mounding - heaping, piling + FDV: From here when the clouds roll by, jamey, a clear view is enjoyable of the mound's mounding's mass, now Williamstown national museum, with in a greenish distance the charmful waterloose country and they two quitewhite villagettes who here show herselves so gigglesome mixxt minxt the follyages, the pretties!
WELLINGTON MUSEUM - At Hyde Park Corner, London, the residence of the Duke of Wellington, purchased as a gift to him in 1820 + Joyce's note: 'ark = museum' + It is known that a sacred pillar was worshipped at Heliopolis before the Benben (Edwards, p.24). The phallic symbolism of a pillar is of course obvious, and its association to the phallus of Atum seems almost a certainty, for in the Pyramid Texts we read: "Atum is he who once came into being, who masturbated in On (Heliopolis). He took his phallus in his grasp that he might create orgasm by means of it…".
quite - completely, totally, realy
villagette - a little village
gigglesome - prone to giggling
twixt - betwixt (between) + minxit (l) - she urinated + FDV: who here show herselves so gigglesome mixxt minxt the follyages, the pretties!
prettiness - beauty of a slight, diminutive, dainty, or childish kind, without stateliness
penetrator - one who penetrates
Paddy - Irishman + Patkins, Paddy - an Irish Tommy Atkins + FDV: Penetrators are admitted in this museumound free, welshe and the militaries one shellink.
shilling + {penetrators, free, Welsh/Irish/English (*VYC*), one shilling}
dismember - to deprive of limbs, to cut off the limbs
Pensioners from Napoleon's 'Vieille Garde' (Old Guard) lived in the 'Hotel des Invalides', the location of Napoleon's mausoleum and tomb (Cambronne commanded a division of the Old Guard at Waterloo).
pousse - to push + poussepousse (fr) - rickshaw (from French pousser: to push).
pram - perambulator
sate - to saturate + sate (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - seat.
butt - buttocks
passkey - master key, skeleton key, latch key
supply = supplicate - to petition humbly
janitrix = janitress - a female janitor
kate (Slang) - picklock, skeleton key + FDV: For her key supply to the janitrix, the Mistresse Kate. Tip.
tip - an item of expert or authoritative information imparted or sought for one's guidance + Ulysses 11.706: "Tipping her tepping... topping her. Tup" (All these t-p "verbs" have in common the (archaic) meaning: to copulate as animals. To "tup" and to "tip" mean to copulate as a ram does. To "top" means to cover as an animal covers, and both "tap" and "tep" are dialect variants of "top". "Tipping" is also a musical term for double-tonguing.) [Don Gifford, Robert J. Seidman: Ulysses anotated]
FDV: This way to the mewseyroom. Mind your boot hat going in. Now yez yiz are in the Willingdone mewseyroom. This is a Prooshian Prooshious gun gunz. This is a ffrinch. Tip. This is the flag-o'-the-prushian prooshan prooshious. This is a bullet that bing the flag-o'-th prooshian prooshan. This is the ffrinch that fire the bull that bang the flag-o'-the-prooshian. Tip. This the hat of lipoleum. Tip. Lipoleum hat. This is the Willingdone on his white harse. This the big Willingdone, grand & magentic, with his gold tim goltin spurs, [& quarterbrass shoos shoes], this his big wide harse. Tip.
museum + The Battle of Waterloo took place at nearby La Belle Alliance, 18 June 1815, where the British under Wellington and Prussians under Blucher decisively defeated Napoleon and ended his power. The Waterloo Museum, at Mont St Jean, was established by Sgt Major Cotton of the 7th Hussars, who served under Wellington. Cotton published a guide to the battlefield, A Voice from Waterloo. The museum was no longer in existence when James Joyce visited the battlefield in 1926, but may have been known to him through the description in Hugo's Les Miserables.
yiz - you (pl.)
Willingdone, Marquess of - appointed Indian viceroy, 1931, when India was in revolutionary turmoil. He arrested Gandhi, suppressed a "No Rent" campaign, etc., and in my Second Census I confidently stated that he doubles with Wellington, FW 8-10, who also supressed an Indian revolt. But now I have noticed that "Willingdone" occurs in transition I, 1927. Therefore, unless he suppressed an earlier revolt, the marquess is yet another of Joyce's fine coincidences on prophecies or historical insights. (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake).
Prooshian = Prussian + PRUSSIA - Former German state, North-East Germany. Created as a kingdom in 1701 from the duchy of Brandenberg, Prussia became the dominant power in the formation of the German Empire in 1871. General Blucher's Prussian army was crucially engaged against the French at the Battle of Waterloo.
flag - banner; an opprobrious (abusive) term applied to a woman
cup and saucer
bang - to strike violently with a resounding blow; sexual intercourse + John Byng - British general who commanded a brigade at Waterloo.
SALO - Town, Lombardy, North Italy, 40 miles North-West of Mantua; site of French defeat by Austrians in Napoleon's siege of Mantua during the French Revolutionary War, 29 Jul 1796 + salus (l) - good health.
Crossguns Bridge, Dublin
up with - denoting the rising of a weapon, the hand etc. esp. so as to strike
pike - a weapon consisting of a long wooden shaft with a pointed head of iron or steel + put down one's knife and fork (Slang) - to die.
fork - an implement consisting of a long straight handle, furnished at the end with two or more prongs or tines (used as a weapon) + De Valera, when not a great many people rose in Easter 1916: 'if only the people had come out with knives and forks'.
Napoleon + linoleum - a kind of floor-cloth made by coating canvas with a preparation of oxidized linseed-oil + oleum (l) - oil.
Wellington's favorite horse, Copenhagen, was a chestnut, but Napoleon's (at Waterloo), Marengo, was white + "Physically, HCE is a fat fifty-six year old man in terrible condition, white-haired, red-nosed, toothless, purblind and be-spectacled, once tall and stright, now stooped - he leans on a cane - and gross... Humiliatingly enough, to many his distinguishing feature has come to be his enormous backside, the 'big white harse' which awes the watchers of I/1's Waterloo scene and III/4 bedroom scene alike." (John Gordon: Finnegans Wake: a plot summary).
Copenhagen - the name of the Wellington's horse
slaughter - the killing of large numbers of persons in war, battle, etc.; massacre, carnage + Sir Arthur Wellesley (Wellington).
magnetic - very attractive or seductive + Battle of Magenta, 1859 (MacMahon's victory).
gold, tin, iron + Battle of Golden Spurs (Guldensporenslag), 1302 + FDV: This the big Willingdone, grand & magentic, with his gold tim goltin spurs, [& quarterbrass shoos shoes], this his big wide harse.
Iron Duke - a nickname of Wellington
QUATRE BRAS - Village South of the battlefield of Waterloo, where Wellington repelled the French under Ney on 16 June 1815, 2 days before the main battle, but then withdrew toward Waterloo.
magnate - nobleman, peer, a person of rank + Magna Carta.
garter - a badge of a highest order of English knighthood (Wellington was made a Knight of the Garter in 1813) + gaiter - a heavy cloth or leather covering for the leg extending from the instep to the ankle or knee.
Bangkok - a kind of woven straw for hats
best - best clothes + vest.
goliard (fr) - minstrel, jester + (notebook 1924): 'Goliath'.
golosh - an overshoe designed to protect the shoe in wet weather
Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC) between Athens and Sparta and their allies ended in the surrender of Athens and the brief transfer of leadership of Greece to Sparta.
trews - close-fitting tartan trousers + Waterloo.
boyne - a flat shallow tub or bowl + boys + Battle of Boyne, 1690 + FDV: This is the first boyne hiena (placement of "hiena" doubtful) grouching in the living ditch. This is three lipoleums lipoleum boyne hiena grouching in the living ditch.
grouch - to grumble,complain + crouch - to stoop or bend low with general compression of the body, as in stooping for shelter, in fear, or in submission + Grouchy, Marshal (1766-1847) - marshal of Napoleon's, fought at Waterloo.
enemy + inimicus (l) - enemy + Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers regiment at Waterloo.
Inglis - English + Sir William Inglis - a famous British officer in the Peninsular Wars + FDV: This is an inglis, this a scotcher, this a welsh walshe [one].
scotcher - one that scotches + the Scotch - (pl.): The inhabitants of Scotland or their immediate descendants in other countries + scotcher grey, scotch grey (Slang) - louse + Royal Scots Greys regiment at Waterloo.
Davy - a name associated with the Welsh (after Saint David, patron saint of Wales) + David slew Goliath.
morder = murder + Mordred on Modred - King Arthur's nephew/son, who brought down the Round Table and was killed by Arthur + FDV: [This is the peg beg lipoleum murdering the lipoleum beg. This is the Delian alps sheltershocking the three lipoleums behind a crim crimmealine.]
galgar (golugur) (gael) - noisy argument + Gawilghur was a well-fortified mountain stronghold of the Maratha Empire north of the Deccan Plateau. It was successfully assaulted by an Anglo-Indian force commanded by Arthur Wellesley on the 15 December, 1803 during the Second Anglo-Maratha War.
ARGAUM - Village in North India. Wellington defeated a Mahratta army there 29 Nov 1803, shortly before the attack on Gawilghur fortress + argument
petty - small + pretty.
naythir - neither
asseyez (fr) - sit down + assez, assez (fr) - enough, enough! + assaye (Middle English) - try + ASSAYE - Village, South India. Wellington defeated far superior Mahratta forces there, 23 Sept 1803.
tuachail (tukhil) (gael) - astute, prudent + Tuathal (tuhel) (gael) - People-mighty; anglic. Toole + touch-hole (Slang) - vulva.
Tomais (tumash) (gael) - Thomas + Muschi (German Slang) - vulva.
dyke (Slang) - water-closet + Tom, Dick, and Harry.
hairy ring (Slang) - vulva
Arminius (18 B.C - A.D. 21) - German chief who defeated Varus at Teutonberger Forest + Varus, Publius Quintilius (d. 9 AD.) - Roman general.
Delian - rel. to island of Delos, birthplace of Apollo and Artemis + Julian Alps, North Italy.
mont - mountain
mons (l) - mountain + mons pubis - fatty tissue present in women above the pubic bone + Battle of Mons, 1914.
Injun - Colloq. and U.S. dial. form of Indian + MONT ST JEAN - Village just North of the battlefield of Waterloo, which Napoleon thought the key to Wellington's position.
streamline - a smooth flowing outline, a contour of a body + crinoline used for hoop-petticoats + Crimean War.
Alp - proper name of the mountain range which separates France and Italy + Anna Livia Plurabelle
hoop - hope; to encircle, embrace
jinny - demon or spirit; a female proper name, pet form of Jane
leghorn (notebook 1922-23) → Leghorn - an English name for Livorno, Italy (seized by Napoleon in 1796) + leghorn - the dried and bleached straw of an Italian variety of wheat; a hat made from this fabric (so called after Livorno from where it was imported).
feint - to pretense, trick; to make a diversionary attack
handmade - made by hand
strategy + astrology + strale (it) - arrow.
undies (Colloquial) - women's underwear + FDV: This is the jinnies with the legahorns legohorns making their war oversides undersides undisides the Willingdone.
cooing - uttering coos + FDV: This is jinnies cooin her hands. This is jinnies ravin her hair.
ravin - to obtain or seize by violence + raven - of the colour of a raven, glossy black.
Isolde of the White Hands and Isolde of the Fair Hair
git = get + get wind of - to receive information or a hint of, to come to know + get the wind up - to get into a state of alarm or funk + to get it up (Slang) - to have an erection + bander (fr) - to have an erection.
memorial - of which the memory is preserved + mormor - murmur + marmor (l) = Marmor (ger) - marble.
telescope + WELLINGTON MONUMENT - The 205-ft granite obelisk erected in 1817 in Phoenix Park. Visible from many parts of Dublin, it has been popularly called the "overgrown milestone." The sides display the names of the Iron Duke's victorious battles, and there are bronze bas-reliefs at the base.
wonderworker - one who performs wonders or marvellous things; esp. a worker of miracles
abseits (ger) - aside + opposite + FDV: This is the big Willingdone tallowscoop upsides obscides on the jinnies. Tip.
flank - the extreme left or right side of an army or body of men in military formation; the fleshy or muscular part of the side of an animal or a man between the ribs and the hip.
Excalibur - King Arthur's sword + six-cylinder (car).
horsepower + hross (Old Icelandic) - horse + Ross (ger) - steed.