blight - decay, disease + night black
stack - heap + walking-stick.
twelve penny - 1 shilling + The Twelve Pins - group of mountains, Joyces' Country, Co. Galway.
omnibus - a four-wheeled public vehicle for carrying passengers, with the inside seats extending along the sides, and the entrance at the rear, and with or without seats on the roof + nubi basse (Italian) - low clouds.
sleigh - to travel or ride in a sleigh + sliding
Derry = Londonderry - borough in northern Ireland + dirigibles - airships, balloons.
snoop - to go around in a sly or a prying manner + stopping
Horace: Odes III.29.12 (l) - 'Fumum et opes strepitumque Romae' (Latin 'The smoke and the grandeur and the noise of Rome').
ville - a town or village + A slang term for London is "Romeville".
indigenous - native
housekeeper - a person in charge of a house, office, place of business, etc.
Turm (ger) - tower + (notebook 1924): 'durum & durum non faciunt murum' → durum et durum non faciunt murum (l) - stern measures do not build a protective wall (literally 'hard and hard do not make a wall').
uproar - a serious tumult, commotion, or outbreak of disorder among the people or a body of persons; loud outcry or vociferation + roor - roar (obs.) + Aufruhr (ger) - commotion, revolt.
Aufruf (ger) - summons, appeal
reef - one of the horizontal portions of a sail which may be successively rolled or folded up in order to diminish the extent of canvas exposed to the wind + Ring-a-ring o'roses (children's game): 'One for me, and one for you, and one for little Moses'.
butt - stump, tail end + BUTT BRIDGE - Aka Swivel Bridge. The last (and East-most) bridge as the Liffey flows except for the Loop Line Railway bridge. Erected 1879; named for the 19th-century politician Isaac Butt + but
suit - agree with, adapt
tony - fool, simpleton; fashionable, stylish + Suetonius - historian and biographer of twelve Caesars.
wan - pale
Phil the Fluter's Ball - Percy French song → REFERENCE + Philip, Phil, Pip - the name means "horse lover".
tippling - the drinking of intoxicating drink, habitual indulgence in liquor + Finnegan's Wake 2 (song): 'One morning Tim was rather full, / His head felt heavy which made him shake, / He fell from the ladder and broke his skull, / So they carried him home his corpse to wake'.
howd - a lurching rocking movement + hoved (Danish) - head + FDV: His howth howd filled heavy, his hodd hoddit did shake. There was a wall in course of erection. He fell stottered from the latter. Damb! He was dead dudd. Dump Dumb! For all the world to see.
hodet (Norwegian) - the head.
stotter - to stumble, stagger
latter - last mentioned + ladder
damb - damn
dud - of little or no worth + dead
mastaba - an Egyptian tomb + toom - empty + masturbation + Finnegan tumbles from the ladder through time and space into an ancient Egyptian mastaba-tomb + (notebook 1924): '(mastaba)' → Perry: The Origin of Magic and Religion 34: 'the tombs used in the first dynasties by the royal family... were called mastabas'.
mon - man + Amen or Ammon or Ammun, etc. ("the hidden one") - according to Budge, he began as chief god of Thebes, was later identified with Ra, later assumed all the attributes of the old gods of Egypt.
lute - lite; loot; lout + 'Needles and pins, blankets and shins, when a man is married his sorrow begins' (song).
all along - all through the course of
schizō (Greek) - I split, I cleave, I separate → Issy's split personality; Adaline Glasheen recognizes Issy in "Shize? I should shee"; presumably the following remark (spoken by Biddy O'Brien in the ballad Finnegan's Wake) is to be attributed to Issy.
shee - she + shee (Anglo-Irish) - fairy + sidhe (shi) (gael) - tomb, tumulus + shee (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - see + FDV: Size! I should say! MacCool, Macool, macool, why did ye die! Sore They sighed at Finn Funnigan's wake chrismiss chrissormiss cake wake.
Finn MacCumhaill (MacCool) - legendary Irish king
orra - odd; idle, worthless + arrah (Anglo-Irish) - but, now, really.
why did you die? - how do you do? + song Pretty Molly Brannigan: 'When I hear yiz crying round me "Arrah, why did ye die?"'
of (Dublin Colloquial) - on (when referring to days of the week)
trying - difficult, annoying
Miss Hooligan's Christmas Cake (song) - a 19th Century broadside ballad from Scotland → REFERENCE + Finnegan's Wake (song) + FDV: Sore They sighed at Finn Funnigan's wake chrismiss chrissormiss cake wake.
hooligan - a young street rough, a member of a street gang + holy ones + Sullivans.
prostrate - to lay flat on the ground
consternation - dismay, shock
duodecimal - rel. to twelfth parts or to the number twelve; proceeding by twelves + dismally - gloomily, dolorously.
profusive - lavish (adj.)
plethora - overabundance
ululate - to utter a howl or wail
plumb - the weight attached to a mason's plumb-line, to secure its perpendicularit + plumber - a workman who installs and repairs piping and fittings to do with water supply, sanitation, and drainage.
grume = groom - a man servant + FDV: There was plumbs and grooms grumes and sheriffs and zitherers citherers & raiders and cittamen too. And they all chimed in with the shoutmost shoviality. 'Twas he was the dacent gaylabouring youth!
sherif - a high officer
cither - An anglicized form of cithara, applied to the ancient instrument, as well as its later modifications + zither - a musical instrument consisting of a flat wooden sound box with numerous strings stretched across it, placed horizontally and played with the fingers and a plectrum.
raider - one who raids, a marauder + riders.
cinema men + "There was plums and prunes and cherries/ And citron and raisins and cinnamon too" (song Miss Hooligan's Christmas Cake).
utmost - that is of the greatest or highest degree, extreme + Phil the Fluther's Ball (song): "Then all joined in wid the utmost joviality".
joviality - the quality of being jovial; hearty mirth, humour, or good-fellowship; jollity + show - an appearance which makes a strong impression on the beholder.
agog - eager, enthusiastic + Gog and Magog - represent the nations that are deceived by Satan (Revelations, 20). In legends of Alexander, Gog and Magog are enemies he sealed behind a great wall in the Caucasus. In The Faerie Queene, Gogmagog is the chief giant of Albion.
gogmagog - a giant, a man of immense stature and strength
han (Danish) - he + hun (Danish) - she
kinkin - a small barrel, a keg + cinn (kin) (gael) - heads wail, lament + (stuttering).
can-can - a high-kicking French dance
keen - to utter the keen, or Irish lamentation for the dead; to wail or lament bitterly
bell - to bellow, roar, make a loud noise
Brian O'Linn - Irish ballad hero, first to wear clothes, make them of simple materials like sheepskin, shells, etc. + Priam - last king of Troy + Priomh Ollamh (priv uluv) (gael) - Chief Poet (highest rank in ancient Irish bardic system) + olim (l) - once + {four comments by *X*}
dacent - decent
day labor - labor done or paid for by the day + Barnaby Finegan (song): 'I'm a decent gay laboring youth' (a similar version entitled song Mr. Finagan has: 'I'm a dacent laboring youth').
sharpen - grind to sharpness + FDV: His A scone as for his pillow Sharphen his pillowscone tap up his bier.
pillar stone - a pillar shaped monument or memorila stone + scone - a large round cake; the head (Austral. slang.)
bier - the movable stand on which a corpse, whether in coffin or not, is placed before burial + Bier (German) = bier (Dutch) - beer.
whorl - spiral, convolution + FDV: Arrah where in this world would you hear such a din again?
sich = such
din - commotion, clamor, hubbub + Barnaby Finegan (song): 'I married but once in my life, / But I'll never commit such a sin again'.
brow - [= the second element in highbrow, low-brow, etc.] colloq. Level of intellectual attainment or interest + de profundis (l) - "from the depths": Opening of Ps. 130, traditionally said at wakes.
dusty - covered with dust + adaste fideles (l) - "be present, faithful ones," i.e., "Come all ye faithful" + FDV: The owl whole hangsigns & the thirsty thirstey therstey fidelios!
Fidelio - the name of Beethoven's only opera. In the opera, a faithful wife saves her imprisoned husband from death. In the song Finnegan's Wake, Tim Finnegan is saved from death when whiskey is splashed on him; this occurs as the result of a fight originating between two women, both of whom claim to be Tim's significant other. Thus, Tim is saved by his infidelity, without which there would have been no fight, no spilled whiskey, and no resurrection. (The riot which ensues during Tim's wake is precipitated by an altercation between two women, Biddy O'Brien and Maggy O'Connor.)
braw - fine, splendid, pleasant + bradan (bradan) (gael) - salmon + brow down: i.e., face down + FDV: They laid him low lax along his last broadon his bed.
pocalips - apocalypse (obs.) + Apocalypse - the last book of the Bible, dealing with the end of the world, contrasted with Guenesis in the following line + bocal - a glass bottle or jar with a short wide neck + Finnegan's Wake (song): "with a gallon of whiskey at his feet".
finis - end, coclusion + fionn-uisce (Irish) - clear water (Pronunciation 'finishki') + The first four lines are from the song Finnegan's Wake and the fifth from Phil the Fluther's Ball: They wrapped him up in a nice clean sheet / And laid him out across the bed, / With a gallon of whiskey at his feet / And a barrel of porter at his head. / With the toot of the flute and the twiddle of the fiddle, O.
barrow - wheelbarrow + Finnegan's Wake (song): "and a barrel of porter at his head".
Guiness - the proprietary name of a brand of stout manufactured by the firm of Guinness; a bottle or glass of this + FDV: With abuckalyps abucketlips of finisky at his feet & a barrowload of guinesis guenesis guennesis at his head.
tee - prepare, arrange + tea + Phil the Fluther's Ball (song): "To the toot of the flute and the twiddle of the fiddle, O".
teetotal - absolute, complete; total abstinence from alcoholic drinks + FDV: To Tee the total tootal of the fluid & the twaddle of the fuddled, O.
twaddle - senseless, silly or trifling talk
fuddled - intoxicated
hurrah - hooray! + FDV: Hurrah, there is but one globe for the owlglobe wheels anew which is testamount to the same thing as who shall see.
gleve - a lance or spear; a solder armed with gleve; a sword + glava (Serbian) - head + 'There is but one God' (Islam).
old + whole.
tautology - a needless repetition of an idea
flat on one's back - ill in bed, in a helpless situation + 'As flat as a flounder (fish)' (proverb) + FDV: He, a being so on the flat flounder of his bulk, with far far away back, let wee peep at Hom, plate Ш.
bulk - mass, extent
overgrown - abnormally or excessively grown
Babel + Dublin + baby + (notebook 1924): '*E* overgrown child' → Martin: Saint Colomban 102: (of vehement reproaches and threats of excommunication) 'It was by such actions that the Church of Christ educated the barbarians, these overgrown children, in the practice of the Gospel'.
wee (Colloquial) - to urinate + let us.
hom - them, themselves + Ш - Joyce said of this sign that it means HCE interred in the landscape, and also that it is a Chinese letter-word, meaning "mountain" and called "Chin".
platter - dinner plate + "After much searching, Isis was able to gather together the pieces of Osiris, and added an artificial phallus. With the aid of words of magical power granted her by Thoth, she unified the parts of her brother husband and roused him. The image of Osiris' literal erection from the dead, effected by Isis in the shape of a bird is a vivid one. It is central to the cycle of Osiris, and important in FW. Mr. Slomczynski has discovered that, within the text of FW, we are referred to a photographic plate depicting the act. This happens at 6.32: "well, see peegee ought he ought, platterplate." If we observe the aural value of the phrase, and follow the suggestion of "see pg eighty-eight" in Moret's Rois et Dieux d'Egypte (1911, reprinted soon after the opening of Tutankhamen's tomb and popular at that time), we will find a "platterplate", that is a plate of "dished" or fallen Osiris, roused by Isis. This plate, reproduced here, is titled "The Wake of Osiris" ("Veillée funèbre d'Osiris-Ounnefer mort")" (Mark L. Troy).
FDV: From Shopalist to Bailiwick Bailywick [or from Ashtun to baronsoath baronoath [or from Long Longthe Buythebanks to Roundthehead [he swim, swam, swum. [[All the way] the his baywinds [choir oboe oboboes] shall wail him [rockbound ( HoaHoahoath hoahoahoath! HoaHoahoath hoahoahoath!)] in swimswamswum & all the livvylong night [the delldale dalppled dappling dalppling night, the night of blue hells bluerybells bluerabells] her flutaflute flitafluta flitaflute [in tricky trochees (how O carina! how O carina!)] [shall] wake him [with her kitti issavan essavans & her patterjackmartins [and about all the them inns & ouses.] tilling Tilling a teel of a tub tum, telling a toll of a tears teary turdy Tublin..]]]]] For what we are, and if we are, about to believe. So pass the kish [& pooll the begg].
Seipeal Iosaid (shepel isid') (gael) - Iosada's [Iseult's] chapel; anglic. Chapelizod
bailiwick - surrounding territory; an area under the jurisdiction of a bailiff + Baile (bolye) (gael) - Homestead; anglic. Bailey + (Bailey Lighthouse on Howth Head).
Ashtown, near Phoenix Park
hill + foot the bill - to pay the bill.
Ireland's eye - a small uninhabited island off the coast of County Dublin, Ireland, situated directly north of Howth Harbour
fjord - a long, narrow arm of the sea, running up between high banks or cliffs, as on the coast of Norway + fjord (Norwegian) - bay.
fjeld - a barren plateau of Scandinavian uplands + fjell (Norwegian) - mountain.
oboe - a wooden double-reed wind-instrument, forming the treble to the bassoon + boes (gr) - cries, clamour + FDV: [he swim, swam, swum. [[All the way] the his baywinds [choir oboe oboboes] shall wail him [rockbound (HoaHoahoath hoahoahoath! HoaHoahoath hoahoahoath!)] in swimswamswum