Allah - the one and only God in the religion of Islam + eanach (anokh) (gael) - marsh, fen + Ana + ana (Turkish) - mother.

allmerciful + mazi (Turkish) - olden times; past tense + Necronomicon: "Original title Al Azif being the word used by the Arabs to designate that nocturnal sound (made by insects) supposed to be the howling of demons. Composed by Abdul Alhazred, a mad poet of Sanaa, in Yemen, who is said to have flourished in the time of the Ommiade Caliphs, circa A.D. 700." - H. P. Lovecraft, "The History and Chronology of the Necronomicon".

halo - to surround, encompass, or invest with a halo (the circle or disk of light with which the head is surrounded in representations of Christ and the Saints; the ideal glory with which a person or thing is invested when viewed under the influence of feeling or sentiment).

rill - a small stream; a brook, runnel, rivulet; Phonetics. Used attrib. to designate a fricative produced by forcing air through a groove-like aperture between the tongue and the roof of the mouth.

unhemmed - not hemmed; unconfined, unrestrained

uneven - not smooth or level; irregular, broken, rugged

manifesto - a public declaration or proclamation, usually issued by or with the sanction of a sovereign prince or state, or by an individual or body of individuals whose proceedings are of public importance, for the purpose of making known past actions, and explaining the reasons or motives for actions announced as forthcoming + mama - mother + festa - a feast, festival + According to the magical tradition, there are some four thousand "names" of the Goddess Sekhmet. These names, sometimes also referred to as "Epithets," describe various aspects and attributes of of the Goddess, are "Titles" accorded Her, refer to events and places connected to Her, or relate to Her in some other way. The "Names" are thus valuable just as biographical materials, but they also have uses of much greater importance. This is true because each of the Names is represented by another Name or Word of Power. These "Words of Power," or HEKAU, have many uses in doing the Work of Sekhmet, including relating to the Goddess and, for example, facilitating the practice of meditation... They were, in fact, not "words" at all in conventional sense but sacred sounds accompanied in each case by an image, a posture, gestures, rhythms and vibrations and still other accompaniments, having only a single significance and giving rise to no associations which might dilute the "Word's" power. (Robert Masters: The Goddess Sekhment).

memorialize - to preserve the memory of, to be or supply a memorial of

disjointed - consisting of separated or ill-connected parts; disconnected + William Shakespeare: Hamlet I.5.188: 'The time is out of joint' + FDV: Untitled as her memorial it has been named gone by many names in many times: Pro Honafrio, The Groans of a Briton, An Apology for a Husband, Can you excuse him, The [only] true account [[all] about] Mr. Earwicker & the Snake by an honest woman of the world who can only tell the naked truth about a dear man and all his conspirators how they tried to fall him by putting it all around [Lucalizod] by a mean sneak about E -- and a dirty pair of sluts, showing to all the unmentionableness falsely accused [about the redcoats]."  

Augustus, Caius Julius Caesar Octavianus (63 B.C-A.D. 14) - first Roman emperor, a triumvir along with Mark Antony and Lepidus. His Greek name was Sebastos. His wife was Livia + Augusta (l) - "Highness": title of emperor's wife, mother, daughter, sister; [city of] Augustus: name of several towns.

angustissimus (l) - narrowest, closest + augustissimus (l) - most majestic, most venerable.

Sebastos (gr) - Venerable, Reverend, August: Greek equivalent of Latin Augustus.

rockaby - hushaby

booby - an awkward foolish person, dope; breast + nursery rhyme Rockabye Baby, in the Tree Top.

relic of old decency (Dublin Slang) - souvenir of better times

anastasis (gr) - rising again, rising up (from the dead), resurrection + stessa (it) - herself.

knock down

duddy - ragged, tattered


silver wedding - the twenty-fifth anniversary of a wedding + selver (Danish) - silver.

amour - love, affection (obs.) + amour (fr) - love.

icy - resembling ice, extremely cold (of demeanour, character, speech, etc.)

Siseule, Icy - Mr O Hehir says, Irish for "Cecilia" and a name for a hen + seul (fr) - alone, lonely.

saith - 3d. sing of say

"Sawyer" is a tree standing in a stream, and Peter means "rock." In a sawing-pit, there is a top sawyer and a bottom sawyer. Colloquially, a top sawyer was one prominent in society on politics + Peter Sawyer supposedly founded Dublin, Georgia. The "strame" in question is probably the Oconee, first mentioned on Page 3. It runs south of Dublin in Ireland and is also the name of a river in Georgia.

til (Danish) - to

strame (it) - litter + strame (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - stream + stam (Dutch) - bole of tree, stem of tree, trunk of tree.

ik (Dutch) - I

dico (l) - I say + dik (Dutch) - fat, bulky, thick + ik doop (Dutch) - I baptise.

et tu [Brute] (l) - and even you [Brutus] + James Joyce: Et Tu, Healy (Joyce's poem on Parnell's death).

mihi (l) - to me

birthplace - the place where a person (or fig. a thing) is born

bite - a piece bitten off (usually to eat), a mouthful

hesternus (l) - yesterday

morra (Portuguese) - die

woebegone - exhibiting great woe, sorrow or misery

brewer - one who brews; spec. one whose trade is to make malt liquors + Hebrew

waterman - a man employed in the supply or distribution of water; e.g. a water-carrier, a turncock or fireman, a man engaged in the irrigation of water-meadows, or in pumping + Waterman - American fountain pen. 

brayn = brain - to conceive in the brain (obs.); to furnish with a brain.

arc-en-ciel (fr) - rainbow

flee - to run away from, hasten away from; to quit abruptly, forsake

chink - a fissure caused by splitting, a crevice; an opening in a joint between boards.

Flur (ger) - floor + nursery rhyme 'Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes'.

Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis (l) - "Collected [Works] on Irish Matters": collection of Irish historical documents published 1770 by Vallancey (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake).

Britoness - a female Briton

peopler - one who peoples or causes the peopling of a country; a colonizer; an inhabitant + nursery rhyme 'Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper'.

popolino (it) - the lower classes

hus (Danish) - house + hans baad (Danish) - his boat.

hosebond = husband (obs.)

plethoric - full to excess, overstocked, overloaded; swollen, inflated, turgid.

"My Husband's a Journey to Portugal Gone" is the air of T. Moore's ''Ne'er Ask the Hour, What Is It to Us." 

ark - a chest, box, coffer, close basket, or similar receptacle + A

needlework - work done with the needle; sewing, embroidery, or fancy work + Matthew 19:24: 'It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle'.


song The Campbells are Coming

parlormaid - a female domestic servant

placeat vestrae [majestati] (l) - may it please Your [Majesty]

"Nothing short of divine vision or a new cure for the clapp (sic) can possibly be worth all the circumambient peripherization" - Ezra Pound's comment about Finnegans Wake.

portentos (Portuguese) - portent, omen + portentum (l) - sign, omen; monster + portentosus (l) - full of monsters + song Over There: 'Oh, potatoes they grow small... Oh, I wish I was a geese'.

gonder = gander

song The Gipsy's Warning: 'Gentle maiden, trust him not'

When the myrtle of Venus joins with Bacchus's vine - line from song "To Anacreon in Heaven" (air of Star-Spangled Banner).