me - my
Waterloo is of course in Belgium + General Blücher + Maurice Behan, Man Servant, *S* + FDV: This is the Belchiam taking a phillipy out of his bottle of Tiltsiter.
sneak - to move, go, walk, etc., in a stealthy or slinking manner + taking
philippy - love for or kindness to a horse or horses + Philip II of Macedon (reigned 359-336 B.C.) - father of Alexander the Great. For him the city of Philippi was named. When Philip was drunk, he condemned a woman unjustly. She said she would appeal from Philip Drunk to Philip Sober + Battle of Philippi, 42 B.C.
"This is me Belchum sneaking his phillippy out of his most / toocisive bottle of Tilsiter. This is the libel on the battle / Awful Grimmest Sun'shat Cromwelly, Looted." (The whole line was accidentally skipped by the FW-galley typesetter. It was there in transition (JJA 44:258) and already complete in Joyce's fair copy). Robbert-Jan Henkes, 16 May 2002.
grimmest - supperl. of grim + Arthur Guinness, Sons and Company, Ltd.
loot - to lurk, lie concealed; to make obeisance, to bow + routed - put to rout, compelled to flee in disorder.
hastings - early fruit of vegetables, early peas + casting - the assigning of parts to suitable actors and actresses + hasting - that hastes, speeding + Battle of Hastings, 1066.
dispatch - to start promptly for a place, get away quickly; a written message sent off promptly or speedily.
irrigate - to supply with moisture (pee) + irritate + FDV: This is the jinnies hasting dispatch fontannoy fortannoy the Willingdone.
The Thin Red Line - a famous military action by the British 93rd (Highland) Regiment at the Battle of Balaclava, Crimea, 1854.
shirt front - that part of man's shirt which covers the chest and is more or less displayed, a dicky
yaw - yawn + you
liberator + Lieber Arthur (ger) - Dear Arthur + FDV: Dear Liffer Leaveher Awthur, Owthur field gates gaze your the tiny frow? They The jinnies think to they cotch the Willingdone.
wir siegen (ger) - we conquer
fieldglass+ Wie geht's deiner Frau? (ger) - How's your wife?
frow - woman, wife
hug - to clasp or squeeze tightly in the arms: usually with affection = embrace + hoogachtend (Dutch) - yours faithfully, yours truly.
stop + Napoleon + nap (Slang) - catch veneral disease.
FONTENOY - Village, SW Belgium; scene of battle 11 May 1745, in which Marshal Saxe's French army including the Irish Brigade defeated an Anglo-Allied army under the Duke of Cumberland in the War of the Austrian Succession.
shee - she + he he - a representation of laughter, usually affected or derisive + shee (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - see.
agin - again + AGINCOURT - Village, North France, where the English under Henry V defeated the French, 25 Oct 1415.
gonn - to begin
boycrazy - (of a girl) eager to associate with boys + The boy Cotton - a twelve-year old boy who lived unobserved for twelve months (in 1838) in the kitchen quarters of Buckingham Palace.
git - get + to get it up (Slang) = bander (French Slang) - to have an erection.
bode - messenger, herald + bod (bud) (gael) - penis + FDV: This is the Belchiam [, bonnet & busby,] breaking the word to the Willingdone.
bonnet - a cap of mail, a kind of helmet
busby - a tall fur cap, with or without a plume, having a bag hanging out of the top, on the right side.
break words with - to exchange words with
secre = secret
ball up - to make a mess of, to confuse, muddle
herald - a messenger + FDV: This the Willingdone hurled dispatch dispatchback.
dispatch - to send off post-haste or with expedition or promptitude (a messenger, message, etc. having an express destination)
display - to exhibit ostentatiously; to show off, make a show of + deployed.
rare - the back part of something, rear
salamander - a woman who (ostensibly) lives chastely in the midst of temptations (obs.), a soldier who exposes himself to fire in battle + SALAMANCA - Spanish province and city; site of Wellington's victory oven France in the Penin War, 22 Jul 1812.
cherry - cherry-coloured, red; a virgin + chère (fr) - dear (e.g. at the beginning of a letter) + FDV: Cherry jinny, damn fairy ann, voutre, Willingdone. Pip Tip.
victory! + fichtre! (French) (euphemism for 'foutre') - the deuce!; fuck you! + Christ cursed the fig tree with barrenness (Matthew 21:19).
Ça ne fait rien (French) - that doesn't matter + George Bernard Shaw, Mrs Warren’s Profession: "The old Iron Duke didnt throw away fifty pounds: not he. He just wrote: ‘Dear Jenny: publish and be damned! Yours affectionately, Wellington.’" + Harriette (or Henriette) Wilson (1786-1846) was one of the most sought after courtesans in London. She settled down for a time with the Duke of Argyle, but when he went to Scotland she became the mistress of the Duke of Wellington until she turned 35 (1821). She then retired from the business, moved to Paris, married a Monsieur Dubochet, and settled down to a literary career. Her first work was her Memoirs (1825), in which she named names and provided details of her liaisons. In 1824, before publication, her publisher, Stockdale, sent letters to her former beaux, demanding £200 in exchange for their exclusion from the memoirs; Wellington is alleged to have returned the letter with the words "Write, and be damned!" scrawled on it. In her memoirs, Harriette says that Wellington looked like a ratcatcher! After her memoirs, she wrote and published novels (very bad ones, say her critics). She eventually returned to London, and died in 1846.
vôtre (French) - yours (i.e. yours faithfully) → the Willingdone's closing compliment at the end of his dispatch to the Jinnies + foutre (French) - to fuck → vous + foutre = fuck you! + outré (French) - enraged.
tic - obsession, fixation + tit for tat - an equivalent given in return.
hee - he
caoutchouc - a tenacious, elastic, gummy substance obtained from the milky sap of several plants of tropical South America, Asia, and Africa. Also called India rubber (because it was first brought from India) + {rubber boots}.
weet - to know; wet
tweet - a chirping note, chirp + (creaking of rubber boots).
STAMFORD BRIDGE - Village, East Riding, Yorks, England; site of battle in 1066 in which Harold II defeated his brother and Harold Haardraade of Norway just before the Battle of Hastings.
foot - to go on foot, walk, run + foutre le camp (French, Slang) - to go, leave + fous le camp! - fuck off! clear off! bugger off! fucking the cunt.
camp - the place where an army or body of troops is lodged in tents or other temporary means of shelter + FDV: This is the Belchiam [in his cowashoes] footing the camp to for the jinnies. Tip.
stale (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - steal
store - to dose with (drugs or medicines) (obs.) + store stale stout.
Rooshian - Russian + FDV: This is Prooshing rooshing balls. This the ffrinch! Tip.
ball - a missile (from canon, musket, pistol, etc.)
trinch - trench + French
missile - a missile object or weapon + troop - a body of soldiers + Ulysses.15.4606: 'Irish missile troops... Royal Dublin Fusiliers' + tropes (gr) - changes, turns.
Futter (ger) - fodder + futter (Slang) - to fuck + cannon-fodder.
poppy - characterized by popping or exploding (rare.) + A Portrait I: 'There's a tasty bit here we call the pope's nose... He held a piece of fowl up on the prong of the carving fork'.
indulgence - the practice or habit of indulging or giving way to one's inclinations + One hundred days passed between Napoleon's escape from Elba and the battle of Waterloo.
blessés (fr) - wounded
TORRES VEDRAS - Town, West Portugal, noted for 28-mile stretch of fortifications begun in 1809 and extending to the Tagus River, from which Wellington hindered the French march against Lisbon in 1810 + terra (l) - earth.
bonny - having a pleasing appearence
bawn = boon - advantageous, fortunate, favourable, prosperous + bawn (Anglo-Irish) - white, fair, pretty (from Irish : bán).
Blücher (1742-1819) - Prussian marshal who came to Wellington's aid at Waterloo. Bluchers are shoes.
rowdy - marked by disorderly roughness or noise
howse - house + FDV: Guns Gunz, harses, this is jinnies in their ____ yalla bawn blootchers blooches, this is the frinches lipoleums in the redditches rody rowdy hoses. Tip!
splinter - fragment + FDV: This is the Willingdone order, fire! Tonerre!
TONNERRE - Town, in North Burgundy, France. Not associated with any historic battle + tonnerre (French) - thunder (also expletive).
bullsear (Anglo-Irish) - a clown (from Irish: ballséir)
plee (Dutch) - privy (Pronunciation 'play')
camelry - troops mounted on camels + cavalry + Battle of Camel, 656.
footer - one who goes on foot + Battle of Flodden Field, 1513.
sulfairin (sulfirin) (gael) - sulphur + -een (Anglo-Irish) - (diminutive) + smithereens + submarines + Battle of Solferino, 1859 (Napoleon III defeated Franz Josef).
Thermopilae - Scene of battle between the Greeks and the Persians in 480 BC.
BANNOCKBURN - Town, central Scotland, 2½ miles South-East of Stirling; site of battle 23 June 1314 in which Robert Bruce routed the English under Edward II and took Stirling Castle + FDV: This is the smokings & bannockburns froodenfihls & panicburns.
ALMEIDA - Town, North-East Portugal, formerly fortress guarding North approach from Spain. Wellington captured it from the French, 10 May 1811.
ORTHEZ - Town, South-West France, where in 1814 Wellington defeated the French under Soult + Arthur is to lose (Wellington).
brum - to murmur, hum + (onomat. of thunder) + Sainéan: La Langue de Rabelais II.205: 'Brum, à brum! to recover from a mistake' + FDV: This is the Willingdone, he cry, Brom Bromme Bromme, Cambromme!
General Cambronne was said to have shouted 'merde' when ordered to retreat at the Battle of Waterloo (he then held out in isolation until the battle was lost).
Donnerwetter (ger) - thunderweather + Unwetter (ger) - storm.
Gott strafe England! (ger) - "May God punish England!"
rin - run + FDV: This is rinny jinny jinnies her away runaway [down dowan a bunkershill bunkersheels] cry: Dunderwetter Underwetter. Goat strap strip Finnland Finnlambs!
AUSTERLITZ - Town, Czech, scene of battle 12 Dec 1805, in which Napoleon defeated Russians and Austrians.
BUNKER HILL - Hill, Charlestown area, Boston, Mass, US. American Revolutionary battle, 17 June 1775, known as "Bunker Hill," was actually on the adjacent Breed's Hill. The Royal Irish Regiment was part of British force. No one, including FW, is sure whether Israel Putnam actually said, "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes."
nip - to move rapidly or nimbly
nippy - marked by tendency to nip; brisk, quick
trip - the action of moving lightly and quickly
airy - light in movement or manner
Tipperary (song): 'It's a long long way to Tipperary, But my heart's right there' (World War I marching song)
silver plate - used as a jocular representation of Fr. s'il vous plaît (please)
crape - a thin transparent gauze-like fabric + drops + cool crape (Slang) - a shroud + catching the creeps.
canister - a small case or box, usually of metal, for holding tea, coffee, shot, etc.
pour le pays (fr) - for the country + pour la paix (fr) - for the peace + (for the money).
Otto von Bismarck (1815 – 1898) - European statesman of the 19th century. As Minister-President of Prussia from 1862 to 1890, he engineered the Unification of Germany. When the German Empire was declared in 1871, he served as its first Chancellor + Biss (ger) - bite.
marathon - Applied to long-distance races or competitions calling for endurance.
The Girl I Left Behind Me (song)
brandish - to wave or flourish (something, esp. a weapon) as a threat or in anger + branlish (fr) - masturbate + se branler (French Slang) - to masturbate + FDV: This is the Willingdone he branlish his tallowscoop on the rinning jinnies rinnyaway.
Marmor (ger) - marble + memorial.
sophy - a wise man, sage + sauve-qui-peut (fr) - save himself who can (probably the cry of the fleeing French at Waterloo).
key (Slang) - penis
divorsion - divorce + William Gorman Wills: A Royal Divorce (a play about Napoleon's divorce from Josephine; the play was actually written by an unknown author, and only slightly modified by Wills).
gamba (it) - leg + bariste (it) - barmaids.
pòrca (it) - sow, she-pig + Della Porta, Giovanni Battista (1538 - 1615) - Italian natural philosopher (wrote about the telescope) and playwright. His works include I'Due Fratelli rivali ('The Two Rival Brothers').
TALAVERA DE LA REINA - Town, cenral Spain, 65 miles South-West of Madrid. Site of one of Wellington's great victories against the French, commanded by King Joseph Bonaparte, 27-28 July 1809 + da vere femmine (it) - just like women.
VIMEIRO - Village, Western Portugal, 32 miles North-West of Lisbon; site of victory of Wellington over the French, 21 Aug 1808 + fur immer (ger) - for ever + deliver us from errors.
petty - small, of small importance, minor, inferior + prettiest.