ban - anathematization, curse + pan - the action of panning a camera, a panoramic sequence + ban (Cornish, Welsh) - mountain, height.

infrarational - below what is rational

fore = for (prep. in various uses); on account of, because of (obs.)

milch - of domestic mammals: Giving milk, kept for milking + Michael + Lane-Poole: The Speeches & Table-Talk of the Prophet Mohammad xiv: 'The hospitality of the Arab is a proverb... it is strictly true. The last milch-camel must be killed rather than the duties of the host neglected'.

Lane-Poole: The Speeches & Table-Talk of the Prophet Mohammad xxvii: (of Mohammad) 'Fine long arched eyebrows were divided by a vein, which throbbed visibly in moments of passion'.

moor - to secure one's ship (etc.) in a particular place; to anchor; to secure (a ship, boat, or other floating object) in a particular place by means of chains or ropes.

Charmian - lady attending on Cleopatra in William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra + Lane-Poole: The Speeches & Table-Talk of the Prophet Mohammad xxvi: (of Mohammad) 'his rich cousin, Khadija, whom he presently married at the age of twenty-five' + cousin-german - a person who shares common grandparents but not common parents, the child of your aunt or uncle.

Lane-Poole: The Speeches & Table-Talk of the Prophet Mohammad xxx: (of Mohammad) 'his ordinary food was dates and water'.

tether - to make fast or confine with a tether + Lane-Poole: The Speeches & Table-Talk of the Prophet Mohammad xxiii: (of ancient Arab superstition) 'a few tied camels to the graves of the dead that the corpse might ride mounted to the judgement-seat'.

dread - extreme fear; deep awe or reverence; apprehension or anxiety as to future events + Lane-Poole: The Speeches & Table-Talk of the Prophet Mohammad xxxix: 'The day of judgement is a stern reality to Mohammad... he calls it the Hour... the Smiting... the Day of Decision'.

chip - to hew or cut with an axe or adze, or with strokes from any other cutting tool

chap - to break into small pieces, chop, strike + FDV: A bone, a pebble, a ramskin: chip them, chop chap them, cut them allways:

terracotta - a hard unglazed pottery of a fine quality, of which decorative tiles and bricks, architectural decorations, statuary, vases, and the like are made

melting pot - a vessel for melting + Mutter (ger) - mother + Hering (ger) - herring + mothering + FDV: leave them to terracook in the slow slowth of their oven mutthering pot:

guten Morgen (ger) - good morning + Johann Gutenberg (1398 – 1468) was a German inventor who achieved fame for his contributions to the technology of printing during 1448. His inventions allowed for the rapid printing of written materials, and an information explosion in Renaissance Europe + FDV: and the day gutenmorg of a magnum charter we must one way dawn else there is is there no virtue more in alcohoran.

CroMagnon - used, chiefly attrib., to designate a group of mankind characterized by a long low skull, a wide face, and wide orbits (Mesolithic and Neolithic times) [(notebook 1924): 'Cro-Magnon'] + James Joyce, Dubliners: 'The Sisters': 'gnomon'.

charter - lit. A leaf of paper (in OE. called bóc, book); a legal document or 'deed' written (usually) upon a single sheet of paper, parchment, or other material, by which grants, cessions, contracts, and other transactions are confirmed and ratified + Magna Carta, also called Magna Carta Libertatum (the Great Charter of Freedoms), is an English legal charter, originally issued in the year 1215. It was written in Latin and is known by its Latin name. The usual English translation of Magna Carta is Great Charter. Magna Carta required King John of England to proclaim certain rights (pertaining to freemen), respect certain legal procedures, and accept that his will could be bound by the law. Magna Carta was arguably the most significant early influence on the extensive historical process that led to the rule of constitutional law today in the English speaking world.

tinting - the action of tint, the result of this, colouring + tint - a colour, usu. slight or delicate + Tintenfass (ger) - inkwell (an ink-cup adapted to occupy a hole in a desk).

great primer - a size of printer's type approximately equal to 18 point, formerly used for Bibles

omnibus (l) - for everybody + once for always - once as a final act, once and done with.

rubric - a heading of a chapter, section, or other division of a book, written or printed in red; red ochre + rubricked - marked by red letters, written or printed in red + redd - cleared for a new occupant.

virtue - occult efficacy or power

alcohol + Alcoran - the sacred book of Muslims, the Koran.

rapt - entranced, ravished, enraptured + Lane-Poole: The Speeches & Table-Talk of the Prophet Mohammad xxxi: (of Mohammad's second revelation) '"O thou who art wrapped, rise up, and warn!..." - Koran, ch. lxxiv'.

papyr - papyrus + 'What Are Little Girls Made Of, Made Of' (nursery rhyme).

meed - to reward. In bad sense, to bribe + FDV: For that is what paper is made of, made of, hides and hints and misses in prints.

hide - a hiding place, the action or an act of hiding, concealment + (parchment made of animal hides).

misprint - a mistake in printing

endlich (ger) - finally

typus (l) - figure, form, image + typos (gr) - print, impression; image, model + FDV: Till we finally (though not yet for all) meet with the acquaintance of Mr Typ, Mrs Top and all the little typtoppies — Fillstop Fillstap.

tope - to drink heavily; an exclamation used in drinking; app. = I pledge you + topos (gr) - place, passage in a book.

tiptop - the very top, the highest point or part, the extreme summit + (notebook 1923): 'Mrs Doesbe & all the little Dobes'.

bind over - to oblige (a person) to undertake to do a particular act + FDV: So you need hardly tell spell me that every word will be bound to carry 3 score & ten tomtypsical readings through the book of life Ballyliving duble ends out till Daleth, who opened it, closes thereof the door. + REFERENCE

three score and ten - the span of a life, seventy years, as given in the Bible; according to Joseph Charles Mardrus' Introduction to the Koran, Muslim exegetes believe that every word of the Koran has seventy different meanings, one for each year of a man's life.

reading - an interpretation, as of a piece of music, a situation, or something said or written

thorouhout - through the whole of (a space, region, etc.), in or to every part of, everywhere in

Dublin's giant + double ends joined + 'What God hath joined, let no man put asunder... till death do us part' (marriage ceremony) + FDV: through the book of life Ballyliving duble ends out till Daleth, who opened it, closes thereof the door.

genie (also jinni, djinni, from Arabic جني jinnī) is a supernatural creature which occupies a parallel world to that of mankind, and together with humans and angels makes up the three sentient creations of God (Allah). According to the Qur’ān, there are two creations that have free will: humans and jinn. We do not know many details about them; however, the Qur’an mentions that jinn are made of smokeless flame, and they form communities just like humans, and, just like humans, they can be good or evil.

Lane-Poole: The Speeches & Table-Talk of the Prophet Mohammad xxix: (of Mohammad) 'The worst expression he ever made use of in conversation was, 'What has come to him? may his forehead be darkened with mud!''

sunder - to become separated or severed from something; to be torn, break, or split in pieces + Sünder (ger) - sinner.

daleth - 4. letter of Jewish alphabet, meaning "door"

Mahamanvantara (Sanskrit) [from maha great + manvantara period of manifestation] - A great cycle of cosmic manifestation and activity, whether of a universe, solar system, or planet. The mahamanvantara of a solar system or Life of Brahma is a period of 311,040,000,000,000 terrestrial years. A mahamanvantara of the earth-chain is a Day of Brahma or a period of seven rounds of the planetary chain. We have lived somewhat more than one-half of our planetary mahamanvantara; and again 50 Years of Brahma (one half of the Life of Brahma) have also passed away. We have thus reached the first Divine Day of the first Divine Month of the ascending cycle of the second cosmic period of fifty Divine Years of the cosmic mahamanvantara. The day after the mahamanvantara is the Day-Be-With-Us or the Christian Day of Judgment. Then all individualities are merged into one, each still possessing essential or intrinsic knowledge of itself. But at that time, what to us now is nonconscious or the unconscious, will be absolute consciousness.

ope (Archaic) - to open

thereof - of that, of it, from that cause

dor - trick, deception, mockery + In FW the at the end is a door (exit/entrance). Also, the (French: 'tea'), is end of the letter, which is obliterated by tea stain made by Belinda (Biddy) Dorans.

Fly not yet (notebook 1923) → Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies: song: Fly Not Yet [Air -- Planxty Kelly]

nondum (l) - not yet; not now + "How many miles to Babylon? Three score and ten, sir. Will we be there by candlelight?" (Ulysses. 9.415).

city + sixty + sytti (Norwegian) - 70.

Wsir or Wsr - Osiris

candlelight - the light given by a candle or by candles. Often, artificial light in general + Kindl (ger) - child.

handsel - a gift to express good wishes at the beginning of a new year or enterprise; the first money or barter taken in, as by a new business or on the opening day of business, especially when considered a token of good luck.

movables - small objects of value (slang); nine concentric revolving spheres of the heavens (in the Ptolemaic astronomy) + movable type - type in which each character is cast on a separate piece of metal. Most people have the general idea that Gutenberg invented printing. A few who think they know better believe that although the Chinese developed printing, Gutenberg invented movable type. Neither is actually true - Chinese inventors created printing, the paper to print on, and movable type made from wood or ceramics. These concepts spread to the West relatively soon after their invention, especially the manufacture of paper. Gutenberg's actual inventions were two. Although he was not the first to try casting metal type - the Chinese had tried it and found it too difficult to do properly - he created the first system for casting type so that the letters could form a flat surface, essential to their use in printing. And he invented a printers' ink that would function with metal type. The arrangement he developed to use a modified wine press to impress type held in wooden forms on paper was good enough not to change in any substantial way for about 300 years. From the very first, Gutenberg produced what we still recognize as printing of the highest order.

scrawl - to move with a scrambling and shuffling motion, to scribble, to write carelessly or awkwardly

pitpat - a pattering sound


eerie - fear-inspiring; strange, weird + FDV: The movables movibles are scrawling in motion march marching, all of them again ago in pitpat & zingzang to for every little busy earywig eeriewhig tells 's a little bit of a torytale to tell.

Whig - an adherent of one of the two great parliamentary and political parties in England, and (at length) in Great Britain (opposed to Tory).

thyme - a plant comprising shrubby herbs with fragrant aromatic leaves + once upon a time

lettice = lettuce; lattice + Leixlip - village six miles west of Chapelizod.

strubly - untidy, unkempt + STRAWBERRY BEDS - The area, actually known for its strawberries, along the North bank of the Liffey between Chapehizod and Woodlands + strubbeling (Dutch) - difficulty.

chick - chicken; a young woman + Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais  I.216: (common modern folktale opening formula) 'A long time ago, When the hens had teeth' + Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais I.215: (common 16th century folktale opening formula) 'At the time when the beasts spoke'.

bray + bégayer (French) - to stutter.

Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais I.216: (common 16th century folktale ending formula) 'For if you do not believe it, neither do I'.

cuddy - ass, donkey; lout, blockhead + cuidiú liom (Irish) - help me + cuddle

wallop - gallop; a powerful blow + walls have ears

barnet = barnet fair (Cockney Rhyming Slang) - hair + barnet (Danish) - the child + 'Forty Bonnets' - nickname of Mrs Tommy Healy of Galway (wife of the brother of Nora Barnacle's mother, whose maiden name was Annie Healy; from her great variety of hats and bonnets; was a petite woman married to a big man; they had no children) + Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais I.166: 'The tall bonnets of the fifteenth century, a hair-style raised high above the forehead, had passed into proverb by the next century, and the expression from the time of the tall bonnets reappears often under the quill of Rabelais'.

hoop (Dutch) - hope + hoop-skirts.

run high - lit. said of the sea when there is a strong current with a high tide, or with high waves; hence fig. of feelings or conditions, manifesting themselves forcibly

Noah's Ark + FDV: Of a man noarch and of a wife chopwife and or of a pomme so fall grave and a famme fammy of levity or of the golden youths that wanted gilding or of the maid that what the misschievmiss made maide a man do.

pomme - a potato + pomme (fr) - apple + homme (fr) - man + pomus gravide (l) - a heavy laden fruit tree ---- fama levitatis (l) - a reputation of lightness; pseudo aphorism modeled on: gravida ventris, famae levis (l) - laden of belly, light of repute

fammy (cant) - waistcoat-pocket + femme (French) - woman.

levity - lightness in movement; frivolity, freedom of conduct (said esp. of women)

gilded youth - young people of wealth and fashion, esp. if given to prodigal living (in the French Revolution, applied to young men of the upper classes who aided in suppressing the Jacobins after the Reign of Terror).

mischief - harm or evil considered as the work of an agent or due to a particular cause

Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais I.207: 'Mal maridade, the poorly-married, a dance of Provence'.

Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais I.207: 'Revergasse (in Langedoc, revergado), an ancient dance in which the young girls tucked their skirts up to the thighs (from reverga, to tuck up)'.

frisque = frisk - a brisk and lively movement in horsemanship or dancing, a caper + Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais I.207: 'appellations de danses... la Frisque' (French 'names of dances... la Frisque').

frasques (fr) - tricks, pranks, extravagant actions

pyrrhic - the war dance of the ancient Greeks + peruke + Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais I.207: 'danses grecques... la pirrichie' (French 'Greek dances... la pirrichie') + Pyrrha - Deucalion’s wife in Greek mythology (corresponds to Coba, Noah’s wife, in the Greek myth of the Flood; see chopwife (Coba) three lines above).

Morgana le Fay - sorceress in the King Arthur stories + ma foi! (French) - an interjection expressing surprise or shock.

Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais I.207: 'appellations de danses... la Gaye' (French 'names of dances... la Gaye').

snaky - snakelike, wavy, wriggly + Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais I.220: 'la fameuse Mélusine... fée sous forme de femme-serpent' (French 'the famous Melusine... a fairy in the form of a snake-woman').

Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais I.207: 'appellations de danses... la Trippiere' (French 'names of dances... la Trippiere')


Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais I.207: 'Expect un pauc, attends un peu... danse gasconne' (French 'Expect un pauc, wait a bit... a dance of Gascony')

veil - a garment that covers the head and face

volante - moving with light rapidity

valentine - one's beloved, sweetheart chosen on st. Valentines's day. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Valentine is "strong, healthy". Variant of Valentinus, the name of more than 50 saints and three Roman emperors. Despite the popular Valentine's day, Saint Valentine himself has nothing to do with romantic love + Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais I.207: 'appellations de danses... La Valentinoise' (French 'names of dances... La Valentinoise').

best + Lazare Sainéan:  La Langue de Rabelais (Paris 1922) I.108: 'Besch, vent du sud-ouest' (French 'Besch, South-West wind') + It's an ill wind that blows nobody good (proverb).

flouin (French) - 'a type of sea-vessel, resembling the rauberge, a little smaller' (Lazare Sainéan,  La Langue de Rabelais, Paris 1922) + flew in, flew on.

hore (ger) - listen + Ho! ho! + whore (ALP).