frimaire (fr) - third (late-autumn, November 21 to December 20) month of French Revolutionary calendar (French frimas: hoar-frost, rime) + fror (ger) - froze.

quare (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - queer + kuvar (Serbian) - cook.

soort - sort

man + mahan (Anglo-Irish) - bear (*S*).

miching (dial.) - skulking, creeping from sight; mean, cowardly; secret or underhand mischief, a veiled rebuke, a bad deed probed by disguised means. To mich or meech means to skulk or shrink from sight. Michers are poachers or secret pilferers. Malicho is a Spanish word meaning an "evil action".

overstep - to step over

kraal - an enclosure for cattle or sheep + kraal (Afrikaans) - stockade, pen, enclosure, native village in South Africa.

slit - a straight and narrow cut or incision

marrowbone - a bone containing edible marrow + merg (Dutch) - marrow.

cave (l) - beware! + (fire at mouth of cave).

p'raps - perahaps + perhaps poster us + preposterous.

pillory - a wooden instrument of punishment on a post with holes for the wrists and neck; offenders were locked in and so exposed to public scorn + billowy way (sea).

hirculus (l) - a little goat + Hercules' pillars - the rocks Calpé (now Gibraltar) and Abyla (Ceuta), on either side of the Strait of Gibraltar, thought by the ancients to be the supports of the western boundary of the world, and to have been set up by Hercules.

hosiery - socks and stockings and tights collectively (the British include underwear)

blown - swollen, distended; spoiled, tainted; tired, exhausted + Comment vous portez-vous aujourd'hui, mon blond monsieur? (French) - How are you today, my fair sir?

sewer - one who sews, or stitches + mon bon monsieur (French phrase) - my kind man.

scuse - excuse + FDV: Scuse me, guy. Who is this This kerl on the kopje [who the joebiggar be he?] Forshapen like a pigmayde hoagshead.

charley - a fool, simpleton + Sorley Boy MacDonnell - rebellious Ulster chief.

taler de Dansk (Danish) - do you speak Danish? + FDV: You tollerday donsk domk? N.

talkative + tolke (Danish) - to interpret + Tolka river, Dublin.

Egyptian is rich in negative words, each of which possesses its own peculiar syntactic uses. For the moment we are concerned only with the commonest of these, which appears in two forms, nn and n... The distinction between nn and n is rather obscure." (Gardiner: Egyptian Grammar) [hieroglyph denoting n looks like river: ""]

Norwegian - the language of Norway + Scowegian (nautical slang) - Scandinavian + FDV: You talkatiff Scowegian? Nn.

spiggoty - Spanish-American, a foreign language + Jespersen: Language, its Nature, Development and Origin 399 (XX.4): 'Round Panama everything native is called spiggoty, because in the early days the Panamanians, when addressed, used to reply, "No spiggoty [speak] Inglis"' + Richard Pigott (*Y*), an Irish journalist, attempted to incriminate Charles Stewart Parnell (*E*) in the 1882 Phoenix Park Murders by means of false letters; trapped at a government inquiry by his spelling of 'hesitancy' as 'hesitency'.

English + Anglais (French) - English + Jesperson, Language 20.4: “Panamanians, when addressed, used to reply ‘No spiggoty (speak) Inglis’” + FDV: You spigotty angliss? Nnn.

phoneo (gr) - I speak + euphonium, saxophone (musical instruments).

Saxo = Saxon - the language of the Saxons + FDV: You Phonio Saxo? Nnnn.

Jute - one of the three Low German (other two were Angles and Saxons) tribes which, according to the account preserved by Bæda, invaded and settled in Britain in the fifth and sixth centuries + mute + (notebook 1924): 'I am a Jute'.

swop = swap - to exchange, make an exchange + shake hands

exchange + échecs (French) - chess + FDV: 'Tis clear all so. Tis a Jute. Let us swop hats & exchange a few verbs with each either [& have a tolk about the blooty creep kneeks].

strong language - expressions indicative of violent or excited feeling + strong and weak verbs in Germanic languages (e.g. Old English).

haphazard - dependent upon chance or accident; random + yap - a chat; to chat + (notebook 1924): 'yap' → Leader 15 Mar 1924, 134/1: 'As Others See Us': 'S' donkey's years since I've had a yap with you old man'.

bloot (Dutch) - naked + bloody

creek - an inlet or short arm of a river + Greeks.

mutt - a stupid or commonplace person; a mongrel dog, cur + me + Mutt and Jeff (Cockney Rhyming Slang) - deaf + REFERENCE

my pleasure - a colloq. dismissal of thanks + muc (muk) - pig + FDV: Much Mutts pleasure

jeff - a derogatory term for a man + deaf

somehow - someway, in some manner + FDV: Someward

deafmute - deaf and dumb [(notebook 1924): 'deafmute']

nohow - not at all

utterer - one that utters + stutterer - one who stutters.

whoa - a word of command to a horse or other draught-animal to stop or stand still + how

matter + Mutter (ger) - mother.

stun - the condition of being stunned

stummer - to stumble + stammer - to stutter + Stummer (ger) - mute person + FDV: I became a stummer.

horrible + audible + FDV: What a turrurrurrurrible thing to because! How?

apud, aput (l) - with, at, near, by, amid, among + upon

buttle - to serve as a butler + battle + "Buttle / franking machine / son turned out badly / look at it over / there" - first words on the first page of the first notebook Joyce used after completing Ulyssess. Combined pun on the words bottle and battle looks ahead to Joyce's practice in the rest of his last book.

surd - irrational; voiceless; stupid (Archaic) + sir + surdus (l) = sourd (fr) - deaf.

poddle - to walk with short or uncertain steps, to toddle + Poddle river, Dublin.

wherein - in what, where

Clontarf + FDV: The Inns of Dungtarf where used ought to be.

inedible - not edible + inaudible + FDV: You are almost inedible to me. Become a little more wiseable as if I were you. Let me cross your.

a' bisschen (ger) - a little

Brian Boru + FDV: Up Urp Boohooros Boohooru! Boroorusurp! Booru! Usurp! I trumple with from wrath rath in my mine mines when I rememmerem.

usurp - to seize and hold by force or without right

trample - to tread heavily and (esp.) injuriously upon; to crush + tremble

rath - circular earthwork stronghold of an ancient irish chief + wrath + Rathmines - district of Dublin.

rim - edge + remember

Augenblick (ger) - moment + Ein Augenblick (ger) - 'one moment' + eye gone black (Joyce wore a black eye-patch at times).

bison (Slang) - nickel (United States coin) + business is business (phrase).

fore - before

hesitancy - the quality or condition of hesitating, indecision, vacillation

qualm - a spasm of fear + Qualm (ger) - thick smoke + cross someone's palm with silver - to give money to someone (esp. for some information).

trinket - a small drinking vessel; a cup + trinken (ger) - to drink + Trinkgeld (ger) - tip (literally "drink-money") + gilt trinket.

gilt - gilt plate, the thin layer of gold with which anything is gilt; gold, money + guilt + FDV: Let me cross your qualm with gilt trinkgilt. Here is coyne, a piece of oaks.

sylvan - rel. to wood or woods + silver

coyne - an Irish chieftain's exaction of food and drink from his tenants for his soldiers + cone - the more or less conical fruit of pines and firs + coin

Guinness - the proprietary name of a stout manufactured by the firm of Guinness → "Guinness is Good for You" (advertising slogan): Guinness's advertising agency (S. H. Benson) did some market research during the 1920's to find our what people liked about Guinness. People responded that they felt good when they had their pint and the slogan was born. The slogan is still used in some countries (notably in Africa) that do not regulate advertising claims as zealously as the U.K. and North America. Some have even posted that the advertising features athletes and imply that there athleticism can be attributed to Guinness + guineas.

louis - a gold French coin + l’ouie (French) - the sense of hearing + lui, lui (Italian) - it’s him!

untellable + indelible - that cannot be removed, washed away or erased.

great + Harald Graycloak ruled West Norway in the 10th century.

Celtic + Sitric Silkenbeard led the Danes to an ignominous defeat at the battle of Clontarf in 1014.

shag - a mass of matted hair + FDV: How I know it the livery greytecloke of Cedric Silkyshag [with his hairyside out]! It He is him. Tormentor Thormentor. He was poached on that eggtentical spot by the. Here where the liveries. There where the missers mooney: Minnikin Passe.

mealy - resembling meal, having the qualities of meal, powdery

faulty - defective, imperfect, unsound + Cead mile failte romhat (ked mili falt'i rot) (gael) - a hundred thousand welcomes to you (traditional Irish greeting).

dabble - to wet by splashing, to play about in shallow water + Dublin

bar (Slang) - one pound sterling

grilse - the name given to a young salmon on its first return to the river from the sea

poach - to cook (fish, fruit, etc.) by simmering in water or another liquid; to hunt illegally + poached salmon or egg + (killed).
