girlie - girl
Gretna - attrib. in reference to marriage without the parental consent.
joyboy (Slang) - homosexual
Malone, Tom - Thomas Malone Chandler is the protagonist of "A Little Cloud". In one recension of "Finnegan's Wake," Tim Malone is the mourner at whose head the bucket of whisky is thrown.
slapstick - knockabout comedy or humour, farce, horseplay
MOATE - Village, County Westmeath. Its name derives from the nearby Mote of Grania. A "Muldoon's picnic" is a chaotic mess.
Muldoon, William (1852-1933) - Irish-American wrestler. His biography (1929) is Muldoon, the Solid Man of Sport. Mr Sultan (JJQ, 5,4) holds Pat Mullen, Tom Mallon, Dan Meldon, Don Maldon to be identical with Muldoon, and all identical with the ancient Irish hero Maelduin. A Muldoon's Picnic, according to Mrs Atherton's mother, is a complete shambles.
solid - of sound mind, sane, sober minded + W.J. Ashcroft, Dublin music hall performer, 'The Solid Man' (because of his famous rendering of song Muldoon the Solid Man), appeared in Dan Lowrey's Music Hall.
silly - to make silly, to be silly
crackajack - a thing of highest exellence
go like house on fire - (of an event, meeting etc.) to go very well + get along like a house on fire - (of two or more people) to enjoy each other's companionship very much, often just after meeting.
whimper - to utter a feeble, whining, broken cry, as a child about to burst into tears.
moan - to make a low mournful sound indicative of physical or mental suffering.
syce - a groom or attendant esp. in India
plight - sin, offence; guilt, blame (obs.); peril, danger, risk (obs.)
pledge - to deliver, deposit, or assign as security for the repayment of a loan or the performance of some action; to pawn.
cunning - skilful deceit, craft, artifice
uptie - to enclose or confine, to tie up, to connect closely, link, hinder
hunks - a term of obloquy for a surly, crusty, cross-grained old person, a miser + Hunks, Old - baited, blind bear, contemporary of Shakespeare's.
perlection - the action of reading through
ma - mother
sissy - sister
rub off - to remove by rubbing
Una - according to Mr O Hehir, Irish una = "famine," personified by a woman, typical mother of a family + Una (l) - one.
ita - Irish "thirst" + ita (l) - thus, so, in this way.
spill - to let out; to perish + still
famine - to suffer or die of hunger, to starve
drought - thirst
Agrippa I ("Herod Agrippa") - king of Judaea a.d. 41-44.
pro - - earlier than, prior to + pastor - to serve as pastor + propastor (l) - substitute shepherd.
tribulation - a condition of great affliction, oppression, or misery.
threne - a song of lamentation
furcht (ger) - fear + Frucht (ger) - fruit + furchte Fruchte (ger) - fear fruits.
Danaids - 50 daughters of Danaus. Danaus commanded each daughter to slay her husband on the marriage night. They all obeyed except Hypermestra, who spared Lynceus. In punishment for their crime the Danaïds were condemned to the endless task of filling with water a vessel that had no bottom + Vergil, Aeneid II. 49.: timeo Danaos [et dona ferentes] (l) - "I fear the Greeks [when they bear gifts]".
Greek nursery rhyme: 'ena mêlo, mêlo mou': 'one apple, my apple'
frei (ger) - free
Frau (ger) - woman
Ana, Anu - earth goddess of the Tuatha Dé Danaan, identical, Standish O'Grady says, with Dana, called in Cormack's glossary mater deorum hibernensium. In Gaelic ana means "riches," in Greek ana means, among other things, "back again, anew" + ana (one) (gael) - plenty, prosperity.
mala (male) (gael) - bag, sack + mala (Serbian) - little; missy + malum (l) - bad; apple.
sycophant - informer + sykophantes (gr) - "fig-informer" (one who informed against illegal exporters of figs from Attica).
amygdaline - resembling an almond
lucky + nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty.
pumpkin - a stupid self important person
meddler - one who meddles (to concern oneself or take part interferingly)
on the sly - secretly
Sin - Babylonian moon-god
fromm (ger) - pious + fra sin fromme søn (Danish) - from his pious son.
upon - in + FDV: So there you are now they were, the four of them, sitting in their judge's chambers around their old traditional tables of the law under the auspices of Lolly to talk it all over & over again. Festy and hyacinth and gentian and & not to forget a'duna o'darnel. That was four of them and thank Court now there were no more of them. So pass the push for port sake. Be it now soon. Ah ho! And I knew do you remember his father the same [in his monapoleums] behind the war of the two roses, old Minster York before he got his [paper] dispensation from the poke. I mind the smell of him like the vitriol vetriol works of a windy day & The O'Brine O'Briny rossies, the O'Moyly gracies chaffing his him redface bluchface & playing him pranks. How do you do, North Mister? Get into my way! till they had him the mon timed to the hifork pitch of fit to be tried. Ah, dearo me forsale forsailorshe! Yerra, why'd she heed that old gasometer & his hooping coffin [& his dying boosy cough] & all the boys birds of the south side after her, [[Minxy Cunningham,] jimmies & johnnies to be her jo]? Sure, I well remember him H2CE3, that'd take your breath away. Gob, I knew him well as meself too. Coming heaving up the east-end Kay Wall by the 32 to 11 with his limelooking horses bags, Old Whitehorse the Whiteside Kaffir with his painted voice puffing [out] brown cabbage. [Thaw him a gull, me pawsdeen fiunn!] Gomorro, says ses he, Lankyshy Lankyshies! Bugger ye! ses I, O breezes west! When I had her first when I was in my grandfather & that was up Sycomore Lane. Arrah Nick, ses she, you have the nock, ses she, with your poyhn, ses she, yerynn & I'd sooner sip to yr. mountain dew to kiss me than that old brewer's belch.
chamber - a room to which a judge retires for consultation
muniment room - a storage room for preservation of family or sometimes official or parochial records, papers, notebooks + The Muniment Room of City Hall, Dublin contains municipal archives going back to the 12th century.
marshalsea - name of 2 Dublin jails, the City Marshalsea (dating from 1704) and the Four Courts Marshalsea (dating from 1580), both for petty debtors.
auspices - patronage and kindly guidance, protection + suspicio (l) - to mistrust.
Solon (638-558 B.C) - wise Athenian who replaced the severe Draconian laws. The solans are the Four as judges + Solanus (l) - the east wind.
the same again - another drink of the same kind as the last
dry - impassive, unemotional, having clear impartial judgement
on the drink - a time or occasion of drinking + dring- (ger) - press, penetrate.
accourt - to court + according
king's evidence - one who gives evidence for the crown in british criminal proceedings [(notebook 1924): 'King's evidence'] + king's evil - scrofula, tuberculosis of the lymph glands (formerly believed to be curable by royal touch).
to kiss the book - i.e. the Bible, New Testament, or Gospels, in taking an oath + bouc (fr) - goat.
festive - rel. to feast, joyous, merry
highjinks - boisterous sport, horseplay
rossy (Anglo-Irish) - brazen woman
Dan O'Connel + darnel - a deleterious grass
song One More Drink for the Four of Us: 'Glory be to God that there are no more of us / For one of us could drink it all alone'.
pantaloons - trousers + pantaloon - the Venetian character in Italian comedy, represented as a lean and foolish old man, wearing spectacles, pantaloons, and slippers.
mono- (gr) - one-, single- + polemos (gr) - war.
shaman - a priest or priest-doctor among various northern peoples of Asia.
Priester (German) = priester (Dutch) - priest