byway - a secondary or little known aspect or field

improvidence - unforeseeing

lifework - the entire or principal work of one's lifetime + makes life worth living.

cell - a small apartment, room, or dwelling

città (Italian) - city

cit - townsman, an inhabitant of a city + sit

wimman - woman + old woman's story - a foolish story.

run away with - to carry off (something)

min - mind, memory, intention + min (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - men + min (Dutch) - love; wet nurse.

smooth - using specious or attractive language; plausible, bland, flattering, (usually with implication of insincerity or selfish designs)

butteler - butler (a servant who has charge of the wine-cellar and dispenses the liquor) + behind (one's) back - after one has left (a company), in one's absence.

While London Sleeps (song)

ye - you

tin - money, cash

married Ann

mercenary - working merely for the sake of monetary or other reward, actuated by considerations of self-interest

fat of the land - richest or most nourishing part of the land, the choicest produce (of the earth) + the lie of the land - the state of affairs.

liquidation - the action or process of ascertaining and apportioning the amounts of a debt, the clearing off or settling (of a debt)

flood + Flut (ger) - flood + flute! (fr) - expletive.

nare - were not; never



glabrous - free from hair, down, or the like; having a smooth skin or surface + glaub- (ger) - believe.

place + face.

Herr (ger) - mister, gentleman + Schuft (ger) - rogue, scoundrel + Herrschaft - mastery + Whatarwelter, Herrschuft - plays about with German Der Herr schuf die Welt ("The Lord created the world"), with Schuft, "rascal"; Weltherrschaft is "domination of the world." See Letters, I, 248. (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake)

welter - the rolling, tossing, or tumbling (of the sea or waves)

loan - to grant the loan of, to lend + Push the Business On (children's game): 'I hired a horse and borrowed a gig, And all the world shall have a jig; And I'll do all 'at ever I can To push the business on.

vesta - a kind of wax match

hire - to procure the temporary use of (any thing) for stipulated payment

sarch - search

cockle - a kind of stove for heating apartments + warm the cockles of one's heart - to rejoice, delight.

turfman - a devotee of horse racings, one who study fine grasses, their care and uses + turf - a slab or block of peat dug for use as fuel.

piff - an imitation of various sounds = piff paff

puff - to blow short blasts (with mouth or bellows) upon (a fire) to make it burn up (obs.)

poff - puff (obs.)

humpty - hunch backed + Humpty Dumpty

frump - a mocking speech or action; a flout, jeer. Obs. + plenty

awkward - lacking dexterity or skill in performing their part; clumsy in action, bungling.

remonstrancer - one who makes reproof, complaint (to some authority), raise an objection, urges strong reasons against a course of action + The Grand Remonstrance - a document produced by Parliament in 1641 giving account of royal mismanagement and recommending radical reforms.

brekker - breakfast (slang) + FDV: there'll be eggs for the brekkers come to mourning.

sunny side up - egg fried on one side only + (notebook 1924): 'eggs with sunny side up' → Freeman's Journal 8 Feb 1924, 8/4: 'By the Way': 'poached eggs, or, as we say, 'eggs with the sunny side up''.

turnover - the action of turning over, in various senses (to agitate or revolve in the mind, go through and examine mentally); English penny + turnover (Anglo-Irish) - loaf of bread shaped somewhat like a boot.

tay - tea + the tea is wet (Anglo-Irish phrase) - the tea is ready (also euphemism for sexual intercourse).

hind - a servant, a married and skilled farm workman; situated behind

hin - him + hin (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - hen + FDV: For where there's a there's wherever the gale find seek guess find [the] gall & wherethen whenthere's a hind seek hunt seek the hun.]]

FDV: The best cheapest plan is to tour round east & north & to the review the of two mounds. Pardon. Behold this sound of Irish sense. Really? Here English might be seen. Royally? _____ A sovereign punned to paltry pence. Regally? A silence makes a scene. Behold! / Hush! Caution! Echoland!

behaviourism - a theory and method of psychological investigation based on the study of behaviour + favourite

bandy - a game, also called bandy-ball, in which a small ball is driven to and fro over the ground, with bent club sticks, by two sides of players + Queen Anne's Bounty - provision for maintenance of the poor clergy.

frute - frog, toad

firstling - the first of its kind to be produced, come into being, or appear, the first product or result of anything

tithe - the tenth part of the annual produce of agriculture, etc., being a due or payment (orig. in kind) for the support of the priesthood, religious establishments, etc.

review - the act of looking over something (again), with a view to correction or improvement

REVUE DES DEUX MONDES (literally French 'Review of the Two Worlds') - A journal of literature, history, art, and science, published in Paris since 1831 + (buttocks).


Himmel (ger) - sky, heaven + pimples.

at six and seven - in disorder, confused

hills + Hugel (ger) - hill.

colline - a small hill + colleen (Anglo-Irish) = cailin (kolin) (gael) - girl.

aroon (Anglo-Irish) - my dear, beloved + sitting around.

breech - to cover or clothe with, or as with, breeches + patron saints of Ireland + (shitty breeches).

(chamberpot stench) + Saint Brigid and Saint Patrick.

swish - a hissing sound + mishe/tauf (motif).

satin - a woman's satin dress

taffeta - a crisp plainwoven fabric

tights - a tight fitting breeches

STARFORT - Begun but never completed as an extensive fortified enclosure North-East of site of the later Magazine Fort in Phoenix Park, now between the Magazine Fort and the Zoo, on the initiative of the Duke of Wharton; intended as a refuge in the event of a rebellion in Dublin. It was known to Dubliners as "Wharton's Folly" (a name often mistakenly ascribed to the Magazine Fort, which was built years after Wharton's death) + Wharton, Thomas, Marquis of (1648-1715) - author of "Lilliburlero." When he was viceroy, Dublin Castle, O'Mahony says, became "a glorified tavern and brothel," and in the Phoenix Park was built the Star Fort, locally known as "Wharton's Folly." It is my impression that in I,i, Joyce assumes "Wharton's Folly" to be the Magazine, which erection caused Swift to say: "Where nothing's left that's worth defense..." (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake).

tea party + Tripartite Life of Saint Patrick - a medieval manuscript describing Saint Patrick's life.

planco (Esperanto) - ground

micky (Dublin Slang) - penis + Micky and Minny Mouse - in Disney's cartoons.

strake - strike; a strip of land, a beam of light, a thick plank forming a ridge along the side of a wooden ship + 'Move up, Mick, make room for Dick' - a Dublin graffito after Collins' death, 1922, referring to Michael Collins and to Richard Mulcahy, his successor.

by order - without delay, immediately

Nicholas Proud - secretary of the Dublin Port and Docks Board in Joyce's time

Berg (ger) - hill + Alf Bergan - law clerk to the subsheriff in City Hall on Cork Hill, Dublin (character in 'Ulysses') + violins (Berg, Alban 1885-1935 - Austrian composer. A pupil of Arnold Schönberg, he applied an atonal manner to classical forms in works such as the opera Wozzeck and Violin Concerto).

viola d'amore - a stringed instrument, the tenor of the violin family, having six or seven stopped strings and an equal number of sympathetic strings

ARBOUR HILL - Dublin station, runs North of Marlborough (now Collins) Barracks to Stoneybatter.

gambol - to leap or spring, in dancing or sporting + viola da gamba - a stringed instrument, the bass of the viol family, with approximately the range of the cello.

SUMMERHILL - Street, and the adjoining district, North-East Dublin, which continues Parnell Street to Ballybough Road at the Royal Canal + Cork Hill, Arbour Hill, Summer Hill, Misery Hill, and Constitution Hill, all in Dublin.

violoncello - a four-stringed musical instrument of the violin family, pitched lower than the viola but higher than the double bass

contrabass = double bass - the largest bowed stringed instrument in the modern orchestra.

violone - a 16-foot organ stop yielding stringlike tones similar to those of a cello

klavir (Serbian) = Klavier (ger) - piano


Olaf the White - became first Norse king of Dublin, ca 852. According to Giraldus Cambrensis, three brothers, Olaf, Ivor, Sitric, built the cities of Dublin, Limerick, Waterford.

left + Olaf Road, Ivar Street, and Sitric Road near Arbour Hill, Dublin.

scrape along - to manage or 'get along' with difficulty

squeeze out - to reduce to, or bring into, a specified condition by pressure, to drain or exhaust in this way

salve - to heal, remedy; make up, smooth over

rabulous - characterized by coarseness or indecency of language, esp. in jesting and invective; coarsely opprobrious or jocular + Romulus and Remus - twins, suckled by a she-wolf, who began to found Rome together. Romulus killed Remus, founded Rome by himself, and became its first king + Rabelais.

kipper - a name given to the male salmon (or sea trout) during the spawning season + Phil the Fluther's Ball (song): "Hopping in the middle, like a herrin' on the griddle-O!"

griddle = gridiron (obs.) - a cooking utensil formed of parallel bars of iron or other metal in a frame, usually supported on short legs, and used for broiling flesh or fish over a fire.

dormant - sleeping, lying asleep or as asleep + mont (fr) = Berg (ger) - mountain.

hold hard + from Howth Head (head) to the Magazine Fort in Phoenix Park (feet).

Pie Poudre - a court formerly held at a fair for quick treatment of hawkers, etc. + pied de poudre (French) - foot of dust → clay feet + poudre (French) - gunpowder → the Magazine Fort in the Phoenix Park.

behove - to have use for or need to, to require + Magazine Wall in Phoenix Park on Thomas Hill, "the finest site in all the district, commanding an unrivalled view of Dublin city, the Liffey valley, and the mountains and country to the southward." This splendid natural stage saw the drama of human futility that caused Swift to write: "Behold a proof of Irish sense, / Here Irish wit is seen, / Where nothing's left that's worth defense, / They build a magazine."