, Colonel -
erected an obelisk on Killiney Hill, called thereafter Malpas High Hill.
verst - a Russian measure
of length (about two-thirds of an English mile) [
Traum (ger) -
dream +
traumhaft (ger) - like dream, charming + stop their trams halt (Sutton and Howth
Electric Tramway ran to the summit of Howth, at the northern edge of Dublin Bay).
Ben Edar - anciently
Howth, said to be named for Edar, a Dedanaan chief, buried on the hill +
(conductor shouting).
lowland -
low or level land; the less mountainous region of Scotland, situated south
and east of the Highlands. (now always pl.) + Livland - a Baltic province
(better known as Livonia).
mear - to mark
out (land) by means of 'meres' or boundaries; to be bounded by (obs.).
wilde = wild
lea - a tract
of open ground, either meadow, pasture, or arable land; used loosely for
Kropotkin, Prince (1842-1921) - Russian author, revolutionary
Cruach Phadraig (krukh fadrig) (geal) - Patrick's Rick (conical heap),
mountain, Co. Mayo; anglic. Croagh Patrick.
medium - average
off-color - not in good
health or spirits
native - belonging
to, or natural to, one by reason of the place or country of one's birth,
or of the nation to which one belongs.
pluck - courage,
boldness, spirit
engage - to
attack, enter into a combat with
adversary - an
opponent, antagonist; an enemy, foe +
"And why behold you the mote that is in your
brother's eye, but consider not the beam that is in your own eye?"
plunder - the acquisition
of property by violent, questionable, or dishonest means +
mistook -
p. of mistake (to err as to the identity or nature of; to take to
be somebody or something else).
Oglethorpe, James Edward (1696
- 1785) - founded the state of Georgia with the aim of helping criminals.
gink - person,
fellow, guy + Genghis (Khan).
parr - a young
salmon before it becomes a smolt +
Parr, Thomas, "Old Parr" (1483-1635) - lived in the reigns of ten princes, got a girl with child when oven a hundred.
Johnny I Hardly
Knew Ye (song): 'Ye eyeless, noseless, chickenless egg'
Michelangelesque - pertaining to or after the manner of Michelangelo
- involving sacrilege (the profanation of anything held sacred)
hemisphere - each of the halves of the cerebrum of the brain
canonize - to sanction by the authority of the church; to give authoritative sanction
or approval to.
contritely - in a
contrite (crushed in spirit by a sense of sin, and so brought to complete
penitence) manner + completely
paternoster - the Lord's Prayer, esp. in the Latin version
Cnoc Phadraig (knuk fadrig) (geal) - Patrick's Hill; anglic.
Hail Mary! - the angelic salutation to the Virgin (Luke i. 28), combined with that
of Elizabeth, used as a devotional recitation, with the addition (in more
recent times) of a prayer to the Virgin, as Mother of
God + Muire (mwiri) (geal) - Mary (name of mother of Jesus only).
tout est sacrй pour un sacreur, femme
а barbe ou homme-nourrice (fr) - all is sacred for a sacreur, bearded woman,
or male nurse → Black beard notwithstanding,
Sackerson is apparently an old man who, like Eliot's Tiresias, has an old man's
breasts. This hint of androgyny pairs him with his fellow servant Kate, who is
distinguished by her facial hair. Together, as 'femme a barbe ou
homme-nourrice', they illustrate a recurring Wake theme: 'when
older links lock older hearts then he'll resemble she' (135.32-3) (John Gordon: Finnegans Wake: a plot summary)..
ghost - the
soul or spirit, as the principle of life + bloody well let the bloody well
catch hold of - to take hold of, seize +
Holst (ger) - holly + FDV:
oblong - elongated
in one direction (usually as a deviation from an exact square or circular
boarder -
a jouster + border +
Napoleon + Nippon (Japanese)
- Japan + Sino-Japanese War, 1894-1895.
Wellington +
Russian +
reconnoitre - to make an inspection or take observations of (an enemy, his strength,
- catching, seizure
- to capture again
all in - in
Wrestling: Without restrictions, having almost no holds barred
safe - a fire-proof and burglar-proof receptacle for plate, money, deeds, and other valuables. Usually made of steel and iron, with one or more doors secured by elaborate locks.
purple top swede
Tipperary - county in Ireland
+ Tiobraid Arann (tibrid aren) (geal) - "Well of Ara [name of
district]"; anglic. Tipperary + Purple Top, Tipperary Swede - types of
- consecrated, made sacred, sealed by a sacrament
+ Servius - Roman proper
name + Marius Servius Honoratus - 4th C commentator on
Vergil + Servius Tullius - sixth king of Rome.
divine - religious,
tussle - a
vigorous or disorderly conflict; a severe struggle, a hard contest
taller + John Toller -
apparently a seven-or-eight-foot tall giant (died 1819) +
bully - of the best quality,
first rate +
{living in a mine
fits *E*; being a minor fits *Y*}
worm - spiral condenser used
for whiskey distilling
handy - conveniently
situated for
- capable of being carried by hand or on the person; capable of being moved
from place to place.
- the establishment or works in which the distilling of spirits is carried
vat - a cask,
tun, or other vessel used for holding or storing water, beer, or other
potheen -
whisky distilled in Ireland in small quantities, i.e. the produce of an
still +
Paidin (pad'in) (geal) - Paddy (dim. of Padraig) +
- of or belonging to, connected with, a solstice or the solstices (21st
June or 22nd December).
ham - the region back of
the knee joint; the back of the thigh; the thigh of a hog cured for food; an
actor with an especially showy or exaggerated style.
- resembling a worm + vernacular - the native speech or language of a particular
country or district; also, the informal, colloquial, or distinctive speech of a
people or a group + Joyce's
chin chin - Used as a
drinking toast; as v. intr., to say 'chin-chin'
Victoria - a sovereign minted in the reign of Queen
offa = off;
of +
Tell he me = Leitaken off you, tell
us by anyone ^+takee offa you, tell he me, strongfella by pickypocky+^ |
JJA 46:034 | 1926-7 |
= malts
pickpocket - one who steals from or 'picks' pockets; a thief who follows the practice
of stealing things from the pockets of others.
collaborate - to work in conjunction with another or others, to co-operate; to co-operate
traitorously with the
enemy + collidabantur (l) - they were brought into collision + collide and
severe - pressing
hardly, rigorous, making great demands on one's powers or resources
Woden = Odin + (notebook 1924): 'Woden' → Jespersen: The Growth and Structure of the English Language 62 (sec. 60): (quoting from J.R. Green's A Short History of the English People) 'England still remained England; the conquerors sank quietly into the mass of those around them; and Woden yielded without a struggle to Christ'.
Webley - the
proprietary name of various types of revolver and other small arms, etc.,
originally made by the firm of P. Webley and Son.
illtempered - having a bad temper; ill-conditioned; morose, cross, peevish
in illo tempore (l) - 'at that time'; Latin formula used in the Mass to introduce
intruse =
intrude + intruder - one who intrudes into an estate
or benefice or usurps on the rights or privileges of another.
Cad's pipe is of
course a smoking implement but can also be a lead pipe, one of the weapons
conventionally favored by the kind of goons swelling the ranks of Hitler's SA.
Another, apparently, was a heavy oak stick, similar to a policeman's billyclub.
The association may help explain the train of metamorphoses undergone by the
assailant's pipe. In later accounts it becomes a wooden affair - in fact,
expanded in May 1927 from "wooden" to a "woden affair" - or, alternately, a
"humoral hurlbat or other uncertain weapon of lingum vitae" - in short, a
stick. Since in some versions it is traded back and forth in the encounter, it
can be remembered, in three instances that first appear in the composition
between 1933 and 1936, as a "swapstick" (FW 342.30) and yet later as a "swopsib"
(FW 568.12) shared by the two antagonists and finally a "swaystick" (FW 569.19)
brandished aloft by the victor. Thus does cad, hitter, and stick fade into the
age's archetypal cad, Hitler, with his swastika. (John Gordon: Joyce's Hitler).
Cathedral - The catholic church of the Protestant archdiocese of Dublin and Glendalough;
in the crypt of Christ Church Cathedral are the skeletons of a cat and a rat it
chased behind the organ pipes; both got stuck in the tubes and died of
organ - a musical
instrument (in its modern form the largest and most comprehensive of all),
consisting of a number of pipes, supplied with wind or compressed air by
means of bellows, and sounded by means of keys.
pensive -
thoughtful, meditative, musing; reflective: often with some tinge of seriousness
or melancholy.
flout - to mock, jeer, insult; to express contempt for, either in word or action + float
pigtail -
a tight braid of hair
- a short thick stick with a knobbed head, used as a weapon or missile
by South African peoples.
change - exchange
stuck - p. of stick
- a chest or case for money made very strongly, a small safe + Strongbow -
leader of the Anglo-Normans who invaded Ireland in the 12th century (his tomb is
in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin) +
- firmness of hold or attachment; firmness of purpose, persistence, obstinacy.
corroborate - to strengthen (an opinion, statement, argument, etc.) by concurrent or
agreeing statements or evidence; to make more sure or certain; to support;
to confirm (a law, legal act, etc.).
lots - much +
loot - money (slang.); goods taken from an enemy.
change -
money of a lower denomination given in exchange for a larger coin; hence
generally, coins of low denomination; also coins of one currency given
in exchange for those of another.
crickle -
to make a sharp, thin sound
addle - to muddle,
to confuse (the brain)
hap - to have the fortune,
luck, happen, chance + Joyce's note: 'loose ^+loots+^change of a ten pound note ^+crickler+^
about him at the moment as ^+addling that,+^ if ^+hap+^ so, he
would pay the six pounds ^+vics+^ odd back | JJA 46:034 | 1926-7
Victoria - a sovereign minted in the reign of Queen Victoria.
odd - a surplus
of lower denomination of money; used in numeration to denote a remainder
or numerical surplus over and above a 'round number' (as of units over
tens, dozens, or scores); and thus becoming virtually an indefinite cardinal
number of lower denomination than the round number named.
juni (Dutch) - june + juli (Dutch) - july
cap'n (Colloquial) -
billy - lad,
fellow + Billy in the Bowl - legless beggar and strangler in old Dublin.
- bowl +
boule (fr) - ball.
mum - to make
an inarticulate sound with closed lips, indicating inability to speak
maul - to beat
and bruise (a person)
- to be superior or preëminent in the possession of some quality, or in the
performance of some action, usually in a good sense.
grossly -
excessively, flagrantly
loose change (orig.
U.S.) - a quantity of coins kept or left in one's pocket, etc., for casual use.
tinpan - noisy, harsh; a pan made of tin; tympan + FDV: The other than said: Would you be surprised to hear that I have not such a thing as the change of a ten pound note but I am able to see my way to give you at for the present four and 7 pence to buy whisky.
crackle -
something that makes a crackling noise; to emit a rapid succession of slight
one's way - to see how one will be able (to do something esp. to pay money)
- the season of Yule, Christmas-tide
Judenfest (ger) -
Jewish holiday
as a hatter = mad as a march hare - very mad or silly
nut - a madman;
a crank
hatter - a maker of or dealer
in hats +
mon - man
advance -
to put forth, to bring forward; to offer, propose, present.
bach (Welsh) - little
+ Johann Sebastian Bach - 18th century composer, had several sons who also
became composers (two of which were also called Johann).
John Jameson and Son -
the proprietary name of a brand of Irish whiskey. Also, a drink of this
- to kindle again, arouse again
whisk - to brush or sweep
lightly and rapidly from a surface
prick up one's ears - to become attentive or alert to listen
gunman - a
man armed with a gun, killer esp. one hired to kill another + (following
starvation in grave).
me pink! - Used to express surprise or disbelief
- strightforward, immediately, directly forth, without hesitation
Lord's + lard - the fat of
swine + Lars Porsena - Etruscan king known for his war against the city of Rome
(around 500 BC). He was buried in an elaborate tomb in (or under) the city he
ruled (Clusium). Porsena's tomb is described as having a 15 m high rectangular
base with sides 90 m long. It was adorned by pyramids and massive bells.
porsenal - porcelain +
arsenal +
John Joyce was quoted in, and on the book jacket of, 'Lars Porsena; or The Future of Swearing and Improper
Language', by Robert Graves + Thomas Babington Macaulay: Lays of Ancient
Rome: Horatius at the Bridge (poem): 'Lars Porsena of Clusium By the nine
gods he swore' +
- any of various thorny trees + Zakkum - in Muslim theology, a thorny
bitter-fruited tree growing in hell and serving as the only food for the damned.
Sheol - the
underworld; the abode of the dead or departed spirits, conceived by the
Hebrews as a subterranean region clothed in thick darkness, return from
which is impossible.
ramify - to
form branches, to branch out, extend in the form of branches.
heofon (Old
English) - heaven
(l) - light +
- time by the sun, a time of brightness or joy +
my word for it - I can assure you, you may be sure, believe me
+ mark - to take notice, to keep watch; to fix (one's) attention; to
consider +
Marx, Karl (1818-83) - German socialist.
of the old block - one that resembles his father + flint - hard stone in
general +
Flint, Captain - dead pirate in Stevenson's Treasure Island.
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
(1844-1900) - German
philosopher +
nicht (ger) - not.
glossary - a collection of glosses; a list with explanations of abstruse, antiquated,
dialectal, or technical terms; a partial dictionary.
purvey - to
provide, furnish, supply (something)
a priori - phrase used
to characterize reasoning from causes to effects, from abstract notions to their
conditions or consequences.
a posteriori - a
phrase used to characterize reasoning or arguing from effects to causes, from
experience and not from axioms; empirical, inductive +
nat = not +
(Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - sense
kish - a large wicker basket
sprog (Danish) - language
+ brogue - a type of rough shoe; a strong dialectal accent (especially Irish).
elude - to slip away from,
escape adroitly from (a person's grasp or pursuit) +
coctible - that may be cooked
- to say, utter, or set down, as an observation or comment
languidly - in a languid (faint, weak) manner
+ Langue d'oпl - Romance dialect of Northern France.
of a lifetime
- a taste beforehand, an anticipation
of pearl - the pinna or sea-pen, or other shell-fish yielding mother-of-pearl;
mother of pearl
oyster + Red Bank oysters.
boy - champagne
down - to swallow liquor along with or after (solid food), in order to
assist deglutition or digestion.
Cow Tallaght
Ringsend; noted for oysters, shrimps and cockles, as early as beginning of 18th cent
RINGSEND - District,
South bank of Liffey, where it enters Dublin Bay. The Dodder River joins the Liffey just above
Tavern Blackrock
BLACKROCK - Town on Dublin Bay
between Dublin and Dun Laoghaire; Since the 18th century a place of resort for Dubliners, reached by the "Rock
Road", later by the Dalkey, Kingstown, and Blackrock tram. Conway's
Tavern and Vauxhall Gardens were two of its attractions.
keen - sharp,
piercing, penetrating; strong
atte - at, at
fun fair - fair devoted to amusements and side shows
+ fe'n riaghail (fen riel) (geal) - under the government; under religious
& Eve
gamy - showing
spirit, spicy, racy; morally tainted + Grace, Prankquean
Tailte - Firbolg queen whose foster-son,
Lug, founded the Tailtean games in her honor. Revived by the Free State, the games are held in Teltown.
- excellent, first rate, delightful
- sheep from Southdown (town in England) + South Downs, Sussex, not far from
Delaney, Patrick - the Phoenix
Park assassin who testified against Parnell at the Parnell Commission + Saint
Declan - 5th century Irish saint + Delaney/Delacey [043.33] [084.08].
lexicon -
the vocabulary proper to some department of knowledge or sphere of activity.
blanche =
blanch - white + white patch [093.04] [488.30] + (bald patch).
boney = bony
- rel. to bone or bones; having large or prominent bones + Napoleon Bonaparte.
by golly
- by God (a mild oath) [Joyce's note:
my hat - a
trivial exclamation of surprise
bully - worthy,
admirable; capital, first-rate
grit - firmness
or solidity of character; indomitable spirit or pluck; stamina + FDV: him the place
said he wd go good to him [remarking [gleefully]:
You plucky
little Southdowner!
You have some pluck Southdowner!
This is my goalball I've
struck this day!]
- hobo, tramp + sundowner - an alcoholic drink taken at sunset + southdowner.
(Irish practice of spitting in hands before shaking them to conclude a deal) +
spud - potato.
+ Faust or Faustus - 16th-century magician who sold his soul to the devil,
subject of works by Marlowe and Goethe + Faust (ger) - fist.
(Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - asking
- to drink; to drink largely or in large draughts +
rest +
raw beast
his pocket + poke - to thrust or push (anything) with one's hand or arm; to put in a poke or bag
+ pick - transf. that which is selected, the best or choicest portion or example of
anything, the choicest product or contents.
take (one's) leave - to depart with some expression of farewell; to bid
portfolio - a receptacle or case for keeping loose sheets of paper, prints, drawings,
maps, music, or the like; usually in the form of a large book-cover, and
sometimes having sheets of paper fixed in it, between which specimens are
haste - hurry,
precipitancy, want of deliberation, rashness
leisure - the state of
having time at one's own disposal; free or unoccupied time +
pax - kiss of
pogue (Anglo-Irish) - kiss
pux (gr) - with closed or clenched fist (as in boxing)
(notebook 1924): '
alleluia = hallelujah - an exclamation meaning 'Praise the Lord,' which occurs in
many psalms and anthems.
HILL OF ALLEN - Hill (676
feet), 8 miles North-East of Kildare, County Kildare; famous in legend as the
Otherworld seat of Finn MacCool. Seefin, a mound on its summit, is known as Finn's Chair.
Alma on Almhain, Ir. "whitened" + Lillibullero, Bullen a
Law (song).
tuargain (turgen)
- one that belittles (to speak slightingly or disrespectfully)
schmal (ger)
- little, narrow + SCHMALKALDEN - City, East Germany, where in 1531 Lutheran princes formed the League
of Schmalkalden against Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor); it lasted until 1547, when Charles
in Schmalkaldic War defeated its leaders
and destroyed its power.
treaty - to
make a treaty + to treat (a person, etc.) to - to entertain with (food or drink, or any
enjoyment or gratification).
War of the League of Cognac - a war between Charles V (Holy
Roman Emperor) and the League of Cognac (formed by France, England, the Pope,
and several Italian states via the Treaty of Cognac), 1526-1530.
fez - a skull-cap formerly
of wool, now of felt, of a dull crimson colour, in the form of a truncated cone,
ornamented with a long black tassel; formerly the national head-dress of the
Turks +
MENAI STRAIT - The channel of the
Irish Sea which separates Anglesey from Caernarvonshire (now Gwynedd), the mainland of Wales. It's crossed on every trip
between Ireland and Britain via Holyhead, by suspension road bridge ("assbacks,")
or "tubular"
railway bridge.
moscas (sp) - flies +
Moscow, Russia + Mecca, Saudi Arabia (to which Muslims turn during prayer).
khorosho (Russian) - very well, O.K.
- to steal away, 'bolt', to abscond + Levant - the Middle East.
turbulence - stormy or
tempestuous action; violence +
BULL RUN - Stream in Virginia, US; gave name to 2 Civil War battles (known
to the Confederate side as Manassas). In Second Bull Run, Pope (84.06) was a Union
general, Jubal Early (84.02) a Confederate.
assback -
the back on an ass +
- an annual tax imposed at the end of the 10th c. or in the 11th c., originally
(as is supposed) to provide funds for the protection of England from the
Danes, and continued after the Norman Conquest as a land-tax.
humoral -
of or belonging to, consisting of, or containing, any of the humours or
fluids of the body. Also in mod. use, contained in or involving the blood
or other body fluid.
hurlbat -
a short javelin having a thong for recovering after hurling; some form
of club, bat.
vitae - a trade wood from trees of the genus Guaiacum. This wood was once
very important for applications requiring a material with its extraordinary
combination of strength, toughness and density. Due to its weight, cricket
bails, particularly 'heavy bails' used in windy conditions, are sometimes made
of lignum vitae.
- always, forever, at any future time, certainly, definitely
reminiscent - having reminiscence of something
- originally, a light sledge consisting of a thin strip of wood turned
up in front, used by the Canadian Indians for transport over snow;
now, a similar vehicle, sometimes with low runners, used in the sport of
poop - the aftermost
part of a ship, the stern; a short blast in a hollow tube, as a wind instrument;
Also, the report of a gun +
Pope, John (1822-95) - Union general who lost the 2d battle of Bull Run +
tobacco pipe.
have a crow to pluck with someone - to have something disagreeable or
awkward to settle with someone, to clear up.
rialto - an exchange or
market place +
= anywhere
PEA RIDGE - The battle of Pea Ridge, in South
Illinois, US, 7-8 March 1862, was a Union victory in the West theater of the Civil War.
Battle of Little Big Horn,
1876 (Custer's defeat and death at the hands of Sitting Bull)
Delaney, Patrick - the Phoenix Park assassin who testified against
Parnell at the Parnell Commission.
confederate -
leagued, allied; a supporter of the Confederate States of America
fender - a
metal frame placed in front of a fire to keep falling coals from rolling
out into the room.
albeit - even
though, although, though
bluff - to swell
out, become distended +
BALL'S BLUFF - Locality near Leesburg, North-East Virginia, US. Site of minor Civil
War battle 21 Oct 1861, in which Union forces were defeated by the Confederates.
up - to carry
wunder = wonder
contusion - a bruise
bruised -
hurt or damaged by a heavy blow; contused
coccyx - the
small triangular bone appended to the point of the sacrum and forming the
termination of the spinal column in man.
flabbergast - to put (a person) in such confusion that he does not for the moment know
what to do or say; to astonish utterly, to confound.
lab - a laboratory
paddy - policeman;
Irishman; the proprietary name of an Irish whiskey +
banner - one who bans or curses.
as for - as
it regards, so far as it concerns, with respect or reference to.
excellency - a title of honour
daffy - crazy,
imbecile +
O'Duffy, General - leader of an Irish fascist movement (Blueshirts) in the 1930s.
- capable of being legally or morally justified, or shown to be just, righteous,
or innocent.
William Shakespeare:
Julius Caesar V.5.68: 'This was the noblest Roman of them all'
satisfactory +
sitisfactura (l artificial) - a making thirsty.
Macaulay: Lays of
Ancient Rome: Horatius at the Bridge (poem): 'Lars Porsena of Clusium'
gentleman's agreement - an agreement which is not enforceable at law, and which is
only binding as a matter of
honour +
Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius of Nettesheim (1486-1535)
- writer on occult sciences.
dein (ger) -
your +
lotion - a
liquid preparation used externally for healing wounds, relieving pain,
beautifying the skin, etc.
fomentation - the
application to the surface of the body either of flannels, etc. soaked in hot
water, whether simple or medicated, or of any other warm, soft, medicinal
substance +
- the capsule of the poppy + (opium)
generously + Jenner invented vaccination
exhibit -
(Med.) To administer (a remedy, etc.)
- a house in which a guard is placed, police station
vicar - in early
use, a person acting as priest in a parish in place of the real parson
or rector, or as the representative of a religious community to which the
tithes had been appropriated + Vicar Street, Dublin.
ground - the
particular space or area under consideration
red cross
- to mark with a red cross
- rel. to mammals
- conclusive proof
stanch - to
stop the flow of blood from (a wound)
- the pinna or auricle of the ear
hitter - one
who hits or strikes, as in boxing, cricket, etc. Also fig. + hatter's hares +
"attractive women are being hit on all the time by men, in one way or another" + By the end of 1923,
when it was still possible for someone in Paris not to have heard of Hitler,
Joyce had sketched out most of the episode [the encounter with the cad]. Between
1936 and 1938, he made the following changes. In the passage describing how
"some of his hairs had been pulled off his knut's head" by the cad, "hairs"
became "hitters hairs". Other passages added describe the attacker as a "hikely
excellent crude man about road who knew his Bullfoost Mountains like a starling
bierd". Joyce also added "jewbigger" to his catalogue of curses. (John Gordon:
Joyce's Hitler).
knut - a fashionable
or showy young man
Colt - a firearm
of a type invented by Samuel Colt (1814-62), esp. a type of repeating pistol.
- around all the parts of, including everything in a given circle
muddle along - to 'get along' in a haphazard way + FDV:
corso - proud
walk, a promenade +
torso - the human trunk.
not a whit - not at all + a whit -
a very little.
- beating
Herr (ger) - Mr. + her,
nowthe - now
ash - the ashen
shaft or spear
brawn - the
arm, muscle
brass - money
in general, cash; Historically: The general name for all alloys of copper with tin or zinc.
oust - Law. To put out of
possession, eject; to expel from any place or position +
earthborn - born on the
earth; of earthly or mortal race, as opposed to angelic or divine +
- transparent quartz
wreck - to shatter,
ruin, destroy
- a firm whitish semitransparent substance (being a comparatively pure
form of gelatin) obtained from the sounds or airbladders of some fresh-water
fishes, esp. the sturgeon.
Wurm (ger) - worm +
worm - to move or progress sinuously like a worm; to make one's way insidiously
like a worm into (a person's confidence, secret affairs, etc.)
saving - the
action of rescuing or protecting +
for one's sake - on account of one's interest in, or regard for (a person),
out of consideration for.
water - the liquid left after crystallization, e.g. of sea-salt +
- a period of four years reckoned from one celebration of the Olympic games
to the next, by which the ancient Greeks computed time, the year 776 b.c.
being taken as the first year of the first Olympiad; a quadrennial celebration
of the ancient Olympic Games.
thousand + thirty
second + (1132)
Olaf, Danish prince, source
of name Hamlet (Humphrey, Olaf, Oliver and Hamlet are all cognates of sorts;
Humphrey =
boney = bony
- abounding in bones; having large or prominent bones; big-boned + Napoleon
obtain - to
come into the possession or enjoyment of (something) by one's own effort,
or by request; to acquire, get.
pierced - punctured,
perforated + FDV:
parafuoco (it) - fire-guard
fiamme (it) - flames.
- language designed to catch applause; cheap showy sentiment. In modern
use passing into sense 'nonsense, rubbish'.
- a protecting wire screen or grating before open fireplace, fender
out - to come out, appear, or disclose itself incidentally
point - standing out from the rest, prominent or conspicuous (point)
politisch (ger) -
leaning -
inclination, bias; tendency, 'penchant'
pursuit -
the action of seeking, or striving to obtain, attain, or accomplish something.
forebear - a person from
whom you are descended + (mass of porter)
Dan Donnelly - an
Irish champion prizefighter who in 1815 knocked out Cooper, the English champion.
His footprints have been preserved somewhere or other in Ireland and his fossilized
arm "is one of the major attractions of a Kilcullen hostelry" +
thick - to become
thick, thicken
burral (burel)
(geal) - bit, jot +
Kenneth Grant: "African sorcerer was already controlling
unseen forces by means of a peculiar charm or fetish known as the d-mammu or
"effigy of blood", which was later [in ancient Egypt] typified by the mummy. In
antiquity it often took the form of a "chance" object which has become
associated by the sorcerer with the object of his desire, or somehow identified
with his magical power. Once it had been charged with his vitality it was no
longer an ordinary object, and it was then burnt or concealed. According to
whether the magical working involved the element earth, fire, air or water, the
object was buried, burnt, hidden in the foliage of a lofty tree or submerged in
a lake or river. This act affirmed a forgetting by the conscious mind, a sinking
of the talisman in the abyss of subconsciousness. It was in the dark womb of
forgetfulness that the hidden desire germinated. Fragments of ritual surviving
from the remotest times show that the dead underwent a transformation in the
abyss or underworld. The deceased arose as Asar-Un-Nefer [Osiris]. Legend
relates that Osiris was dismembered or cut in pieces by Set, who typified Night,
Forgetfulness. Isis found all the pieces of the body with the exception of the
phallus; it was Horus who supplied the missing member, thus enabling the
Osirified to rise to new life. The re-membered form of the god symbolizes
spiritual wholeness and perfection. The goddess Isis represents the spontaneous
operation of Nature healing the breach of consciousness by revealing the hidden
key to the subconscious. In one legend she copulates with the corpse of Osiris
in order to bring forth Horus."
Read more about approaching women great technique by pick up artists at
the black of your nail (Anglo-Irish phrase) - only just
Buddha + Vedas - major
scared texts of Hinduism + Vedda - an aboriginal people of Sri Lanka.
mam - mom; madam +
kayoed - knocked,
knocked out + kayoed = knocked out (3.22) = phoenished (130.11-12) = parked
offhand -
at once, strightaway; without previous thought or preparation
heckler -
one who severely questions another; somebody who insults, makes fun of, or
teases; a person who shouts a disparaging comment at a performance or event, or
interrupting set-piece speeches, for example at a political meeting, with intent
to disturb its performers or participants.
Peter the Painter -
German Mauser automatic pistol named after
Russian anarchist involved in the Siege of Sidney Street, 1911 + Joyce's note:
hole - to make
a hole in, pierce, to place in a hole; to fire a bullet into; to put in
- with consistency, constantly adhering to the same principles of thought
or action.
- not subject to prescription; that cannot in any circumstances be legally
taken away or abandoned.
chuck - to throw
with the hand with little action of the arm; to throw underhand; to toss;
prob. at first said of throwing or tossing money, or anything light; now
used somewhat playfully or contemptuously of heavy things, as suggesting
that they are thrown with ease or contempt.
chum - a habitual
companion, an associate, an intimate friend; In Australia: new chum, a
fresh immigrant, a 'greenhorn'; old chum, an old and experienced settler.
and chance it - a derisive phrase used attrib. to describe wet-fly fishing.
alongst =
semita (l) - path +
throughfare - a road, street, lane, or path forming a communication between two other
roads or streets, or between two places; a public way unobstructed and
open at both ends; esp. a main road or
street + Durchfahrt (ger) - thoroughfare, passage.
buggy - a two-wheeled
bike - bicycle
to wit
curb - a massive ornamental
fireplace fender +
nostrum - a quack remedy
oxter - armpit + ULSTER - North province of Ireland. The arms of Ulster are a red right hand (lamh
dearg) on a white shield (the arms of the O'Neils).
alpenstock - a long staff pointed with iron, used in climbing the Alps, whence it
has passed into general use in mountain climbing.
red hand
- a heraldic hank that is erect, open and couped at the wrist + with red hand - with clear evidence of guilt.
- proper to be commended, praiseworthy, laudable
Acta legitima
plebeia (l) - Daily record of the lawful public acts of the common people.
Acta at Rome included Acta publica, Acta Senatus, Acta Diurna, Acta
Triumphorum but no known Acta L.
P. (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake)
+ legitime
(l) - lawful.
the brink of - on the the very verge of some state, time, event,
or action
baulk = balk
- to check, hinder, thwart (a person or his action)
to wit
bare (Danish) - just
BUTT BRIDGE - Aka Swivel Bridge. The last (and
East-most) bridge as the Liffey flows except for the Loop Line Railway bridge. Erected 1879; named for the 19th-century
politician Isaac Butt.
go west
- of the sun; also fig., to die, perish, disappear
the name Dublin derives
from Irish dubh linn: black pool
naturligvis (Danish)
- naturally
- with thanks, gratefully
bereave -
to deprive, rob, strip, dispossess (a person, etc., of a possession; Since
1650 mostly of immaterial possessions, life, hope, etc.) + well-behaved.
- a common European pigeon (Columba palumbus); also called ring-pigeon,
wood-pigeon, cushat, or queest.
fearstruck - struck with or overwhelmed by fear
constrictor - large Brazilian serpent of the genus Boa; commonly applied
to any great crushing snake.
pleased at having other people's weather
Atlantic Ocean
Phoenicia + Phoenix Park.
headway - advance,
progress (in general)
- any puzzling question or problem; a riddle in the form of a question
the answer to which involves a pun or play on words.
Mam (mam) (geal)
- Breach, Mountain pass; village, Co. Galway + Joyce's note:
Joyce, Recess
and feather - to smear with tar and then cover with feathers: a punishment
sometimes inflicted by a mob (esp. in U.S.) on an unpopular or scandalous
- one of the four national languages of Switzerland, along with German, Italian
and French.
"Yew-Plain of the Saxons": Monastery, now ruins and site of village of Mayo 3
miles South of Balla, County Mayo; est. 7th century by St Colman for English
monks from Inishbofin following disputes between Irish and English monks there [
far famed - that is famed to a great distance, well known
potheen (Anglo-Irish) - illicit whiskey
hale - to draw
up, to constrain or draw forcibly to, to bring in violently, drag in.
Old Bailey - the seat of the
Central Criminal Court in London
calends -
the first day of any month in the Roman calendar
mars = march + calends of
March - 1 March, first day of the Roman year.
- discordant, incongruous
- Law. The legal process in which a formal accusation is preferred to and
presented by a Grand Jury.
count - Law.
Each particular charge in indictment + FDV:
equinox -
the condition of having the days and nights of equal length. Also fig.
fetch - something that
looks exactly like another, counterpart; the phantom double of a living person
appearing as an omen of the death; a contrivance, dodge, trick + "One man's meat is another man's poison" ('meat' is often to be understood in
the slang sense of 'penis') + fish + poisson (fr) - fish.
cushat - the wood-pigeon
or ring-dove +
overalls - an external covering, cloak, waterproof, trousers
ouver = over.
fesses - pl. of fess
- a broad bar drawn horizontally across the middle of a heraldic field +
fesses (fr) - buttocks +
in mids -
amidst, in the middle (of)
field - Heraldry: the whole surface of a shield
Oje! (ger) - oh dear! +
oyez! (Archaic) - hear! (a call opening a court session) + O yeah!
soaked - dull, lacking in
animation; steeped, macerated; saturated, drenched; intoxicated
- to impregnate with methanol + methylated
spirit - form in which alcohol is most commonly employed for industrial
in dry
dock - inactive, unemployed; in quarantine, in hospital +
dry dock - a dock that can be kept dry for use during the construction
or repairing of ships +
dock - the enclosure in a criminal court in which the prisoner is placed
at his trial.
ambrosia (gr, l) -
food of the
goods + aureolus (l) - golden + Ambrosius Aurelianus - semimythical champion who
led the Romanised Britons against the invading Saxons in the 5th century.
kersey - a
coarse woolen cloth for hose and work clothes, homespun + curse (stop thief!) =
corduroy - a kind of coarse, thick-ribbed cotton stuff, worn chiefly by labourers
or persons engaged in rough work.
rent - a large
tear in garment
nightshirt - a nightgown resembling a shirt
straw - of the
color of straw
- a large oilskin or waterproof hat or cap worn by seamen to protect the
head and neck during rough or wet weather.
- resembling a corkscrew; spirally twisted; an imperfection in silk filaments.
of the blue - unexpectedly, without warning
up - to pull asunder by force (esp. cloth or paper)
WALES - Principality of UK forming the wide
peninsula on the West of the island of Britain. Lat, Cambria; Welsh, Cymry.
bespoke -
Of goods: Ordered to be made, tailor-made (as distinguished from ready-made) + bespeak - to be the outward expression of; to indicate, give evidence of.
CARCER - The small
prison North-East of the Forum in Rome where criminals were held pending trial. From medieval times called the
"Mamertine prison." +
Mamer - Oscan name for Mars + meantime + The actual catalyst for Punic Wars was
a request by some unscrupulous adventurers called the Mamertines, from Campania
on the
western seaboard of the Italian peninsula. The Mamertines had fought in Sicily
as mercenaries against the Carthaginians..
depose - to testify,
bear witness; esp. to give evidence upon oath in a court of law
exute - to strip (a person)
of, to divest of + exutio (l) - an exclusion + [a venia] exutio (eccl. l) - they who are excluded from divine forgivenness, the
utterly reprobate (St. Ambrose) +
fluor - a flow or
flowing; pl. = flowers + fluor (l) - flow.
sparse - to spread or
disseminate (a rumour, doctrine, etc.) +
(notebook 1924): '
Jack, Martin
suet - suit + three-piece
suit + piezo-electricity - electric polarity in a substance (especially crystals
[.04]) resulting from the application of mechanical pressure + "But the dour
handworded her grace in dootch nossow: Shut!"
sulfate + soot and
sulphur (i.e traces of gunpowder).
- protosulphates of copper, iron and zinc
quite + quartz
- inexplicably
crystallization - the action of forming crystals, or of assuming a crystalline structure
+ fluorspar (fluorite) [.01], copperas [.03], quartz [.03] and alum [.04] are
all crystalline.
alum - a whitish transparent
mineral salt, crystallizing in octahedrons +
strike fire - to produce (fire, a spark) by percussion, esp. by the percussion
of flint and
steel + Joyce's note:
feacht (fyokht) (geal) - turn, time, occasion
+ in fact.
drip - Of a person
or object: To have moisture or liquid falling off in drops; to be so copiously
wet or saturated with as to shed drops; to complain, grumble.
pipkin - a
small earthenware pot or pan, used chiefly in cookery
coold = cold
crown lawyer - a lawyer in the service of the Crown; a lawyer who practises
in criminal cases.
P.C. - police
constable (*S*)
Robert (Slang) - a policeman
+ rob (Serbian) - slave + Ort (ger) - place.
crowbar - an iron bar with
a wedge-shaped end +
milk +
- to represent in a personal or bodily form; to personify; to play the
part of.
pieces +
peat moss - moss from which peat is forming
pluck (Anglo-Irish) =
puss (Anglo-Irish)
= pus (Irish) =
clane = clean + Clane -
village, County Kildare + Clontarf.
White - a Yorkshire breed of pig
(notebook 1924): 'Eng.
villages / White Ladies Aston / Martyr Worthy / Swine / Foulmire / Mucking /
(Dublin Colloquial) - on (when referring to days of the week)
thoor (Anglo-Irish) - tower
+ Thursday.
feis (fesh) (geal) - festival, convention + feist (ger) - fat.
peeler (Slang)
- policeman + Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, or the Solemnity of Saints Peter
and Paul, is a liturgical feast in honour of the martyrdom in Rome of the
apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul, which is observed on 29 June. The
celebration is of ancient origin, the date selected being the anniversary either
of their death or of the translation of their relics + In a dialogue between
Jesus and his disciples (Matthew 16:13-20), Jesus asks, “Who do people say that
the Son of Man is?” The disciples give various answers. When he asks, "Who do
you say that I am?" Simon Peter [Saint Peter] answers, "You are the Christ, the
Son of the living God." In turn, Jesus declares Peter to be "blessed" for having
recognized Jesus' true identity and attributes this recognition to a divine
revelation. Then Jesus addresses Simon by what seems to have been the nickname
"Peter" (Cephas
in Aramaic, Petros [rock] in Greek) and says, "On this rock I will build
my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it."
(rob) (geal) - hog
Anthony - the patron saint
of swine heards +
telephone book - a book containing an alphabetical list of the names, addresses,
and numbers of telephone subscribers.
allegedly - in an alleged manner (cited, quoted, asserted but not proved)
pedigree - having a pedigree or recorded line of descent
- unauthorized by license, lawless
- bulbous plant with bell-shaped six-parted flowers, of various colours
cry crack
- to give up, to desist
paddle wheel - a wheel used for propelling a boat or ship
- frivolous, trivial, insignificant
amidst - in
or into the middle or centre of
- an old man
- an infant that is at the breast or is unweaned; a young animal that is
suckled; esp. a sucking calf.
pauper - a
person destitute of property or means of livelihood, a beggar.
matron - a
married woman, usu. with the accessory idea of (moral or social) rank or
meg - woman, a
country girl, boisterous woman
meddle - the action of
meddling; a medley +
maelstrom - a very
powerful whirlpool; a large, swirling body of water
- to come together, to assemble +
pastoral - of or pertaining to shepherds or their occupation
+ prepostor - a senior pupil with delegated authority in certain English public
schools (elsewhere known as a prefect or monitor) + Irish Agricultural
Organisation Society - a union of agricultural co-operatives founded by Sir
Horace Plunkett in 1894.
muck - the dung
of cattle (usually mixed with decomposing vegetable refuse) used for
manure +
muc (muk) (geal) - pig.
me in face
attend - to present oneself, for the purpose of taking some part in the proceedings, at a meeting for business, worship, instruction,
larry - confusion,
noise, excitement
is a taboo animal of Jews (totem and taboo animals are often connected) + "and
attended, thanks to Larry, by large numbers of christies and jew's totems,"
despite -
in spite of +
- clearly, plainly, unmistakably
- scattered, marked by scattering
bally - bloody (a vague
epithet expressing anger, resentment, detestation) +
of the walk - one that dominates a group or situation esp. overbaringly
fancy - executed with skill,
complex or intricate; of superior grade, fine +
main - a principal channel,
duct, or conductor for conveying water, sewage, etc. along the street of a town
doorway - the opening or
passage which a door serves to close or open; the space in a wall occupied by a
door and its adjuncts +
Weg (ger) =
pikey - a vagrant, a tramp
- taxpayer + the gentleman
that (or who) pays the rent - a pig.
Saint Francis called all animals his brothers and sisters
sty - an enclosed place where
swine are kept, usually a low shed with an uncovered forecourt +
TROY - Ancient Troia, Ilion,
on Ilium; city in the Troas, North-West Asia Minor, South of Dardanelles, modern
Hissarlik; Troia, It "sow," slang "whore"
+ Hic Stat Troia (l) - Here Stands Troy +
off - to give all that is owing to and thus settle accounts with + (selling the
pig to pay the rent).
- a Spanish gold coin (33 to 36 shillings) + six pounds fifteen [082.12-.13].
arrear - moneys
due, debts
villain -
Originally, a low-born base-minded rustic; a man of ignoble ideas or instincts;
in later use, an unprincipled or depraved scoundrel; a man naturally disposed
to base or criminal actions, or deeply involved in the commission of disgraceful
crimes [
rumbler -
one who makes a rumbling noise
rent - a tribute,
tax, or similar charge, levied by or paid to a person + FDV:
anon - soon,
in a short time, in a little while; at once, instantly
- of or pertaining to Wesley or his (methodist) teaching + W.C. - Wesleyan
Chapel; Water Closet [.30] [.34-.35].
clothes - unofficial clothes
Wet Pinter [092.07]
situate -
null null (ger) -
zero zero, sign for toilet
peagreen - (of) a
colour like that of fresh green peas, a nearly pure but not deep green
- in a sullen manner, with gloomy or morose ill-humour
grill -
to torment with heat; to subject to severe questioning.
bumper - a cup or glass of
wine, etc., filled to the brim, esp. when drunk as a toast +
elicit - to
extract, draw out (information) from a person by interrogation
morse - the sea-horse or
walrus + walrus
moustache - a large moustache which overhangs the lips (thus resembling
the whiskers of a walrus) + Norse accents + Morse code.
mustacci (it) - moustache
god bless + gob (gob) (geal) - beak, snout
+ (onomat. of sneezing) + "for the anonymous "throat witness", sleeping throughout
this entire scene, "obliffious" entirely of himself, is much more
"pigstickularly" oblivious of the existence of his own shut mouth: he is
"(gob-less)", and he just lies there, "stuck like a pig". Evidence given about
exact dates and times designates as well the absence of perceived historical
time altogether... The misheard echo of a Guy Fawkes Day chant - "Please to
remember the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot" - finally suggests
that this entire Irish juridical nightmare, bearing obscurely on the
annihilation of English reality and legality, actually threatens more the
etymologically related properties of English reality and legibility. For
ultimately on trial in this starnge legal scene is not simply the taxed evidence
of the senses, but all the exacting rules of evidence by which the innately
formless senses of sight and hearing have been disciplined over years both of
personal and cultural history to bear witness on an
- (orig. used with agent nouns, or those involving some quality, as in
'bona fide purchaser', 'bona fide poverty', 'bona fide traveller'.) Acting
or done in good faith; sincere, genuine.
fifth + FDV:
throw one's hat in the ring
- to enter a political race, to issue a challenge
rowdy - a rough,
disorderly person; one addicted to quarrelling, fighting, or disturbing
the peace.
jubilee - the fiftieth
anniversary of an event +
Juno - Roman
godess (daughter of Saturn, wife of Jupiter) + June.
ould = old + Auld Lang Syne
- a member of a tribal community believed or claiming to be able to procure
rain by the use of
magic + Pluvius (l) - epithet of Jupiterr, Roman chief god and Juno's husband.
(l) -
ten + December (l) - tenth month of the Roman year.
- an almanac or calendar of any kind; in early use esp. one containing
astrological or meteorological predictions for each day of the period embraced.
profane -
not possessing esoteric or expert knowledge
all one -
TOURNAY - City, 45
miles South-West of Brussels, Belgium +
Teamhair (t'our)
(geal) - Prospective Hill, Co. Meath, ancient seat of high king: anglic. Tara;
distorted to Temora by Macpherson.
pigstick - to hunt the
wild boar on a horseback with a spear stright +
sorely - painfully;
severely, violently, extremely
tried - found
good or trusworthy through experience or testing; subjected to trials or
Shem (*V*), Ham (*C*) and Japhet (*Y*)
Tennyson, Charge of the Light Brigade: Their's not
to make reply, Their's not to reason why, Their's but to do and die.
Hyacinthus (l) -
Laconian youth beloved by Apollo who accidentally killed him, the flower sprang
from his blood.
O'Domhnaill (o'donel)
(geal) - descendant of Domhnall ("world-mighty") + Pat
O'Donnell shot James Carey (the informer that gave evidence against the Phoenix
Park murderers) dead, when the latter was on his way to settle in South Africa
under the assumed name of Power [.16-.21].
- a list or register of any kind
mixer - one
that mixes (paint, drug...); a person marked by easy sociability; a trouble
maker; a bartender + mixer [088.04].
- a writer of vivid or graphic descriptive power + W.P. [086.34].
si vis pacem (l)
- if you want peace +
Gaeltacht - a region in Ireland in which Irish is the vernacular; also, these regions
- a three- or four-pronged fork used to lift or spread dung
Fair Green - area southwest
of the wall of medieval Dublin
24 o'clock
Fermanagh + BULLY ACRE - Ancient cemetery of Kilmainham, corner of SCR and Royal Hospital
Road. Closed 1832 after thousands of burials in cholera
epidemic + Baile Ui Chaiside (bolyi khoshidi) (geal) - Town of the Descendants
of Caiside ("curled"); anglic. Ballycassidy.
Friedhof (ger) -
cemetery + Friede (ger) - peace + hoffen (ger) - to hope.
sack - to put
(a person) in a sack to
be drowned
sock - to beat,
strike hard, hit
stab - to wound
(often to kill) with a thrust of a pointed weapon (chiefly, with a short
weapon, as a dagger).
'ghus Mac Cathail
(gus mok kohil) (geal) - "-choice, son of Battle-mighty".
- a child secretly substituted for another in infancy; a half-witted person
unlocalized - not fixed in, attached or restricted to, a certain locality
noncommunicable - not capable of being communicated
- throughout all the time before or after a specified date
wallop - a
heavy resounding blow; a whack
LEWES - The county town of Sussex,
England. After Simon de Montfort defeated Henry III on 14 May 1264, he extracted from Henry the document called the "Mise
of Lewes," in which Henry promised to abide by the Magma Carta and other documents and customs limiting royal prerogative.
bad blood
- resentment, ill feeling
the ground of - by reason of
boer (Dutch)
- farmer + Boer - South African of Dutch extraction + John Bull - a
personification of England + bears and bulls - speculators for falls and rises,
respectively, on the Stock Exchange.
twoway - extending
in two directions or dimensions
and grapes
ant and
- Formerly, a waitress in one of the restaurants of J. Lyons & Co. Ltd., London;
hence, any waitress; sharp, quick, active, nimble + "After an unpleasant visit
with Gogarty (Buck Mulligan in Ulyssess; Oliver St. John Gogarty was an ear,
eye, nose and throat specialist), Joyce’s paranoid desire for betrayal came true
in another old friend, Vincent Cosgrave (grimly renamed Lynch in Portrait).
Cosgrave now claimed he and Nora had had an affair during the beginning of her
relationship with Joyce."
novelette - a story of
moderate length having the characteristics of a novel +
butt and taff
= shut! and thief = mute and deaf
meathe - a
maggot, worm +
Midhe (mi) (geal) - "Middle," former fifth (royal) province,
now Co. Meath, N.W. of Dublin.
- a person engaged in a lawsuit or dispute
Conga (kunge)
(geal) - "Strait," religious settlement, Co. Mayo; anglic. Cong,
where Roderick O'Connor, last high king, retired in old
age + kingsman - a partisan of the king; a royalist; the King's men: a name for the dramatic company otherwise known as
'the King's Majesty's Servants' under James I.
(donel) (geal) - "World-mighty"
of arms - an officer of arms (herald) of the highest rank +
ARAN ISLANDS - Islands off Galway Bay.
Dalkey, King of -
"His facetious Majesty, King of Dalkey, King of Mugleins Sovereign of the Illustrious Order of the Periwinkle and the Lobster." He
was a figure in an 18th-century burlesque ceremony, which the English suppressed
and the Free State revived.
Mud Island, King of
- hereditary robber chieftain who ruled a gang of smugglers and highwaymen.
Island, 7 miles off North coast of County Donegal; The island was noted for its various clays, used for heat-resistant pottery.
The islanders traditionally elected a "king."
god king - a human ruler believed to be a god
Killorglin, Goat
King of - Killorglin, Co. Kerry, holds a Puck Fair at Lammas. A male goat,
called Puck, is paraded as king of the fair.
egg - to provoke
to action, incite, encourage
bowstring - to strangle with a bowstirng (the string of a bow)
+ Strongbow - leader of the Anglo-Normans who invaded Ireland.
CARTHAGE - Ancient
Phoenician city, North Africa, on coast North-East of modern Tunis, noted for sea power and the Punic Wars with Rome. Cato the Elder proclaimed that Rome
must destroy Carthage: "Delenda est Carthago." An 18th-century theory held that the
Irish people was of Carthaginian origin. The women of Carthage, at the
final siege by the Romans, 146 B.C., cut off their hair to make bowstrings.
- the quality or state of being ruddy (red or reddish) + carrotty ruddiness
(i.e. orange-red).
crimson -
deep red somewhat inclining towards purple
petty - petticoat
Isod's Tower, Essex Street,
Dublin, demolished 1675
- set or placed close together; closely arranged
bohereen - a narrow
country road esp. in hilly country + BOHERNABREENA - Bуthar-na-Bruighne, "Road of the mansion." Townland,
road, and reservoir, 2 miles South of Tallaght in Glenasmole; named for the famous
"Hostel of Da Derga," destroyed by pirates ca 1st century AD. It was the site
of a famous murder and execution in 1816: one Kearney and his 2 sons were
hanged for the hatchet slaying of a gamekeeper.
bang banagher - to surpass everything +
BANAGHER - Village, County Offaly, on Shannon River. To anything unusual, people say,
"Well, that bangs Banagher" (P W Joyce).
mick - Irishman + Mic (mik) (geal) - Son; Mr. in Mac names
+ mixer.
O'Donnabhair (o'donawir)
(geal) - descendant of Donnabhar ("brown eyebrow") +
ay - Ah! O! (now
the common northern exclamation of surprise, invocation, earnestness).
relics - the remains of a
person; the body, or part of the body, of one deceased +
bu = boo - a sound
imitating the lowing of oxen; also used to express contempt, disapprobation,
give tongue - properly of a hound: to give forth its voice when on the
scent or in sight of the quarry. Also transf. of persons.
mor = more +
ooze - to pass
as through pores or minute interstices, and so slowly or gradually
deadman - corpse +
- a careful examination +
case hardened - insensible,
callous; hardened on the surface (as the male testis is) +
testis (l) - a witness; a
of nights
threeparted - having three parts, tripartite
spout - to discharge a liquid or other substance in a copious jet or stream;
fig. To engage in declamation or recitation; to make a speech or speeches, esp. at great length or without much matter
+ speaking.
twixt - between
Silversmiths, jewellers, and watchmakers, South side of Dame Street. Projecting
at right angles over the sidewalk, Waterhouse's clock spelled out its name
(clockwise, naturally) from "W" at "3."
Central European Time
Stop & think!
environs - the outskirts, surrounding districts, of a town
+ sempervirens (l) - evergreen.
Apfel (ger) -
apple + Abfall (ger) - garbage, rubbish, litter; apostasy, rebellion + appletree
(Garden of Eden).
auld = old +
widowed -
deprived of a partner; deserted, solitary [
dim - to make
dim, obscure, or dull; to render less clear, or distinct
bluntly -
rudely, without ceremony or delicacy; abruptly, curtly
broach - to
begin conversation or discussion about, introduce, moot; to pierce, stab
in the best - in the best possible way, manner or condition
basel - the alleged name
according to Holinshed (and copyists down to the present day) of certain pieces
of money abrogated by Henry II., of which numismatists have no knowledge +
[best] manner.
to boot -
in addition, over and above, besides +
Baselbut (ger) - region around Basel.
Travers Smith: Psychic Messages from Oscar Wilde 6: 'I was always one of those
for whom the visible world existed'.
gnosa (gr) -
edible - eatable,
fit to be eaten
- in a cognitive (rel. to process of knowing) manner
- in a conative
manner; with volition, with exertion + conatum (l) - undertaking, attempt, venture, hazard.
cogitabund - musing, meditating, deep in thought
(gr) -
flesh-all-shaped-skillfully-by-music + morpho (gr) - to shape,
form + melos
(gr) -
music + sophos (gr) -
skilled + pan (gr) - all,
everything + kreas (gr) - flesh,
meat + pankreas
(gr) - "all meat":
pancreas +
- so as to convey some meaning; expressively, meaningly
"The clitoris in the
vagina and the tongue in the mouth are simbolized by the clapper in the bell or
the hammer striking the gong... (Kenneth Grant: Outside the Circles of Time).
lug - ear
truie (fr) - sow + true +
This King
- infested with lice, lousy + pedantically + perfectly.
- made certain; assured; certainly informed
morbus - disease + Morbus (l) - "Disease": a deity (personification)
+ morbus pediculosus (l) - "lousy disease": ancient disease, in which
the body swarmed with lice + corpus.
William Shakespeare: Othello + telo
quite - completely,
wholly, altogether, entirely
szerda (Hungarian) - Wednesday +
sreda (Serbian) - Wednesday + (Was it a Thursday?).
satyr - one
of a class of woodland gods or demons, in form partly human and partly
bestial, supposed to be the companions of Bacchus.
William Shakespeare:
Othello III.3.165-166: 'O, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed
it's like his poll Irish Independent 5
Jun 1924, 5/4: 'West Cork Horror': (a police sergeant testifying in a trial of
murder and dismemberment of a farmer by most of his family members) 'Witness
took the head out of a sack and turned an electric torch on it, and asked Leary
could he identify it... "I am not sure, but it is like his poll".'
- given to opposition, contrarious, perverse, queer tempered +
trapper -
one who sets traps; spec. one engaged in trapping wild animals for their
murteus (l) - dark, brown
oog (Dutch) - eye
inquiline - an animal
which lives in the nest or abode of another + aquiline - eaglelike (esp. of the nose)
nase = nose
twitch - to move (the
skin, etc.) spasmodically or convulsively +
beat you out
asztal (Hungarian) - table
balra (Hungarian) -
to the left
(Hungarian) - to the right
major +
- a tiresome or uncongenial person; one who wearies or worries +
magyar bor (Hungarian) - Hungarian wine.
igenis (Hungarian) - yes indeed
+ I guess + a Guinness.
..."And with /
tumble - to
stumble by tripping over an object
redip - to rebaptize + was
he renamed H.E.R.E. C.O.M.E.S. E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E.?
erchwyn (Welsh) - side, bedside
+ Burke's Peerage lists 'Lyulph Ydwallo Odin Nestor Egbert Lyonel Toedmag Hugh
Erchenwyne Saxon Esa Cromwell Orma Nevill Dysart Plantagenet Bentley', born
1876, under 'Tollemache-Tollemache' (acronym: LYONEL THE SECOND).
Egbert - 9th century king of
Wessex and father of Ethelwulf
Vercingetorix (d. 46)
- Gallic chieftain who revolted against Julius Caesar
Ethelwulf - king of the West
Rupert, Prince (1619-82) - nephew of Charles I, for whom he fought bravely in the Great Rebellion.
YGGDRASIL - The "world-tree" of
Norse myth, an evergreen ash tree whose roots, trunk, and branches bind together hell, earth,
and heaven. Its three roots go down into the realm of death, giants and gods
(Asgard). Beneath it the 3 Normans live by the Spring of Fate. "Ygg" is one of the names of Odin
Eiffel Tower, Paris
daffodil - a common
English name for narcissus + (*IJ*) + between the
devil and the deep sea (phrase).
address -
to speak or write to (someone) as (the title or name specified)
de bholуig (Irish)
- of an ox + vo [pl. volovi] (Serbian) - ox [pl. oxen] + eau de Cologne.
Matthew 27:51: 'and the rocks rent'
+ Ragnarшkr (Old Norse) - destruction of the Norse gods.
Vancouver, George (1738-78)
- English explorer for whom a Canadian city is named + (*VYC*) + The Three
Wicked Uncoverings - a triad of taboos in Welsh myth (In the days after the
Romans pulled out of Britain and told the inhabitants to fend for themselves.
The Island was ruled by many petty kings and self-styled Emperors, fashioned
after the Empire of the Roman invaders. Many of these people were Celts,
full-blooded Romans, or a Romano-Celtic mix. Many of these inhabitants wanted to
rule over the entire island, but only one man would come out victorious. This is
the story of three of these men who were too proud and sacrificed the
independence of Britain and allowed the Outlanders - Saxons, Jutes, Danes, and
Angles - to slowly enter the Island and finally conquer. Legend states that the
reason these Outlanders came was because of the uncovering of three sacred
things. The first were the two dragons, the red and the white, which were buried
under a mound in North Wales. These dragons were uncovered by the tyrant
Vortigern in an attempt to quell the Welsh. The second was the bones of
Vortimer, the son of Vortigern. These were uncovered also by Vortigern at the
request of his Saxon Bride Rowena. The third of these to be uncovered was the
head of Bran, which was said to watch over the enemies across the channel. The
Uther Ben or "beautiful head" was uncovered by Arthur because he felt he didn't
need the help of Bran and believed he could defend Britain on his own accord).
awhit - to a very small extent,
a very little +
you bet
it + yube (Japanese) - nigh.
kingdom come - (from the clause thy kingdom come in the Lord's Prayer) heaven
or paradise; the next
world +
cumbalum (l) - cymbal.
oxman - a man
who tends or drives oxen + Ostman - Viking.
thingumbob - Used (in undignified speech) to indicate vaguely a thing (or person)
of which the speaker cannot at the moment recall the name, or which he
is at a loss or does not care to specify precisely; a 'what-you-may-call-it' +
Thing - Viking council.
hvad (Danish) - eh? what?
refreshed +
fount - a spring,
source, fountain
gurgling - that gurgles;
emitting a sound as of bubbling liquid or purling water +
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward (1763-98)
- conspirator of ' 98, betrayed by Francis Higgins, captured by Major Sirr, married to Pamela.
Sidney, Sir Philip (1554-86) - English poet, soldier whose father was lord deputy of Ireland. 500.21 refers to his alleged incest with his sister
Mary, Countess of Pembroke + Sir Philip Crampton - 19th century Dublin surgeon
(his monument had drinking fountains attached).
Sheridan, Philip Henry
(1831-88) - American Union general
gargle - to
make a gurgling sound
The Five Lamps - a five-way junction in Dublin, adjoining Portland Row
Virgin Mary +
P. Vergilius Maro - Roman epic poet +
lave - to wash, bathe +
the name Dublin derives
from Irish dubh linn: black pool
Tem - creator god in The
Book of the Dead
- to strike with head or horns +
win - racing term used to
describe a 1st place finish
- racing term for finish in the top two, top three, top four and sometimes also
top five in a competition or event. A Place bet will win if the selection you
bet on is among those placed. Usually, a horse runs a place if it finishes in
the first three in fields of eight or more horses. If there are only six or
seven runners the horse must finish first or second to place.
- one who feeds and tends a furnace
- to stand within the 'eavesdrop' of a house in order to listen to secrets;
hence, to listen secretly to private conversation, to listen to the secrets
of (a person).
avatar - the
descent of a deity to the earth in an incarnate form; manifestation; display.
dreamers +
Dromios (gr) - god of
the racecourse + dromos (gr) - racecourse +
like as two peas - having the same or closely resembling characteristics
lentil - the
seed of a leguminous plant (Ervum lens, Lens esculenta) + Esau sold his
birthright for pottage of lentils (Genesis 25) +
pelt - to thrust
away or out
populo - before the people, in public
by the powers! - Exclamation originating in its application to the pagan divinities
in principal - principally, chiefly
+ Niccolo Machiavelli: Il Principe (The Prince).
principles - methods preferring expediency to morality +
Roosky - Russian + Rooskay
- village, County Roscommon.
kamerad -
comrade, companion
Norwegian + Galwegian -
inhabitant of Galloway, Scotland.
bishop + drunk as a fish (phrase).
whither -
smuke - to smoke
burst into flames - to go on fire; to inflame with anger, passion or zeal
phlegm - the
thick viscid fluid or semifluid substance secreted by the mucous membranes,
esp. of the respiratory passages; mucus.
ejaculation - the hasty utterance of words expressing emotion; the discharging of the
male sperm + Ajacis (l) - Ajax + Ajaccio - capital of Corsica.
crosscut (intersect) lane
'Cruiskeen Lawn' (little full jug) - Irish air + Corsican + Joyce's uncle
supposedly resembled the Marquess of Lorne.
cosa (kuse) (geal)
- legs, feet +
corso - a pompous step or
walk +
cursus - curse + in cursu (l) - in progress, underway
+ ricorso (Italian) - recurring (Vico).
coarse - rough, rude,
uncivil, vulgar +
curse +
"Yellow Wat and the Fox" is the air of T Moore's "Oh Doubt Me Not"
+ {Was the gracious miss aware of how the song was altered?}
alter (geld)
easily + usually + Esau (and
Jacob two lines below)
O'Dubhda (o'dude)
(geal) - descendant of Dubhda ("black") + {She usually was, oh
doubt me not!}
you Sunday
- lower of boys, one that practices pederasty, a sodomite +
prig - a thief; a spruce
fellow, a dandy +
bejabers - by Jesus (exclamation)
gentleman who pays the rent - a pig +
lent - loan.
class - the class of society between the 'upper' and the 'lower' class.
portavorax (l) -
gate-devouring (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake).
bynight -
a letter dispatched by the night post
god tempers the wind to the shorn lamb - god is merciful to
those who had suffered misfortune +
Ragnar Lodbrok ("shaggy
breeches") - Viking, saga hero who, tradition says, died in Ireland + recognized
court martial - a judicial court, consisting of military or naval officers,
for the trial of military or naval offences, or the administration of martial
Corcaigh (kurki)
(geal) - Swamp; anglic. Cork
skilly - an
insipid beverage, tea or coffee, watery porridge or soup + sceillig (shkelig) (geal) - Reef; rocky islands off Co. Kerry; anglic. Skelligs;
also, the Scillies.
gart (gort) (geal)
- planted field; letter G; hospitality + Londonderry (Ulster), Cork (Munster),
Skerries (Leinster), Gort (Connacht).
gate - method,
way, technique, style + Irish riddle: 'Londonderry, Cork and Kerry, Spell me
that without an R'; answer: 'THAT'.
heliotrope (Clytie pined for Apollo and turned into a
rights - the rights of using grazing ground or pasture land
magistra (l) -
expiry - expiration
goodsire - grandfather
- honorific title for persons or bodies of distinguished rank or importance.
waders - waterproof
boots reaching above the knee
recipis (l) - you get
back, retain, receive + recipe
- wheel; an early form of the bicycle or tricycle
kitcat -
a portrait of less than half length but including the hands + that
maunder - to talk in the
dreamy and foolish manner characteristic of dotage or imbecility; to ramble or
wander in one's talk + 'A Tuscan tongue in a Roman mouth',
i.e., Roman pronunciation and Tuscan syntax, is a definition of good Italian +
pondering + Ezra Pound
translated Chinese poetry.
further orders + Our Father + ourdir (French) - to
hatch (a plot).
pronunciation +
pre- (i.e. pronunciation of initial letters [.17]).
- distributive; something whose function is to distribute; applied to branch
canals distributing water from a main one.
ending - termination,
conclusion, completion
Quare hircum (l) -
Why the goat?
gentium fe[stines] (l) - Whence on earth are you hurrying?
ah - O! Oh! + no answer + Noah
+ Albert and Victoria Nyanza - the two western reservoirs of the Nile.
siar (shir) (geal)
- westward, backward + sir, indeed.
intendant - one who has
the charge, direction, or superintendence of a department of public business,
the affairs of a town or province, the household of a prince or nobleman, etc.;
a superintendent, a manager +
Ogma Sun-face - Irish god,
inventor of ogam (on ogham) letters +
threeheaded - having
three heads +
Ogma Sun-face invented Ogham
bait - to tease, rouse, to
entice by bait +
millrace - the current
of water that drives a mill wheel +
b, c, d, e, f +
g, h, j + glonsk (Shelta)
- man.
(Ogham is
spoken with the hands)
Jotalpheson -
Jason → In The Secret Languages of Ireland (90-91), MacAlister says that in Bog Latin certain letters in Irish words are
replaced by the name of the Irish letter-of-the-alphabet, "as if a Greek meaning Jason
called him 'Jotalphason'."
hokey - a mild oath; hokey
pokey, something worthless or untrue +
Jesus + Jason - leader of the Argonauts in the quest for the golden fleece. Legend
says he came to Ireland.
epexegesis (gr) -
detailed explanation, addition of words to clarify the meaning intended in a
preceding sentence + Pegasos (gr) - winged horse of the Muses +
- a chief or high priest (of any religion); a bishop (of the mediæval Western
church); spec. and usually, the bishop of Rome, the pope + (Laudabiliter)
true + Ture (ger) - door +
athach (Irish)
- peasant; churl; stammerer; giant
joss - a Chinese figure of a
deity, an idol + joss (Pidgin) - God + Jesus.
leally - loyally, truly,
free from error + realy
handkerchief +
Hankou - city in China (a revolutionary centre in 1911; also spelled Hankow).
whence - from what place?
(tones play a significant
role in Chinese)
Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925) - father of a Chinese revolution,
the first provisional president of the Republic of China (in 1912).
kowtow - Chinese custom
of touching the ground with one's forehead as a mark of respect
bukser (Danish) - trousers
sola (l) - alone +
make odds even - to equalize or level inequalities, to adjust or do away
with differences; to do away with, atone for, remit, or forgive shortcomings
and transgressions.
at defiance
- at enemity or hostility + Defiance - a black colt raced in the 1920s.
The Liberator (of Ireland) - designation applied by his followers to Daniel
O'Connell + laus laboris (l) - praise of the work + Pope Adrian IV's Bull
Laudabiliter granted Ireland to Henry II.
- to remove or shift from its place; to put out of the proper or usual
place + unplaced - (of horses in a race) not among the three first finishers.
Dick, and Harry - any men taken at random from the common run + tobh (Hebrew)
- good.
Dilke, Sir Charles (1848-1910)
- Gladstonian M.P. who got into a sexual scandal (?three abed) but came back to politics, as Parnell did not. Mr Senn found a political song: "Master Dilke / Upset the Milk / When
Taking it Home to Chelsea". It goes on: "He let the cat-the naughty cat-/Slip out of the Gladstone bag ... Won't it be a dainty dish! To
set before the Queen?"
change the venue - Law. to change the place where a jury is summoned to
come for the trial of a
case +
vender - one who sells; a seller; sometimes in restricted sense, a street-seller.
King's Head - name of several
old Dublin pubs
as to - as it
regards, so far as it concerns, with respect or reference to
pugnacity - tendency or inclination to fight; quarrelsomeness
evince - to prove by
argument or evidence, to make evident or manifest +
- the falling or dropping of a flag to indicate the start of a race
- bet placed before the day of the race (horse racing)
effray - an
attack; a disturbance esp. one caused by fighting, a fray
father time - time personified esp. as an old man who is bald, bearded and holding
a scythe and water jar.
backside - the back, the rear; the back premises, back yard
regent - a
variety of potato +
- park, public gardens
skiddy - likely
to skid, treacherously slippery
morken (Norwegian) - rotten, decayed
+ Morgen (ger) - morning.
wind up -
a state of nervous anxiety or fear; a trick or particular joke
- a furious or destructive fire; lightning esp. sheet lightning without
audible thunder + Walpurgis Night - a pre-Christian May Day celebration.
Popular name for the hill over the Ballycorus lead mines, near Enniskerry,
County Wicklow +
Schreck (ger)
- terror, horror, fright
welkin - the apparent arch or vault of heaven overhead; the sky, the firmament.
Also, in phrases descriptive of loud sounds, as to make the welkin ring, to rend the
welkin, etc. + Wilkinson Sword - an English brand of razors, scissors,
gardening tools (and originally swords).
fork - a long handled fork used to toast bread or other food over an open
fire; a sword, rapier (Colloquial).
prick - to pierce,
or indent with a sharp point
prong - each
pointed tine or division of a fork
tunny - a scombroid
fish of the genus Orcynus
Focht (ger) -
(fechten) fencing, swordsmanship, fight
the side of the angels - in favour of a spiritual interpretation (of human
nature); more loosely, on the side of right despite the risk of unpopularity.
Guinness - brand of stout
garth - a small yard or
enclosure; a small piece of enclosed ground usu. beside house, used as a yard or
garden +
- a female solicitor; a female who entices to immorality [Joyce's note:
fort - a fortified
place, stronghold + Slattery's Mounted Foot - Percy French's song about comic Irish peasant warriors, extravagant in heroic wish, cowardly in act.
Jah - Jehovah + ja (ger) =
Gemellus (l) - "twin"
+ Gamal and Camel - legendary doorkeepers at Tara during the reign of King Nuad.
parfait (fr)
- perfect [
= absolute
egregious -
conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
allude - to
have an oblique, covert, or indirect reference, to point as it were in
hole in the wall - any
small, obscure place; spec. in the U.S., a place where alcoholic drinks are sold
illegally; business that
is very small, mean, dingy, or the like, or a person running such a business
+ 'The Hole in the Wall' - pub at the Cabra Gate of Phoenix Park, also called
'Nancy Hand's' +
elude - to slip
away from, escape adroitly from (a person's grasp or pursuit, lit. and
fig.); to evade (curiosity, vigilance, etc.)
crack - a sudden
sharp and loud noise as of something breaking or bursting; a burglar.
break the bank - to ruin financially, make bankrupt (a person or bank)
+ Brucke (ger) - bridge.
MULTYFARNHAM (Gael. Muilte Farannain) -
'Farannan's mills':
Village and Franciscan abbey, County Westmeath, North of
Mullingar, bteween
Lough Owel and Lough Derravaragh + The Man That Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo (song).
fall in with - to drop into the views of
supposed +
Nom., Gen., Dat.,
Acc., Abl. cases (Thos, Thoris, Thori, Thorem, Thore)
TOMAR'S WOOD - At the Battle of
Clontarf, the aged Brian Bonu followed the battle from Tomar's Wood, somewhere to the West of
Clontarf, and there was
slain +
Tomhar (tor) (geal) - Thor + Thomar - Danish invader of Ireland (defeated
by Malachy).
Thom's Dublin Directory
- for which Bloom once canvassed. It is to Ulysses and FW as the Domesday Book is to Norman England. Sometimes "Thom"
is Thomas (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake).
rhotacism - the
process by which in oblique cases of nouns, the -s of the stem passes over,
between vowels, into -r- (e.g. flos, floris; Thos,
Thoris) + ruddiest (Slang) - bloodiest, most damned.
rotter - one
who is objectionable on moral or other grounds + (George Joyce [516.18] escaped
to Rotterdam).
roebuck -
the male roe deer +
ROEBUCK - District and road between Milltown and Mt Merrion, South-East Dublin.
Roebuck Lodge, was the home of Maud Gonne MacBride.
sur- - super +
topical -
of or pertaining to a place or locality; local; of or pertaining to a general
heading, a topic or subject of discourse, composition, etc.
- less than human
ach (ger) - oh
clap (Slang) - venereal disease
+ A B C + {was it a bad clap of thunder?}.
Auge (ger) - eye
Ohr (ger) - ear
Rioghan (geal) - "queen";
anglic. Ryan +
(o'kyali) (geal) - descendant of Ceallach ("contention");
anglic. O' Kelly + Kehle (ger) - throat + 5 senses (touch missing)
tertian -
recurring at 48 hours intervals; third in order
Persse O'Reilly + oreilles
(French) - ears.
and truly
bloody awful +
Mecklenburg Street, Dublin (Nighttown)
Hure (ger) - whore
hora (
scrota (l) - pl. of scrotum
(harlot, strumpet)
porne (gr) - prostitute
nanny (Slang) - whore +
kekse (
(l) - surrounded, pressed together
stripu (
puttana (it) - whore +
{(thunder clap) It was the whores, eh?}
meirdreach (merdrokh)
(geal) - whore + merde! (French) - shit!
an (un) (geal) - the
Oinciu (Bog Latin -
secret language of Ireland) - "Ireland" + oinseach (onshukh) (geal)
- harlot, giddy woman +
- appearance, aspect
- in a perplexed manner (involved in doubt or anxiety on account of the
intricate character of the matter under consideration; bewildered, puzzled).
- imposing condemnation, condemning
whereon -
on what, on which
punic - faithless,
trecherous, tending to betray; especially having a treacherous character as
attributed to the Carthaginians by the Romans.
- the jurisdiction or office of a judge; title for a judge (humorously)
penal law
- a law imposing a penalty, criminal law
pegger (Slang) - a hard drinker + pegger (Hebrew)
- corpse, carcass + pig + Festy King + "pegged a few glatt stones"
→ Pegger = Shaun, Wet Pinter (wordpainter) = Shem.
remove outer layer of dirt
juror -
a member of a jury
outburst - a violent issue; an outbreak, explosion (of feeling, fervour, indignation,
etc.) + loud outburst + cloudburst.
poesy - poetry
- of or pertaining to the Brythons, or Britons of Wales, Cornwall, and
Cumbria, and their kin.
- one who interprets or explains, one who translates languages
on oath -
under the obligation of an oath
Wit pesht wishi as fare vere mwiri hrismos
spelled as Irish) -
with best wishes for a very merry
Christmas + peist (pesht) - beast,
serpent + mhuise (wishi) - indeed, well
(interj.) + as fearra (as fare) -
story book - a book of
stories + bouchal - young man, boy +
be = by
Cleopatra - a famous queen of Egypt,
lover of Antony [.13] [086.13]
+ clith (kli) - sexual heat in swine (St. Patrick was a swineheard as a boy
slave in Ireland.)
park - to enclose
in, as in, or as, a park
porker - a
young hog fattened for pork; also, any swine or pig raised for food + James
Joyce: A Portrait V: 'Ireland is the old sow that eats her farrow'.
'Timothy' stems from Greek time: honour and theos: god
FOUR COURTS - On King's Inns Quay; the modern
Supreme Court has been added to the 4 existing courts: King's (or Queen's) Bench,
Chancery, Exchequer, and Common Pleas +
commons - people lacking noble rank; the
burghers of a town.
O'Tighearnaigh (o'tierni)
(gael) - descendant of Tighearnach ("lordly") +
Dun Dealgan (dundalgen) (gael) - Dealga's (name of Firbolg chief)
Fort; Co. Louth, N. of Dublin; anglic. Dundalk.
yif = if
Turgesius on Thorgil -
viking who invaded Ireland in 832. He and his death were likewise violent +
faolog (fwelog)
(gael) - seagull + followed
gut - to cram
the guts; to eat greedily, to
gormandize +
cutthroat - a ruffian who murders or does deeds of violence + (i.e. evidence
giver: plain clothes priest W.P., situate at Nullnull, Medical Square).
fire - to shoot,
to propel or discharge (a missile) as from a gun
Marcus Antonius (l) -
lover of Cleopatra, with whom he was defeated by Augustus Octavian +
Astarte - Semitic
goddess, Ashtoreth of the Bible. Baal was her male counterpart +
Labour Party - a political party specially supporting the interests of labour
- someone outstanding
or exeptional; a heavy or knock-down blow, a finisher. Also fig.
have a neck - to speak insolently or behave presumptuously
endorse -
to support, to back, to give one's approval to, especially officially or by
signature +
- turned out or outwards
nor'easter -
northeaster (a wind blowing from the north-east, common to the east coast of the
United States); a waterproof coat.
- shamelessness
Sunlight soap - a brand of household soap originally produced by the British
company Lever Brothers in 1884.
the same tale - in the same statement or category + in the train of - as a sequel
to + Trelawny, Sir Jonathan (1650-1721) - Cornish bishop famous and popular for
opposing King James II's tolerance of Catholicism.
impart - to
make known, tell, relate
Court of Common Pleas, or Common Bench, was a common law
court of the English (and Irish) legal system.
Lord Jesus +
Jurys Inn - a chain of hotels
in Ireland and the United Kingdom
- one who masters or overcomes + Annals of the Four Masters (Annala na gCeithre Mhбistrн) are a chronicle of medieval Irish history. The entries span from the deluge, dated as 2242 years after
creation to AD 1616, although the earliest entries are believed to date from around AD 550.
The annals are mainly a compilation of earlier annals, although there is some original work. They were compiled between 1632 and 1636 in the Franciscan
monastery in County Donegal. The entries for the 12th century and before are sourced from medieval monastic annals.
The chief author of the annals was Mнcheбl У Clйirigh, and he was assisted by, among others, Peregrine O'Clery, Fergus O'Mulconry and Peregrine O'Duignan
yarn - fibre spun and
prepared for use in weaving, knitting, the manufacture of sewing-thread, etc; a
chat, a talk +
a good one - Iron. of statement that is absurdly exaggerated
a b c d + amrita - immortal,
ambrosial (also spelled 'amreeta'; from Sanskrit amrita: immortal).
inis (Irish)
- island (Pronunciation 'inish') + Irishman + Inishmaan - the middle
island of the Aran islands (where Synge collected much folklore).
continental - an
inhabitant of a continent; spec. of the continent of Europe +
parish - to do parish work
(of a clergyman) + perish
Giordano Bruno was
burned at the stake (in the Campo dei Fiori, Rome, on 17 February 1600).
dorm - to sleep, doze +
mawn - a hand basket, beg +
skulde (Danish) - should
Tír na nÓg
- timeless Land of Youth, where Oisín (Ossian) was lured away by a fairy
princess, having survived the destruction of his comrades (Fenians) at the
Battle of Gabhra. Ossian spent 300 years there, returned to Ireland on his white
horse, and aged as soon as his feet touched the ground + It was Phoenician
settlers from Tyre, just
north of today's border between Israel and Lebanon, who founded Carthage in
about 814 BC.
in a box - a toy consisting of a box from which a figure springs
wield - to use
or handle with skill and effect; to manage, actuate, ply (a weapon, tool,
or instrument, now always one held or carried in the hand).
wind - to wield
(a weapon, an implement), to haul, hoist, lift (obs.)
wassail -
the liquor in which healths were drunk; a salutation used when presenting
a cup of wine to a guest, or drinking the health of a person, the reply
being drink-hail.
horn - a vessel
formed from the horn of a cow or other beast, or in later times shaped
after this, for holding liquid (as drink, oil, or ink), powder, etc.; a
tot - a small
glass or mug, a small quantity of alcohol
Abgott (ger) - idol
Walhalla = Valhalla - in Old Northern mythology, the hall assigned to those who
have died in battle, in which they feast with Odin.
- to place in an exchequer, to treasure up; to proceed against (a person)
in the court of exchequer + Exchequer - one of the original four courts, or
benches, of the Four Courts, Dublin (Ireland's main courts building).
lave a (= with) - to be bathed in or covered with (blood,
sweat) (obs.) +
hand - a particular style of engrossing (to write in large letters, to
write out or express in legal form) + Chancery - one of the original four
courts, or benches, of the Four Courts, Dublin (Ireland's main courts building).
Army - an organization, on a quasi-military model, founded by the Rev.
William Booth for the revival of religion among the masses in Great Britain
and other countries.
Castleknock Hill,
Phoenix Park
roguishly - in a roguish manner, knavishly
+ ciotogach (kitogokh) (gael) - left-handedly, awkwardly
lilt - to sing
cheerfully or merrily + lift (his hand).
Celts Godel
faix = fegs - an exclamation
expressing asseveration or astonishment +
khoroshie (Russian)
- 'good' (nom. pl. form). The letter X at the start is the Cyrillic letter
transliterated at kh →
Hargrave: Origins and Meanings of Popular Phrases & Names 376: 'XAROSHIE. (Pronounce "x" as Scottish "ch.") An expression
of satisfaction. Equivalent to Trиs bien and as much mutilated in pronunciation'.
zdrast (World War I Slang,
from Russian) - be healthy
→ Hargrave: Origins and Meanings of
Popular Phrases & Names 376: 'ZDRБSTVITYE! Contracted very often into "Zdrбst!" The Russian form
of greeting meaning "Be Healthy!" Adopted by the troops it became
the general form of greeting among themselves' + Jesus Christ!
laddo - lad,
ecsthra (gr) - hatred +
echthros (gr) - enemy
Castilian - the dialect of
Castile + extra Christian - outside the range of Christian thought
seguire (it) - to follow
pursuit - the most
demanding (and often most neglected) phase of war. Most casualties occur not in
the initial clash of arms but when one side breaks and runs. However, once the
initial fury of the assault is spent, the incentive to expend more effort
pursuing a fleeing enemy rapidly evaporates. Pursuit is going that extra mile
(or hundreds of miles) to ensure the enemy is either trapped or utterly
destroyed and cannot reassemble to be a threat again.
olla podrida
- to break out
Gelachter (ger) -
laughter +
- an appeasing, appeasement, pacification
metheglin (Dialect)
- a Welsh spiced mead
testifier - witness +
- a violation of the rules of behaviour proper to the sex, age, or character
of the actor; impropriety, now esp. of behaviour.
hilarious -
boisterously joyous or merry; rollicking + Giordano Bruno's motto: 'In tristitia
hilaris hilaritate tristis' (Latin 'In Sadness Cheerful, in Gaiety Sad';
appears on the title page of his play 'Il Candelajo') + hoot - a laugh; a shout,
outcry .
wind up -
closing, concluding
cum - come +
neatly - so
as to present a neat appearance; in a nicely finished way
triste - sad + Tristan + {Earwicker's
fragile identity splits apart under the strain of his examination and his
consciousness is amalgamated with those of his two sons. Although what remains
of Earwicker is ultimately acquitted - for this courtroom permits no proper
adjudication - the judges conclude by expressing their contempt for him. (Lee
Spinks: James Joyce, a critical guide)}.
isce et ille (l) -
this (emphatic) and that
evolve - to
bring out (what exists implicitly or potentially); to develop by natural
processes from a more rudimentary to a more highly organized condition.
einsam (ger) - lonely,
iste (l) - that of yours
sole - singular,
unique +
hin und her (ger) -
hither and thither
polarized - characterized by division into opposing groups or principles
- union or fusion of parts originally or normally separate +
- clearly, plainly, in a way clear to mind or perception
duas (gr) - two + FDV:
maidy - a little
maid + barmaids.
bar - a (particular)
court of law; the whole body of barristers, or spec. the barristers practising
in a particular court, circuit, or country.
peerless +
13 +
score - 12
eranthos (gr) - spring
myrris (gr) - sweet cicely; myrtle.
the Post + show 'em.
- with a ready will, without reluctance: with various shades of meaning
from 'with acquiescence, submissively' to 'with pleasure, cheerfully, gladly'
or 'wishfully, eagerly'.
pressed -
subjected to pressure, well dressed + W.P. (Wet Pinter).
- to appoint (a person) by name to hold some office or discharge some duty.
Sweeney - I cannot distinguish T. S. Eliot's
Sweeney among the Nightingales from the Irish king, Sweeney, who went mad and lived in trees
with wild birds (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake) +
captivating - that
captivates or enthralls + captivate - to overpower with excellence, to enthrall with charm or
attractiveness +
fнon (Irish)
- wine
deur (Irish)
- tear
buss - a kiss
- belonging to the male sex, male
My Wild Irish
Rose (song) + oiris (Irish)
- knowledge, science + (notebook
1924): '
kleur (Dutch)
- colour
legando (it) - tying
+ legato - In music: smooth and connected (opposite of 'staccato'; from Italian
legare: to bind).
pizzicagnolo (it) - porkbutcher,
delicatessen dealer, cheesemonger +
pizzicato - In music: plucked with the finger (instead of using a bow; from
Italian pizzicare: to pinch, to itch).
golliwog - a name invented for a black-faced grotesquely dressed (male) doll with
a shock of fuzzy hair + FDV:
dandy - very
good, first rate, fine +
sugar candy - sugar
clarified and crystallized by slow evaporation; fig. Something sweet, pleasant,
or delicious +
machree -
my dear,
Fion, Paustheen - an Irish
air +
(notebook 1923): '
Thomas Moore:
Melodies, song: Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms.
treat - a great
pleasure + Anglican morning prayer: 'Give peace in our time, O Lord'.
amen + hymen
present -
a person that is present
worship -
a person of importance
deputize - to appoint as a deputy (a person delegated or sent, alone or as a member
of a deputation, to act in the place of those who send him).
defame - to
attack the good fame or reputation of (a person); to dishonour by rumour
or report.
lunar - of or
belonging to the moon
celibacy - abstaining
from sexual relations (as because of religious vows)
alonely - solitary,
lonely +
gentian -
any plant belonging to the genus Gentiana, with trumpet-shaped flowers
that are usually deep blue or azure, but may vary from white, creamy and yellow
to red + F
gemma - bud + Gentica Gemma
(l) - national gem +
REEKS - Mountain ("reek") range West of Killarney, County Kerry. Boucicault's
Coleen Bawn had her cottage there. The hereditary title of the chief is "The
M'Gillycuddy of the Reeks."
wan - pale
unmixed -
pure + "[W.P.] was patrified to see, hear, taste and smell, as his time of
night, how Hyacinth O'Donnell, B.A., described in the calendar as a mixer
and wordpainter, with part of a sivispacem..."
- destitute of tact; awkward + tactile + (smell missing; i.e. has only smell (or
stink) [.16] [093.05-.21] [095.02-.26]).
inamorate - to inspire with love, to enamour
+ FDV:
minglement - the action of mingling; a mixture
shame +
shine + FDV:
shimmer -
to shine with a tremulous or flickering light; to gleam faintly
youth, sir,
Hee middles
her chap
home +
mishe/tauf motif (tauf:
si (Irish)
- she + se (Irish) - him
mid - amid
- mentally drawn to different objects; perplexed or confused by conflicting
interests; torn or disordered by dissension or the like; much confused or
troubled in mind.
- judge
their heads together - to have discussions together
unctus (l) - anointed,
munitus (l) -
fortified, safe +
mun (mun) (gael) - urine.
Pilatus (l) - governor of Judaea in time of
Christ + phylax (gr) - a guard.
promulgate - to proclaim
- that continues in existence or operation, that continues to be (what
the noun specifies); that does not pass away.
verdict -
the decision of a jury in a civil or criminal cause upon an issue which
has been submitted to their judgement.
nolens (l) - being
unwilling +
bruma (l)
- winter, midwinter + Browne/Nolan motif.
whereon -
following which
pick out
- to take out by picking
- a court of justice; a judicial assembly
- exempt from injury, punishment, etc.
tomme lommer (Danish) - empty pockets
tunic - a garment
resembling a shirt or gown, worn by both sexes among the Greeks and Romans;
In modern costume. A close, usually plain body-coat.
under - after, before, below in that document, statute, etc.
show off
- to display with ostentation or pride
+ black patch (Joyce wore one over his eye) + FDV:
Brigid [Brigit or
Brighid] ("exalted one") - in Irish mythology daughter of the Dagda and one of
the Tuatha Dй Danann. She was the wife of Bres of the Fomorians, with whom she
had a son, Ruadбn. She had two sisters, also named Brighid, and is considered a
classic Celtic Triple Goddess.
an't - ain't
plase (Anglo-Irish
Pronunciation) - please
rael (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - real
genteel -
a genteel person; a gentleman (obs.)
Swiss - native
to, or coming from, Switzerland + The Swiss Guard are the Pope's own troops.
bobby - policeman +
bodyguard - a guard for the person (esp. of a sovereign or dignitary);
a retinue or escort.
curial - of
or pertaining to a royal court, courtly + The Curia (Lat, "court") Romana comprises the administrative and
judicial institutions of the Roman Catholic Church.
- elegant, courtly
quomodo valeo (l) - how
I am well, how am I well + commodo (l) - seasonably, in time + quomodo (l) -
how? + vale (l) - be well + valeo (l) - I am strong, I am well +
heri (l) - yesterday
- strong alcoholic beverage + Waterloo + FDV:
raudonas (Lithuanian)
- red + Rhodanum (l) - the Rhфne river + Fortitudo eius Rhodum tenuit (Motto of
House of Savoy) - His Strength Has Held Rhodes + acronym: FART + (stench of
latten -
brass (or a yellow alloy resembling brass) that was hammered into thin sheets
(formerly used for church utensils and crosses) + Latin.
clap clap - the sharp sound, applause
cap - head.
gush (Slang) - smell
Gas from a burner. [Trieste]:
s.n., 1912. Joyce had this broadside printed in Trieste, where he was living at
the time, and sent it to his brother Charles to distribute in Dublin. It is a
highly personal attack on the publisher who refused to print Dubliners +
burner - the part of lamp
or other fluid burning device where the flame is produced
30 - 2 =
28 (*Q*)
- a female advocate
brief - a formal
or official letter; concise statement of a client's case made for instruction
of counsel in a trial at law.
Krieg (ger) - war
shun - to shove,
push + Shem the Penman.
soccer - the
game of football as played under Association rules
feminine Irish rose +
fen - marsh, bog.
poser - one
who poses (to assume a certain attitude) + parish priest + poser (Czech)
- shit it.
impromptu - without preparation or premeditation; off-hand, on the spur of the moment.
rightaway - at once, immediately, strightaway
hame = home +
gratias agamus (l) -
let us give thanks +
donatrices (l) - pl.
of donatrix (a female donor or donator)
viz - videlicet + bis (ger) -
right to, all the way.
inkbottle + Dear Dirty Dublin
dingy - dirty,
venuson... dovetimid -
[allusion to Aeneas] son of Venus (and Anchises). Doves are associated with
Venus (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake).
Esau - brother
of Jacob, who sold his birthright (for a 'mess of pottage'). When Isaac was old and blind, he sent Esau to hunt and bring him venison. On Rebecca's advice,
Jacob (a smooth man) put on a goatskin and carried venison to his father, who said, "The voice is the voice of Jacob, but the hands are the hands of
dear - dear one, darling +
at bottom - in reality
+ bottom - the sitting part of a man, the posteriors +
shat - p. of
shit (to defecate) + shut.
gaolbird - a criminal who has been jailed repeatedly,
jail bird
dъn (Irish)
- shut
chasser (French Slang) - to flirt
+ chastity belt.
conclamo (l) - to cry together; to call to
gift of the gab - a talent
for speaking, fluency of speech
farver (Danish) - colours
+ father.
gridando (it) - shouting
hon - sweetheart,
dear; honourable + honte (fr) - shame.
verge (fr. slang) - penis
naire (nare)
(gael) - shame
putor - foul smell,
stench + pudor (l) - shame.
skam (Danish) - shame
Scham (ger) - shame; genitals
artha (hind.)
- wealth or property; the pursuit of wealth (one of four traditional aims
in life).
kama (hind.) - pleasure,
sensual gratification, sexual fulfillment, pleasure of the senses, desire, eros,
or the aesthetic enjoyment of life.
(hind.) - acting in accordance with one's duty without consideration of personal
self-centered desires, likes or dislikes. Acting without being attached to the
fruits of one's deeds.
moksa (hind.)
- salvation of finite existence + the four aims of life according to karma-yoga:
artha (success), kama (pleasure), dharma (duty), moksa (enlightenment).
kavya - poetic
composition in Sanskrit + Katya
kay = key
plaint - audible
expression of sorrow, lamentation
plause - applause +
litter - odds
and ends +
litir (lit'ir) (gael) - letter + Xenophon: Anabasis IV.VII.24:
'Thalatta! Thalatta!' (the cry 'Sea! Sea!' of the ten thousand men led by
Xenophon out of Persia upon sighting the sea; also in Joyce's Ulysses.1.80).
the better + 'Deliver the letter, The sooner the better' (written on letters by
Irish children) + sweet, bitter.
pencil - a kind of crayon or pencil-like stick of colouring matter, for
tinting the eye-brows, eyelashes, or lips, for theatrical or cosmetic purposes.
lipstick +
stipple - the method of painting, engraving, etc. by means of dots or small
spots, so as to produce gradations of tone.
penned - written
(with a pen)
borrow - to
make temporary use of (words, idioms, etc.) from a foreign language or
the question - to fail to deal with or answer effectively the point that
is being discussed.
one's thunder - to adapt for one's own ends something effective + tinder - fire; a spark.
Rosaleen, Dark -
personification of Ireland, like Poor Old Woman, Cathleen Ni Houlihan, etc. Mangan's
poem begins, "My dark Rosaleen, do not sigh, do not weep..."
louche (fr) - squint
beam in one's
eye - a blemish as palpable as a house beam +
lone - solitary,
Gougane Barra - poem by J.
J. Callanan:
Sean (Irish)
- John
anagram -
a transposition of the letters of a word, name, or phrase, whereby a new
word or phrase is formed + Ingram, John Kells (1823-1907)
- Irish poet, author of The Memory of the Dead, which begins: "Who fears
to speak of ' 98? / Who blushes at the name?"
Sullivan, T. D. -
wrote God Save Ireland, sung to the tune of "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp". Joyce may confuse him with his brother, A. M. Sullivan, also
a versifier.
trumpet -
to announce or publish as by sound of trumpet; to proclaim, celebrate,
or extol loudly.
Dufferin, Lady (1807-67)
- R. B. Sheridan's granddaughter, author of Lament of the Irish Emigrant, which begins: "I am sitting on
the stile, Mary".
Kathleen Mavourneen -
in the song Kathleen Mavourneen: "It may be
for years and it may be forever..." +
mebbe - maybe
Curran, John Philpot (1750-1817)
- Irish lawyer, defended several United Irishmen, father of Sarah Curran, author of
Mother Machree.
mo chreatuir (mukhretur)
(gael) - my [poor] creature
Philadelphia ('brotherly love')
- an ancient city of Asia Minor; the capital of Pennsylvania
to which Irish emigrants like Paddy Leary, in Off to Philadelphia, used to
go + Ptolemy II Philadelphus (308-264 B.C.) - second Macedonian king of Egypt,
founded Library at Alexandria.
leery - alert, knowing,
wide awake; empty, hungry + Paddy Leary - subject of song Off to Philadelphia in the Morning.
Samuel Lover (1797-1868)
- Irish songwriter and novelist
molly - a pampered
saunter - a leisurely,
careless, loitering walk or ramble; a stroll +
O'Fionnagain (o'finegan)
(gael) - descendant of Fionnagan (dim. of Fionn, 'fair');
anglic. Finnegan
+ samhail (souwil) (gael) - ghost,
apparition +
the green - on the stage +
girlie - girl
Gretna Green, Scotland is
famous for being the place to which English youths, too young to marry according
to English law, eloped in order to get married according to the more lenient
Scottish law.
joyboy (Slang) - homosexual
Tom Malone - Thomas Malone
Chandler is the protagonist of A Little Cloud. In one recension of
Finnegan's Wake, Tim Malone is the mourner at whose head the bucket of
whisky is thrown.
slapstick - knockabout comedy or humour, farce, horseplay
MOATE - Village, County
Westmeath. Its name derives from the nearby Mote of Grania.
Muldoon, William (1852-1933)
- Irish-American wrestler. His biography (1929) is Muldoon, the Solid Man of
Sport. Mr Sultan (JJQ, 5,4) holds Pat Mullen, Tom Mallon, Dan Meldon, Don
Maldon to be identical with Muldoon, and all identical with the ancient Irish
hero Maelduin. A Muldoon's Picnic is a chaotic mess.
solid - of sound
mind, sane, sober minded +
silly - to make
silly, to be silly
crackajack - a thing of highest exellence
+ cracking jokes.
like house on fire - (of an event, meeting etc.) to go very well
get along like a house on fire - (of two or more people) to enjoy each
other's companionship very much, often just after meeting.
whimper -
to utter a feeble, whining, broken cry, as a child about to burst into
moan - to make
a low mournful sound indicative of physical or mental suffering + Lia Fail - a
stone at Tara that supposedly shrieked at coronations of rightful high king.
syce - a groom
or attendant esp. in India + (postman) + children's song: "A was an apple pie; B
bought it; C caught it;... What was it?"
trouver (French) -
to find + retrieved.
plight - sin,
offence; guilt, blame (obs.); peril, danger, risk (obs.)
pledge - to promise
solemnly and formally; to give as a guarantee
cunning -
skilful deceit, craft, artifice
uptie - to enclose or
confine, to tie up
hunks - a term
of obloquy for a surly, crusty, cross-grained old person, a
miser +
Old Hunks - baited, blind bear, contemporary of Shakespeare's.
- the action of reading through + perfection.
ma - mother
sissy - sister
rub off -
to remove by rubbing
Una - according to Mr O Hehir, Irish una = "famine," personified by a woman,
typical mother of a
family + Una
(l) - one + *I*.
spill - to let out; to
perish +
famine - to
suffer or die of hunger, to starve
drought -
Agrippa, Heinrich
Cornelius (1486-1535) - German magician, occult writer, theologian, astrologer,
and alchemist +
pro- - earlier
than, prior to +
pastor - to serve as
pastor + propastor (l) - substitute shepherd.
tribulation - a
condition of great affliction, oppression, or misery + tripudiary - Roman
divination by behaviour of sacred chickens when fed.
threne - a
song of lamentation
furcht (ger)
- fear + Frucht (ger) -
fruit + furchte Fruchte (ger) - fear fruits.
Danaids -
50 daughters of Danaus. Danaus commanded each daughter to slay her husband
on the marriage night. They all obeyed except Hypermestra, who spared Lynceus.
They were punished with thirst in Hades, i.e. with endless
task of filling with water a vessel that had no
bottom + Vergil, Aeneid II. 49.: timeo Danaos [et dona ferentes] (l) - "I fear the Greeks [when they bear
mкlo, mкlo mou' (Greek nursery rhyme) - 'one apple, my apple'
frei (ger) - free
Frau (ger) - woman +
William Shakespeare: Macbeth I.1.11: 'Fair is foul, and foul is fair /
Hover through the fog and filthy air.'
three + Tea for Two (song): "Just tea for two / And
two for tea / Just me for you".
Ana, Anu - earth goddess of the Tuatha Dй Danaan, identical, Standish
O'Grady says, with Dana, called in Cormack's glossary mater deorum hibernensium. In Gaelic ana means "riches," in Greek ana means, among other
things, "back again, anew" + ana (one) (gael) - plenty, prosperity.
(male) (gael) - bag,
sack + mala (Serbian) - little; missy +
sycophant - informer + sykophantes (gr) - "fig-informer",
[from Greek syko: fig (also means vulva)], one who informed against illegal
exporters of figs from Attica + fig-leaf panties +
amygdaline - resembling an almond
lucky + lumpy +
pumpkin -
a stupid self important person +
meddler -
an officious annoying person who interferes with others +
on the sly - secretly
Sin - Babylonian moon-god
fromm (ger) - pious +
-acity + a city.
A/O motif (alpha/omega)
upon - in
chamber -
a room to which a judge retires for consultation
muniment room - a
storage room for preservation of family or sometimes official or parochial
records, papers, notebooks + The Muniment Room of City Hall, Dublin contains municipal archives going
back to the 12th century.
- name of 2 Dublin jails, the City Marshalsea (dating from 1704) and the Four Courts Marshalsea (dating from 1580), both for petty debtors.
auspices - patronage and kindly guidance, protection
+ suspicio (l) - to mistrust.
lalia (gr) - talk, speech, voice + *S* [067.11]
→ "Lily, the caretaker's daughter, was literally run off her feet. Hardly
had she brought one gentleman into the little pantry behind the office on the
ground floor and helped him off with his overcoat, than the wheezy hall-door
bell clanged again and she had to scamper along the bare hallway to let in
another guest. It was well for her she had not to attend to the ladies also. But
Miss Kate and Miss Julia had thought of that and had converted the bathroom
upstairs into a ladies' dressing-room. Miss Kate and Miss Julia were there,
gossiping and laughing and fussing, walking after each other to the head of the
stairs, peering down over the banisters and calling down to Lily to ask her who
had come." (James Joyce: 'The Dead').
Solon (638-558 B.C) -
wise Athenian who replaced the severe Draconian laws + Solanus (l) - the east wind
+ Solomon.
the same again - another drink of the same kind as the last
dry - impassive,
unemotional, having clear impartial judgement; (of liquor) having a low residual
sugar content because of decomposition of sugar during fermentation.
on the drink - a time or occasion of drinking
+ dring- (ger) - press, penetrate + sovereign lord, the king.
accourt - to court +
king's evidence -
one who gives evidence for the crown in british criminal proceedings [
kiss the book - i.e. the Bible, New Testament, or Gospels, in taking an
oath + bouc (fr) - goat.
festive - rel. to feast,
joyous, merry
highjinks - boisterous sport, horseplay
Gentia + Typically,
blue-flowered species of Gentiana predominate in the Northern Hemisphere,
with red-flowered species dominant in the Andes + Jaunty Jaun.
beetroot or garden beet -
red or purple root vegetable (widely grown for human consumption) + rosy -
rose-colored +
darnel -
a deleterious grass usually growing among corn
+ Dan O'Connel + FDV:
One More Drink
for the Four of Us (song): 'Glory be to God that there are no more of us / For one of
us could drink it all alone'.
Sinbad the Sailor + FDV:
Methusalem - the
oldest person whose age is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, given as 969 years.
Extra-biblical tradition records that he died on the 11th of Cheshvan of the
year 1656 (Anno Mundi, after Creation), 7 days before the beginning of the Great
Flood.[1] According to Rashi on Gen. 7:4, The Holy One delayed the Flood
specially because of the 7 days of mourning for the righteous Methuselah in his
- trousers + pantaloon - the Venetian character in Italian comedy, represented as a
lean and foolish old man, wearing spectacles, pantaloons, and slippers.
mono- (gr) - one-,
single- + polemos (gr) - war + monopoly + "half of the hat of lipoleums".
poor Father Michael (The
shaman - a
priest or priest-doctor among various northern peoples of Asia.
Priester (German)
= priester
(Dutch) - priest
Papal dispensation - a
reserved right of the Pope that allows for individuals to be exempted from a
specific Canon Law. Dispensations are divided into two categories: general, and
matrimonial. Matrimonial dispensations can specifically be used to dissolve a
marriage, as in the case of Henry VIII when he wished to divorce his wife. The
authority for the Pope to exempt an individual or situation from a law stems
from his position as the Vicar of Christ, which implies divine authority and
knowledge as well as jurisdiction.
poke - an annoyingly stupid
individual +
Minos - Cretan king, son of Zeus, husband of Pasiphaл, father
of Ariadne and Phaedra, patron of Daedalus, who built the labyrinth for him, in which was housed the Minotaur. After death, Minos
became a judge in the underworld with Aeacus and Rhadamanthus + menace.
YORK - City, Yorkshire, North
England. The archdiocese of York is 2nd only to Canterbury in the hierarchy of the Church of
England. St Peter's Cathedral is usually called the Minster, or York Minster. In the Wars of the Roses, the Anglo-Irish replicated the controversy, with
the Butlers (Ormond) supporting York, and the rest of Ireland, led by the
Geraldines, supporting Lancaster.
gush - a whiff,
smell + FDV:
mon - man
BALLYBOUGH - Road, bridge
over Tolka River, North-East Dublin, and name of surrounding area between Summerhill and
Fairview. Vitriol works at Ballybough Bridge were operated by the Dublin and Wicklow Manure Co, Ltd.
Baile bocht, Ir. "poortown."
manure - dung
or compost spread over or mixed with soil to fertilize it.
- any wind that 'blows trade', i.e. in a constant course or way; a wind
that blows steadily in the same direction (obs.)
moyly - gently, demurely +
briny - salty;
rossie - Used as
a disparaging term for a woman; a wandering woman +
chaff - to banter,
rail at, or rally, in a light and non-serious manner, or without anger,
but so as to try the good nature or temper of the person 'chaffed'.
blush + FDV:
to do - excited and usu.
exaggerated stir, bustle +
ber om forladelse! (Danish)
- beg your pardon! + {Ah, the fearsome Prankquean – she’s gone over the sea} +
Comin' through the Rye -
song by Robert Burns: 'Gin a body meet a body / Comin thro' the rye, / Gin a
body kiss a body, / Need a body cry?' = (English Translation): 'Should a
body meet a body / Coming through the rye, / Should a body kiss a body, / Need a
body cry?'
yerra - a mild
oath (
heed - to care
for, concern oneself about; to take notice of, give attention to.
- apparatus for holding and measuring gases; In James Joyce's day, the cylindrical gasometer on
Sir John Rogerson's Quay (South bank of Liffey) was the most noticeable feature of the Dub skyline.
hoop - to clasp, enclose,
surround + hooping cough - a contagious disease chiefly affecting children, and
characterized by short, violent, and convulsive coughs, followed by a long
sonorous inspiration called the hoop (whoop) +
bird - a young man, child; a
maiden, a girl; a man +
minxi (l) - I have
urinated + Minnie Cunningham - male impersonator in Dan Lowrey's Music Hall
- a divorced woman
jo - sweetheart,
hold hard
- (orig. a sporting phrase): To pull hard at the reins in order to stop
the horse; hence gen. to 'pull up', halt, stop. Usually in imper. (colloq.)
cork - a piece
of cork, cut into a cylindrical or tapering form, used as a stopper for
a bottle, cask, etc; a piece of cork used as a float for a fishing net
or line.
float -
a floating appliance for supporting something in the water, a cork or other
light substance used to support a fishing-net, etc. in the water + {there’s
three other masters with a view on that}.
tele- - at distance,
distant + FDV:
- the inhabitants of a town
heave - to lift,
raise + FDV:
kay (Anglo-Irish
Pronunciation) - quay
seed - the small flattish seeds of sesame that yield an oil used as a flavouring
agent + Open Sesame!
kaffir - one
who is not a muslim, infidel + Whiteeyed Kaffir -
sayman - a maker or seller
of say (a cloth of fine texture resembling serge) + semen (l) - seed +
- emanation
out - to issue, arise in puffs
- awesome in virtue of impresive greatness or magnitude
cabbage (Slang) - cheap cigar
+ FDV:
pa - father +
thawt = thought - rower's
bench +
gull - a credulous
person, one easily imposed upon, a dupe, simpleton, fool
paistin fionn (pashtin fin) (gael) - fair-haired child
+ An Paistin Fionn ('The Fair-haired Girl') - a song + FDV:
Goodmorrow + go barradh (gubore) (gael) - excellently
Lancashire [.02] + FDV:
good bye + go bog (gubug)
(gael) - easily, softly + FDV:
- says you
sniff - to perceive
as if by smell, to smell out, to suspect, to sneer at
when I was in my (Anglo-Irish) - when I was a
far out - remote, distant +
first night - the night on
which a play, or a particular representation of a play, is first produced on the
stage + (droit de seigneur [017.21]) + FDV:
Originally Sycamore Alley, since 1869 Sycamore Street; runs North from Dame
Street to Essex Street, West of Eustace Street. Site of Dan Lowrey's 'Star of
Erin' Music Hall, 1 Sycamore Street, Dublin (back entrance, main one being from
Crampton Court, off Dame Street; end of 19th century) [093.34].
frisk - to move
briskly and sportively; to dance, frolic, gambol, jig.
lustiness - lustfulness; carnal nature or character; pleasantness, pleasure, delight
pampa - the
name given to the vast treeless plains of South America south of the Amazon,
esp. of the Argentina and the adjacent countries.
put out -
to extinguish, put an end to; (of a woman) to offer oneself for sexual
dew - a fanciful term for whisky illicitly distilled on the mountains.
enrich - to
make rich, endow, with mental or spiritual wealth
brewer - someone who brews
beer or ale from malt and hops and water; the owner or manager of a brewery.
belch - a slang
name for poor beer
This "experience sexual
orgasm" slang meaning of come (perhaps originally 'come off') is attested from
1650, in 'Walking In A Meadowe Greene,' in a folio of "loose songs" collected by
Bishop Percy: "They lay soe close together, they made me much to wonder; / I
knew not which was wether, until I saw her under. / Then off he came, and blusht
for shame soe soon that he had endit; / Yet still she lies, and to him cryes,
"one more and none can mend it."
fourbottle man - one who can drink four bottles of wine
or port at a sitting + '4 bottle men' (Joyce's note) + bottle (Slang) - to bugger (a woman), to engage
in sodomy.
unguentum (l) -
ointment, perfume + unquam (l) - at any time, ever +
(l) - at no time, never
(l) - tongue +
- annexation or union, spec. of Austria to Germany
- after which
anear - close,
near + an ear
rustling - a rustling
sound; bustling activity +
- light tremulous chirping of a bird or birds; a sound resembling or likened
to this.
rasping -
a grating sound
painting - colouring,
pictorial decoration, a picture +
cuckoo - to
utter the call of the cuckoo (uniformly repeated call), or an imitation
of it.
hist - a sibilant
exclamation used to enjoin silence
spring apart - to burst asunder
by by - bye
bye + scuttle - to run with
quick, hurried steps.
scandalmonger - one who makes injurious report concerning another which may be the foundation
of legal action.
craig = crag +
rate - to estimate
the (nature) worth or value of, to appraise, value + writing.
reading + FDV: And so they went on, unquam & nunquam & linseed & colic, about the whosebefore and the wheresafter & all the scandalmonkers & the poor craigs that used to be at that time living & lying & rating & riding round Nunsbelly Square.
bod (bud) (gael) -
jackass (also in mod. use simply jackass) - the Giant Kingfisher of Australia
(Dacelo gigas), so called from its loud discordant cry.
jackass - a male ass, a
he-ass +
sunflower - the heliotrope; preson of resplendent beauty
rhinoceritis (l) -
inflammation of a nose-horn + rhinitis - inflammation of the nose.
roe - a small
species of deer
rogue - a rascal + roads
lean - to incline or tend in
thought, affection, or conduct + lead
rhyme - verse marked by
consonance of the terminal sounds + Rome + all the rogues learnt the rhyme.
pon - upon
hilly - characterized by
hills; abounding in hills + '
Nial (or Niall) of the Nine Hostages - father of Leary, ruled Ireland in the 4th century, raided Britain, was deserted by his own men and
conquered by the Romans. A later Nial was perhaps slain by Hamlet.
corsage -
a bodice
marquis + King Mark
bestefar (Norwegian)
- grandfather
arrah - exp.
of surprise or excitement
Marcus Manlius - a
heroic defender of Rome in the 4th century B.C., was later convicted of treason,
leading the Manlian family to resolve than no Manlius will ever bear the name
Marcus again + markiss.
Reduplication is an alleged trait of Hiberno-English
strongly associated with stage-Irish and Hollywood films (to be sure, to be
sure). It is virtually never used in reality.
ar bith corresponds to English at all, so the stronger ar chor
ar bith gives rise to the form at all at all ('I've no money at all
at all').
armoury =
armour collectively; an armed force; the workshop of an armourer + Sir Amory
Tristram - first Earl of Howth.
by the churchyard - Church House, Chapelizod [
retreat -
Eccl. A period of complete seclusion devoted to religious exercises.
gammeldags (Danish) - old-fashioned
+ gammel (Danish) - old, ancient.
village, now residential district, South Dublin, in the Clonskeagh area.
Milltown Park is not a recreation ground but a Jesuit house of studies in
Sandford Road +
languish - the action or
state of languishing (to grow weak, faint, or feeble; to droop in spirits;
to pine with love, grief, or the like) +
mushy - soft,
spongy, excessively tender + mishe/tauf (motif) + mushi-mushi (Japanese)
- hello (on telephone only) + musha (Anglo-Irish) - well, indeed.
bold + bad
saucisse (French, Slang) - whore
+ saucy sisters.
a dearbhrathairin og mo chroidhe (a drahirin og mukhri)
(gael) - O young little brother of my heart! +
make water - to urinate
pee - to urinate;
an act of urination
trickle -
to emit or give forth in successive drops or a thin fitful stream
maman (fr) - mummy
flirt - to play
at courtship, to practise coquetry, to make love without serious intentions.
farmer - one
who cultivates a farm, whether as tenant or owner; the eldest son of the
occupier of a farm (dial.); an ignorant rustic, a stupid or gauche
groom - a servant
who attends to horses; a bridegroom
muse - to gaze
meditatively + amused
cuddle - to
hug or embrace affectionately, to fondle + Ulster, Munster, Leinster, and
differ - to
be at variance, to hold different opinions concerning any matter, to disagree +
lully - the
kidney (of a cow) +
of promise - the breaking of engagement
lolly - hard
give and take - to yield partialy to demands of others (and obtain satisfactory
agreement); to exchange repartee, blows, etc.
forego - to
let go
paist (pasht)
(gael) - spirit + FDV:
fall out
- to make a quarrel, disagree
kindness - affection,
love +
pet - any person
who is fondled, or treated with special kindness or favour; a darling,
orang (Malay)
- man + FDV:
lelly = leally
(loyally, truly) + FDV:
An Seanchas Mor
(un shanekus mor) (gael) - The Great Register, corpus of early Irish
law + schenk uns mehr (ger) - pour us more, give us more.
craig = crag + Christ
be it that - to be the case or the fact
+ be it so.
frame up
- to devise falsely (as a criminal charge against an inocent man) [
figment -
an invented statement, story, doctrine, etc. + FDV:
evidential - of or pertaining to evidence
- that happens or is produced by fortune or chance; accidental, casual.
dim - obscure,
not clear to the mind or understanding + FDV:
star chart - a chart
showing the positions of the stars +
- to hear beforehand + forhшre (Danish) - examine.
sib - related
by blood or descent, akin, closely related
foliate -
to put forth leaves
stotter - error, slip,
blunder; to stumble, stagger +
sound - founded
on true or well-established grounds; free from error, fallacy, or logical
- an advocate of mentalism (doctrine that mind is the fundamental reality);
a mind reader or fortune teller + mental specialists.
iudicat orbis terrarum (l) - free from care, the circle of the lands judges;
i.e. untroubled, the world judges (St. Augustine) + securus (l)
- peaceful + iudico (l)
- judge + orbis (l) -
circle + terra (l) -
play possum - to feign
ignorance, to pretend to be asleep or dead, to feign or pretend illness +
hagios (gr) - saintly,
holy + FDV:
curious -
exciting curiosity, somewhat surprising, strange, singular, odd; queer +
brush - a quick light touch
or momentary contact, a brief encounter; a girl, a young woman; a bushy tail
(the brush of a fox).
- the descendants collectively of any person, all who have proceeded from
a common ancestor.
coparcener - a joint heir
in tail (Sc. of entail, of tailsie) - the person who succeeds or is entitled
to succeed to an entailed estate by virtue of the deed of entail (the settlement
of the succession of a landed estate, so that it cannot be bequeathed at
pleasure by any one possessor; a predetermined order of succession).
gundog - a dog trained to
accompany the 'guns' (hunters) + FDV:
beagle - to hunt game with
a beagle +
- announce, declare, proclaim
et orbi - to the city (of Rome) and to the world. Also transf., for general
information or acceptance; to everyone.
bugle -
a hunting-horn, originally made of the horn of a 'bugle' or wild ox; to
sound a bugle.
run - to pursue, to follow up
(a scent) +
A fox is said to be given law
when it is allowed a 'fair chance' to run after being bolted, before hounds are
laid on.
high scent - a scent so strong that dogs course heads up +
keen - eager,
ardent, full of intense desire
worry - the act of biting
and shaking an animal so as to injure or kill it (properly of hounds when they
seize their quarry, i.e. fox) +
holt - a place
of refuge or abode, an animal's lair or den esp. that of an otter.
rat - to desert one's
party, side, or cause, esp. in politics; to go over as a deserter +
lit. ausrotten (ger) - exterminate + {from his wood he ran like a rat
across Humfries’ Chase}.
yuletide - the season of Yule, Christmas-tide
genial - diffusing warmth
and friendliness
crossland - land belonging to the church (Irish)
2 miles South-East of Ratoath, County Meath
- Townland, parish and barony of Ratoath, County Meath
- to move with effort, with persistence, or with a distinct bias in some
- Townland, parish and barony of Ratoath, County Meath
outlier -
one that sleeps outdoors; animal outside enclosure
Noel (fr) - Christmas +
Lowenanteil (ger) -
lion's share
fitz - one whose surname
begins with fitz i.e. an Irishman of Anglo Norman extraction
urse - a bear +
Mr Loewensteil Fitz Urse - according to Mrs Christiani, a scramble of German, Norman French, Latin, meaning "Mr
Lion's-share Bear-son."
basset - a short-legged
dog used in unearthing foxes and badgers
- a man employed in rousing wild game from under cover for a hunter + basset
misbrand - to brand falsely
+ badger
- sturdy carnivorous burrowing mammal with strong claws, intermediate between the weasels
and the bears, found in Europe and Middle Asia.
bruin - brown bear; the
name of the bear in Reynard the Fox +
swart - a dark color, black +
bay - to bark;
to pursue with barking like a pack of hounds
run - the act
of running
RAYSTOWN - townland in
barony of Ratoath, County Meath
loop the loop - to perform the feat of circling in a vertical loop, orig.
on a specially prepared track, later in an aeroplane + loup - leap, flee + loup (fr) - wolf.
ear - the organ
of hearing in men and animals
canny - skilful,
clever, 'cunning'
hare - to run
or move with great speed; a rodent quadruped of the genus Lepus,
having long ears and hind legs, a short tail, and a divided upper lip.
race - to run
a race (with)
Loughlinstown -
townland, county Meath
Nuttstown - townland,
county Meath + area hunted by Ward Union Staghounds [622.25] are townlands in
vicinity of Ratoath, County Meath: Loughlinstown, Nuttstown, Boolies.
wind - to move
so as to encircle; to perceive (an animal) by the scent conveyed by the
booly - a temporary
enclosure for the shelter of cattle or their keepers +
BOOLIES - Townland, parish of Kilbride, barony of Ratoath, County Meath. (Other
townlands of this common name, which means "milking places," are excluded by the context.)
good turn - an act of good
will, an act of service to someone else without expecting a reward or praise +
check - a stop
in the progress of the hounds through the failure of the scent
ye - the
Rath Hill - townland in
vicinity of Ratoath, County Meath + Rutland Square, Dublin (sloping).
ticker - something
that ticks; heart, guts + thicker.
house - lodging house +
(tombstones of Northeast family at Sidlesham [.20])
top royal
- lofty, grand, fine + FDV:
hessian - a man's high
tasseled boot (19th century)
Fuchs Reinhard -
German poem (Reynard the Fox) + fuchs (ger) - fox +
volpone -
a cunning schemer or miser + volpone (it) - fox + Volpone or The Fox - play by Ben Jonson, 1606, in which
Volpone (the fox) takes to bed and pretends to be dying + FDV:
in covert
- in concealment; in hiding, or disguise; rarely, in safety + covert - woods and
undergrowth that shelter game.
Elijah was fed by ravens + {miraculously raven-fed [his
daughter] on clotted-cream cinnamon syllabub}.
buoy up -
to keep afloat on a liquid, support
rumen, reticulum, omasum
and abomasum
mead - meed
clot - Of fluids, as blood,
cream, gravy: To coagulate, curdle, run into clots + FDV:
sherry - Originally,
the still white wine made near Xeres (now Jerez de la Frontera, a town
in Andalusia, near Cadiz); in modern use, extended to a class of Spanish
fortified white wines of similar character.
- a culinary spice
syllabub - a drink or
dish made of milk (freq. as drawn from the cow) or cream, curdled by the
admixture of wine, cider, or other acid, and often sweetened and flavoured +
Mikkelraev -
according to Mrs Christiani, Danish 'Reynard the Fox' + Mick/Nick (motif).
hie - to hasten,
speed, go quickly
- tending to preserve, protective +
perservance -
persistance, steadfastness +
- to train the physically disabled in the use of muscules in new functions
or of prosthetic appliances in old functions.
- refutation, contradiction; rebuttal testimony is when a witness is called to
testify for the sole purpose of contradicting what another has testified to + Joyce's note:
whilk - which
git = get + {His perseverance
in eating alternative foods was the way in which he got the better of all the
hunters, dieting on Glues and Gravies [the dead in Sidlesham] in those early
bulge - a hump + to have
the bulge on - to have the adventage over +
spa - a medicinal
or mineral spring or well +
soaker - one
who soaks (to drink, imbibe, esp. to excess) something + FDV:
glue - a hard,
brittle, brownish gelatin, obtained by boiling the hides and hoofs of animals
to a jelly.
gravy - the
fat and juices which exude from flesh during and after the process of cooking +
tombstones of Glue and Gravy families at Sidlesham.
lit. Vorort (ger)
- suburb +
virulence - extreme
acrimony or bitterness of temper or speech; violent malignity or rancour
- abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter
deep-seated ill will
- very nearly, almost wholly or entirely
abridge -
to curtail, to lessen, to diminish (rights, privileges, advantages, or
derail - to
cause (a train, etc.) to leave the rails; to throw off the rails.
pontify - to play the
pontiff; to speak or behave 'pontifically', or with assumption of authority or
infallibility +
inroad - to
goad - to irritate; to
instigate or impel by some form of mental pain or annoyance
humus (l) - the earth
ship - to go
by ship to, into, or from a place + Joyce's note: 'shipping mogul'
Great Mogul - the common designation among Europeans of the emperor of
Delhi, whose empire at one time included most of Hindustan; the last nominal
emperor was dethroned in 1857.
- underwear usu. of lightweight material
- one who is the lord of other lords or rulers; a lord paramount, supreme lord +
spoil - damage,
harm, impairment, or injury, esp. of a serious or complete kind; the action
or practice of pillaging or plundering, the carrying off or taking away
of goods as plunder.
- hesitating; irresolute, undecided; stammering + (one who hesitates)
- Richard Pigott's misspelling of that word before an investigating commission
revealed him as a forger of letters supposedly written by Parnel (in those
letters Parnel condones the Phoenix Park murders of May 1882.) + Pigott was born
in Ratoath [.02-.11]
atake - to overtake,
catch +
atake ... ashe = anagrams of Kate, Shea
ashe = ash
tittery -
Of laughter, remarks, etc.: having a nervous, tittering quality + hesitency
taw - a large marble used for
shooting in the game of marbles
- ragged, tattered + {His only attacker was a 'she' – a tittery tattery
Humpty Dumpty
wincey - fabric
used for warm shirts, skirts and pyjamas
man - a member of an assembly
reynard -
a quasi-proper name given to the fox
eruct - to belch
deliver + the letter +
lieber (ger) -
dear +
gush (Slang) - smell
visuals -
a picture images of a motion picture film; Of organs: Endowed with the power of sight
victuals - articles of food.
pung (Danish
Slang) - cod + pong.
orelode - a vein of metal
ore +
lay violent
hands on oneself - to commit suicide + (Van Hoother)
Fugger's News Letter -
36,000 pages of manuscript (the first known examples of newsletters) sent by agents to Count Edward Fugger from 1568 to 1605, written in Italian, German, Latin,
- pamphlet or small newspaper containing news
lain - p. of lie
all in - completely
tired, exhausted
fag out -
to exhaust by toil or heavy activity
triduum -
a period of three days
- Roman Antiq. The festival of Saturn, held in the middle of December,
observed as a time of general unrestrained merrymaking, extending even
to the slaves; a period of unrestrained licence and revelry.
parade - to make a parade
of, to display or hold out to view ostentatiously, to 'show off'
wellington - a high boot
+ Zwilling (ger) - twin + (twin sons) + Willingdone, Jinnies.
forum - Rom.
Ant. The public place or market-place of a city. In ancient Rome the place
of assembly for judicial and other public business; The Forum Romanum
(in Rome), with its wealth of temples and arches occupied low ground
between the Capitoline and Palatine Hills. It contained a temple of Saturn, built against the Capitoline Hill.
jenny - the
female name
infant - to
give birth to, to bring forth (a child)
lass - a girl
- in a raucous (hoarse, rough, harsh-sounding) manner, loudly
the Yard - short for
'Scotland Yard', the chief London police office
houx (fr) - holly
Efeu (ger) - ivy + {For
the celebration of Saturnalia, his servant had paraded wellingtons in the Forum
while his wife gave birth to a girl who was greeted with holly, ivy and
mistletoes all the way from the Hundred of Manhood [Sidlesham] and with the
murmuring of women}.
measure -
to judge or estimate the greatness or value of (a person, a quality, etc.)
by a certain standard or rule.
missile -
missilia, res missiles, largesse (consisting of sweets, perfumes, etc.)
thrown by the Roman emperors to the people +
(ger) - to lament, moan
Weib (ger) - woman, wife
bang - a sudden,
violent or explosive noise + term 'Big Bang' is coined in 1949 + {"the" at the
end of the letter (and fw) is explosion of his fall}
worldwide - 'as wide as the world'; extending over or covering the whole world
+ Oscar Wilde.
Letter: then silence
fama (l) - tale;
news; rumor,
gossip + In Greek mythology, Pheme was the personification of fame and renown,
her favour being notability, her wrath being scandalous rumors. She was a
daughter either of Gaia or of Hope, was described as "she who initiates and
furthers communication" and had an altar at Athens. A tremendous gossip, Pheme
was said to have pried into the affairs of mortals and gods, then repeated what
she learned, starting off at first with just a dull whisper, but repeating it
louder each time, until everyone knew. In art, she was usually depicted with
wings and a trumpet. In Roman mythology, Fama ("rumor") was described as having
multiple tongues, eyes, ears and feathers by Virgil (in Aeneid IV line 180 and
following) and other authors. She is also described as living in a home with
1000 windows so she could hear all being said in the world. Virgil wrote that
she "had her feet on the ground, and her head in the clouds, making the small
seem great and the great seem greater."
ether - the fifth and
highest element after air and earth and fire and water; according to ancient and
medieval science, aether (also spelled ether) is the material that fills the
region of the Universe above the terrestrial sphere + {and the last rumour was
laid to rest}.
noise +
Nose (ger) - nose +
roar + lull.
dreven (Danish) - driven
blem (ger) - crazy +
stone blind +
"His name is Azathoth, the blind god that explodes without end, and from his
death the manifested worlds are born; and planets, stars, suns, and their
inhabitants." (Frank G Ripel: The Magick of Atlantis: Sauthenerom, the Source
of the Necronomicon.)
Schema (ger) - scheme
+ Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves: 'Open Sesame!'
off - to cast off, throw off, to get rid of; of diseased skin, tissue,
etc.: to come off.
sidle - to move
sideways + Earwickers of Sidlesham in the Hundred of Manhood - this is a real-life family that has lived in Sidlesham
since the 18th century. "Manhood" is the name of the extreme southwest Hundred (county division) of Sussex.
via - by way of,
by route which passes through or over (a specified place); by means of.
- an underground cave or room, cavern
shore - to serve
as a shore to, to border +
bedboard - a stiff thin
wide board inserted between bedspring and mattress +
- a person who hides in a ship in order to escape payment of passage-money,
to get to sea unobserved, or to escape by stealth from a country.
anker = anchor
- to take up a position; to cast anchor, to come to anchor + Anker - name in
Sidlesham cemetery.
bottom - the hull of a ship + bottom, arse.
tank - a compartment
in a ship for holding water, oil or liquids
Arsa - at Palmyra she is the
goddess of Venus as the evening star, and a goddess of fate + Osiris (in Ancient
Greek; also Usiris); the Egyptian language name is variously transliterated
Asar, Asari, Aser, Ausar, Ausir, Wesir, Usir, Usire or Ausare.
hodie (l) - today
- rel. to islamism, muslim + (converts to Islam take a new forename).
Magrath, Cornelius
(1736-60) - Irish giant, befriended by Berkeley who claimed he owed his stature
to tar water, exhibited on Dublin's College Green +
karakter (Danish) = karakter (Turkish)
- character
Minor - Turkey
theater =
theatre + Turko the Terrible - first Christmas pantomime at Gaiety Theatre,
Dublin (Ulysses.1.258).
key - a scheme
of notes related to each other
flat - music.
rel. low in pitch
sharp - a musical
note one half step higher than named note + B sharp - Mus. sign used to counteract a flat.
piaster -
The English (French, German, etc.) name (It., Sp. piastra) of a small Turkish
buik - the belly, abdomen +
danseuse - a female dancer +
omnibus box = omnibus - a large box in a theather adapted to contain many persons
+ omni- - all, universally.
arab - a homeless
little wanderer, a child of the street; one of the Semitic race inhabiting
Saudi Arabia and neighbouring countries.
door - the chief external door of a house, giving immediate access to the
- to pester (annoy, trouble persistently) greatly, harass
bashaw - The
earlier form of the Turkish title pasha (a title formerly borne in Turkey
by officers of high rank, as military commanders, and governors of provinces).
alms - charitable
relief of the poor, charity
para - a small
Turkish coin, the fortieth part of a piastre
term - a limit,
boundary; the end of gestation or point at which birth is imminent.
till - to
soggarth - a priest +
resign - to
relinquish, surrender, give up, or hand over (one's life, being, soul,
put off -
to take off, rid oneself of
- remains, esp. of ancient buildings. (Common in 17th c.)
scrap heap
- discard, oblivion, the place to which useless things are relegated; to
consign to the scrap heap.
- the action of the verb chirp (lit. Of birds and certain insects)
cross - to intersect,
contradict, meet
infamous - of shameful
badness, vileness, or abominableness; of a character or quality deserving utter
(l) -
circle - a situation in which action and reaction intensify each other;
a self-perpetuating process of aggravation.
snap - a quick,
sharp sound or report + Sir Oliver Lodge: The Survival of Man (a book
about spiritualism), 279: (of a medium) 'a sensation which she calls a snap in
the head, which nearly always precedes a return to consciousness'.
jam - a jar designed
for holding jam + jars jammed.
jar - to produce
a harsh or grating sound; to vribrate or shake; to quarrel + James Joyce.
ornamental - serving
as an ornament or decoration
lily pond - a pond in which
water lilies are grown +
inebriated - intoxicated, drunken
- loose fitting breeches, gathered in at the knee + FDV:
wang (
buoyant - lightly
elastic; Of liquid, having the power of keeping bodies aloft on its surface +
rodman - an
'birthaiding hands'
several - private
property or possession; separate, particular + several fishery - a right to fish
derived through or on account of ownership of the soil +
frisch (ger) - fresh
mush - a formless mass,
anything soft and pulpy. Also, anything reduced to or resembling a mass of
powder; a kind of porridge +
pump - a mechanical device
that moves fluid or gas by pressure or suction; a low-cut shoe without
fastenings + (public water pump).
white lock [031.15] [596.26] + (Finn)
a piece of wood - a contemptuous appellation for a stupid person, a blockhead
fas (l) - divine law or
command; fate, destiny; lawful, allowed + fast.
ekename -
auch - eke,
acnomina (l) - pl. of
acnomen = surname, name acquired by a person to signalize some accomplishment,
e.g. Scipio Africanus, Fabius Cunctator.
(l) - outside of the divine will, outside the power of the gods + Robert
Masters: "As mentioned, there are Words of Power (HEKAU)... They were, in fact,
not "words" at all in the conventional sense but sacred sounds accompanied in
each case by an image, a posture, gestures, rhythms and vibrations and still
other accompaniments, having only a single significance and giving rise to no
associations which might dilute the "Word's" power... In addition to this, each
individual has Name given to that person by his/her Teacher which refers to the
totality of that person's Being. This is the essential "magical" and "secret"
Name of that person and it must be guarded with extreme care. Anyone who knows
that assigned Name of the person has great power over him/her - power
which can be used either constructively or destructively".
Hansard -
a merchant of one of the hansa towns; the official report of the proceedings
and debates of the Houses of Parliament; colloq. so called as having been
compiled for a long period by Messrs. Hansard.
gar - to compel,
make + to gar do, make,
etc. - to cause to be done, make, etc. + gar (ger) - even; cooked.
ganz (ger) - whole,
entire, all + gar Gans (ger) - cooked goose.
dub - a clumsy
or stupid person
citta (it) - city
batty - crazy,
baton - a staff
or stick used as a weapon, sometimes also of iron or iron-tipped; a club,
cudgel, or truncheon.
hod - an open
receptacle for carrying mortar, and sometimes bricks or stones, to supply
builders at work.
Heer (ger) - army + Herr
(ger) - gentleman, Mr. +
pencil-sharpener - an instrument for sharpening a black-lead or slate pencil by pushing
or rotating it against a cutting edge.
cup and
ball - a toy consisting of a cup at the end of a stem to which a ball is
attached by a string, the object being to toss the ball and catch it in
the cup or on the spike end of the stem. Also the game played with this.
Reme - potential city that
might have been founded by and named after Remus had he killed his brother
wiege (ger) -
cradle + earwig.
waage (ger) -
weighing machine, balance + Reference to a joke that man says to young lady, "Wenn ich eine Weige
hatte, wurde ich etwas wagen" (If I had a cradle I'd dare something) instead
of "Wenn ich eine Waage hatte, wurde ich etwas wiegen" (If I had a
scale I'd weigh something).
immer (ger) -
immoror (l) - to tarry
in, to stay at, to linger near + immor (imor) (gael) - very big.
wager - to
contend for a prize
casket - money-box
or 'chest'; a small box or chest for jewels, letters, or other things of
value, itself often of valuable material and richly ornamented + {cradle with a
child in it, or a casket with a dead}.
testes quoties questus (l) - how often complaints, so often witnesses (a
witness will appear each time a complaint is made).
maple - any
of the trees or shrubs of the genus Acer, flourishing in northern temperate
regions, many of which are grown for shade or ornament, some valued for
their wood, and some for a sugar product
willow - any
plant of the genus Salix, which consists of trees and shrubs of various
sizes, widely distributed in temperate and cold regions, growing for the
most part by the side of watercourses, characterized by very pliant branches
and long narrow drooping leaves.
hickory -
a North American tree of the genus Carya, closely allied to the walnut,
with tough heavy wood.
yew - a
tree of the genus Taxus (N.O. Coniferæ) widely distributed in the North
Temperate Zone, esp. T. baccata, the common yew of Europe and Asia, having heavy
elastic wood and dense dark-green foliage; often planted in churchyards, and
regarded as symbolic of sadness.
chirrup -
Of birds, etc.: To chirp, esp. with a more sustained and lively effect,
approaching to twittering or warbling.
Golden Dawn - a magical
order active in Great Britain during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The
three founders, William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott, and Samuel
Liddell MacGregor Mathers were Freemasons. Members were (among others) Aleister
Crowley, William Butler Yeats, Maud Gonne and Arthur Machen.
glowworm - a coleopterous
insect, the female of which emits a shining green light from the extremity of
the abdomen +
gleam - a subdued
or transient appearence of light
loquax (l)
- talkative, wordy
tacit - saying
nothing; still, silent + taciturn
- characterized by silence or disinclination to conversation; reserved
in speech; saying little.
- at some other point, in some other place
- a popular Irish dry stout that originated in the brewery of Arthur Guinness
(1725–1803) at St. James's Gate, Dublin. Guinness is based on the porter style
that originated in London in the early 18th century.
ruina (l) - a falling
esto perpetua (l)
- it is to be permanent! let it be permanent
- the production of a rapid succession of slight cracking sounds
crick - to make
a slight abrupt sound
pest - any deadly
epidemic disease; pestilence; spec. the bubonic plague; any thing or person
that is noxious, destructive, or troublesome; a bane, 'curse', 'plague' + {Then
he was sighted cycling while drunk}.
pist - a sibilant
sound to attract attention + piste cyclable (French) - bicycle track
sledgy - sledge
like + sledge - a carriage mounted upon runners
instead of wheels, and generally used for travelling over snow or ice.
pust- (ger) - blow +
Morse = 'Morse
- anything obnoxious or annoying to the community or individual by offensiveness
of smell or appearance, by causing obstruction or damage, etc.
noise - to make noise
loose - unbound,
at liberty
at large
- without restraint or confinement, without plan or aim
Standbild (ger) -
statue (here presumably a pun on 'stature')
corpulenta (l) -
gigas (gr) - giant
+ Jocasta - mother and wife of Oedipus.
attracted +
arbitrary - derived from mere opinion or preference, capricious; despotic, tyrannical.
conduct -
behaviour (usually with more or less reference to its moral quality); to act as
a conductor in a bus.
omnibus -
a man or boy who assists a waiter at an hotel, restaurant, etc.; horse-drawn bus
designed to carry 12-15 passengers, a vehicle set up to carry many people (now
usually called a bus) +
aerial - an antenna
buzz - to make
the humming sibilant sound characteristic of bees and other insects.
coastal -
located on a coast
overtax - to tax too greatly
or heavily, to exact or demand too much of; esp. to overburden or oppress with
taxes + ortyx (gr) - the quail +
brer - brother +
bror (
budget - pouch,
bag, wallet, usually of leather (obs. exc. dial.); the contents of a bag
or wallet.
filibeg -
a kilt
sporran -
a pouch or large purse made of skin, usually with the hair left on and
with ornamental tassels, etc., worn in front of the kilt by Scottish Highlanders.
tuft - an ornamental
tassel on a cap
tabard - a coat or jerkin having short
sleeves, or none, and emblazoned with the arms of the sovereign (the official
dress of a herald or pursuivant).
tab - a small, usually
decorative flap or tongue on a garment +
Victoria Palace Hotel,
Paris, where Joyce lived in 1923-4 [284.F06]
subterranean cavern in Arbour Hill, Dublin, where Scaldbrother, robber, lived
and kept his plunder until he was
caught and hanged.
divers - several,
more than one, some number of + FDV:
croppy - one
who has his hair cropped short; applied esp. to the Irish rebels of 1798,
who wore their hair cut very short as a sign of sympathy with the French
four penny - that costs or is valued at four
pence +
hvid (Danish) -
lyk = like +
drohnen (ger) - to drone,
to roar
sverte (Norwegian) - black
lockt (ger) - (he/she/it)
allures, beckons
pinkster - a spring
festival, taking place in late May or early June. The name is a variation of the
Dutch word Pinksteren, meaning "Pentecost". Pinkster in English almost
always refers to the festivals held by African Americans (both free and slave)
in the Northeastern United States, particularly in the early 19th centur +
Pentecost is one of the prominent feasts in the Christian liturgical year
commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Christ. The
feast is also called Whitsun, Whitsunday, Whit Sunday, or Whitsuntide,
especially in the United Kingdom. Pentecost is celebrated seven weeks (50 days)
after Easter Sunday, hence its name.
postern -
back door, private way
Whit-week - the week beginning with Whit Sunday
nail - to fix
or fasten with nails
ink up - to
cover completely with ink + FDV:
- marked with writing or other characters
cursive - a cursive
character; written with a running hand, so that the characters are rapidly
formed without raising the pen, and in consequence have their angles rounded,
and separate strokes joined, and at length become slanted +
- hastened, quickened
- acting in a backward direction, moving or directed backwards; decadent.
- having the form of a thread
- furnished with a turret or turrets (a small tower on the top of another).
enveloped +
envenom - to infuse venom or bitterness into (actions, relations, etc.)
bigotry - obstinate and
unenlightened attachment to a particular creed, opinion, or system +
rumpty - (something)
excellent +
by order
- by authoritative direction or command, in obedience to constituted authority
or usage.
Proud - secretary of Dublin Port and Docks Board in Joyce's time
- of or pertaining to Pentecost (Whit-Sunday)
jest - an idle
tale, a story, tale, joke
gregarious - of or
pertaining to a flock or community; characteristic of or affecting persons
gathered together in crowds +
soever - in
any conceivable manner
skilful - having
practical ability, possessing skill, expert, dexterous, clever +
(l) - strength, power
fraught -
supplied, furnished, filled, attended with
(l) - foresight, providence, sagacity + O'Reilly motto: Fortitudine et prudentia
('By Fortitude and Prudence').
Weekly Irish Times 21 Jan 1933: article on the name O'Reilly: 'The family
derives its descent from the O'Rourke's kingly line'
- one who slashes; a fighter + On August 3rd 1913 an imposing memorial to the
memory of Myles O'Reilly (The Slasher) was unveiled in the Co Westmeath section
of the village of Finea. Inscription reads "In memory of Myles O’Reilly, (The
Slasher) who fell on the Bridge of Finea while defending against the English and
Scottish forces under General Monroe on the 5th August 1646."
milemarbhadh (milyemoru)
(gael) =
mansion -
a structure or edifice serving as a dwelling or lodging place
BREFFNY - Name of ancient tribe, which survived as name of
districts in Counties Cavan and Leitrim. East Breffny is associated with the O'Reilly's,
while West Breffny is associated with the O'Rourkes. Tullymongan is in East
Breffny. Tiernan O'Rourke's wife's adultery with Diarmaid MacMurrough led to the
Anglo-Norman invasion of Ireland. "Come back Paddy Reilly to Ballyjamesduff -
come home Paddy Reilly to me", lines from the song by Percy French, pinpoint the
original territory of the great sept of O Raghailligh in County Cavan or the
ancient area known as Breffny.
- formal or ceremonial induction to an office or dignity
townlands near Cavan, County Cavan, in ancient territory of Breffny; originally the name of a hill above Cavan
Town. Called Tulach Mongain, "Hill of Mongan," by the Four Masters, it was a
place of inauguration of O'Reilly chiefs. Mongan was the 7th-century
reincarnation of Finn MacCool.
- Ancient "Cemetery of the Kings," near Rathcroghan, County Roscommon, one of the 3 royal burial places of ancient Ireland (with
Tailteann and Brugh) +
variety -
diversity of nature or character; absence of monotony, sameness, or uniformity.
MacMahon, Marie Edme Patrice Maurice
de, duke of Magenta (1808-93) - French marshal, president. Descendant of a wild goose, he commanded
a division whose assault led to the fall of Sebastopol. Maurice Mahan (Behan) is a name of the Man Servant
do in - to kill
field of honour - the
ground on which a battle is fought, a battle-field + In heraldry, the field is
the whole surface of an escutcheon or shield.
verdor (sp) - greenness,
verdure + Verdun + In heraldry, vert is the colour green, represented in a
drawing or engraving by parallel lines sloping downward toward the right.
rampart -
a mound of earth raised for the defence of a place + rampant (Heraldry) -
rearing up
- one who combats, a fighter, warrior
dexter - right (in
skilful in the use of the limbs and in bodily movements generally (obs.) + dexter (l) - the right hand.
wrest - to pull,
pluck, drag away, or detach (a person or thing) with a wrench or twist +
puredee - thoroughgoing,
'regular' +
appaume - In heraldry,
appaume describes a hand open, erect and extended so as to show the palm to the
proper -
In heraldry, the term proper describes a charge represented in its natural
and thin - blindly loyal or devoted, ready to go through every difficulty
and obstacle.
wellwisher - one who
wishes well to another
ferox (l) - wild, warlike + amplus (l) - large, glorious +
venture -
to dare, presume, go so far as, be so bold as (to do something).
beg - to ask as
a favour or act of grace; hence to ask humbly, earnestly, supplicatingly +
a triweekly
of pertinent interest
brain - one who is incapable of serious connected thought + the Saturday Evening
Post published in the 1930s stories by Clarence Buddington Kelland about
'Scattergood Baines'.
evening +
one time
- at once, immediately
cum tribus sodaliciarius (l) - as it were comrade with
three (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake).
- in a genuine (real, true) manner +
badly - unfortunately,
unluckily +
whither -
- passing or extending across the ocean + TRANSITION - Literary journal founded in Paris by Eugene and Maria Jolas in 1927. As "Work in Progress,"
Finnegans Wake was published serially from the first issue, and continued sporadically through 1938.
alarm - to
arouse to a sense of danger, to excite the attention or suspicion of, to
put on the alert +
latter = laughter +
letter +
Thalatta! Thalatta! (gr) - Sea! Sea! (shout of Xenophon's men when they at
last sighted the Black Sea on the retreat from Persia).
macfarlane - a heavy
caped overcoat + MacFarlane's Lament - air to T. Moore's 'Shall the Harp Then Be
Silent' + Macfarlane = Mac Pharthalain (mok faralan) (gael) - son of Bartholomew.
lack - Of a quantity in measurement: Short,
league - an
itinerary measure of distance (about 3 miles)
One of 5 deeps in Pacific Ocean close to coast of South America +
Achtung! (ger) -
attention! + (newsboys' cries).
pozor (Russian) -
besight - consideration,
determination + besee - fig. To look to, give heed to, attend to; trans. To
look at, look to, behold; to see +
smoky - fig. Having the obscuring, objectionable, or unsubstantial qualities of smoke
(obs.) + smuk (Danish) - beautiful +
Schmuck (ger) - jewelry, decoration.
pige (Danish) - 'girl', hence Pigeschoolies
= schoolgirls
Tri Paistini Eireannaigh (tri pashtini ereni) (gael) - Three little Irish
Eventyr med (Danish)
- adventure with
The ancient Irish name ("country of lakes") for the Country of the Ostmen, i.e.,
Norway, and for the Scands
themselves +
I Fiounn-isgehaven (Fathach i [bPairc an] Fionn-uisce) (gael)
- Giant in Clear-Water [Field] (anglic. Phoenix [Park]) + Eachtra Tri Paistini Eireannaigh le Fathach Lochlannach i bPairc an Fionn-uisce
(gael) - Adventures of Three little Irish Children with a Norwegian Giant in
Phoenix Park +
bannalanna (Anglo-Irish)
BALLYHOOLY - Town, County Cork, on
Blackwater River. Robert Martin of Ross, nicknamed "Ballyhooly," wrote the song "The Ballyhooly Blue Ribbon Amy," about a
temperance movement in a notoriously intemperate town. The town was known for
its faction fights. "Balhyhooly" is proverbial for "a tonguelashing"
buddaree (Anglo-Irish) - a rich vulgar farmer (from
Irish bodaire:
(BOOLAVOGUE) - Town, 8 miles North-East of Enniscorthy, County Wexford. English troops
burned RC chapel and other buildings, 26 May 1798, setting off the Wexford insurrection.
"Boulavogue" is a song about the rising and Father Murphy,
- a newspaper contemporary with another
- without prevention or obstruction from or by
- morning, dawning + following.
- unsaved; undelivered; unliberated
- an expatriated person, a person who lives in another country
oaktree -
oak +
onto - to a position
or point on or upon
duke - cheaf,
leader + dyke = dike.
beaver - an
amphibious rodent; the female genitals or the pubic area in general
liquidambar - sweet gum tree; a resinous gum which exudes from the bark of the tree Liquidambar
styraciflua (called also copalm balsam) +
exude - to discharge
through the pores
The Trees of Ireland 597: 'At Moira, County Down, a number of exotics
were planted'.
poplar - a North American poplar with buds coated with an aromatic resin +
PARTEEN - Townland and
village, County Clare, 2Ѕ miles North of Limerick on Shannon River; pairtin,
Ir. "little port." This stretch of the Shannon between Limerick and Killaloe was known for the best salmon fishing in Ireland before the
Ardnacrusha dam was built +
limestone - a rock which consists chiefly of carbonate of lime, and yields lime when burnt
+ Limestone Road.
road (obs.) - to traverse (a way)
abies magnifica - noble
fir +
Fitzpatrick: The Trees of Ireland 608:
'Abies nobilis... The Noble Fir'.
implore -
to beg or pray for (aid, favour, pardon, etc.) with tearful or touching
recipiency - sensitivity, ability to receive
+ resipiscence - repentance, recognition of a past mistake and the desire to
improve in the future.
- not liable to prove false, erroneous, or mistaken; that unfailingly holds
good + (papal infallibility).
spike - a stiff
sharp-pointed object or part +
Popes are elected by a "Conclave" or electoral assembly of cardinals; each day the smoke of
burning voting papers from a Vatican chimney signals to waiting crowds that there is no election yet.
pontiff +
- direct, explicit, definite; up to time, in good time; not late.
gable - the
triangular-topped end wall of a building; a gable-end.
Quintus Centimachus - Latin name for Conn of the Hundred Battles. Porphyry, the 3rd-century commentator on
Plotinus, wrote a treatise on abstinence (from animal
foods) + quintus (l) -
fifth + centum (l) -
hundred + mache (gr) - battle.
- resembling or akin to porphyry (a beautiful and very hard rock anciently quarried in Egypt;
in its non-geologic, traditional use, the term "porphyry" refers to the
purple-red form of this stone, valued for its appearance) + porphyroeides (gr) - purply, purplish.
- The "Butter Towers" of the late middle ages in Rouen and other cities are supposed to have been built with money raised by
dispensations from fasting. The reference in context seems to be to the smoke rising from a chimney
of the Vatican.
- long existance, enduringness
en caecos
harauspices! (l) - behold the blind
soothsayers! + caecus (l) -
blind + haruspice
= haruspex - one of a class of ancient Roman soothsayers, of Etruscan origin,
who performed divination by inspection of the entrails of victims, and
in other ways.
annos longos
patimur (l) - we endure long
years (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake).
- the action of keeping in effective condition +
beacon - a
burning cresset raised on a pole, or fixed at the top of a building.
innerhalb (ger) -
ziggurat - a staged
tower of pyramid form in which each successive storey is smaller than that below
it, so as to leave a terrace all round; an Assyrian or Babylonian temple-tower +
wyvern - a
representation of a chimerical animal imagined as a winged dragon with
two feet like those of an eagle, and a serpent-like, barbed tail (used in
tawny - name
of a composite colour, consisting of brown with a preponderance of yellow
or orange + (lion's tawny mane).
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (song)
- prominent, conspicuous, eminent; striking
loll - a pet;
an idle person + doll.
litten - lighted
Macaulay: Marriage of
Tirzah and Ahirad: 'How long, O Lord, how long?
- the action of suffusing a surface with fluid, moisture, or colour; the process
of permeating or infusing something with a substance.
Fionn-ghlais (finglash)
(gael) - Clear Stream; village and stream N. of Dublin; anglic. Finglas +
fine glass.
transom -
a window divided by a transom (a horizontal bar of wood or stone across
a mullioned window, dividing it in height); also a small window above the
lintel of a door.
- a window in which small panes are fixed in leaden cames + John Henry, Cardinal
Newman: The Pillar of the Cloud: (begins) 'Lead, kindly Light, amid th'
encircling gloom'.
thinking being
edifice - a building,
usually a large and stately building, as a church, palace, temple, or fortress
Ivar Beinlaus and Olaf the
White invaded Dublin in 852
Einstein, Albert (born in Ulm [.36])
venter - the
belly, the abdomen; a vendor; one who utters or gives vent to a statement,
doctrine, etc., esp. of an erroneous, malicious, or objectionable nature.
Bauch (ger) -
stomach +
Bauchredner (ger) - ventriloquist + bauch - inferior.
- expressing 'in the contrary direction'
tris- - thrice,
tripled + Tristan + FDV:
clue - that which
points the way, or indicates a solution, or puts one on the track of a
discovery; a key.
Weltraum (ger) - space
dodecagonal - of or
pertaining to a dodecagon; twelve-sided (
sammen - together +
dijk (Dutch)
- dyke
- the quality of being authentic, genuineness
aliquant - contained
in another, but not dividing it evenly, and so opposed to aliquot +
aliquitudinis (l) - of somethingness + aliquid (l) - someone, something +
canonicity -
canonical acceptability + Joyce's note: '
- the four dimensional analogue of a cube + FDV:
quick - living
persons (chiefly in echoes of Acts x. 42 or the Apostles' Creed, in phr.
quick and dead.)
sing dumb - to be silent
ulme - an elm tree
- the action of dispersing or scattering abroad + dispersed - scattered or spread about; driven asunder; diffused.
fast - Of a person,
his attributes, feelings, etc.: Not easily turned aside, constant, firm,
tellus (l) - the earth,
land + Gaea Tellus - Greek earth-goddess.
(l) - dry land, ground
Mark the Wans, why do I am alook alike a poss of porterpease? ...But the
dour handworded her grace in dootch nossow: Shut!
note - a brief
record or abstract of facts written down for the purpose of assisting the
memory, or to serve as a basis for a more complete or full statement + Notes and
Queries (periodical).
titbit - a
brief and isolated interesting item of news or information + Titbits
(periodical; Ulysses.4.467).
Answers (periodical)
long and the short of it -
in sum, in the heart of the matter
and downs - a reverses of fortune + ard (ard) (gael) - high; height.
list - to give
ear, listen, to record, to show
liss - tranquility, peace,
joy, delight +
- to make (a surface, substance, etc.) smooth, level, even, calm, etc.
O'Mordha (o'morge)
(gael) - descendant of Mordha ("majestic") + Unity Moore -
early 20th century actress + Swift met Stella at Moor Park, Surrey.
varina (mod. l) -
warning (coinage by Swift) + Jane Waring, whom Swift wooed as Varina.
Quarta Quaedam - Latin
for "Some fourth woman," Mr O Hehir says +
room + oom (Dutch) - uncle.
Onkel (ger) - uncle +
pigeyed - having small
and dip eyes + piggy - a little pig, or animal so called; also playfully
applied, with various connotations, to a child +
hold up - raise, lift; to
stop or impede the course or advance of; to exhibit, display +
yer - your
Scourge of God - a title given by historians to Attila, the leader of the Huns in the 5th c.
homo capite erectus (l) - erect man with a head, man erect as
to the head +
wont - custom,
what price
- what is the value of; what is the likelihood of; freq. merely an expression
of contempt, 'so much for' + FDV:
peabody -
a fast ballroom dance + Peabody, George (1795-1869) - American philanthropist. The Peabody Trust built working-class housing.
bluntly - in a blunt
direct manner, without delicacy, or the usual forms of civility
whence - from
what place? from what source, origin, or cause?
cravat - an article of
dress worn round the neck, chiefly by men
epoch - a period
of history defined by the prevalence of some particular state of things;
Geol. A period or division of the history of the formation of the earth's
Cainozoic - of or pertaining to the third of the great geological periods
O'Buachalla (o'bukhele)
(gael) - descendant of Buachaill ("boy") + 'Who struck
Buckley?' - a catch-phrase used in the 19th century to annoy Irishmen + FDV:
then time
- the time that was then, the past time referred to
filly - a young
lively girl +
schoolfellow - one who is or formerly was at the same school at the same
time with another + FDV:
score - 20
moon - the average
period of redurrence of the moon equal to 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes.
colleen - a girl, an
Irish girl +
red flannel - flannel dyed
red and formerly used esp. for making undrwear + Flamme (ger) - flame
Tolstoy: War and Peace
jaja (Serbian, Polish) - eggs; testicles +
yayi (Kiswahili) - eggs + as sure as eggs is eggs = sure.
blooding - bleeding + bleeding = bloody - a vague epithet expressing anger or detestation.
da (Russian, Serbian) - yes
caddish - of the nature
of a cad, offensively ill-bred, the opposite of gentlemanly + Kaddish - a Jewish
prayer of mourning.
pry - to look,
esp. to look closely or curiously; to peep or peer + FDV:
Paul Pry - name of a very
inquisitive character in a U.S. song of 1820 +
spy - to look
at, examine, or observe closely or carefully; spec., to investigate with
a spy-glass or telescope.
the Castle - until 1921, official
residence of Lords Lieutenant, the highquarters of British administration, and the hated symbol of
British rule. Spies were "in the pay of the Castle" or "Castle hacks" +
three castles on Dublin coat of arms.
smiley - exhibiting
a smile + (smiley salesman).
vitriol - abusive or
venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter deep-seated ill
will + FDV:
venom - toxin secreted by
certain snakes and poisonous insects (e.g., spiders and scorpions); any
malign or noxious influence or quality; bitter or virulent feeling, language,
Peter: Dublin Fragments, Social and
Historic 179:
'stamps are far easier of adhesion than the thick unperforated "Queen's
Heads" (as they were called) with which our forefathers had to be satisfied'.
affranchissant (French)
- liberating; paying postage on, stamping (letter)
sticking plaster - a
material for covering and closing superficial wounds, consisting of linen, silk,
or other textile fabric, or of plastic, spread with an adhesive substance.
zeal - passionate eagerness
in favour of a person or cause; enthusiasm as displayed in action +
- described on posters, adorned with posters
postpaid - having the
postage paid by the sender
lounge lizard - a
social parasite; a ladies man (man who is very gallant in his attention to women);
pump room
- a room or building where a pump is worked; spec. a place at a spa where
the medicinal water is dispensed for drinking, etc. [
days wonder - an object or event thet creates a short lived sensation
+ jeer - a derisive speech or utterance; a scoff, flout + FDV:
scratch-cat - humorous
epithet for a spiteful person + Prat (ger, dial) - babbling, talk +
Pratchen (ger) - story, anecdote + Tratsch (ger) - gossip +
platschern (ger) -
splash +
holen (ger) -
fetch + Polen (ger) -
Poland +
Dom (ger) - cathedral + hoi polloi - the common people.
Spass (ger) - joke,
jollity +
pisma (Polish)
- writings, works, newspapers + pisma (Serbian) - letters.
zhony (Russian)
own eyes +
glass - a glass mirror + Owens - brand of American glass +
azure - the clear blue
colour of the unclouded sky +
- shining intermittently with a sparkling light
- not permanent or lasting, transient
warming -
that makes warm
- a female slave
man of the house (Anglo-Irish) - householder, master (from Anglo-Irish fear an tighe)
mormor (Danish) - grandmother
maca mhic (moke
vik) (gael) - sons of a son
would give one's eye-teeth - (one) is very eager, or ready to make the
greatest sacrifices (to do something) +
to give an eye to - to give a share of one's attention to +
child-bearing women
were said to lose a tooth for every child (as a consequence of calcium loss)
cadet - the
youngest son + Caddy/Primas (motif) → "These sons called themselves Caddy
and Primas".
prim - a pretty
girl +
primus (l) - first.
angry +
shutter - to close with a
shutter + shattered + sheltered.
sparing -
the action of showing mercy or forbearance; delay, respite
Cain + keen - an Irish funeral song accompanied with wailing in lamentation for the dead
+ tea.
Adah (dawn) and Zillah
(shadow) - wives of Lamech (
arche - arch
Noe (l) - Noah + nose.
oceanic feeling - a phrase used in a communication with Freud by R. Rolland (1866-1944), French writer and philosopher, in describing the longing for something vast and eternal of which he and others felt aware
far (Danish) - father
ur - an inarticulate sound
(uttered instead of a word that the speaker is unable to remember or bring out)
burni (Basque) - iron
+ {burning the old world for his sake}
Gorgon - Gr. Myth. One of
three mythical female personages, with snakes for hair, whose look turned the
beholder into stone; an ugly repulsive or terrifying woman +
gogor (Basque) - hard, severe
countryside - a rural
area or its people +
finick - to
dawdle about
Louis Quinze - Louis
XV, 1715-74 +
colander - a vessel with a perforated bottom used for
straining food + cul (fr) - arse.
buzzle = bustle - a
stuffed pad or cushion, or small wire framework, worn beneath the skirt
of a woman's dress, for the purpose of expanding and supporting it behind.
bolero - a
short jacket coming barely to the waist; worn by men in Spain; applied
to a similar garment worn by women elsewhere, usually over a blouse or
boa - a snake-like
coil of fur worn by ladies as a wrapper for the
throat + Lillibullero - anti-Irish Williamite song (c. 1690) ('Lillibullero
bullen a la' (refrain): "Lilly was clear and ours was the
- fantastic curl or twist
- a fanciful arrangement of woman’s hair often with accessories (as flowers,
speck - spot, stain +
spectacles +
Speck (ger) -
bacon + Eier (ger) - eggs.
yeux (fr) - eyes
spud - potato
oreilles (fr) - ears
- a Parisian woman or girl
nez (fr) - nose
vaunt - a cause
or subject of boasting; a front part or portion, face
- the action of walking, standing, or sitting with the legs wide apart;
equerry - the stables belonging
to a royal or princely household (obs.), an officer in the service of a royal
or other exalted personage, charged with the care of the horses +
egun (Basque) - day
church house - a house belonging to the (or a) church
clink - to make
a sharp abrupt metallic sound
septuagesima (l)
- the seventieth +
sola - Of females:
Sole, solitary, alone
pawn - one of
the pieces of smallest size and value in the game of chess; fig. (usually
of a person).
prelate -
an ecclesiastical dignitary of exalted rank and authority, as a bishop,
archbishop, metropolitan, or patriarch.
pooka - a mischievous
or malignant goblin or specter in the form of a horse + rook = castle - (chess)
the piece that can move any number of unoccupied squares in a direction parallel
to the sides of the chessboard.
pelot = pellet
- any globe, ball, or spherical body, usually one of small size + pelota -
Basque ball-game.
- a bag or box for holding pieces of cloth
handi (Basque) - big
chomp = champ
Euskara - ancestral
language of the Basque people
slander - a false or malicious
statement or utterance intended to injure, defame, or cast detraction on the
person about whom it is made; rumour, disgrace, scandal +
..."to crush the slander's head.
wery = very
weeny - exceptionally
wight - a human
being, man or woman, person. Now arch. or dial. (often implying some contempt
or commiseration).
moran mo (moran mo)
(gael) - much more +
Notre Dame de la Ville (fr) - Our
Lady of the Town
merci (fr) -
thank you
(ger) - charity, mercy
ogrodnik (Polish) - gardener
- tea
tay - tea
wort - a plant,
herb, or vegetable, used for food or medicine +
Wort (ger) - word + {The old gardener is beyond tea, he himself is now
physically in the herbs of the druggist}
druggist - one who
sells or deals in drugs. In Scotland and United States the usual name for a
pharmaceutical chemist +
Drogist (ger) - druggist +
Drogist (Dutch) - pharmacist +
bulk - to gather
into a mass + Ulyssess: "Just the place too. POST NO BILLS. POST 110
PILLS. Some chap with a dose burning him."... "Loans by post on easy terms. Any
amount of money advanced on note of hand. Distance no object. No security."
bułki (Polish)
- rolls, buns (of bread) + Balkis - Arabic poetic name of Queen of Sheba (Saba).
mar - to ruin,
damage seriously (a person, his fortunes, etc.) (obs.) + Sabaean capital was
bane - that which
causes ruin, or is pernicious to well-being; the agent or instrument of
ruin or woe, the 'curse.'
tut - an ejaculation
(often reduplicated) expressing impatience or dissatisfaction with a statement or proceeding, or
contemptuously dismissing it +
Tutankhamen - Egyptian whose resplendent tomb was opened in the 1920s and the king "resurrected." A curse was laid on those who moved his bones.
a little lady waiting & her name is
holden - arch.
p.p. of hold +
= amuck - needlessly + among
harumscarum - a reckless, unregulated person
+ harem.
poppy red
narancs (Hungarian)
- orange
gialla (it) - yellow (feminine)
Chloris (gr) -
"Greenness": goddess of
flowers +
Flora (l) - goddess of
(Czech) - name for a skivvy; nickname for Mary + marine blue.
-een (diminutive)
+ aniline, source of many dyes, originally obtained from indigo.
Parma violet (flower)
ilk - each, every
hues +
[h]umores (l) - liquids, fluids +
whilk - which +
whim - a capricious
notion or fancy, a fantastic or freakish idea, an odd fancy
coin - to invent,
make up, fabricate
- a small argument, a petty quarrel + mishe/tauf (motif).
agelong -
everlasting, unending
- deprived of the use of one's limbs; lame, disabled +
Crippled-with-Children, Dropping-with-Sweat - Eve and Adam after the fall.
speak up
- to speak strongly for (= on behalf of, in defence of) a person
dripping with sweet
lease - pasture,
meadow land; untruth, falsehood; a contract between parties, by which the one conveys lands or tenements to the other for life, for years, or at will, usually in consideration of rent or other periodical
compensation; the period of time for which the contract is made.
tress - a plait
or braid of the hair of the head, usually of a woman
undress -
partial or incomplete dress, dishabille
goo - a viscid or sticky
substance. Also fig., sickly sentiment, gush +
groot (Dutch)
- great, big, large
gudgeon -
one that will bite at any bait or swallow anything: a credulous, gullible
gulp - to swallow
in large draughts or morsels hastily or with greediness
C.O.D. - 'cash
(costs, or collect) on delivery' +
The Liffey is tidal to
Island Bridge (spans the Liffey near the SE entrance to Phoenix Park).
attaboy - exp. of encouragement or approval + Atterbom, Ebba - translated Portrait of the Artist into Swedish (192l), signed the International Protest (1927) against Roth's pirating of Ulysses.
to the ears - heavily or deeply involved
hue and cry - to raise the hue and cry, make an outcry; to pursue with hue and
woe - an exclamation
of grief or lamentation: = Alas!
nomad - a person
belonging to a race or tribe which moves from place to place to find pasture.
Nebuchadrezzar II - the second and greatest king of the Chaldean dynasty of Babylonia
(reigned c. 605-c. 561 BC). He was known for his military might, the splendour
of his capital, Babylon, and his important part in Jewish history.
NA'AMAN RIVER - Aka Belus;
flows into Bay of Acre just South of Acre, North Palestine + Naaman was cured of leprosy when he washed in the Jordan (2 Kings, 5).
Jordan - the
name of a river in Palestine, the crossing of which is used (after Num.
33:51) in pietistic language to symbolize death.
sheet - winding
sheet (a sheet in which a corpse is wrapped for burial; a shroud) + (spreading
laundry to dry on stones).
bib - to drink, tipple (word may have originated
in an imitation of repeated movements of the lips).
Babylon +
Psalms 137: "By the waters of Babylon we sat down and wept: when we remembered thee,
O Sion.