infancy - the condition of being an infant; the earliest period of human life, early childhood

tearsheet - a sheet torn from a publication (or, later, separately printed and unbound) to be sent to an advertiser whose advertisement appears on it as proof of insertion; also one containing an article.

wring - to twist and compress, as if in pain or anguish + ringen (ger) - to wrestle + FDV: and his little jiminy, Hilary and his dummy were on the watercloth, kissing & spitting tearsheet of the cashel, wringing & coughing in their first infancy.

Brodhar or Brodar - Danish sorcerer who killed Brian Boru at the Battle of Clontarf + Bruder (ger) - brother.

hister - a sort of beetle + sister

nip - to snatch, catch, seize or take smartly + Napoleon

paly - pale, or somewhat pale + FDV: And the prankwench said to the wicked picked a paly one & made witter before the wicked.

red cock - a male of red grouse; a euphemism for fire maliciously raised [(notebook 1924): 'red cock'].

flacker - flutter, to flap (like wings)

hillock - a little hill + comb - the fleshy red crest on the head of the domestic fowl and other gallinaceous birds + (notebook 1923): '2 hilltops'.

witter - comp. of witty + witter (Dialect) - mark, sign.

wicked - a wicked person + wicket (obs) - female pudendum.

twy - two, twice + Mark Twain.

poss - to dash or toss with a blow, to knock, an act of possing; post + FDV: I want Why do I liking 2 cupsa poss of porterpeace.

antworten (ger) - answer + antwoordde (Dutch) - answered + (made a sign with the hand).

modesty + her majesty - the Queen + FDV: But the wicked handworded her grace. Shut. Then the prankwench her grace o'malice put down Tristopher & picked up with Hilary and she ran, ran, ran rain, rain, rain.

aforethought - premeditated, previously in mind

Lilliput - the name of an imaginary country in Gulliver's Travels (1726), peopled by pygmies six inches high. Used attrib.= diminutive + Lilith - Adam's wife before Eve, in kabbalistic lore.

woemen = woman + no (woe) man's land.

blather - to talk foolishly, talk nonsense, to cry loudly, to blubber + blethered (Anglo-Irish) - blathered, spoke garrulous nonsense.

atter - poison, venom, bitterness + after + atter (Danish) - again, once more.

Fingal - Finn's name in Macpherson's Ossian poems. Fingal is a Scottish hero who comes to Ireland and fights the Danes. The Irish called certain Norse invaders, 'fingal' or 'fingall', meaning "fair stranger."

domb = dumb + FDV: And Sir Howther bleethered atter her: Stop Deef Damd stop Come back with my Earing. Stop.

svarede (Danish) - answered + FDV: But she swareadid to him: Am liking it. And there was a [fineold] grandnewwail [that altarsame sobbaoth] somewhere in Erio.

Grannuaile - the Irish name of Grace O'Malley

St. Laurence's day - 10 August + Saint Lawrence family, Earls of Howth.

starshooting - Jocularly used with reference to taking the altitude of stars.

TIR NA MBAN - In the 10th-century text of The Voyage of Bran, Bran and his followers stay so long on the enchanted island of Tir na Mban, the Land of Women, where a century is like a year, that when they return to land the 1st man to step on shore collapses into a pile of ashes + le même (French) - the same.

Crom Cruach - a Celtic idol destroyed by Saint Patrick + the curse of Cromwell.

lark - a frolicsome adventure, a spree + classical + FDV: Then the prankwench went for a hundred years war walk with Hilary and she punched holes in curses in him & she had her four [larksical] monitrix to taught him his tears

monitrix - a female monitor (one who admonishes or gives advice or warning to another as to his conduct) + monitrix (l) - instructress + Saint Patrick was said to have served four masters.

provorto (l) - I turn forwards + perverted.

Christian + Tristan.

Dermot + verdammter (ger) - damned + ter (l) - three times, thrice.

Hillary + (stone) [.24] + FDV: & then she went with her Larryat Larryhill for another hundred years walk & brought in a pair of changes she was back to Sir Howther.

(little) apron

mansion house - a house of the lord of a manor, a large imposing residence + Mansion House, Dublin (the Lord-Mayor's residence).

lace - a cord, line, string, thread, or tie (obs.) + late night.

third time is charm + FDV: And why did she halt at all but by the ward of his mansionhouse [another a third time for the third charm].

hurricane - a violent rush or commotion bringing with it destruction or confusion; a storm or tempest of words, noise, cheers, etc.

pantry - a room or apartment in a house, etc., in which bread and other provisions are kept

dare (it) - to give + dair (Irish) - oak + Adear, adear! (motif).

Tristopher (reversed) + (*C* and *I*).

watercloth - ? a dish cloth + cloth (spec.) = table-cloth - a covering for a table, particularly that spread on it when it is 'laid' for a meal.

rogue - to act like a rogue + FDV: Sir Howther had his hurricane hand hips up to his pantrybox and his little jiminy Tristopher Toughertrees & the dummy were belord on the tarssheet watercloth, kissing & spitting [& roguing & poghing] in their second infancy.

poghuing (Irish) - kissing

knave - a boy or lad employed as a servant (obs.); rogue, rascal + paltry - rubbishy, worthless; insignificant, trifling; contemptible, of worthless nature + Naomh Pádraig (Irish) - Saint Patrick + Joyce's note: 'knavepaltry'.

Naomh Brighid (Irish) - Saint Brigid (also known as 'Saint Bride')

second infancy - the state of childishness incident to extreme old age

blank - white, colourless + FDV: And the prankswench she picked a plank and said to the gate made ____ (her wittest) in front of the Archway Arkway of Triumph & asked: Why am do I like 3 cupss poss porterpease.

Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies: The Song of O'Ruark, Prince of Breffni: 'The valley lay smiling before me'.

twinkling - sparkling, glittering + (notebook 1923): '3 lights in valley' Ireland: Its Saints and Scholars 43-4: 'An ancient Irish manuscript of unknown authorship divides the Saints of Ireland into three great orders. The First Order was in the time of St. Patrick. They were 350 in number [...] The Second Order numbered 300 [...] and flourished during the latter half of the sixth century. The Third Order of Saints lived in Ireland for a period which extended for about seventy years from the end of the sixth century. The writer of the manuscript says that "the First Order was most holy, the Second Order holier, and the Third holy. The First glowed like the sun in the fervour of their charity; the Second cast a pale radiance like the moon; the Third shone like the aurora. These Three Orders the blessed Patrick foreknew, enlightened by heavenly wisdom, when in prophetic vision he saw at first all Ireland ablaze, and afterwards only the mountains on fire; and at last saw lamps lit in the valleys.'

archway - the arched entrance to a castle, etc. + arc de triomphe (French) - triumphal arch.

Mark of Cornwall - king, uncle of Tristan, husband of Isolde of Ireland. Mark is best known from Wagner's opera, but Bédier's Tristan et Iseult is the great source. Bédier's Mark is, as it were, two men: one loves wife and nephew and believes what they tell him lies; the other listens to four wicked barons, spies with them, sets traps for the lovers.

tris (Greek) - thrice

acoming - coming to, reaching + The Campbells Are Coming (song) → REFERENCE

fork - the act of branching out or dividing into branches + first

lance - a weapon, consisting of a long wooden shaft and an iron or steel head

Boanerges or Sons of Thunder - the name Jesus gave to the apostles James and John (Mark, 3:17)

Brian Boru was called 'The Terror of the Danes'

hip hop - with hopping movement, with successive hops

handicap - any race or competition in which the chances of the competitors are sought to be equalized by giving an advantage to the less efficient or imposing a disadvantage upon the more efficient.

suton (Serbian) - twilight + Isthmus of Sutton, joining Howth and the mainland.

three castles on the Dublin coat of arms + FDV: And Sir Howther came hip hip handicap out of through the gate as far as he could his arkway of his 3 cashels

ginger - a light sandy color + Brobdingnag - a land of giants in Swift's Gulliver's Travels + gingerbread.

civic - of, pertaining, or proper to citizens + civic crown - a garland of oak leaves and acorns, bestowed in Roman times upon one that had saved the life of a fellow-citizen in war.

collar + choler (Archaic) - bile, anger.

buff - military attire [for which buff (wild ox) was formerly much used]; a military coat made of buff + FDV: allbuffshirt

hem - to edge or border (a garment or cloth), to decorate with a border + Hemd (ger) = hemd (Dutch) - shirt, undershirt.

Balbriggan - the name of a town in Ireland, applied attrib. to a knitted cotton fabric manufactured there, used in hose, underwear, etc.

socks and gloves + Anglo-Saxon.

Ragnar Lodbrok (Ragnar "Hairy-Breeks") - a Norse legendary hero from the Viking Age. To court his second wife, the Swedish princess Thora, Ragnar traveled to Sweden and quelled an infestation of venomous snakes, famously wearing the hairy breeches whereby he gained his nickname.

breeks - breeches

catgut - dried sheep intestines (used for the strings of musical instruments, etc.) + CATTEGAT (KATTEGAT) - The strait connecting North and Baltic Seas between Sweden and Denmark. Dan, "cat's throat."

bandoleer - a broad belt, worn over the shoulder and across the breast used by soldiers; orig. it helped to support the musket, and had also attached twelve little cases, each containing a charge for the musket.