wickered - made of wicker (a pliant twig or small rod, usually of willow, esp. as used for making baskets)
kish - a large square wicker basket used in Ireland for carrying peat
hale - to draw or pull along, or from one place to another
turves - pl. of turf
lookit - look at (only in imperative) + looked
blay - the name of a small fish, the bleak; dark, gray, black + Baile Atha Cis (blaakish) (gael) - Town of the Ford of Wickerwork = Dublin + Joyce's note: 'blay' → Irish Independent 23 Jan 1924, 1/6: 'McGuires Great Sale Offers': 'Unbleached Twill Sheets. 1,500 pairs of Good Blay Sheets for Single Beds. Sale Price Each... 2/3'.
satisfy + Sothis - Egyptian goddess, personified as star Sirius (the "dog star"). In the pyramid text, Sothis is described as having united with the king/Osiris to give birth to the morning star, Venus, and through her association with that netherworld god, she was naturally identified with Isis, who she was eventually synchronized with as Isis-Sothis. The earliest known depictions of Sothis, known from a 1st Dynasty ivory tablet belonging to Djer and unearthed at Abydos, represent the goddess as a reclining cow with a plant-like emblem (perhaps representing the "year") between her horns. Her manifest nature is shown at one point in FW as several of these forms, and the search for the parts of Osiris is suggested simultaneously, as a questing crone runs to "sothisfeige her cowrieosity". + Feige (ger) - fig; vagina + feige (ger) - cowardly.
sawl - soul
sackful - the quantity that fills a sack + vull - full + Sackvllle, Lionel Cranfield, 1st duke of Dorset - Irish viceroy (1750-54). Sackville (now O'Connell) Street bore his name.
swart - dark in colour, black or blackish + smart + svært gode (Norwegian) - mighty good.
goody - affectedly or unctuously good + (notebook 1923): 'Goodytwoshoes' → Goody Two-Shoes (pantomime based on an anonymous 18th century children's story, attributed to Oliver Goldsmith, about a child who was so pleased to get a pair of shoes that she would hold them up to all comers and exclaim 'Two shoes!').
quicken - to arouse, excite, give new life or energy to + shoon - dial. pl. of shoe + FDV: found herself full rich sackvulle of swalle swart goody shoon quickenshoon and & smalle illigant brogues.
illigant - elegant
brogue - a rude kind of shoe, generally made of untanned hide, worn by the inhabitants of the wilder parts of Ireland and the Scotch Highlands + Finnegan's Wake (song): "He'd a beautiful brogue so rich and sweet" + ignorant as a kish of brogues (Anglo-Irish phrase) - ignorant as a basket of shoes (literally).
blurry - blurred + FDV: Bluchy works on at Hurdlesford. / [Silent]
Town of the Ford of the Hurdle = Baile Atha Cliath (Irish) - Dublin
A.D. - Anno Domini + FDV: 566 A.D.O.D. At that time it came to pass that many 2 fair bronzelocked maidens grieved to because their minions minion were was ravished of them by an ogre Europeus Pius.
fall out - to happen, come to pass
brazen - resembling brass in colour + lock - a strand or cluster of hair.
damsel - a young unmarried woman
grieve - to feel grief, to be mentally pained or distressed, to sorrow deeply
sobre las olas (sp) - over (on) the waves + sob.
puppet - darling, pet + Pepette, (French argot for "money"), Pipette (Fr. argot, "pipe"), Popote (Fr. argot, "cooking," "mess hall"), these are associated with "Ppt," which is what Swift called Stella in Journal to Stella.
minion - darling, favourite, a lover + mouni (gr) - vulva.
ravished - carried away by force; violated; ravaged
ogre - a man-eating monster, usually represented as a hideous giant, a man likened to such a monster in appearance or character
purpose + pia e pura bella - Vico's Latin catch-phrase for holy wars: 'pious and pure wars'. "In FW the phrase is sometimes used for a girl's name - say, Issy or Stella - and ought, I'm sure, to connect with Plurabelle. It must be remembered that a girl, Biddy O'Brien, caused the war at Finnegan's wake." (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake) + Purpeus (l) - Fire-eye + Purpeous Pius (l) - Fire-eye the Dutiful + FDV: by an ogre Europeus Pius.
pious - faithful to religious duties and observances; devout; dutiful, duteous; epithet used of Aeneas by Vergil; title affected by the emperors from Antoninus (a.d. 86-161) onward; name of 12 popes the first appearing in the year of the Lord (a.d.) + peos (gr) - penis.
BAILE ÁTHA CLIATH (Pronunciation 'blaaklee') - Dublin + FDV: Bloody wars in Dublin Ballyaughacleeaghbally.
until (Archaic) - unto + FDV: 1132 A.D. D.O. Two sons at one time hour were born to a goodman & his wife hag. There were name Caddy & Primas. Primo Primas was a gentleman & came of sentryman & drilled by decent dacent people. Caddy went to Winehouse & wrote a piece peace of fun farce.
goodman - husband, innkeeper, landlord
hag - an ugly, repulsive old woman: often with implication of viciousness or maliciousness; an evil spirit, dæmon, or infernal being, in female form; woman supposed to have dealings with Satan and the infernal world; a witch; sometimes, an infernally wicked woman.
caddy - lad, a military cadet, one who takes odd jobs + cadet - younger son or brother.
primus (l) - the first + prima (ger) - first grade + Primas (ger) - archbishop.
sentry - an armed soldier posted at a specified point to keep guard and to prevent the passing of an unauthorized person + country man - one who lives in the country or rural parts and follows a rural occupation + nursery rhyme Saint Patrick was a gentleman and came of decent people'.
winehouse - wineshop; tavern (Archaic)
farce - a dramatic work (usually short) which has for its sole object to excite laughter
blotty - dauby + Rocky Road to Dublin - the road of the well-known ballad may preserve a memory of the ancient Slighe Cualan, which reached the ford of the hurdles from Tara by something like the route of Stoneybatter. The road of the ballad is from Tuam to Dublin via Mullingar + FDV: Blooty worse words in Ballyaughacleeagh in Ballyaughacleeaghbally. Blooty words for Dublin.
parent - apparent
ginn - gin + GINNUNGA GAP - In Norse myth, the eternal region of chaos between Niflheim, North region of mist and cold, and Muspelheim, South region of heat. Localized as the North Atlantic between Greenland and Labrador.
gap - copyist hurries away (notebook 1924) → Sullivan: The Book of Kells 11: 'the larger figure was a later addition in order to fill a space left vacant when the original artist had touched the Manuscript for the last time... we can almost see from the illumination itself the very place where he was hurried from his work'.
antediluvian - concerning or referring to the period before the Flood
Anno Domini - in the year of the Christian era
copyist - one who copies or imitates; esp. one whose occupation is to transcribe documents
scroll - a roll of paper or parchment, usually one with writing upon it + Sullivan: The Book of Kells 4: 'The last few leaves of the Manuscript... have been missing for many years').
billy - male goat; a policeman's truncheon
elk - the largest existing animal of the deer kind
satrap - a subordinate ruler; often suggesting an imputation of tyranny or ostentatious splendour + sultry - burning hot, extremely and unpleasantly hot.
wright - a constructive workman + (notebook 1924): 'Worldwright' → Jespersen: The Growth and Structure of the English Language 164 (sec. 162): 'Old English had various methods of forming nouns to denote agents... from... wyrhta 'wright' (in wheelwright, etc.)'
excelsus (l) - high + excelsissimus (l) - very highest.
empyrean - heaven, the highest heaven, the ultimate heavenly paradise + (notebook 1924): 'empyrean = ciel tout court'.
bolt - thunderbolt, a lightning stroke
Dannyman - sinister hunchback, informer in The Colleen Bawn; (hence, 'informer') + Dana or Danu - Irish goddess of death and fertility, great mother of all the gods of the Tuatha Dé Danaan (i.e., "People of Dana").
gallous = gallows + gallus (l) - cock + callous.
pan - face, cranium + upon
døren (Danish) - the door + duren (Ruthenian - Ukrainian) - fool, idiot + Biddy Doran.
suicide + scribe - a scrap of writing + (scribe-slayer).
lead off - to begin, make a beginning in; to open (a conversation or discussion)
fine - a sum paid for exemption from punishment + Joyce's note: 'I. Scand in moyenage killing = fine 4/6 / Eng 19th Cent steal 4/6 = death' → Gwynn: The History of Ireland 25: 'the law which laid down that killing should be atoned for by a fine, legally fixed - as was the usage in Ireland so long as the native law lasted... It was followed through all Scandinavia throughout the Middle Ages, and although it has been described as barbarous, it is less so than the excessive use of capital punishment characteristic of English law, under which even in the nineteenth century pocket-picking or sheep-stealing was punishable with death'.
mark - 160 pence (value of mark weight in pure silver) + mark weight - 8 ounces + Mark - current and former coin of several countries.
ninepins - a game in which nine 'pins' are set up to be knocked down by a ball or bowl thrown at them, the pins with which this game is played + ninepence.
metalman - a man made of metal + (notebook 1924): 'metal men' (faces on coins).
dross - impurity, rubbish, refuse + (notebook 1923): 'dross' → O. Henry: The Four Million 106: 'An Adjustment of Nature': 'And then Milly loomed up with a thousand dishes on her bare arm... And the Klondiker threw down his pelts and nuggets as dross, and let his jaw fall half-way, and stared at her' + (for killing the copyist).
now and again - from time to time, occasionally
upshoot - outcome, final result
cynosure - something that attracts attention by its brilliancy or beauty + sinecure - (from Latin sine = "without" and cura = "care") an office that requires or involves little or no responsibility, labour, or active service + gyne - the fertile female in a colony of social insects + gynê (gr) - woman.
scaffold - an elevated platform on which a criminal is executed + to bring or send to the scaffold - 'to be executed'.
covertly - in a concealed manner; secretly, privately
meddlement - meddling, interference
drawers - an undergarment for the lower part of the body
wife + (notebook 1924): 'Liam O'Flaherty Thy Neighbour's Wife' → Liam O'Flaherty: Thy Neighbour's Wife (his first novel, published in 1923) + Exodus 20:17: 'thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife' (9th Commandment, according to Roman Catholic tradition).
farfetched - improbable, not natural, from remote time or place + Annals of the Four Masters were compiled between 1632 and 1636 in the Franciscan monastery in Donegal Town and along the banks of the river Drowes. The chief compiler of the annals was Mícheál Ó Cléirigh, and he was assisted by, among others, Peregrine O'Clery, Fergus O'Mulconry and Peregrine O'Duignan.
peregrine - roving, alien (adj.)
clere - clear
ear = eye of dark (notebook 1924) → Crawford: Thinking Black 251: 'For the hundreds of night sounds - rustlings, twitterings, raspings, tinglings, and roarings - are all known to even Africa's tot, the ears being called his "eyes of darkness".'
liberflavus (notebook 1924) → Studies, An Irish Quarterly Review, vol. 13, no. 50, 189: Comments on the Foregoing Article (Paul Walsh): 'Augustine Magraidin, canon of Saints' Island in Lough Ree, who died in 1405, translated a Life of St. John the Evangelist; it lies unpublished in the Liber Flavus Fergusiorum'.
lividus (l) - bluish + Liber Lividus (l) - Blue Book → Ulysses, which was first published with a blue dustjacket (the colour of the Greek flag) and was regarded as a "blue book" (i.e. an obscene or pornographic book) → FW 013.21 bluest book on the previous page.
paisible - peaceable + FDV: Yet how Peaceably eirinical in grayquiet all dimmering downs dunes & gloamering glades, selfstretches afore us this freedland's plain.
toh! (it) - look!
eirenical - peaceful, harmonical
dimmer - to appear dimly, faintly, or indistinctly
dune - an ancient hill fortress in Ireland; a mound of drifted sand
gloam - to darken, to become dark + glimmering
glade - a clear open space or passage in a wood or forest
frede - to be sensible of, feel + Fried- (ger) - peace + fred (Norwegian) - peace + faedreland (Danish) - Fatherland → Ireland, whose five fifths (the five provinces of the early Christian period) are enumerated in the following five phrases + Friedland - Commune in East Prussia. Napoleon defeated Russians under General Bennigsem, 14 June 1807.
lean - not plump or fat, thin
neath - beneath
stone pine - a pine with wide-spreading glat topped head + pine (French Slang) - penis.
pastor - a herdsman or shepherd (now unusual) + pastor (l) - a herdsman + St Patrick → buried in Ulster, hence this phrase refers to the province of Ulster.
crook - a shepard's staff (with a curve)
pricket - a buck in his second year + prick (Slang) - penis.
pricket's sister - female fallow deer in second year
nibble - to bite away little by little
viridity - a quality or state of being green, greenness (i.e. green vegetation) + virility.
amid + a maid.
herbtrinity - plant with violet flowers
sham - to be or to produce a deceptive imitation of, to feign
lowliness - meekness, humility + loveliness - the quality of being lovely, exquisite beauty.
donkey's years - a very long time + (notebook 1924): 'donkeys years since' → Leader 15 Mar 1924, 134/1: 'As Others See Us': 'S' donkey's years since I've had a yap with you old man'.
FDV: Since the high old times of Hebear and Hairyman the tulipair tulips twolips amass themselves at Rush the cornflowers have been staying at Ballymun, the dogrose duskrose has chosen choosed out Goatstown crossroads, twolips have pressed togatherthem by sweet Rush, the place for townland of twilights twinlights, and the whitethorn and redthorn have fairygayed the valleys mayvalleys of Knockmaroon and though, for rings round them during a hundred thousand yeargangs, the Formoreans have brittled the Tooath of the Danes and the Oxmen Oxman have has been pestered by the Firebugs & the Joynts have given thrown up wallmaking & Little on the Green is childsfather of the city, their these paxsealing buttonholes have quadruled across the centuries and here now whiff to us fresh & made-of-all-smiles as on the day of combat Killallwhoo.
bout - a round at fighting; a contest, match, trial of strength + bout (French Slang) - penis.
bare/hairy + Genesis 27:11: 'Esau my brother is a hairy man' + Heber and Heremon - legendary progenitors of the Irish race.
cornflower - plant with blue, pink or white rays
BALLYMUN - Village, North Dublin suburb on road to Naul