rockbound - surrounded with rocks

lifelong - lasting or continuing for a lifetime

telltale - betraying, revealing, informing

dapple - to variegate with rounded spots or cloudy patches of different colour or shade + FDV: & all the livvylong night [the delldale dalppled dappling dalppling night, the night of blue hells bluerybells bluerabells]

bluebell - a species of Campanula (C. rotundifolia) which grows on open downs, hills, and dry places, and flowers in summer and autumn, with a loose panicle of delicate blue bell-shaped flowers on slender peduncles + Plurabelle.

flute (musical instrument) + FDV: her flutaflute flitafluta flitaflute [in tricky trochees (how O carina! how O carina!)] [shall] wake him

tricky - manifesting trickery, intricate, ingenious

trochee - a metrical foot of one long plus one short syllable

carina - the two petals forming the base of a papilionaceous corolla + carina (l) - keel of a ship + o carina! (it) - that's nice!, nice girl!

Vanessa + is ea Vanessa a bhean (Irish) - Vanessa is his wife (Pronunciation 'isha vanessa avan').

patter - babble, chatter + Peter, Jack, Martin - in Swift's Tale of a Tub, they are the Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran churches. In FW they are also the Three.

houses + ins and outs - the small details + in-and-out (Slang) - copulation + FDV: [with her kitti issavan essavans & her patterjackmartins [and about all the them inns & ouses.]

till - to put (money) into a till; to labour, cultivate; to take care + telling.

teel = till + a tale of a tub - an apocryphal tale; a 'cock and bull' story + Swift's A Tale of a Tub.

tum - the sound of plucked string, the sound of a drum; tummy + tum (l) - than + The Egyptian god Atum, was the chief deity of the city Iunu or Annu (Heliopolis), who was worshipped in the primary temple, known as Per-Aat ('Great House') and Per-Atum (written pr-ỉtmw 'Temple [lit. 'House'] of Atum').

teary - tearful, pathetic + Dear Dirty Dublin - Lady Morgan's epithet becomes in FW a paradigm of punning. Before modern paving came in, Dublin's streets were in fact notorious for their grime; something to do with the cobblestones and the soil in which they were laid. 

taub (l) - deaf + FDV: tilling Tilling a teel of a tub tum, telling a toll of a tears teary turdy Tublin.]]]]]

glutton - to feed voraciously or excessively + grace before meat (phrase).

gif - if, whether + FDV: For what we are, and if we are, about to believe.

gross - thick, stout, massive, big (obs.)

Grace: 'For what we are about to receive may the Lord make us truly thankful.'

POOLBEG - Deep anchorage (Irish, "the little hole") in Dublin Bay beyond the Pigeonhouse. The Poolbeg lighthouse is at the end of the South Wall. Before the lighthouse, a Poolbeg lightship marked the anchorage + pull the bell + "O Atum-Khoprer, you became high on the height, you rose up as a bnbn-stone in the Mansion of the Benu in Iunu (Heliopolis)." (Pyramid Texts, utterance 600). 

kish - a large square wicker basket used in Ireland for carrying peat + Kish lightship, Dublin + FDV: So pass the kish [& pooll the begg].

craw - stomach + So pass the fish for Christ sake, Amen.

grandpapa - grandfather + grampus - Orca gladiator (whale) + London Bridge Is Falling Down (song).

granny - grandmother

sweep the board - to win all the prizes (esp. in roulette) + spritz (ger) - spray + spreads + bord (Irish) - table.

whase - whose; who is, what is (arch.) + FDV: So sigh us! Whose Whase on the gyant goint joyiant giant joint joyant joiyorite joint of a dish desh? Finfaw Finnfoefaw the Fush.

feefawfum - the first line of doggerel spoken by the giant in the nursery tale of 'Jack the giant killer' upon discovering the presence of Jack; an exclamation indicating a murderous intention + William Shakespeare: King Lear III.4.174: 'Fie, foh, and fum'.

be = by + FDV: What's at his baken head? A loaf of Singpatherick's Singpantry's Keannedy's bread.

baken - baked, as bread or meat + baken meat - pastry + baken (Dutch) - beacon + bake (Slang) - head.

tail - the part opposite to what is regarded as the head + top and tail - from head to foot.

Kennedy's Bread, baked in Saint Patrick's Bakery, Dublin.

hitch - to fasten by something that catches + FDV: And what's at his hitched to hop in his tail tayl tayle?

Daniel O'Connell - first of the great 19th-century Irish leaders in the British House of Commons + Danu - mother-goddess of Tuatha Dé Danann + O'Connell Ale from Phoenix Brewery owned by Daniel O'Connell's son.

dobbelen (Dutch) - to gamble, gambling + FDV: A glass of O'Connell's O'Donnell's Danu U'Dunnell's famous foamous old Dublin oldublin ale olde Dubbelin ayle.

FDV: But Holystone Holeystone, what do I see? In his reins is planted a 1/2d gaff. Not one but legion. The king of the castle is k.o. The almost rubicund salmon of all knowledge is one with the yesterworld of But, lo, as you would quaffoff of his fraudstuff and sink teeth through the that pyth of an earthenborn pan of his flowerwhite body behold of him nowheremore. Finnish.

lo - used to direct attention to the presence or approach of something, Look! See! Behold!

quaff off - to drain (a cup, etc.) in a copious draught or draughts, to drink (liquor) copiously

fraud - deceit + foodstuff.

pyth = pith (inner part or core of something) + to the pith - thoroughly, to the very core.

bodey (obs.) - body

behemoth - great and monstruous beast

no more - no longer existent; departed, dead, gone + FDV: behold of him nowheremore. Finnish.

photograph + REFERENCE + FDV: The Only a fadograph of yesterworld's a yesterworld.

yestern - of or pertaining to yesterday

rubicund - ruddy + FDV: Almost rubicund salmon, he ancient of the ages of the Agapemonites, he pales to kay oh, loaf, life & goodredherring schlook, slice & goodridherring

Salmanasar - king of Assyria + Salmo salar - the Linnaean name for the Atlantic salmon (both words being related to the Latin salire, "to leap") + REFERENCE

agapemone - a free love institution + agapemon (gr) - loved one + agapemonides (gr) - sons of a loved one + agapêmonides (gr) - lover of solitude + agapemounides (Greek Artificial) - vulva-lover.

smolt - a young salmon; to make off, go, escape + molten.

woebegonne - exhibiting great woe or sorrow + canned - put up or preserved in a can, tinned + wohlbekannt (ger) - well known.

dead off (Military Slang) - Of meat or food: spoiled.

summen (ger) - to sing + Neither fish, flesh nor good red herring: (phrase) - neither one thing nor another; suitable to no class of people; not fish (food for the monk), nor flesh (food for lay people), nor red herring (food for the poor).

schluck (ger) - gulp, swallow + FDV: he pales to kay oh, loaf, life & goodredherring schlook, slice & goodridherring

Schluss (ger) - the end

FDV: We may see the brontoichthyan form outlined, aslumbered, even in our nighttime by the side of the troutlet stream that bronto loved and loves. What though she be in flags & or flitters, she rowdyrags or sundayclosies, with a mint of money or never a hapenny haypenny hapenny, yerra, we all love all of little Annie Ruiny, or I we mean to say lobble Nanny Anny Rainy, when under her brella, through piddle & poddle, she ninnygoes nannygoes nancing by. There Yaw!

bronto- - thunder + ichtyal - of, pertaining to, or characteristic of fishes + (notebook 1924): 'brontosauros' + Brontosaurus, Ichthyosaurus (extinct dinosaurs).

outline - to define

nighttime - night

sedge - a name for various coarse grassy, rush-like or flag-like plants growing in wet places + edge + FDV: by the side of the troutlet stream

trattling - that 'trattles'; chattering, tattling, gossiping

Bronté family + bronton (gr) - thundering + Brontosaurus.

Hic cubat aedilis apud libertinam parvulam (l) - Here sleeps the magistrate with [chez] the little freedgirl + hic (l) - here + cubo (l) - to lie, to sleep + aedilis (l) - temple, building + apud (l) - near + parvulus (l) - very little + "Here lies the edible man. By the tiny freedwoman."

what if - what is or would be the case if?

flag - an apron; one of various endogenous plants, with a bladed or ensiform leaf, mostly growing in moist places + rags

flitter - fragment, shred + FDV: What though she be in flags & or flitters,

choses (fr) - things + FDV: she rowdyrags or sundayclosies,

mint - coin, money, a vast sum (as of money) + mint of money - 'a lot of money'.

pennyweight - a measure of weight, equal to 24 grains, 120 of an ounce Troy, or 1240 of a pound Troy + FDV: with a mint of money or never a hapenny haypenny hapenny,

arrah - an expletive expressing emotion or excitement

anny - fenny, marshy (from Anglo-Irish: eanaigh)

Little Annie Rooney (song): REFERENCE + FDV: yerra, we all love all of little Annie Ruiny,

unda (l) - wave + under her umbrella + FDV: or I we mean to say lobble Nanny Anny Rainy, when under her brella,

piddle - urine, an act of urinating; a trifle, nonsense

med (Danish) - with

puddle - a small body of standing water

ninny - a simpleton; a fool. + nanny = nannygoat - a she-goat + "on Ben Howth rhododendrons a nannygoat" (Ulysses.8.911).

dancing + FDV: through piddle & poddle, she ninnygoes nannygoes nancing by. There Yaw!

brontolone (it) - grumbler

slaap - sleep + FDV: Brontolone sleeps & snores in Benn Eder & in Seepeall of Iseut too.

snoore - snore + "The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are, and the Old Ones shall be. Not in the spaces we know, but between them, they walk serene and primal, undimensioned and to us unseen. Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again." (H.P. Lovecraft's Necronomicon [as in story "The Dunwich Horror"]).

Ben Edar = Binn Éadair (Irish) - anciently Howth, said to be named for Edar, a Dedanaan chief, buried on the hill + Benben or Ben-ben, in Egyptian mythology, specifically in the Heliopolitan tradition, was the mound that arose from the primordial waters, Nu, and on which the creator god Atum settled. In the Pyramid Texts, e.g. Utterances 587 and 600, Atum himself is at times referred to as "mound". It was said to have turned into a small pyramid, located in Annu, which was the place Atum was said to dwell within. Giza and Heliopolis were connected by the "Sacred Roads of the Gods".

Seipéal Iosaid (Irish) - Chapelizod + Heliopolis or Iunu, from the transliteration ỉwnw, probably pronounced *Āwanu, and means "(Place of) Pillars".

cranic - of or belonging to a skull, cephalic + FDV: The cranial head of him, castle of his reason, look yonder. Howth?

caster - one who casts, in various senses of the verb

peer - to look narrowly, esp. in order to discern something indistinct or difficult to make out

yond = yonder + yondermost - farthest, most distant.

whoot - a loud inarticulate exclamation, hoot

feet of clay - a surprising weakness or fault in character esp. in someone or something that is highly approved of + FDV: His lay clay feet, swarded with verdure, stick up where he last fell on em, by the hump of the magazine wall, where our Maggy Maggies seen all couldn't help keep it at all with her sister-in-shawl.

sward - to cover with sward

verdigris - a green or greenish blue substance (basic acetate of copper) + verde (it) - green.

stick up - to stand out from a surface; to project

starck = stark (obs.) - hard, unyielding, rigid, stiff, incapable of movement.

fall on one's feet - to be fortunate or successful after being in an uncertain or risky situation

mund - protection; mound + FDV: stick up where he last fell on em, by the hump of the magazine wall, where our Maggy Maggies seen all couldn't help keep it at all with her sister-in-shawl.

MAGAZINE FORT, PHOENIX PARK - At the SE corner of the "Fifteen Acres," on St Thomas's Hill in the Park, built on the site of the old Phoenix or Fionn Uisge House in 1801. The buildings of the Magazine are surrounded by a ditch and wall. Even in his madness, Swift quipped: "Behold a proof of Irish sense, / Here Irish wit is seen; / When nothing's left that's worth defence, / They build a magazine" (PICTURE

The Letter: well Maggy

over against - opposite to + FDV: Wile over against this belle alliance beyind the Ill Sixty, bagsides of the fort, bom, tarabom, tarrarabom, are the ambushes the scene of the lying- lyffing-in-wait of the threetimesthree upjack & hackums.

LA BELLE ALLIANCE - Village on the battlefield of Waterloo, South of Mont St Jean. The battle and battlefield of Waterloo are most commonly called on the continent "La Belle Alliance." Wellington and Blucher met there as the battle drew to a close + alliance - union, coalition + Bell, Currer, Ellis, Acton - pen names of the Brontës, who dominate this paragraph.

behind + beyond.

Hill 60 - In WW I, an important feature of the Ypres salient, SE of Ypres. Changed hands many times in 1st (Oct-Nov' 14) and 2nd (Apr' 15) Battles of Ypres (not 3rd).

hollowed hill

back side - the back, the back premises, back yard + bagside (Danish) - back, rear.

bom - the sound caused by the discharge of a gun, less deep and sonorous than a 'boom'. Also, the sound of a heavy object falling.

lurk - prowl + look - to guard oneself, beware.

Ombos - ancient seat of Set + ambushers (*VYC*).

Liffey river + "To give reality to the dream-haunters is to give birth to the dark influx of forces that are ever waiting to gain access to the human life-wave. Those gliphotic entities are known as the Liers-in-wait." (Kenneth Grant: Outside the Circles of Time)

"Up guards and at 'em!" - Wellington's order in the last charge at Waterloo + As I Went Up the Brandy Hill (song): 'Up Jock'.

hokum - a device found to elicit display of mirth, something worthless or untrue + FDV: are the ambushes the scene of the lying- lyffing-in-wait of the threetimesthree upjack & hackums.

Wait Till the Clouds Roll By, Jenny (song): a broadside ballad published in 1884; (Jenny, my own true loved one, / I'm going far from thee, / Out on the bounding billows, / Out on the dark blue sea. / How I will miss you, my darling, / There when the storm is raging high, / Jenny, my own true loved one, / Wait till the clouds roll by.)

bird's-eye view - a view of a landscape from above, such as is presented to the eye of a bird