James Joyce

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    Chest Cee! 'Sdense! Corpo di barragio! you spoof of visibility
in a freakfog, of mixed sex cases among goats, hill cat and plain
mousey, Bigamy Bob and his old Shanvocht! The Blackfriars
treacle plaster outrage be liddled! Therewith was released in that
kingsrick of Humidia a poisoning volume of cloud barrage indeed.
Yet all they who heard or redelivered are now with that family
of bards and Vergobretas himself and the crowd of Caraculacticors
as much no more as be they not yet now or had they then not-
ever been. Canbe in some future we shall presently here amid
those zouave players of Inkermann the mime mumming the mick
and his nick miming their maggies, Hilton St Just (Mr Frank
Smith), Ivanne Ste Austelle (Mr J. F. Jones), Coleman of Lucan
taking four parts, a choir of the O'Daley O'Doyles doublesixing
the chorus in Fenn Mac Call and the Seven Feeries of Loch Neach,
Galloper Troppler and Hurleyquinn the zitherer of the past with his
merrymen all, zimzim, zimzim. Of the persins sin this Eyrawyg-
gla saga (which, thorough readable to int from and, is from tubb
to buttom all falsetissues, antilibellous and nonactionable and this
applies to its whole wholume) of poor Osti-Frosti, described as
quite a musical genius in a small way and the owner of an
exceedingly niced ear, with tenorist voice to match, not alone,
but a very major poet of the poorly meritary order (he began
Tuonisonian but worked his passage up as far as the we-all-
hang-together Animandovites) no one end is known. If they

whistled him before he had curtains up they are whistling him
still after his curtain's doom's doom. Ei fщ. His husband, poor old
A'Hara (Okaroff?) crestfallen by things and down at heels at the
time, they squeak, accepted the (Zassnoch!) ardree's shilling at
the conclusion of the Crimean war and, having flown his wild
geese, alohned in crowds to warnder on like Shuley Luney,
enlisted in Tyrone's horse, the Irish whites, and soldiered a bit
with Wolsey under the assumed name of Blanco Fusilovna Buck-
lovitch (spurious) after which the cawer and the marble halls
of Pump Court Columbarium, the home of the old seakings,
looked upon each other and queth their haven evermore for it
transpires that on the other side of the water it came about that on
the field of Vasileff's Cornix inauspiciously with his unit he
perished, saying, this papal leafless to old chap give, rawl chaw-
clates for mouther-in-louth. Booil. Poor old dear Paul Horan,
to satisfy his literary as well as his criminal aspirations, at the
suggestion thrown out by the doomster in loquacity lunacy, so
says the Dublin Intelligence, was thrown into a Ridley's for
inmates in the northern counties. Under the name of Orani he
may have been the utility man of the troupe capable of sustain-
ing long parts at short notice. He was. Sordid Sam, a dour decent
deblancer, the unwashed, haunted always by his ham, the unwished,
at a word from Israfel the Summoner, passed away painlessly
after life's upsomdowns one hallowe'en night, ebbrous and in
the state of nature, propelled from Behind into the great Beyond
by footblows coulinclouted upon his oyster and atlas on behanged
and behooved and behicked and behulked of his last fishandblood
bedscrappers, a Northwegian and his mate of the Sheawolving
class. Though the last straw glimt his baring this stage thunkhard
is said (the pitfallen gagged him as 'Promptboxer') to have
solemnly said — as had the brief thot but fell in till his head like
a bass dropt neck fust in till a bung crate (cogged!): Me drames,
O'Loughlins, has come through! Now let the centuple celves of
my egourge as Micholas de Cusack calls them, — of all of whose
I in my hereinafter of course by recourse demission me — by
the coincidance of their contraries reamalgamerge in that indentity

of undiscernibles where the Baxters and the Fleshmans may
they cease to bidivil uns and (but at this poingt though the iron
thrust of his cockspurt start might have prepared us we are well-
nigh stinkpotthered by the mustardpunge in the tailend) this
outandin brown candlestock melt Nolan's into peese! Han var.
Disliken as he was to druriodrama, her wife Langley, the prophet,
and the decentest dozendest short of a frusker whoever stuck his
spickle through his spoke, disappeared, (in which toodooing he
has taken all the French leaves unveilable out of Calomne-
quiller's Pravities) from the sourface of this earth, that austral
plain he had transmaried himself to, so entirely spoorlessly (the
mother of the book with a dustwhisk tabularasing his obliteration
done upon her involucrum) as to tickle the speculative to all but
opine (since the Levey who might have been Langley may have
really been a redivivus of paganinism or a volunteer Vousden)
that the hobo (who possessed a large amount of the humoresque)
had transtuled his funster's latitat to its finsterest interrimost. Bhi
she. Again, if Father San Browne, tea and toaster to that quaint-
esttest of yarnspinners is Padre Don Bruno, treu and troster to
the queen of Iar-Spain, was the reverend, the sodality director,
that eupeptic viceflayer, a barefaced carmelite, to whose palpi-
tating pulpit (which of us but remembers the rarevalent and
hornerable Fratomistor Nawlanmore and Brawne.) sinning society
sirens (see the [Roman Catholic] presspassim) fortunately became
so enthusiastically attached and was an objectionable ass who very
occasionally cockaded a raffles ticket on his hat which he wore all
to one side like the hangle of his pan (if Her Elegance saw him
she'd have the canary!) and was semiprivately convicted of mal-
practices with his hotwashed tableknife (glossing over the cark
in his pocket) that same snob of the dunhill, fully several year-
schaums riper, encountered by the General on that redletter
morning or maynoon jovesday and were they? Fuitfuit.
    When Phishlin Phil wants throws his lip 'tis pholly to be fortune
flonting and whoever's gone to mix Hotel by the salt say water
there's nix to nothing we can do for he's never again to sea. It
is nebuless an autodidact fact of the commonest that the shape of

the average human cloudyphiz, whereas sallow has long daze
faded, frequently altered its ego with the possing of the showers
(Not original!). Whence it is a slopperish matter, given the wet
and low visibility (since in this scherzarade of one's thousand one
nightinesses that sword of certainty which would indentifide the
body never falls) to idendifine the individuone in scratch wig,
squarecuts, stock lavaleer, regattable oxeter, baggy pants and
shufflers (he is often alluded to as Slypatrick, the llad in the llane)
with already an incipience (lust!) in the direction of area baldness
(one is continually firstmeeting with odd sorts of others at all
sorts of ages!) who was asked by free boardschool shirkers in
drenched coats overawall, Will, Conn and Otto, to tell them
overagait, Vol, Pov and Dev, that fishabed ghoatstory of the
haardly creditable edventyres of the Haberdasher, the two Cur-
chies and the three Enkelchums in their Bearskin ghoats! Girles
and jongers, but he has changed alok syne Thorkill's time! Ya, da,
tra, gathery, pimp, shesses, shossafat, okodeboko, nine! Those
many warts, those slummy patches, halfsinster wrinkles, (what
has come over the face on wholebroader E?), and (shrine of
Mount Mu save us!) the large fungopark he has grown! Drink!
    Sport's a common thing. It was the Lord's own day for damp
(to wait for a postponed regatta's eventualising is not of Battlecock
Shettledore - Juxta - Mare only) and the request for a fully
armed explanation was put (in Loo of Pat) to the porty (a native
of the sisterisle — Meathman or Meccan? — by his brogue, ex-
race eyes, lokil calour and lucal odour which are said to have
been average clownturkish (though the capelist's voiced nasal
liquids and the way he sneezed at zees haul us back to the craogs
and bryns of the Silurian Ordovices) who, the lesser pilgrimage
accomplished, had made, pats' and pigs' older inselt, the south-
east bluffs of the stranger stepshore, a regifugium persecutorum,
hence hindquarters) as he paused at evenchime for some or so
minutes (hit the pipe dannyboy! Time to won, barmon. I'll take
ten to win.) amid the devil's one duldrum (Apple by her blossom
window and Charlotte at her toss panomancy his sole admirers,
his only tearts in store) for a fragrend culubosh during his week-

end pastime of executing with Anny Oakley deadliness (the con-
summatory pairs of provocatives, of which remained provokingly
but two, the ones he fell for, Lili and Tutu, cork em!) empties
which had not very long before contained Reid's family (you ruad
that before, soaky, but all the bottles in sodemd histry will not
soften your bloodathirst!) stout. Having reprimed his repeater
and resiteroomed his timespiece His Revenances, with still a life
or two to spare for the space of his occupancy of a world at a time,
rose to his feet and there, far from Tolkaheim, in a quiet English
garden (commonplace!), since known as Whiddington Wild, his
simple intensive curolent vocality, my dearbraithers, my most
dearbrathairs, as he, so is a supper as is a sipper, spake of the
One and told of the Compassionate, called up before the triad of
precoxious scaremakers (scoretaking: Spegulo ne helpas al mal-
bellulo, Mi Kredas ke vi estas prava, Via dote la vizago rispondas
fraulino) the now to ushere mythical habiliments of Our Farfar
and Arthor of our doyne.
    Television kills telephony in brothers' broil. Our eyes de-
mand their turn. Let them be seen! And wolfbone balefires blaze
the trailmost if only that Mary Nothing may burst her bibby
buckshee. When they set fire then she's got to glow so we may
stand some chances of warming to what every soorkabatcha,
tum or hum, would like to know. The first Humphrey's latitu-
dinous baver with puggaree behind, (calaboose belong bigboss
belong Kang the Toll) his fourinhand bow, his elbaroom surtout,
the refaced unmansionables of gingerine hue, the state slate
umbrella, his gruff woolselywellesly with the finndrinn knopfs
and the gauntlet upon the hand which in an hour not for him
solely evil had struck down the might he mighthavebeen d'Est-
erre of whom his nation seemed almost already to be about to
have need. Then, stealing his thunder, but in the befitting le-
gomena of the smaller country, (probable words, possibly said, of
field family gleaming) a bit duskish and flavoured with a smile,
seein as ow his thoughts consisted chiefly of the cheerio, he aptly
sketched for our soontobe second parents (sukand see whybe!)
the touching seene. The solence of that stilling! Here one might

a fin fell. Boomster rombombonant! It scenes like a landescape
from Wildu Picturescu or some seem on some dimb Arras, dumb
as Mum's mutyness, this mimage of the seventyseventh kusin of
kristansen is odable to os across the wineless Ere no oedor nor
mere eerie nor liss potent of suggestion than in the tales of the
tingmount. (Prigged!)
    And there oftafter, jauntyjogging, on an Irish visavis, instea-
dily with shoulder to shoulder Jehu will tell to Christianier, saint
to sage, the humphriad of that fall and rise while daisy winks at
her pinker sister among the tussocks and the copoll between the
shafts mocks the couple on the car. And as your who may look
like how on the owther side of his big belttry your tyrs and cloes
your noes and paradigm maymay rererise in eren. Follow we up
his whip vindicative. Thurston's! Lo bebold! La arboro, lo
. The augustan peacebetothem oaks, the monolith rising
stark from the moonlit pinebarren. In all fortitudinous ajaxious
rowdinoisy tenuacity. The angelus hour with ditchers bent upon
their farm usetensiles, the soft belling of the fallow deers (doereh-
moose genuane!
) advertising their milky approach as midnight
was striking the hours (letate!), and how brightly the great tri-
bune outed the sharkskin smokewallet (imitation!) from his
frock, kippers, and by Joshua, he tips un a topping swank
cheroot, none of your swellish soide, quoit the reverse, and how
manfally he says, pluk to pluk and lekan for lukan, he was to just
pluggy well suck that brown boyo, my son, and spend a whole
half hour in Havana. Sorer of the kreeksmen, would not thore be
old high gothsprogue! Wherefore he met Master, he mean to say,
he do, sire, bester of redpublicans, at Eagle Cock Hostel on
Lorenzo Tooley street and how he wished his Honour the ban-
nocks of Gort and Morya and Bri Head and Puddyrick, yore
Loudship, and a starchboxsitting in the pit of his St Tomach's,
— a strange wish for you, my friend, and it would poleaxe your
sonson's grandson utterly though your own old sweatandswear
floruerunts heaved it hoch many as the times, when they were
turrified by the hitz.
    Chee chee cheers for Upkingbilly and crow cru cramwells

Downaboo! Hup, boys, and hat him! See! Oilbeam they're lost
we've fount rerembrandtsers, their hours to date link these heirs
to here but wowhere are those yours of Yestersdays? Farseeinge-
therich and Poolaulwoman Charachthercuss and his Ann van
Vogt. D.e.e.d! Edned, ended or sleeping soundlessly? Favour
with your tongues! Intendite!
    Any dog's life you list you may still hear them at it, like sixes
and seventies as eversure as Halley's comet, ulemamen, sobran-
jewomen, storthingboys and dumagirls, as they pass its bleak and
bronze portal of your Casaconcordia: Huru more Nee, minny
frickans? Hwoorledes har Dee det? Losdoor onleft mladies, cue.
Millecientotrigintadue scudi. Tippoty, kyrie, tippoty. Cha kai
rotty kai makkar, sahib? Despenseme Usted, senhor, en son suc-
co, sabez. O thaw bron orm, A'Cothraige, thinkinthou gaily?
Lick-Pa-flai-hai-pa-Pa-li-si-lang-lang. Epi alo, ecou, Batiste, tu-
vavnr dans Lptit boing going. Ismeme de bumbac e meias de por-
tocallie. O.O. Os pipos mios es demasiada gruarso por O pic-
colo pocchino. Wee fee? Ung duro. Kocshis, szabad? Mercy, and
you? Gomagh, thak.
    And, Cod, says he with mugger's tears: Would you care to
know the prise of a liard? Maggis, nick your nightynovel! Mass
Tavener's at the mike again! And that bag belly is the buck
to goat it! Meggeg, m'gay chapjappy fellow, I call our univalse
to witness, as sicker as moyliffey eggs is known by our good
househalters from yorehunderts of mamooth to be which they
commercially are in ahoy high British quarters (conventional!)
my guesthouse and cowhaendel credits will immediately stand
ohoh open as straight as that neighbouring monument's fabrica-
tion before the hygienic gllll (this was where the reverent sab-
both and bottlebreaker with firbalk forthstretched touched upon
his tricoloured boater, which he uplifted by its pickledhoopy (he
gave Stetson one and a penny for it) whileas oleaginosity of an-
cestralolosis sgocciolated down the both pendencies of his mut-
sohito liptails (Sencapetulo, a more modestuous conciliabulite
never curled a torn pocketmouth), cordially inwiting the adul-
lescence who he was wising up to do in like manner what all did

so as he was able to add) lobe before the Great Schoolmaster's.
(I tell you no story.) Smile!
    The house of Atreox is fallen indeedust (Ilyam, Ilyum! Mae-
romor Mournomates !) averging on blight like the mundibanks of
Fennyana, but deeds bounds going arise again. Life, he himself
said once, (his biografiend, in fact, kills him verysoon, if yet not,
after) is a wake, livit or krikit, and on the bunk of our bread-
winning lies the cropse of our seedfather, a phrase which the
establisher of the world by law might pretinately write across
the chestfront of all manorwombanborn. The scene, refreshed,
reroused, was never to be forgotten, the hen and crusader ever-
intermutuomergent, for later in the century one of that puisne
band of factferreters, (then an excivily (out of the custom huts)
(retired), (hurt), under the sixtyfives act) in a dressy black modern
style and wewere shiny tan burlingtons, (tam, homd and dicky,
quopriquos and peajagd) rehearsed it, pippa pointing, with a
dignified (copied) bow to a namecousin of the late archdeacon
F. X. Preserved Coppinger (a hot fellow in his night, may the
mouther of guard have mastic on him!) in a pullwoman of our
first transhibernian with one still sadder circumstance which is a
dirkandurk heartskewerer if ever to bring bouncing brimmers
from marbled eyes. Cycloptically through the windowdisks and
with eddying awes the round eyes of the rundreisers, back to back,
buck to bucker, on their airish chaunting car, beheld with in-
touristing anterestedness the clad pursue the bare, the bare the
green, the green the frore, the frore the cladagain, as their convoy
wheeled encirculingly abound the gigantig's lifetree, our fire-
leaved loverlucky blomsterbohm, phoenix in our woodlessness,
haughty, cacuminal, erubescent (repetition!) whose roots they be
asches with lustres of peins. For as often as the Archicadenus,
pleacing aside his Irish Field and craving their auriculars to re-
cepticle particulars before they got the bump at Castlebar (mat
and far!) spoke of it by request all, hearing in this new reading
of the part whereby, because of Dyas in his machina, the new
garrickson's grimacing grimaldism hypostasised by substintua-
tion the axiomatic orerotundity of that once grand old elrington

bawl, the copycus's description of that fellowcommuter's play
upon countenants, could simply imagine themselves in their bo-
som's inmost core, as pro tem locums, timesported acorss the yawn-
ing (abyss), as once they were seasiders, listening to the cockshy-
shooter's evensong evocation of the doomed but always ventri-
loquent Agitator, (nonot more plangorpound the billows o'er
Thounawahallya Reef!) silkhouatted, a whallrhosmightiadd, a-
ginsst the dusk of skumring, (would that fane be Saint Muezzin's
calling — holy places! — and this fez brimless as brow of faithful
toucher of the ground, did wish it were — blessed be the bones!
— the ghazi, power of his sword.) his manslayer's gunwielder
protended towards that overgrown leadpencil which was soon,
monumentally at least, to rise as Molyvdokondylon to, to be, to
be his mausoleum (O'dan stod tillsteyne at meisies aye skould
show pon) while olover his exculpatory features, as Roland rung,
a wee dropeen of grief about to sillonise his jouejous, the ghost
of resignation diffused a spectral appealingness, as a young man's
drown o'er the fate of his waters may gloat, similar in origin and
akkurat in effective to a beam of sunshine upon a coffin plate.
    Not olderwise Inn the days of the Bygning would our Travel-
ler remote, unfriended, from van Demon's Land, some lazy
skald or maundering pote, lift wearywilly his slowcut snobsic
eyes to the semisigns of his zooteac and lengthily lingering along
flaskneck, cracket cup, downtrodden brogue, turfsod, wild-
broom, cabbageblad, stockfisch, longingly learn that there at the
Angel were herberged for him poteen and tea and praties and
baccy and wine width woman wordth warbling: and informally
quasi-begin to presquesm'ile to queasithin' (Nonsense! There
was not very much windy Nous blowing at the given moment
through the hat of Mr Melancholy Slow!)
    But in the pragma what formal cause made a smile of that to-
think? Who was he to whom? (O'Breen's not his name nor the
brown one his maid.) Whose are the placewheres? Kiwasti, kis-
ker, kither, kitnabudja? Tal the tem of the tumulum. Giv the gav
of the grube. Be it cudgelplayers' country, orfishfellows' town or
leeklickers' land or panbpanungopovengreskey. What regnans

raised the rains have levelled but we hear the pointers and can
gauge their compass for the melos yields the mode and the mode
the manners plicyman, plansiman, plousiman, plab. Tsin tsin tsin
tsin! The forefarther folkers for a prize of two peaches with
Ming, Ching and Shunny on the lie low lea. We'll sit down on
the hope of the ghouly ghost for the titheman troubleth but his
hantitat hies not here. They answer from their Zoans; Hear the
four of them! Hark torroar of them! I, says Armagh, and a'm
proud o'it. I, says Clonakilty, God help us! I, says Deansgrange,
and say nothing. I, says Barna, and whatabout it? Hee haw! Be-
fore he fell hill he filled heaven: a stream, alplapping streamlet,
coyly coiled um, cool of her curls: We were but thermites then,
wee, wee. Our antheap we sensed as a Hill of Allen, the Barrow
for an People, one Jotnursfjaell: and it was a grummelung amung
the porktroop that wonderstruck us as a thunder, yunder.
    Thus the unfacts, did we possess them, are too imprecisely
few to warrant our certitude, the evidencegivers by legpoll too
untrustworthily irreperible where his adjugers are semmingly
freak threes but his judicandees plainly minus twos. Neverthe-
less Madam's Toshowus waxes largely more lifeliked (entrance,
one kudos; exits, free) and our notional gullery is now com-
pletely complacent, an exegious monument, aerily perennious.
Oblige with your blackthorns; gamps, degrace! And there many
have paused before that exposure of him by old Tom Quad, a
flashback in which he sits sated, gowndabout, in clericalease ha-
bit, watching bland sol slithe dodgsomely into the nethermore,
a globule of maugdleness about to corrugitate his mild dewed
cheek and the tata of a tiny victorienne, Alys, pressed by his
limper looser.
    Yet certes one is. Eher the following winter had overed the
pages of nature's book and till Ceadurbar-atta-Cleath became
Dablena Tertia, the shadow of the huge outlander, maladik, mult-
vult, magnoperous, had bulked at the bar of a rota of tribunals in
manor hall as in thieves' kitchen, mid pillow talk and chithouse
chat, on Marlborough Green as through Molesworth Fields, here
sentenced pro tried with Jedburgh justice, there acquitted con-

testimony with benefit of clergy. His Thing Mod have undone
him: and his madthing has done him man. His beneficiaries are
legion in the part he created: they number up his years. Greatwheel
Dunlop was the name was on him: behung, all we are his bisaacles.
As hollyday in his house so was he priest and king to that: ulvy
came, envy saw, ivy conquered. Lou! Lou! They have waved his
green boughs o'er him as they have torn him limb from lamb.
For his muertification and uxpiration and dumnation and annu-
hulation. With schreis and grida, deprofound souspirs. Steady,
sullivans! Mannequins pause! Longtong's breach is fallen down
but Graunya's spreed's abroad. Ahdostay, feedailyones, and feel
the Flucher's bawls for the total of your flouts is not fit to fan his
fettle, O! Have a ring and sing wohl! Chin, chin! Chin, chin!
And of course all chimed din width the eatmost boviality. Swip-
ing rums and beaunes and sherries and ciders and negus and cit-
ronnades too. The strongers. Oho, oho, Mester Begge, you're
about to be bagged in the bog again. Bugge. But softsies seuf-
sighed: Eheu, for gassies! But, lo! lo! by the threnning gods,
human, erring and condonable, what the statues of our kuo, who
is the messchef be our kuang, ashu ashure there, the unforgettable
treeshade looms up behind the jostling judgements of those, as
all should owe, malrecapturable days.
    Tap and pat and tapatagain, (fire firstshot, Missiers the Refusel-
eers! Peingpeong! For saxonlootie!) three tommix, soldiers free,
cockaleak and cappapee, of the Coldstream. Guards were walking,
in (pardonnez-leur, je vous en prie, eh?) Montgomery Street. One
voiced an opinion in which on either wide (pardonnez!), nod-
ding, all the Finner Camps concurred (je vous en prie, eh?). It
was the first woman, they said, souped him, that fatal wellesday,
Lili Coninghams, by suggesting him they go in a field. Wroth
mod eldfar, ruth redd stilstand, wrath wrackt wroth, confessed
private Pat Marchison retro. (Terse!) Thus contenters with san-
toys play. One of our coming Vauxhall ontheboards who is
resting for the moment (she has been callit by a noted stagey ele-
cutioner a wastepacket Sittons) was interfeud in a waistend pewty
parlour. Looking perhaps even more pewtyflushed in her cherry-

derry padouasoys, girdle and braces by the halfmoon and Seven
Stars, russets from the Blackamoor's Head, amongst the climbing
boys at his Eagle and Child and over the corn and hay emptors
at their Black and All Black, Mrs F . . . A . . . saidaside, half in
stage of whisper to her confidante glass, while recoopering her
cartwheel chapot (ahat! — and we now know what thimbles a
baquets on lallance a talls mean), she hoped Sid Arthar would
git a Chrissman's portrout of orange and lemonsized orchids with
hollegs and ether, from the feeatre of the Innocident, as the
worryld had been uncained. Then, while it is odrous comparison-
ing to the sprangflowers of his burstday which was a virid-
able goddinpotty for the reinworms and the charlattinas and all
branches of climatitis, it has been such a wanderful noyth untirely,
added she, with many regards to Maha's pranjapansies. (Tart!)
Prehistoric, obitered to his dictaphone an entychologist: his pro-
penomen is a properismenon. A dustman nocknamed Seven-
churches in the employ of Messrs Achburn, Soulpetre and
Ashreborn, prairmakers, Glintalook, was asked by the sisterhood
the vexed question during his midday collation of leaver and
buckrom alternatively with stenk and kitteney phie in a hash-
housh and, thankeaven, responsed impulsively: We have just been
propogandering his nullity suit and what they took out of his ear
among my own crush. All our fellows at O'Dea's sages with
Aratar Calaman he is a cemented brick, buck it all! A more nor
usually sober cardriver, who was jauntingly hosing his runabout,
Ginger Jane, took a strong view. Lorry hosed her as he talked
and this is what he told rewritemen: Irewaker is just a plain pink
joint reformee in private life but folks all have it by brehemons
laws he has parliamentary honours. Eiskaffier said (Louigi's, you
know that man's, brillant Savourain): Mon foie, you wish to ave
some homelette, yes, lady! Good, mein leber! Your hegg he must
break himself. See, I crack, so, he sit in the poele, umbedimbt!
A perspirer (over sixty) who was keeping up his tennises panted
he kne ho har twa to clect infamatios but a diffpair flannels climb
wall and trespassing on doorbell. After fullblown Braddon hear
this fresky troterella! A railways barmaid's view (they call her

Spilltears Rue) was thus expressed: to sympathisers of the Dole
Line, Death Avenue, anent those objects of her pity-prompted
ministrance, to wet, man and his syphon. Ehim! It is ever too
late to whissle when Phyllis floods her stable. It would be skar-
lot shame to jailahim in lockup, as was proposed to him by the
Seddoms creature what matter what merrytricks went off with
his revulverher in connections with ehim being a norphan and
enjoining such wicked illth, ehim! Well done, Drumcollakill!
Kitty Tyrrel is proud of you, was the reply of a B.O.T. official
(O blame gnot the board!) while the Daughters Benkletter mur-
mured in uniswoon: Golforgilhisjurylegs! Brian Lynsky, the cub
curser, was questioned at his shouting box, Bawlonabraggat, and
gave a snappy comeback, when saying: Paw! Once more I'll
hellbowl! I am for caveman chase and sahara sex, burk you! Them
two bitches ought to be leashed, canem! Up hog and hoar hunt!
Paw! A wouldbe martyr, who is attending on sanit Asitas where
he is being taught to wear bracelets, when grilled on the point,
revealed the undoubted fact that the consequence would be that
so long as Sankya Moondy played his mango tricks under the
mysttetry, with shady apsaras sheltering in his leaves' licence and
his shadowers torrifried by the potent bolts of indradiction, there
would be fights all over Cuxhaven. (Tosh!) Missioner Ida Womb-
well, the seventeenyearold revivalist, said concerning the coinci-
dent of interfizzing with grenadines and other respectable and
disgusted peersons using the park: That perpendicular person is
a brut! But a magnificent brut! 'Caligula' (Mr Danl Magrath,
bookmaker, wellknown to Eastrailian poorusers of the Sydney
Parade Ballotin) was, as usual, antipodal with his: striving todie,
hopening tomellow, Ware Splash. Cobbler. We have meat two
hourly, sang out El Caplan Buycout, with the famous padre's
turridur's capecast, meet too ourly, matadear! Dan Meiklejohn,
precentor, of S.S. Smack and Olley's was probiverbal with his
upsiduxit: mutatus mutandus. Dauran's lord ('Sniffpox') and Moir-
gan's lady ('Flatterfun') took sides and crossed and bowed to
each other's views and recrossed themselves. The dirty dubs upin
their flies, went too free, echoed the dainly drabs downin their

scenities, una mona. Sylvia Silence, the girl detective (Meminerva,
but by now one hears turtlings all over Doveland!) when supplied
with informations as to the several facets of the case in her cozy-
dozy bachelure's flat, quite overlooking John a'Dream's mews,
leaned back in her really truly easy chair to query restfully through
her vowelthreaded syllabelles: Have you evew thought, wepow-
tew, that sheew gweatness was his twadgedy? Nevewtheless ac-
cowding to my considewed attitudes fow this act he should pay
the full penalty, pending puwsuance, as pew Subsec. 32, section
II, of the C. L. A. act 1885, anything in this act to the contwawy
notwithstanding. Jarley Jilke began to silke for he couldn't get
home to Jelsey but ended with: He's got the sack that helped him
moult instench of his gladsome rags. Meagher, a naval rating,
seated on one of the granite cromlech setts of our new fish-
shambles for the usual aireating after the ever popular act, with
whom were Questa and Puella, piquante and quoite, (this had a
cold in her brain while that felt a sink in her summock, wit's
wat, wot's wet) was encouraged, although nearvanashed himself,
by one of his co-affianced to get your breath, Walt, and gobbit
and when ther chidden by her fastra sastra to saddle up your
pance, Naville, thus cor replied to her other's thankskissing: I
lay my two fingerbuttons, fiancee Meagher, (he speaks!) he was
to blame about your two velvetthighs up Horniman's Hill — as
hook and eye blame him or any other piscman? — but I also
think, Puellywally, by the siege of his trousers there was some-
one else behind it — you bet your boughtem blarneys — about
their three drummers down Keysars Lane. (Trite!).
    Be these meer marchant taylor's fablings of a race referend
with oddman rex? Is now all seenheard then forgotten? Can it
was, one is fain in this leaden age of letters now to wit, that so
diversified outrages (they have still to come!) were planned and
partly carried out against so staunch a covenanter if it be true
than any of those recorded ever took place for many, we trow,
beyessed to and denayed of, are given to us by some who use
the truth but sparingly and we, on this side ought to sorrow for
their pricking pens on that account. The seventh city, Urovivla,

his citadear of refuge, whither (would we believe the laimen and
their counts), beyond the outraved gales of Atreeatic, changing
clues with a baggermalster, the hejirite had fled, silentioussue-
meant under night's altosonority, shipalone, a raven of the wave,
(be mercy, Mara! A he whence Rahoulas!) from the ostmen's
dirtby on the old vic, to forget in expiating manslaughter and,
reberthing in remarriment out of dead seekness to devine previ-
dence, (if you are looking for the bilder deep your ear on the
movietone!) to league his lot, palm and patte, with a papishee.
For mine qvinne I thee giftake and bind my hosenband I thee
halter. The wastobe land, a lottuse land, a luctuous land, Emerald-
illuim, the peasant pastured, in which by the fourth commandment
with promise his days apostolic were to be long by the abundant
mercy of Him Which Thundereth From On High, murmured,
would rise against him with all which in them were, franchisab-
les and inhabitands, astea as agora, helotsphilots, do him hurt,
poor jink, ghostly following bodily, as were he made a curse for
them, the corruptible lay quick, all saints of incorruption of an
holy nation, the common or ere-in-garden castaway, in red re-
surrection to condemn so they might convince him, first pha-
roah, Humpheres Cheops Exarchas, of their proper sins. Busi-
ness bred to speak with a stiff upper lip to all men and most occa-
sions the Man we wot of took little short of fighting chances but
for all that he or his or his care were subjected to the horrors of
the premier terror of Errorland. (perorhaps!)
    We seem to us (the real Us !) to be reading our Amenti in the
sixth sealed chapter of the going forth by black. It was after the
show at Wednesbury that one tall man, humping a suspicious
parcel, when returning late amid a dense particular on his home
way from the second house of the Boore and Burgess Christy
Menestrels by the old spot, Roy's Corner, had a barkiss revolver
placed to his faced with the words: you're shot, major: by an un-
knowable assailant (masked) against whom he had been jealous
over, Lotta Crabtree or Pomona Evlyn. More than that Whenn
the Waylayer (not a Lucalizod diocesan or even of the Glenda-
lough see, but hailing fro' the prow of Little Britain), mention-

ing in a bytheway that he, the crawsopper, had, in edition to
Reade's cutless centiblade, a loaded Hobson's which left only twin
alternatives as, viceversa, either he would surely shoot her, the
aunt, by pistol, (she could be okaysure of that!) or, failing of such,
bash in Patch's blank face beyond recognition, pointedly asked
with gaeilish gall wodkar blizzard's business Thornton had with
that Kane's fender only to be answered by the aggravated
assaulted that that that was the snaps for him, Midweeks, to sultry
well go and find out if he was showery well able. But how trans-
paringly nontrue, gentlewriter! His feet one is not a tall man, not
at all, man. No such parson. No such fender. No such lumber. No
such race. Was it supposedly in connection with a girls, Myramy
Huey or Colores Archer, under Flaggy Bridge (for ann there is
but one liv and hir newbridge is her old) or to explode his
twelvechamber and force a shrievalty entrance that the heavybuilt
Abelbody in a butcherblue blouse from One Life One Suit (a
men's wear store), with a most decisive bottle of single in his
possession, seized after dark by the town guard at Haveyou-
caught-emerod's temperance gateway was there in a gate's way.
    Fifthly, how parasoliloquisingly truetoned on his first time of
hearing the wretch's statement that, muttering Irish, he had had
had o'gloriously a'lot too much hanguest or hoshoe fine to
drink in the House of Blazes, the Parrot in Hell, the Orange Tree,
the Glibt, the Sun, the Holy Lamb and, lapse not leashed, in
Ramitdown's ship hotel since the morning moment he could
dixtinguish a white thread from a black till the engine of the
laws declosed unto Murray and was only falling fillthefluthered
up against the gatestone pier which, with the cow's bonnet
a'top o'it, he falsetook for a cattlepillar with purest peaceablest
intentions. Yet how lamely hobbles the hoy of his then pseudo-
jocax axplanation how, according to his own story, he vas a
process server and was merely trying to open zozimus a bottlop
stoub by mortially hammering his magnum bonum (the curter the
club the sorer the savage) against the bludgey gate for the boots
about the swan, Maurice Behan, who hastily into his shoes with
nothing his hald barra tinnteack and came down with homp,

shtemp and jumphet to the tiltyard from the wastes a'sleep in his
obi ohny overclothes or choker, attracted by the norse of guns
playing Delandy is cartager on the raglar rock to Dulyn, said
war' prised safe in bed as he dreamed that he'd wealthes in mor-
mon halls when wokenp by a fourth loud snore out of his land
of byelo while hickstrey's maws was grazing in the moonlight
by hearing hammering on the pandywhank scale emanating from
the blind pig and anything like it (oonagh! oonagh!) in the
whole history of the Mullingcan Inn he never. This battering
babel allower the door and sideposts, he always said, was not in
the very remotest like the belzey babble of a bottle of boose
which would not rouse him out o'slumber deep but reminded
him loads more of the martiallawsey marses of foreign musi-
kants' instrumongs or the overthrewer to the third last days of
Pompery, if anything. And that after this most nooningless
knockturn the young reine came down desperate and the old
liffopotamus started ploring all over the plains, as mud as she
cud be, ruinating all the bouchers' schurts and the backers'
wischandtugs so that be the chandeleure of the Rejaneyjailey
they were all night wasching the walters of, the weltering walters
off. Whyte.
    Just one moment. A pinch in time of the ideal, musketeers!
Alphos, Burkos and Caramis, leave Astrelea for the astrollajerries
and for the love of the saunces and the honour of Keavens pike
puddywhackback to Pamintul. And roll away the reel world, the
reel world, the reel world! And call all your smokeblushes,
Snowwhite and Rosered, if you will have the real cream! Now for
a strawberry frolic! Filons, filoosh! Cherchons la flamme! Famm-
famm! Fammfamm!
    Come on, ordinary man with that large big nonobli head, and
that blanko berbecked fischial ekksprezzion Machinsky Scapolo-
polos, Duzinascu or other. Your machelar's mutton leg's getting
musclebound from being too pulled. Noah Beery weighed stone
thousand one when Hazel was a hen. Now her fat's falling fast.
Therefore, chatbags, why not yours? There are 29 sweet reasons
why blossomtime's the best. Elders fall for green almonds when

they're raised on bruised stone root ginger though it winters on
their heads as if auctumned round their waistbands. If you'd had
pains in your hairs you wouldn't look so orgibald. You'd have
Colley Macaires on your lump of lead. Now listen, Mr Leer!
And stow that sweatyfunnyadams Simper! Take an old geeser
who calls on his skirt. Note his sleek hair, so elegant, tableau
. He vows her to be his own honeylamb, swears they will
be papa pals, by Sam, and share good times way down west in a
guaranteed happy lovenest when May moon she shines and they
twit twinkle all the night, combing the comet's tail up right and
shooting popguns at the stars. Creampuffs all to dime! Every
nice, missymackenzies! For dear old grumpapar, he's gone on
the razzledar, through gazing and crazing and blazing at the stars.
Compree! She wants her wardrobe to hear from above by return
with cash so as she can buy her Peter Robinson trousseau and cut
a dash with Arty, Bert or possibly Charley Chance (who knows?)
so tolloll Mr Hunker you're too dada for me to dance (so off she
goes!) and that's how half the gels in town has got their bottom
drars while grumpapar he's trying to hitch his braces on to his
trars. But old grum he's not so clean dippy between sweet you
and yum (not on your life, boy! not in those trousers! not by a
large jugful!) for someplace on the sly, where Furphy he isn't by,
old grum has his gel number two (bravevow, our Grum!) and he
would like to canoodle her too some part of the time for he is
downright fond of his number one but O he's fair mashed on
peaches number two so that if he could only canoodle the two,
chivee chivoo, all three would feel genuinely happy, it's as simple
as A. B. C., the two mixers, we mean, with their cherrybum
chappy (for he is simply shamming dippy) if they all were afloat
in a dreamlifeboat, hugging two by two in his zoo-doo-you-doo,
a tofftoff for thee, missymissy for me and howcameyou-e'enso for
Farber, in his tippy, upindown dippy, tiptoptippy canoodle, can
you? Finny.
    Ack, ack, ack. With which clap, trap and soddenment, three to
a loaf, our mutual friends the fender and the bottle at the gate seem
to be implicitly in the same bateau, so to singen, bearing also

several of the earmarks of design, for there is in fact no use in
putting a tooth in a snipery of that sort and the amount of all
those sort of things which has been going on onceaday in and
twiceaday out every other nachtistag among all kinds of pro-
miscious individuals at all ages in private homes and reeboos
publikiss and allover all and elsewhere throughout secular
sequence the country over and overabroad has been particularly
stupendous. To be continued. Federals' Uniteds' Transports'
Unions' for Exultations' of Triumphants' Ecstasies.
    But resuming inquiries. Will it ever be next morning the postal
unionist's (officially called carrier's, Letters Scotch, Limited)
strange fate (Fierceendgiddyex he's hight, d.e., the losel that
hucks around missivemaids' gummibacks) to hand in a huge
chain envelope, written in seven divers stages of ink, from blanch-
essance to lavandaiette, every pothook and pancrook bespaking
the wisherwife, superscribed and subpencilled by yours A Laugh-
able Party, with afterwite, S.A.G., to Hyde and Cheek, Eden-
berry, Dubblenn, WC? Will whatever will be written in lappish
language with inbursts of Maggyer always seem semposed, black
looking white and white guarding black, in that siamixed twoa-
talk used twist stern swift and jolly roger? Will it bright upon us,
nightle, and we plunging to our plight? Well, it might now, mircle,
so it light. Always and ever till Cox's wife, twice Mrs Hahn, pokes
her beak into the matter with Owen K. after her, to see whawa
smutter after, will this kiribis pouch filled with litterish frag-
ments lurk dormant in the paunch of that halpbrother of a herm,
a pillarbox?
    The coffin, a triumph of the illusionist's art, at first blench
naturally taken for a handharp (it is handwarp to tristinguish
jubabe from jabule or either from tubote when all three have just
been invened) had been removed from the hardware premises of
Oetzmann and Nephew, a noted house of the gonemost west,
which in the natural course of all things continues to supply
funeral requisites of every needed description. Why needed,
though? Indeed needed (wouldn't you feel like rattanfowl if you
hadn't the oscar!) because the flash brides or bride in their lily

boleros one games with at the Nivynubies' finery ball and your
upright grooms that always come right up with you (and by jingo
when they do!) what else in this mortal world, now ours, when
meet there night, mid their nackt, me there naket, made their
nought the hour strikes, would bring them rightcame back in the
flesh, thumbs down, to their orses and their hashes.
    To proceed. We might leave that nitrience of oxagiants to take
its free of the air and just analectralyse that very chymerical com-
bination, the gasbag where the warderworks. And try to pour
somour heiterscene up thealmostfere. In the bottled heliose case
continuing, Long Lally Tobkids, the special, sporting a fine breast
of medals, and a conscientious scripturereader to boot in the brick
and tin choorch round the coroner, swore like a Norewheezian
tailliur on the stand before the proper functionary that he was up
against a right querrshnorrt of a mand in the butcher of the blues
who, he guntinued, on last epening after delivering some car-
casses mattonchepps and meatjutes on behalf of Messrs Otto
Sands and Eastman, Limericked, Victuallers, went and, with his
unmitigated astonissment, hickicked at the dun and dorass against
all the runes and, when challenged about the pretended hick (it
was kickup and down with him) on his solemn by the imputant
imputed, said simply: I appop pie oath, Phillyps Captain. You
did, as I sostressed before. You are deepknee in error, sir, Madam
Tomkins, let me then tell you, replied with a gentlewomanly
salaam MackPartland, (the meatman's family, and the oldest in
the world except nick, name.) And Phelps was flayful with his
peeler. But his phizz fell.
    Now to the obverse. From velveteens to dimities is barely a
fivefinger span and hence these camelback excesses are thought
to have been instigated by one or either of the causing causes of
all, those rushy hollow heroines in their skirtsleeves, be she ma-
gretta be she the posque. Oh! Oh! Because it is a horrible thing
to have to say to say to day but one dilalah, Lupita Lorette, short-
ly after in a fit of the unexpectednesses drank carbolic with all
her dear placid life before her and paled off while the other
soiled dove that's her sister-in-love, Luperca Latouche, finding

one day while dodging chores that she stripped teasily for binocu-
lar man and that her jambs were jimpjoyed to see each other, the
nautchy girly soon found her fruitful hat too small for her and
rapidly taking time, look, she rapidly took to necking, partying
and selling her spare favours in the haymow or in lumber closets
or in the greenawn ad huck (there are certain intimacies in all
ladies' lavastories we just lease to imagination) or in the sweet
churchyard close itself for a bit of soft coal or an array of thin
trunks, serving whom in fine that same hot coney a la Zingara
which our own little Graunya of the chilired cheeks dished up
to the greatsire of Oscar, that son of a Coole. Houri of the coast
of emerald, arrah of the lacessive poghue, Aslim-all-Muslim, the
resigned to her surrender, did not she, come leinster's even, true
dotter of a dearmud, (her pitch was Forty Steps and his perch old
Cromwell's Quarters) with so valkirry a licence as sent many a
poor pucker packing to perdition, again and again, ay, and again
sfidare him, tease fido, eh tease fido, eh eh tease fido, toos top-
ples topple, stop, dug of a dog of a dgiaour, ye! Angealousmei!
And did not he, like Arcoforty, farfar off Bissavolo, missbrand
her behaveyous with iridescent huecry of down right mean false
sop lap sick dope? Tawfulsdreck! A reine of the shee, a shebeen
quean, a queen of pranks. A kingly man, of royal mien, regally
robed, exalted be his glory! So gave so take: Now not, not now!
He would just a min. Suffering trumpet! He thought he want.
Whath? Hear, O hear, living of the land! Hungreb, dead era,
hark! He hea, eyes ravenous on her lippling lills. He hear her voi
of day gon by. He hears! Zay, zay, zay! But, by the beer of his
profit, he cannot answer. Upterputty till rise and shine! Nor needs
none shaft ne stele from Phenicia or Little Asia to obelise on
the spout, neither pobalclock neither folksstone, nor sunkenness
in Tomar's Wood to bewray how erpressgangs score off the rued.
The mouth that tells not will ever attract the unthinking tongue
and so long as the obseen draws theirs which hear not so long
till allearth's dumbnation shall the blind lead the deaf. Tatcho,
tawney yeeklings! The column of lumps lends the pattrin of the
leaves behind us. If violence to life, limb and chattels, often as

not, has been the expression, direct or through an agent male, of
womanhid offended, (ah! ah!), has not levy of black mail from
the times the fairies were in it, and fain for wilde erthe blothoms
followed an impressive private reputation for whispered sins?
    Now by memory inspired, turn wheel again to the whole of
the wall. Where Gyant Blyant fronts Peannlueamoore There was
once upon a wall and a hooghoog wall a was and such a wall-
hole did exist. Ere ore or ire in Aaarlund. Or you Dair's Hair or
you Diggin Mosses or your horde of orts and oriorts to garble
a garthen of Odin and the lost paladays when all the eddams ended
with aves. Armen? The doun is theirs and still to see for menags
if he strikes a lousaforitch and we'll come to those baregazed
shoeshines if you just shoodov a second. And let oggs be good
old gaggles and Isther Estarr play Yesther Asterr. In the drema
of Sorestost Areas, Diseased. A stonehinged gate then was for
another thing while the suroptimist had bought and enlarged
that shack under fair rental of one yearlyng sheep, (prime) value
of sixpence, and one small yearlyng goat (cadet) value of eight-
pence, to grow old and happy (hogg it and kidd him) for the re-
minants of his years; and when everything was got up for the
purpose he put an applegate on the place by no means as some
pretext a bedstead in loo thereof to keep out donkeys (the pig-
dirt hanging from the jags to this hour makes that clear) and just
thenabouts the iron gape, by old custom left open to prevent
the cats from getting at the gout, was triplepatlockt on him on
purpose by his faithful poorters to keep him inside probably and
possibly enaunter he felt like sticking out his chest too far and
tempting gracious providence by a stroll on the peoplade's egg-
day, unused as he was yet to being freely clodded.
    O, by the by, lets wee brag of praties, it ought to be always
remembered in connection with what has gone before that there
was a northroomer, Herr Betreffender, out for his zimmer hole-
digs, digging in number 32 at the Rum and Puncheon (Branch of
Dirty Dick's free house) in Laxlip (where the Sockeye Sammons
were stopping at the time orange fasting) prior to that, a Kom-
merzial (Gorbotipacco, he was wreaking like Zentral Oylrubber)

from Osterich, the U.S.E. paying (Gaul save the mark!) 11/- in
the week (Gosh, these wholly romads!) of conscience money in
the first deal of Yuly wheil he was, swishing beesnest with bles-
sure, and swobbing broguen eeriesh myth brockendootsch, mak-
ing his reporterage on Der Fall Adams for the Frankofurto Siding,
a Fastland payrodicule, and er, consstated that one had on him
the Lynn O'Brien, meltoned lammswolle, disturbed, and wider
he might the same zurichschicken other he would, with tosend
and obertosend tonnowatters, one monkey's damages become.
Now you must know, franksman, to make a heart of glass, that
the game of gaze and bandstand butchery was merely a Patsy
O'Strap tissue of threats and obuses such as roebucks raugh at
pinnacle's peak and after this sort. Humphrey's unsolicited visitor,
Davy or Titus, on a burgley's clan march from the middle west,
a hikely excellent crude man about road who knew his Bullfoost
Mountains like a starling bierd, after doing a long dance untidled
to Cloudy Green, deposend his bockstump on the waityoumay-
wantme, after having blew some quaker's (for you! Oates!) in
through the houseking's keyhole to attract attention, bleated
through the gale outside which the tairor of his clothes was hog-
callering, first, be the hirsuiter, that he would break his bulshey-
wigger's head for him, next, be the heeltapper, that he would
break the gage over his lankyduckling head the same way he
would crack a nut with a monkeywrench and, last of all, be the
stirabouter, that he would give him his (or theumperom's or any-
bloody else's) thickerthanwater to drink and his bleday steppe-
brodhar's into the bucket. He demanded more wood alcohol to
pitch in with, alleging that his granfather's was all taxis and that
it was only after ten o'connell, and this his isbar was a public
oven for the sake of irsk irskusky, and then, not easily dis-
couraged, opened the wrathfloods of his atillarery and went on at
a wicked rate, weathering against him in mooxed metaphores
from eleven thirty to two in the afternoon without even a lunch-
eonette interval for House, son of Clod, to come out, you jew-
beggar, to be Executed Amen. Earwicker, that patternmind, that
paradigmatic ear, receptoretentive as his of Dionysius, longsuffer-

ing although whitening under restraint in the sititout corner of
his conservatory, behind faminebuilt walls, his thermos flask and
ripidian flabel by his side and a walrus whiskerbristle for a tusk-
pick, compiled, while he mourned the flight of his wild guineese,
a long list (now feared in part lost) to be kept on file of all abusive
names he was called (we have been compelled for the rejoicement
of foinne loidies ind the humours of Milltown etcetera by Joseph-
ine Brewster in the collision known as Contrastations with Inker-
mann and so on and sononward, lacies in loo water, flee, celestials,
one clean turv): Firstnighter, Informer, Old Fruit, Yellow Whigger,
Wheatears, Goldy Geit, Bogside Beauty, Yass We've Had His
Badannas, York's Porker, Funnyface, At Baggotty's Bend He
Bumped, Grease with the Butter, Opendoor Ospices, Cainandabler,
Ireland's Eighth Wonderful Wonder, Beat My Price, Godsoilman,
Moonface the Murderer, Hoary Hairy Hoax, Midnight Sunburst,
Remove that Bible, Hebdromadary Publocation, Tummer the Lame
the Tyrannous, Blau Clay, Tight before Teatime, Read Your
Pantojoke, Acoustic Disturbance, Thinks He's Gobblasst the Good
Dook of Ourguile, W.D.'s Grace, Gibbering Bayamouth of Dublin,
His Farther was a Mundzucker and She had him in a Growler,
Burnham and Bailey, Artist, Unworthy of the Homely Protestant
Religion, Terry Cotter, You're Welcome to Waterfood, signed the
Ribbonmen, Lobsterpot Lardling, All for Arthur of this Town,
Hooshed the Cat from the Bacon, Leathertogs Donald, The Ace
and Deuce of Paupering, O'Reilly's Delights to Kiss the Man
behind the Borrel, Magogagog, Swad Puddlefoot, Gouty Ghibeline,
Loose Luther, Hatches Cocks' Eggs, Muddle the Plan, Luck before
Wedlock, I Divorce Thee Husband, Tanner and a Make, Go to
Hellena or Come to Connies, Piobald Puffpuff His Bride, Purged
out of Burke's, He's None of Me Causin, Barebarean, Peculiar
Person, Grunt Owl's Facktotem, Twelve Months Aristocrat,
Lycanthrope, Flunkey Beadle Vamps the Tune Letting on He's
Loney, Thunder and Turf Married into Clandorf, Left Boot Sent
on Approval, Cumberer of Lord's Holy Ground, Stodge Arschmann,
Awnt Yuke, Tommy Furlong's Pet Plagues, Archdukon Cabbanger,
Last Past the Post, Kennealey Won't Tell Thee off Nancy's Gown,

Scuttle to Cover, Salary Grab, Andy Mac Noon in Annie's Room,
Awl Out, Twitchbratschballs, Bombard Street Bester, Sublime
Porter, A Ban for Le King of the Burgaans and a Bom for Ye Sur
of all the Ruttledges, O'Phelim's Cutprice, And at Number Wan
Wan Wan, What He Done to Castlecostello, Sleeps with Feathers
end Ropes, It is Known who Sold Horace the Rattler, Enclosed
find the Sons of Fingal, Swayed in his Falling, Wants a Wife and
Forty of Them, Let Him Do the Fair, Apeegeequanee Chimmuck,
Plowp Goes his Whastle, Ruin of the Small Trader, He — —   
Milkinghoneybeaverbrooker, Vee was a Vindner, Sower Rapes,
Armenian Atrocity, Sickfish Bellyup, Edomite, — 'Man Devoyd of
the Commoner Characteristics of an Irish Nature, Bad Humborg,
Hraabhraab, Coocoohandler, Dirt, Miching Daddy, Born Burst Feet
Foremost, Woolworth's Worst, Easyathic Phallusaphist, Guiltey-
pig's Bastard, Fast in the Barrel, Boose in the Bed, Mister Fatmate,
In Custody of the Polis, Boawwll's Alocutionist, Deposed
, but anar-
chistically respectsful of the liberties of the noninvasive individual,
did not respond a solitary wedgeword beyond such sedentarity,
though it was as easy as kissanywhere for the passive resistant in
the booth he was in to reach for the hello gripes and ring up Kim-
mage Outer 17.67, because, as the fundamentalist explained, when
at last shocked into speech, touchin his woundid feelins in the
fuchsiar the dominican mission for the sowsealist potty was on at
the time and he thought the rowmish devowtion known as the
howly rowsary might reeform ihm, Gonn. That more than
considerably unpleasant bullocky before he rang off drunkishly
pegged a few glatt stones, all of a size, by way of final mocks
for his grapes, at the wicket in support of his words that he was
not guilphy but, after he had so slaunga vollayed, reconnoi-
tring through his semisubconscious the seriousness of what he
might have done had he really polished off his terrible intentions
finally caused him to change the bawling and leave downg the
whole grumus of brookpebbles pangpung and, having sobered
up a bit, paces his groundould diablen lionndub, the flay the
flegm, the floedy fleshener, (purse, purse, pursyfurse, I'll splish
the splume of them all!) this backblocks boor bruskly put out

his langwedge and quite quit the paleologic scene, telling how
by his selfdenying ordnance he had left Hyland on the dissenting
table, after exhorting Earwicker or, in slightly modified phrase-
ology, Messrs or Missrs Earwicker, Seir, his feminisible name of
multitude, to cocoa come outside to Mockerloo out of that for
the honour of Crumlin, with his broody old flishguds, Gog's
curse to thim, so as he could brianslog and burst him all dizzy,
you go bail, like Potts Fracture did with Keddle Flatnose and
nobodyatall with Wholyphamous and build rocks over him, or
if he didn't, for two and thirty straws, be Cacao Campbell, he
didn't know what he wouldn't do for him nor nobody else no-
more nor him after which, batell martell, a brisha a milla a stroka
a boola, so the rage of Malbruk, playing on the least change of
his manjester's voice, the first heroic couplet from the fuguall
tropical, Opus Elf, Thortytoe: My schemes into obeyance for This
time has had to fall: they bit goodbyte to their thumb and, his
bandol eer his solgier, dripdropdrap on pool or poldier, wishing
the loff a falladelfian in the morning, proceeded with a Hubble-
forth slouch in his slips backwords (Et Cur Heli!) in the directions
of the duff and demb institutions about ten or eleven hundred
years lurch away in the moonshiny gorge of Patself on the Bach.
    And thus, with this rochelly exetur of Bully Acre, came to
close that last stage in the siegings round our archicitadel which
we would like to recall, if old Nestor Alexis would wink the
worth for us, as Bar-le-Duc and Dog-an-Doras and Bangen-op-
    Yed he med leave to many a door beside of Oxmanswold for
so witness his chambered cairns a cloudletlitter silent that are at
browse up hill and down coombe and on eolithostroton, at
Howth or at Coolock or even at Enniskerry, a theory none too
rectiline of the evoluation of human society and a testament of
the rocks from all the dead unto some the living. Olivers lambs
we do call them, skatterlings of a stone, and they shall be ga-
thered unto him, their herd and paladin, as nubilettes to cumule,
in that day hwen, same the lightning lancer of Azava Arthur-

honoured (some Finn, some Finn avant!), he skall wake from
earthsleep, haught crested elmer, in his valle of briers of Green-
man's Rise O, (lost leaders live! the heroes return!) and o'er dun
and dale the Wulverulverlord (protect us!) his mighty horn skall
roll, orland, roll.
    For in those deyes his Deyus shall ask of Allprohome and call
to himm: Allprohome! And he make answer: Add some. Nor
wink nor wunk. Animadiabolum, mene credidisti mortuum?
Silence was in thy faustive halls, O Truiga, when thy green
woods went dry but there will be sounds of manymirth on the
night's ear ringing when our pantriarch of Comestowntonobble
gets the pullover on his boots.
    Liverpoor? Sot a bit of it! His braynes coolt parritch, his pelt
nassy, his heart's adrone, his bluidstreams acrawl, his puff but a
piff, his extremeties extremely so: Fengless, Pawmbroke, Chil-
blaimend and Baldowl. Humph is in his doge. Words weigh no
no more to him than raindrips to Rethfernhim. Which we all
like. Rain. When we sleep. Drops. But wait until our sleeping.
Drain. Sdops.




Souvenir of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Opening of The Gaiety Theatre 31: 'who that has seen him can ever forget the operatic tenor of the old school... the gentleman who so strangely and wonderfully used to work himself up to the point of delivering his famous chest C'.

corpo di Bacco! (it) - by Jove! + barrage - concentrated delivery or outpouring, an excessive quantity.

spoof - to deceive, delude, to joke, to make (something) appear foolish by means of parody + speak

freak - a sudden causeless change or turn of the mind; a capricious humour, notion, or whim.

mousey - rel. to mouse; colorless, timid, quiet + mousy - a playful diminutive of mouse.

bigamy - marriage with a second wife or husband during the lifetime of the first.

SHAN VAN VOCHT - Ireland as the "Poor Old Woman," Sean Bhean Bhocht, who has seen all its troubles.

blackfriar - a dominican friar (so called from the colour of their dress)

treacle - tricky, treacherous

liddle = little + belittled + Henry George Liddell - compiler of Liddell and Scott's Greek - English Lexicon.

therewith - with that (word, act, or occurrence), that being said or done, thereupon + FDV: A cloud of witnesses indeed! Yet all these are as much now no more as were they now not yet or had they then not ever been. Of Hosty, quite a musical genius in small way, the end is unknown. O'Donnell somewhat depressed by things, is said to have enlisted at the time of the Crimean war under the name of Buckley. Peter Cloran, at the suggestion of the Master in Lunacy, became an inmate of an asylum. Treacle Tom passed away painlessly in a state of nature propelled into the great beyond by footblows of his last bedfellows, 3 Norwegian sailors of the seafaring class. Shorty disappeared from the surface of the earth so completely as to lead one to suppose that it had come to pass that (he who possessed at times a large amount of the humorous) his habitat had become the interior. Then was the reverend, the sodality director that fashionable vice preacher to whom sinning society ladies beauties (vide the daily press) often became so enthusiasticaly attached and was a nondescript objectionable ass who sometimes wore a nondescript raffle ticket in his hat & was openly guilty of malpractice with his tableknife the cad with a pipe encountered by HCE?

kingrick - kingdom + Richard III (1452-85) - English king of the House of York, crookbacked like HCE, called The Boar or The Hog, from the device on his crest. In Shakespeare's Richard III, he is a villain, brothen-slayer.

Numidia - "country of the nomads": ancient North African kingdom and Roman province, in modern Algeria. 

poisoning - poisonous

barrage - concentrated delivery or outpouring, an excessive quantity + Hebrews 12:1: 'compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses'.

redeliver - to deliver (a message, etc.) again, to repeat, report

vergobret - the chief magistrate among the ancient Ædui of Gaul

Caractacus (l) - king of Silures in Britain who fought the Roman invasion


Zouave - one of a body of light infantry in the French army, originally recruited from the Algerian Kabyle tribe of Zouaoua, but afterwards composed of French soldiers distinguished for their physique and dash, and formerly retaining the original Oriental uniform (more) + Levey & O'Rorke: Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin 46: 'Appearance of "The Zouave Artistes," announced as "The original Founders of the Theatre at Inkermann, during the Crimean War"... the female parts being performed by men'.

mime - a mimic, jester, buffoon, a pantomimist

mum - to silence, to put to silence

mick = mike - Irishman; a Roman Catholic

Nick - the devil

miming - pres. par. of mime (to act or play a part without words; to imitate, mimic).

maggie - a girl + Their Majesties, when more then one royal person is meant.

Levey & O'Rorke: Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin 67n: 'Mr. Frank Smyth' (in the role of Mr Vyvyan in 'Maritana').

St Austell, Ivan, and Hilton St Just - Ulysses (648) mentions them as Dublin tenors ['usual hackneyed run of catchy tenor solos foisted on a confiding public by Ivan St Austell and Hilton St Just and their genus omne']. 

Levey & O'Rorke: Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin 67n: 'Mr. J.F. Jones' (in the role of Mr S. Vincent in 'Maritana').

Colman (kuluman) (gael) - Young Dove + Levey & O'Rorke: Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin 68: 'The new dramatic Romance by Algernon Willoughby, "Valjean"... in which Mr. Coleman assumed four characters'.

Leamhcan (loukan) (gael) - producing marshmallows + Levey & O'Rorke: Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin 49: 'Mr. John Collins was son of a former proprietor of the Lucan Spa Hotel'.

O'Daly - according to Mr O Hehir, a family of hereditary Irish poets. 

O'Dubhghaill (o'dugel) (gael) - descendant of Dubhghall ("dark-foreigner," i.e., Dane).

feerie - a fairy

Loch nEachach (lokh nakhokh) (gael) - Eachach's ("horse-man") Lake; anglic. Lough Neagh.

galloper - one who gallops on horseback, esp. of hunters; fig. One who proceeds at great speed.

harlequin - in English pantomime a mute character supposed to be invisible to the clown and pantaloon; he has many attributes of the clown (his rival in the affections of Columbine) with  the addition of mischievous intrigue.

zither - to play the zither

merryman - jester

persons in + (notebook 1922-23): 'People in the Story' + persi (it) - lost + persino (it) - even + FDV: Of Hosty, quite a musical genius in small way, the end is unknown.

(notebook 1924): 'Eyrwyggla Saga' Walsh: Scandinavian Relations with Ireland during the Viking Period 31: 'Eyrbyggнa Saga tells of both Thуrodd, the owner of a large ship of burden, and of Guthleif, who went with other traders on voyages "west to Dublin"'.

saga - any of the narrative compositions in prose that were written in Iceland or Norway during the middle ages; a story, popularly believed to be matter of fact, which has been developed by gradual accretions in the course of ages, and has been handed down by oral tradition.

readable - capable of being read with pleasure or interest. Usually of literary work: Easy or pleasant to read, agreeable or attractive in style.


facetious - characterized by, or addicted to, pleasantry; jocose, jocular, waggish + This is a tissue of falsehood. I have constructed my private property with my own money.

libellous - containing or constituting a libel, of the nature of a libel

actionable - subject to or affording ground for an action or suit at law (slander is actionable).

volume - a collection of written or printed sheets bound together so as to form a book; a tome.

ostia (it) - Eucharist; sacrifical victim + oste (it) - innkeeper, host.

fosti (it) - you were

niced - made foolish or delicate

tenorist - one who sings tenor


meritory - serving to earn reward; productive of merit to the agent

Tennysonian - an admirer, imitator, disciple, or student of Tennyson + suonanti tuoni (it) - thundering thunders.

to work one's passage - to pay for one's passage on board ship by working during the voyage (also fig.)

animando - becoming animated (used as direction in music) + animando vite (it) - giving life.

whistle - to utter a clear, more or less shrill sound or note by forcing the breath through the narrow opening formed by contracting the lips (the tone being produced merely by the resonance of the mouth-cavity, without vibration of the vocal cords): esp. as an expression of derision, contempt, etc.; to call, summon, bring, or get by or as by whistling, to entice; to send or dismiss by whistling.

doom - final fate, destruction, ruin, death

oh fie - an exclamation of disapprobation + ei fu (it) - 'it was'; 'he was' (i.e. He's Dead) + REFERENCE + Joyce's note: 'they have lived / = sono crepati' Note: It. colloquialism. Sono crepati. They are dead. (MS 47472-227, 228, ILA: Ei fu. [...] Booil. [...] He was. [...] Han var. [...] Bhi she. [...] Fuitfuit. | JJA 44:0223-4 | Mar-Apr 1927 | ) + (notebook 1924): 'qui fuit' Sullivan: The Book of Kells 20: 'Five pages are then occupied with the Genealogy of Christ, each line beginning with "Qui fuit"... The initials are all through interlaced with birds, dragons, beasts and snakes'.

crestfallen - cast down in confidence, spirits, or courage; humbled, disheartened, dispirited + FDV: O'Donnell somewhat depressed by things, is said to have enlisted at the time of the Crimen war under the name of Buckley. 

down at the heels - having the heels of one's boots or shoes quite worn down (taken as a symptom of destitution).

squeak - to emit a short or slight sound of a thin high-pitched character; slang. To confess; to turn informer + speak

Sasanachs (Ir.) - English people + das noch! (ger) - that too! + zas noc (Czech ) - night again.

ardri - the high king in ancient Ireland

to take the (king's) shilling - to enlist as a soldier by accepting a shilling from a recruiting officer.

wild goose - an expatriate Irishman + phrase sown his wild oats (had a youthful fling at reckless and indiscreet behavior, esp. being promiscuous before marriage).

"Shule Aroon," - air to which T. Moore's "Alone in Crowds to Wander On" is sung + Suil a run (shul arun) (gael) - Go, my dear.

enlisted - enrolled for military service

Tyrone - county in Northern Ireland (Ulster province). Tir-Eoghain, Ir "land of Eoghan (Owen)" (ancestor of the O'Neills).

Joyce's note: 'soldiered' + Joyce's note: 'soldiered a while'

Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, Viscount (1833-1913) - British field marshal, born in Co. Dublin, fought in the Indian Mutiny, Crimea, etc. 

assumed - taken to or upon oneself, pretended, appropriated, usurped

(notebook 1923): 'Blanco Buckley is the wild goose'

spurious - not true or genuine, false, sham, counterfeit

tower + (notebook 1924): 'cawer'.

columbarium - a structure of vaults lined with recesses for cinerary urns + columbarium (l) - dovecote; sepulchral chamber + columba (l) - dove.

sea king - a Norse pirate chief

quit - to give up, let go, renounce

haven - a place of shelter, safety, or retreat; a refuge, an asylum

evermore - for all future time + Joyce's note: 'saw him no more'

transpire - to become known, esp. by obscure channels, or in spite of secrecy being intended.

cornix (l) - rook, crow

inauspiciously - in an inauspicious (unlucky) manner

perish - to come to a violent, sudden, or untimely end; to suffer destruction; to lose its life.

papal - of or pertaining to a pope, or to the pope, his dignity or office

leafless - without a leaf; destitute of leaves or foliage + leaflet - a small-sized leaf of paper or a sheet folded into two or more leaves but not stitched, and containing printed matter, chiefly for gratuitous distribution.

old chap - a person's father esp. when old

mouther - a declamatory speaker + mother in law

Louth - county in Ireland + loath - something hateful or harmful; evil.

buail (buil) (gael) - beat, defeat

aspiration -  steadfast desire or longing for something above one + FDV: Peter Cloran, at the suggestion of the Master in Lunacy, became an inmate of an aslym.

throw out - to give utterance or expression to; now esp. to put forward tentatively, give (a hint or suggestion).

doomster - one invested with authority as a judge, a judge

loquacity - talkativeness

lunacy - intermittent insanity such as was formerly supposed to be brought about by the changes of the moon; now applied gen. to any form of insanity.

intelligence - the agency for obtaining secret information; the staff of persons so employed, secret service.

RIDLEY'S - A popular name for a mental institution (eg, the Richmond Lunatic Asylum in Grangegorman) [(notebook 1924): 'shoved him into asylum'] + Ridley, Nicholas (1500-55) - English bishop, burned as a heretic under Bloody Mary. According to Brendan Behan's Island, Riddleys is "the mad part of Grangegorman." 

inmate - one who is the mate or associate of another or others in the same dwelling; sometimes simply = Indweller, inhabitant, occupier.

utility man - a man available for service in various positions; an actor who performs minor parts and does odd jobs in a theater [Levey & O'Rorke: Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin 211: 'Casaboni, the most useful of "utility men"'].

troupe - a company, band, troop; esp. a company of players, dancers, or the like.

sustain - to support (a part or character); to play the part of

at short notice - with little time for action or preparation [Levey & O'Rorke: Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin 219: 'the young soprano, at a short notice, sustained the part of "Lucia"'].

sordid - inclined to what is low, mean, or ignoble; esp. moved by selfish or mercenary motives; dirty or sluttish in habits or appearance (obs.) + FDV: Treacle Tom passed away painlessly in a state of nature propelled into a great beyond by footblows of his last bedfellows, 3 Norwegian sailors of the seafaring class.

dour - hard, severe, bold, stern, fierce, hardy + dear


unwashed - not washed; the 'lower orders' (those who are not usually in a clean state).

haunted - frequented or much visited by spirits, imaginary beings, apparitions, spectres, etc.

unwished - not wished, undesired

Israfel - Mohammedan angel of music who will sound the trumpet on the Day of Judgment.  

summoner - one who summons another to a place. Often fig. of immaterial or inanimate agents.

Hallowe'en - the eve of All Hallows' or All Saints'; the last night of October.

ebbro (it) - drunk

propel - to drive forward or onward + (notebook 1923): 'passed away to the Beyond by means of poison' ('to' not clear).

Spenser, Edmund (1552-99) - English poet who, for services to his government, was given 3,000 acres in Munster and Kilcolman Castle in Cork. A friend of Raleigh's, he wrote not only "Colin Clout" and The Faerie Queene, but also View of the State of Ireland (1596), in which he advocates hunting the Irish like wild beasts in winter: "if they be well followed one winter, ye shall have little work to do with them the next summer," for famine will complete the sword's work. Thus Spenser appears in FW as aggressor - kicking, piercing + Thomas Moore: song Tho' the Last Glimpse of Erin with Sorrow I See: 'I will fly with my Coulin' [air: Coulin].

the world is my oyster - the world offers opportunities for profit, etc.

atlas - a chief supporter, mainstay

behang - to hang (a thing) about with (bells, hangings, drapery, etc.) + on behalf of -  in the name of, as the agent or representative of, on account of, for, instead of. (with the notion of official agency).

behoove - to have need of, require, to be fitting or proper for

flash and blood - corporeal nature with its infirmities and proclivities; near kindred.

straw - made of straw; of little or no value + star glint - a meteorite + phrase the last straw.

glimt (Danish) - gleam; glimpse + Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Tho' the Last Glimpse of Erin with Sorrow I See.

baring - the action of laying bare or uncovering; the removal of something so as to leave a bare place.

thunk = think

pitfall - pit bridged by a cover of flimsy material, a hidden danger; to entrap, ensnare.

gag - to introduce 'gag' into a piece (theatr.) + gag - expressions, remarks etc. not occuring in the written piece but interpolated by the actor.

prompt box - a low box projecting above the floor of a stage with its openings toward the actors + Levey & O'Rorke: Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin 83: 'principal second violin, Mr. Robert Barton... held for years the post of repetiteur or deputy-leader at the Theatre Royal... In addition to music he cultivated what was then entitled the "noble art of self-defence"... He therefore obtained the sobriquet of "Boxing Bob," by which title he was frequently greeted when he made his appearance in the orchestra'.

thot - thought

bass - Bass's ale or beer (manufactured by messers Bass&Co. of Burton-on-Trent), a bottle of Bass.

dropt - arhaic past of drop

fust - first

till - to

bung - dead, out of commission + dung

crate - a large case, basket, or hamper of wicker-work, for carrying crockery, glass, or other goods.

cogged - fraudulently palmed off; feigned in order to cheat; pretended

me - my

drame (fr) - drama, play + dreams

O Lochlainn (o'lokhlin) (gael) - descendant of Lochlainn ("Scandinavian") + Lochlann (Anglo-Irish) - Scandinavian.

to come through - to succeed, attain an end

centuple - a hundred-fold

selves - pl. of self + cells

egoourgos (gr) - worker for the self 

Nicolaus Cusanus (1401-1464) - cardinal, mathematician, scholar, experimental scientist, and philosopher + REFERENCE + Cusack, Michael (1847-1907) - founder of the Gaelic Athletic Association in 1884, the "Citizen" of Ulysses.

hereinafter - after this, in the following part of this writing or document

recourse - a periodical recurrence of something, repeated visiting

demission - the act of resigning or giving up, dismissal, abasement

amalgamate - to unite together (classes, races, societies, ideas, etc.) so as to form a homogeneous or harmonious whole.

undiscernible - not visible or perceptible

baxter - baker + nursery rhyme 'the butcher, the baker, the candlestickmaker'.

Marthe Fleischmann - a young Swiss woman with whom Joyce was enamoured in 1919 (a model for Gerty MacDowell and Martha Clifford in 'Ulysses').

bidivil (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - bedevil

uns (ger) - us

point + poing (fr) - fist.

cock sure - quite safe, of certain outcome, marked by certianity and conviction + Hotspur (in William Shakespeare's King Henry IV, Part 1 and King Henry IV, Part 2).

wellnigh - very nearly, almost

stinkpot - an earthen jar with materials of an suffocating smell sometimes thrown upon an enemy's deck.

punge - to prick, pierce; to affect pungently

tailend - the concluding part of an action, period of time, etc.

out and in - in and out, outside and inside, out of the place and in again

candlestick - a support for a candle + William Shakespeare: Macbeth V.5.23: 'Out, out, brief candle!'

O'Nuallain (o'nulan) (gael) - descendant of Nuallan (diminutive of nuall, "noble").

peese = peace

han var (Danish) - he was (i.e. He's Dead)

disliken - to make unlike, to disguise (obs.) + dislike - the opposite of like (v.) in its current sense; and so less strong than hate, which is the opposite of love + FDV: Shorty dissapeared from the surface of the earth so completely as to lead one to suppose that it had come to pass that he (who possessed at times a large amount of the humorous) his habitat had become the interior.

duodrama - a dramatic piece for two performers only + (notebook 1922-23): 'Druriodrama'.

langley - a unit of solar energy flux

frisker - one who frisks (to move briskly and sportively; to dance, frolic, gambol, jig); Also slang, a pilferer + Frisky Shorty

spickle - a spikelike organ, a small pointed organ

spoke - tale, speech + to put in one's spoke - to attempt to give advice, or have some say, in a matter.

toodle-oo (Colloquial) - goodbye

to take a French leave - to go away, or do anything, without permission or notice + phrase to take a leaf out of someone's book (to follow someone's example; imitate: Some countries that took a leaf out of American industry's book are now doing very well for themselves.)

unveil - to uncover, disclose, display, reveal + available + Sullivan: The Book of Kells 23: 'at least twenty-four leaves of text alone have disappeared from the book'.

Colm-cille (kulumkili) (gael) - "Dove of the Church", 6th c. monastic missionary, latinized Columba. Illicitly copied a book by St. Finnian. Finnian of Moville brought home a copy of the “Vulgate,” after a visit to Rome. The Vulgate was the definitive Latin translation of the bible done by St. Jerome about 100 years earlier. Colmcille decided to make a copy surreptitiously by night. Finnian apparently discovered what he was up to when one of his novice monks noticed a mysterious light emanating from the church where the Vulgate was kept one night and peeped through an opening in the door. He was astonished to see the big man furiously copying with one hand, whilst a magical light flowing from the tips of the fingers of his other hand illuminated his labours. [Sullivan: The Book of Kells 4: 'the famous Book of Kells, or as it is often called the Book of Colum Cille'].

pravity - moral perversion or corruption; wickedness, viciousness, depravity


austral - southern; of or pertaining to Australia or Australasia + astral

transmew = transmute - to alter or change in nature, properties, appearance, or form + transferred + transmareo (l) - to cross over the sea + mare transeo (l) - I cross the sea.

spoor - the trace, track, or trail of a person or animal, esp. of wild animals pursued as game + spoorloos (Dutch) - without a trace.

King Diarmaid, on the advice of his Supreme Court counsellor Bec MacDe, ruled: “I don’t know where you get your fancy new ideas about people’s property. Wise men have always described the copy of a book as a child-book. This implies that someone who owns the parent-book also owns the child-book. To every cow its calf, to every book its child-book. The child-book belongs to Finnian.”

whisk - a bundle or tuft of twigs, hair, feathers, etc. fixed on a handle, used for brushing or dusting.

tabula rasa - a smoothed tablet of blank slate

obliteration - erasure, effacement, extinction

involucrum - outer covering, envelope; Bot. A whorl or rosette of bracts surrounding an inflorescence, or at the base of an umbel.

tickle - to excite, provoke

speculative - speculation, hypothetical reasoning, theory

all but - very nearly, almost

opine - to form a judgement on grounds insufficient for positive proof; to hold an opinion, or to hold as one's opinion; to think, suppose.

levey = levee + R.M. Levey - co-author (with O'Rorke) of 'Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin'. 

redivivus - brought back to live, living again, reborn

Paganini, Nicolф (1782-1840) - Italian violinist

volunteer - one who voluntarily offers or enrols himself for military service, in contrast to those who are under obligation to do so, or who form part of a regular army or military force.

Vousden, Val - Dublin music-hall entertainer at the turn of the century, wrote the song "The Irish Jaunting Car"; acted, sang, danced and played the violin at Dan Lowrey's Music Hall; may have been R.M. Levey, co-author of 'Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin'.

hobo - 'an idle shiftless wandering workman, ranking scarcely above the tramp'.

humoresque - a sudden apparently unmotivated turn of mind

translate - to transfer, transport; to carry or convey to heaven without death; to turn from one language into another + transtulit (l) - [he] has brought over, transported, transferred.

funster - comedian, humorist

latitat - a writ which supposed the defendant to lie concealed and which summoned him to answer in the King's Bench; the fact of lying concealed; hiding, lurking + latitat (l) - [he] lies hidden + latitat (Slang) - attorney.

Finistйre - French department where, some say, Tristan died + finis terrae (l) - end of the earth + finster (ger) - dark.


bhi se (vi she) (gael) - he was

san (Japanese) - polite form of address (Mr) + San (it) - Saint.

James Joyce's "The Day of the Rabblement" was rejected by Father Henry Browne for U.C.D. magazine

toast - a slice or piece of bread browned at the fire: often put in wine, water, or other beverage.

quaint - wise, knowing; skilled, clever, ingenious; strange, unusual, unfamiliar, odd.

yarnspinner - a story teller

Padre Bruno (it) - Father Brown

treu = true + treu (ger) - loyal.

trost = trust - confidence in or reliance on some quality or attribute of a person or thing, or the truth of a statement + trшster (Danish) - comforter.

Iar Spain - "distant" Spain, Mr O Hehir says

sodality - an organized society + FDV: Then was the reverend, the sodality director that fashionable vice preacher to whom sinning society ladies beauties (vide the daily press) often became so enthusiasticaly attached and was a nondescript objectionable ass who sometimes wore a nondescript raffle ticket in his hat & was openly guilty of malpractice with his tableknife the cad with a pipe encountered by HCE?  

director - an ecclesiastic holding the position of spiritual adviser to some particular person or society.

eupeptic - having good digestion; cheerful, optimistic

barefaced - audacious, impudent, shameless

Carmelite - a member of an order of mendicant friars (called also, from the white cloak which forms part of their dress, White Friars), who derive their origin from a colony founded on Mount Carmel by Berthold, a Calabrian, in the 12th century.

palpitate - that palpitates (to tremble); throbbing, quivering

pulpit - a raised structure consisting of an enclosed platform, usually supplied with a desk, seat, and other accessories, from which the preacher in a church or chapel delivers the sermon, and in which in some denominations the officiating minister conducts the service.



frate (it) - friar

O'Nuallain Mor (o nulan mor) (gael) - Great des. of Nuallan (dim. of nuall, "noble").

passim - indication of the occurrence of something in various places throughout the book or writings.

objectionable - that may be objected to; against which an adverse reason may be urged; unacceptable, disagreeable, unpleasant.

ass - an ignorant fellow, a perverse fool, a conceited dolt

cockade - a ribbon, knot of ribbons, rosette, or the like, worn in the hat as a badge of office or party, or as part of a livery dress + Mad Hatter in 'Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland' is illustrated with a ticket on his hat.

raffle - a form of lottery, in which an article is assigned by drawing or casting of lots.

hangle - an iron pothook

canary - quandary (a state of extreme perplexity or uncertainty; a dilemma causing (great) mental agitation or distress).

malpractice - a criminal or overtly mischievous action; wrong-doing, misconduct; improper treatment or culpable neglect of a patient by the physician.

tableknife - a knife used at a table

gloss - to gleam, to shine (obs.)

cark - load, burden; that which burdens the spirit, troubled state of mind + card + (notebook 1924): 'work with cork in pocket'.

snob - one who meanly or vulgarly admires and seeks to imitate, or associate with, those of superior rank or wealth + snab de'n choinnil (Anglo-Irish) - snuff of a candle (snob (Irish) = snab (Anglo-Irish) - snuff, snot (of a candle)) + snuff - the burned portion of the wick of a candle.

dunghill + Dunhill - Enghish pipe and tobacco sellers. Also a rocky height on Howth + Dun-aill (dunil) (gael) - Fortress of the Cliff; town, Co. Waterford, anglic. Dunhill.

years + Schaum (ger) - foam.

ripe - fully developed in body or mind; mature + Joyce's note (notebook 1923): 'fully 10 yrs older' (MS 47472-155v, TsLPA: that same cad with a pipe ^+, fully several yrs older,+^ encountered by Humphrey Chimpden | early 1927).

redletter day - a saint's day or church festival indicated in the calendar by red letters; hence, any memorable, fortunate, or specially happy day.

Jesus day - the festival of the Name of Jesus, 7 Aug + Jove - a poetical equivalent of Jupiter, name of the highest deity of the ancient Romans.

fuit (l) - he was

a philistine - a person whose interests are limited to material or very ordinry matters + Percy French: song Phistlin Phil McHugh.

say (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - sea

MICK'S HOTEL - Percy French's song: "Has anybody even been to Mick's Hotel, / Mick's Hotel by the salt say water?/...Never again for me." 

next to nothing - hardly anything, almost nothing + nix - no; snow + nix (Slang) - nothing.

always + nebula (l) - fog + FDV: It is a well authenticated fact of the commonest knowledge that the shape of the average human face changes its shape frequently alters with the passing of years. Hence it is no easy matter to identify the individual in baggy pants with already an inclination to baldness who was asked by some broadfaced boardschool children on a wall to tell them the that bedtime story. It was the Lord's day and the request was put to the party (a native of Ireland, by his brogue [(said to have been average Dublin)], who had made the South coast of England [the sister isle] his headquarters) as he sat smoking paused for ten or 15 minuts for a fragrant smoke calabash in during his weekend pastime of executing empty bottles which had formerly not so (very) long before contained Reid's family stout, by cockshot [with deadly accuracy]. One sad circumstance the narrator mentioned which goes at once to the heart of things. He rose to his feet and told of it to tell [this group of little precocious caremakers] in the simplest of intensive language [of the great now mythical figure in the widewinged hat, the four-in-hand cravat and the gauntlet [upon the hand which [for ever] had struck down Destrelle]].

autodidact - self-taught

commonest - super. of common 

cloudy - darkened by misfortune, grief, anger, forebodings, etc.;gloomy, sullen, frowning + phiz - face, countenance.

whereas - while on the contrary; the fact on the other hand being that

sallow - of the skin or complexion: Having a sickly yellow colour + sorrow + Thomas Moore: song Has Sorrow Thy Young Days Shaded [air: Sly Patrick (few lines below)]..

daze - a benumbed, deadened condition; loss of virtue or freshness + days

poss - to thrust, pound + Joyce's note: 'passing of' + possing wet (Anglo-Irish) - saturated, wringing wet.

shower - a fall of rain; a copious discharge of water in drops (often of tears) + years

whence - by reason of, wherefore + FDV: Hence it is no easy matter to identify the individual in baggy pants with already an inclination to baldness who was asked by some broadfaced boardschool children on a wall to tell them the that bedtime story.

slipperish - somewhat slippery

scherzare (it) - to sport, play + Italian scherzo: German Scherz - joke + Scheherazade

A Thousand and One Nights

certainty - a fact or thing certain or sure

identify - to determine or establish the identity of; to ascertain who a given person is.

individual - a human being, a person

scratch wig - a small, short wig + Joyce's note: 'scratch wig' Fay: A Short Glossary of Theatrical Terms 26: 'Scratch Wigs. -- Rough, untidy, short-haired wigs used for comedy parts'.

square cut - a coat with square skirts + Joyce's note: 'in square cut' Fay: A Short Glossary of Theatrical Terms 27: 'Square Cuts. -- The skirted coats used by men in plays of the eighteenth century'.

stock - commonly used, standard

lavalier - a pendant ornament worn as a necklace + lavalliиre (fr) - loose necktie + Laval, Pierre (1883-1945) - French politician who wore regrettable ties, Mr Atherton says. 

oxter - the armhole of a garment; armpit (Anglo-Irish)

baggy - puffed or bulging out, hanging in loose folds

slipper - a light and usually heelless covering for the foot, capable of being easily slipped on, and chiefly employed for indoor wear.

alluded to - indirectly referred to, hinted at

lane + llana (sp) - page (of book) + (notebook 1930): 'llan = church' The Encyclopжdia Britannica vol. XXVIII, 'Wales', 259c: (of Welsh place-names) 'the word llan (church) precedes a proper name; thus every Llandewi recalls the early labours of Dewi Sant (St David)'.

incipience - beginning, a first step or stage

area - a bald place on the head; a disease of the hair which causes it to fall off and leave bald patches + Joyce's note: 'area baldness'.

boardschool - elementary school mantained out of local taxes

shirker - one who shirks (duty, work, etc.) + shirkers (Slang) - truants.

drench - to wet through and through with liquid falling upon the object

overall - all over

Conn (kon) (gael) - "Intelligence"

over again - once more

vouloir, pouvoir et devoir (fr) - will, can and ought to (infinitives)

pissabed - a bed-wetter; also attrib., as an abusive epithet

ghost story + ghoast = ghost.

haard (Danish) - hard

creditable - worthy to be believed; credible (obs.); that brings credit or honour.

adventures + eventyr (Danish) - fairy tale.

haberdasher - a dealer in small articles appertaining to dress, as thread, tape, ribbons, etc; Formerly also a drink-seller; a hatter (obs.)

churchie - curtsy

Enkel (ger) - grandchild + enkel (Danish) - bachelor + enkel (Dutch) - ankle.

bearskin - a skin used as a wrap or garment + birthday clothes

Junger (ger) - disciple + Junge (ger) - boy + jongens (Dutch) - boys.

syne - since

Turgesius on Thorgil - viking who invaded Ireland in 832. He and his death were likewise violent. 

da (da) (gael) - two of anything, pair + da (Russian) - yes.

ceathar (kaher) (gael) - four

se (she) (gael) - six

wart - a small, round, dry, tough excrescence on the skin

slummy - of the nature of a slum; slovenly, careless

trans. dearbhbhrathair (drihar) (gael) - brother (lit. "true-brother," as distinct from brathair, brother-in-religion).

shrine - a place where worship is offered or devotions are paid to a saint or deity; a temple, church.

fungo - a mushroom or fungus + Park, Mungo (1771-1806) - Scottish explorer of the Niger. 

sport - entertainment, amusement, recreation, merriment + FDV: It was the Lord's day and the request was put to the party (a native of Ireland, by his brogue [(said to have been average Dublin)], who had made the South coast of England [the sister isle] his headquarters) as he sat smoking paused for ten or 15 minutes for a fragrant smoke calabash in during his weekend pasttime of executing empty bottles which had formerly not so (very) long before contained Reid's family stout, by cockshot [with deadly accuracy].

damp - a drink, a 'wetting'; to take a drink, 'wet one's whistle'

postpone - to put off to a future or later time; to defer

regatta - a boat- or yacht-race, or (usually) an organized series of such races, forming a more or less prominent sporting and social event.

eventual - that will arise or take place in a particular contingency

juxta - near, by the side of + juxta mare (l) - by the sea.

armed - furnished with anything that gives strength or efficiency, or fits for a purpose.

loo - love; lew                                                 law

porty - rel. to port-wine + party - a single person considered in some relation.

brogue - a rude kind of shoe, generally made of untanned hide, worn by the inhabitants of the wilder parts of Ireland and the Scotch Highlands; a strongly-marked dialectal pronunciation or accent.

x rays

local colour - something picturesque in itself + calor (l) - heat.

odour = odor


(notebook 1930): 'Capelisit' The Encyclopжdia Britannica vol. XXVIII, 'Wales', 260a: (glossary of components in Welsh place-names) 'Capel, a corrupt form of the Latin "capella" applied to chapels, ancient and recent - Capel Dewi, Capel-issaf, Parc-y-capel'.

nasal - Of speech-sounds: Produced, to a greater or less degree, by means of the nose + (notebook 1930): 'voiced nasal - liquids' (dash dittoes 'voiced') The Encyclopжdia Britannica vol. XXVIII, 'Wales', 268b: (of Welsh language) 'the values of the letters in the modern alphabet... Voiceless nasals: mh; nh; ngh. Voiced nasals: m; n; ng. Voiceless liquids: ll (unilateral voiceless l); rh (voiceless r). Voiced liquids: l; r'.

liquid - Of sounds: Flowing, pure and clear in tone; free from harshness or discord; Also in Phonetics, Of the nature of a 'liquid' (a name applied to the sounds denoted by the letters l, m, n, r).

sneeze - to utter with a sneeze

zee - "z" + (notebook 1930): 'no Z' The Encyclopжdia Britannica vol. XXVIII, 'Wales', 268c: 'Welsh has no z'.

haul - to pull or draw with force or violence; to drag, tug

crag - a steep or precipitous rugged rock + (notebook 1930): 'craog = rock' The Encyclopжdia Britannica vol. XXVIII, 'Wales', 260a: (glossary of components in Welsh place-names) 'Craig, a rock or crag - Pen-y-graig'.

(notebook 1930): 'Bryn = hill' The Encyclopжdia Britannica vol. XXVIII, 'Wales', 260a: (glossary of components in Welsh place-names) 'Bryn, a hill - Brynmawr, Penbryn'.

Silurian - the name given to the system or series of Palæozoic rocks lying immediately below the Devonian or Old Red Sandstone; of or belonging to the ancient Silures +   Silures (l) - a people of ancient Britain. 

Ordovician - of, pertaining to, or designating the second earliest period of the Palжozoic era, following the Cambrian and preceding the Silurian. Also absol., the Ordovician period or its rocks + (notebook 1930): 'Silures Decangi Ordovicus Demitae' (only first and third words crayoned) The Encyclopжdia Britannica vol. XXVIII, 'Wales', 261c: 'At the time of the Roman invasion of Britain, 55 B.C., four distinct dominant tribes, or families, are enumerated west of the Severn, viz. the Decangi... the Ordovices... the Dimetae... and the Silures'.

pilgrimage - a journey; a journey made to some sacred place

pig-island - anc. name for Ireland + Insel (ger) - island.

bluff - a cliff or headland with a broad precipitous face

stepstone - a stepping-stone, a stone forming a door-step

regifugium - the flight or expulsion of the kings from Rome + regifuge - commemorative of the expulsion.

persecutorum (l) - of the persecuted + refugium persecutorum (l) - refuge of the persecuted + Litany of Blessed Virgin Mary: 'refugium peccatorum' (Latin 'refuge of sinners'). 

to hit the pipe - to smoke opium +  to hit the pike - to take the road, to go away.

"The Londonderry Air" (song) - 'Oh Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling' [air: 'Would that I were a tender apple blossom'].

ten to one, bar one (Slang) - odds against any horse in a race except one

barman - a pleader at the bar, a barrister; a man who serves at the bar of a public-house, etc.

amid - in relation to the circumstances which surround an action

doldrum - the doldrums, dumps, low spirits

charlotte - a dish made of apple marmalade covered with crumbs of toasted bread.

teart = tart + treat - a great pleasure, delight, or gratification.

in store - in reserve, laid up for future use


calabash - the fruit of the calabash tree; sort of gourd

pastime - that which serves to pass the time agreeably; recreation, diversion, entertainment, amusement, sport.

Oakley, Annie - female sharpshooter; term for a seat given free at a theater.  

deadliness - dead accuracy

consumatory - concluding, completing, finishing; perfect

provocative - something that provokes, aphrodisiac

fall for - to yield to the attractions of, to be captivated or carried away by

empty - something that is empty

reid - red + Reid's Family Stout, drunk in British Isles. 

ruadh (rue) (gael) - red + read

demd = damned + goddamned

bloodthirst - thirst for blood, eagerness for bloodshed

stout - a strong variety of porter + ..."stout. One sad circumstance the narrator mentioned which goes at once to the heart of things. Having reprimed"... (Joyce left the original sad circumstance out, when he fair-copied his first draft).

reprime - to prime again (to supply a firearm with gunpowder)

repeater - a repeating firearm

resite - To place on another site; to relocate + room - trans. To accommodate or lodge (guests). 

timepiece - an instrument for measuring and registering the passage of time; in a general sense, any kind of chronometer, including clocks and watches.

occupancy - the condition of being an occupant; the fact of occupying + FDV: He rose to his feet and told of it in to tell [this group of little precocious caremakers] in the simplest of intensive language to the [of the great now mythical figure in the widewinged hat, the four-in-hand cravat and the gauntlet [upon the hand which [for ever] had struck down Destrelle]].

commonplace - a common ordinary place

Whittington, Dick (d. 1423) - thrice Lord Mayor of London. He has been confused with the folk-figure Dick Whittington, who was recalled to London by the prophetic peal of Bow bells: "Turn again, Whittington." The story of Dick's cat, who rid a ship of rats, is told in many languages. Also a pantomime. 

intensive - intense, vehement, zealous


vocality - state of being voiced or vocalic + locality

dear brothers + dearbhbhrathair (drihar) (gael) - brother (lit. "true-brother," as distinct from brathair, brother-in-religion).

supper - one that sups (to take into the mouth in sips), sucker

sipper - one that sips, toper

spake - arhaic past of speak

compassionate - sympathetic, marked by compassion, pitiable

call up - to call to mind, recall, to bring into the mind by memory or imagination.

triad - group of three, trinity

precocious - prematurely developed in some faculty or proclivity

scaremonger - alarmist, one who spreads alarming reports

Spegulo ne helpas al malbelulo. Mi kredas ke vi estas prava, Via doto, la vizago, respondas fraulino (Esperanto) - A mirror doesn't help an ugly person. I believe you're right, Your dowry is your face, replies a young lady

habiliments - the apparel, vestments, or garments appropriate to any office or occasion; abilities, faculties, powers (of mind) (obs.)

Our Father - used as a name of the 'Lord's Prayer': = paternoster + farfar (Danish) - grandfather.

doyne - do; done; dozen + song Arthur of This Town [air: Irish].

broil - a confused disturbance, tumult, or turmoil; a quarrel

balefire - a great fire kindled as a signal; a beacon-fire

to blaze the trail - to mark (trees) with white by chipping off a piece of bark. Also to indicate (a spot or path) by such marks.

phrase airy nothing (William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream V.1.16)

burst- (ger) - brush

buckshee - something extra, free, or to spare; an allowance above the usual amount; alteration of baksheesh (Oriental term for: A gratuity, present of money, 'tip.')

to warm to - to become interested in, acquire zest for

soor ka batcha (Hindustani, slang) - son of a pig

tum (Hindustani, familiar) - you + hum (Hindustani, familiar) - me.

latitudinous - having latitude or breadth

beaver - a hat of beaver's fur

puggaree - a scarf of thin muslin falling down behind the hat as a shade

calaboose (U.S. Slang) = calaboosh (Beche-la-Mar) - common prison, jail

blong (Beche-la-Mar) - of

four in hand - a kind of necktie tied in a loose knot with hanging ends

bow - a necktie, ribbon

elbowroom - freedom of movement

surtout - a man's great-coat or overcoat

reface - to supply with a new front

unmentionables - trousers, underwear

ginger - a strong brown color + Tangerine - a deep orange colour.

state - regular, official; definitely recognizable

slate - a dark purplish gray color

gruff - coarse, coarse-grained; containing coarse or rough particles

linsey woolsey - a coarse sturdy cotton and woolen fabric, a garment of this material.

findrinny - white bronze, silver-bronze

Knopf (ger) - button

gauntlet - a stout glove, covering part of the arm as well as the hand

John Milton: Paradise Lost IX.780-781: (of Eve) 'So saying, her rash hand in evil hour Forth reaching to the Fruit, she pluck'd, she eat'.

D'Esterre - gunman sent by the Orange Corporation of Dublin to shoot O'Connell in a duel. O'Connell killed him + dester (obs) - the right hand.  

to steal one's thunder - to appropriate or adopt for one's own ends something effective (as an idea or plan) deviced or thought out by another.

befitting - fitting, suitable, becoming, due + FDV: In befiting words a bit duskish flavoured with a smile [seeing that his thoughts consist of the cheery,] he aptly described the scene, among other things of passing interest the monolith rising stark from the twilight pinebarren, the bellwether angelus hour, the ditchers bent upon their implements, the fallow doe belling softly her milky approach as the hour was quite late and how brightly he outed his wallet and gives him a topping swank cheroot and says he was to suck that one brown boyo and spend a whole half hour in Havana.

Antilegomena - the word is used by Eusebius of Caesarea of those Scriptural books of which the claim to be considered a part of the NT canon was disputed; ...He has given us abridged accounts of all the canonical Scriptures, not even omitting those that are disputed (The Antilegomenoi) + legomena (gr) - sayings. 

gleaming = a gleam - fig. A bright or vivid manifestation (of some quality, etc.)

duskish - rader dark or black, partially obscured

flavoured - mixed with some ingredient used to impart a flavour (smell, odour, piquancy, zest).

cheerio - a parting exclamation of encouragement; 'goodbye'; a salutation before drinking; = 'cheers'.

aptly - fitly, suitably, appropriately; readily

our first parents - Adam and Eve

suchen Sie [das] Weib (ger) - search for the woman

seene - synod, senate + scene

solance - solace

stilling - the action of making still, quietening; distillation, illicit distillation of spirits; trickling or falling in drops + stilling (Danish) - situation, pose.

boomster - one that booms + blomster (Danish) - flowers + boom (Dutch) - tree + ster (Dutch) - star.

rombare (it) - to rumble, to roar + rimbombante (it) - booming.

scene - to provide with scenes + is

seem - seeming, semblance, appearence

arras - a rich pictoral tapestry

dumb - destitute of the faculty of speech

mum (Colloquial) - silence

muteness - the quality or condition of being mute or silent


kusin (Swedish) - cousin

Christansen, Adler - valet, boyfriend, betrayer of Sir Roger Casement.

audible - able to be heard, perceptible to the ear + odibilis (l) - hateful, odious.

os = us + os (Danish) - us + os (l) - mouth; bone.

wineless - lacking wine + wireless

ere - OE. for a sandy spit of land

eerie - fear-inspiring; gloomy, strange, weird

liss - an ancient irish fortification; release, mitigation, tranquility, peace, joy, delight + less

ting (Danish) - court + Thingmote - Viking parliament in Dublin + James Joyce: A Portrait IV: 'Like a scene on some vague arras, old as man's weariness, the image of the seventh city of christendom was visible to him across the timeless air, no older nor more weary nor less patient of subjection than in the days of the thingmote'.

prigged - p. of prig (to steal, pilfer, to dress up, adorn) + prigged (Slang) - stolen (from Joyce's Portrait).

jaunty - easy and sprightly in manner; having or affecting well-bred or easy sprightliness; affecting airy self-satisfaction or unconcern + Val Vousden: song The Irish Jaunting Car.

visavis - a carriage in which persons sit face to face + vis-а-vis (Slang) - jaunting car (because passengers sit back to back).

unsteadily - not steady in position, wavering + in stead of

shoulder to shoulder - with united effort, with mutual co-operation and support + song Boys of the Old Brigade: 'steadily, shoulder to shoulder'.

jehu - a driver of a coach or cab

OSLO - Capital of Norway. Founded by Harald Sigurdsson (aka Harald Haardraade) in 1048 AD as Opslo, it was renamed Christiania (Kristiania) after it was rebuilt after the great fine of 1624.

Iliad - an epic poem like that of Homer, or a poem describing martial exploits; a long series of disasters or the like.

daisy - the common name of Bellis perennis, N.O. Compositæ, a familiar and favourite flower of the British Isles and Europe generally, having small flat flower-heads with yellow disk and white ray.

tussock - a dense tuft (as of grass)

capall (kopul) (gael) - horse

shaft - one of the long bars, between a pair of which a horse is harnessed to a vehicle

tyr = tire (dress, apparel) + tyr (Danish) - bull.

noes - pl. of no + nose

paradigm - example, pattern

eren (Dutch) - honour

vindicative - revengeful, involving retribution or punishment

lo - used to call attention exp. of wonder or surprise

behold + lo and behold - look! see!

arbor (l) - tree

petrus (l) - stone

Augustan - rel. to Augustus Caesar; hence applied to the period of highest purity and refinement of any national literature; and gen. Of the correct standard in taste, classical + Saintsbury, George (1845-1933) - his History of English Prose Rhythm has been shown by Mr Atherton to be a main source of "Oxen of the Sun." His Peace of the Augustans, Mr Hodgart says, is named at 53.15. 

monolith - a single block of stone, esp. one of notable size, shaped into a pillar or monument.

stark - strong, stout, powerful

moonlit - lighted by the moon

pinebarren - sandy or peaty soil wooded with pine trees

fortitudinous - marked by fortitude, courageous + F.E.R.T. - "Fortitudo eius Rhodum tenuit" (His [Amedeo the 6th's] value kept Rhode"), the Sardinian motto which seems to be a motto of the Savoia family. Also, "Femina Erit Ruina Tua" (woman will be thy undoing).

Ajax - one of two Greek heroes (described in the Iliad)

rowdydowdy - boisterous

tenacity - firmness of hold or attachment; firmness of purpose, persistence, obstinacy.

angelus - a devotional exercise commemorating the mystery of the Incarnation, consisting of versicles and responses, and the Angelic Salutation three times repeated, said by Roman Catholics, at morning, noon, and sunset, at the sound of a bell rung for that purpose.

ditcher - a workman who digs ditches


bell - to roar, make a loud noise (esp. deer in rutting time)

fallow - yellowish brown color

doerehmoose genuane = Adoremus. Flectamus genua (l) - Let us adore. Let us kneel + Good Friday Mass of the Presanctified: 'Adoremus... Flectamus genua... levate' (Latin 'Let us adore... Let us kneel... rise').

milky - like milk; gentle, mild

to strike the hour - to announce (an hour) by tinging + song When Midnight Is Striking the Hour.

Levate (l) - Rise (liturgical directions) + laetate (l) - gladden!

brightly - in a bright manner, brilliantly, clearly

tribune - a judge; a protector of the rights of the people; a popular leader, a demagogue.

out - to put out

sharkskin - a woven or warp-knitted fabric of wool, silk, or rayon with a smooth, slightly lustrous, finish.

smoke - tobacco, cigarette

Joshua - book and character of the Old Testament. Joshua was the son of Nunn and was one of the Nine Worthies. 

tip - to give a 'tip' or piece of private information about + pick

un - one

topping - very fine, excellent, first-rate

swank - smart, fashinably elegant, swagger

cheroot - a cigar made in Southern India or Manilla

swellish - stylish

quoit - a flat disc of stone or metal + quite

manfully - resolutely

pluc (pluk) (gael) - cheek

leicean (leken) (gael) - cheek + Leacan (lakan) (gael) - Hillside; town, Co. Sligo, where "Yellow Book of Lecan" compiled.

Lucan - Dublin environ on the Liffey. Two earls of Lucan may have interested Joyce: (1) Patrick Sarsfield, a Wild Goose, who fought under James II, died in 1693, saying, "O that this were for Ireland!"; (2) Lord Lucan, who commanded cavalry at Balaclava and is associated by Joyce with the Light Brigade. 

pluggy - short and stumpy; stiff + bloody + ag plucghail tobac (eg plugil tobok) (gael) - smoking heartily.

suck - to draw (air, breath) into the mouth; to inhale (air, smoke, etc.) (obs.)

boyo - boy, lad

Havana - a cigar of a kind made at Havana or in Cuba (also applied to the tobacco of which these are made) + (notebook 1922-23): 'smoke that & spend a Ѕ hour in Havana'.

soror (l) - sister 

krigsmжnd (Danish) - warriors

sprog (Swedish) - speech

bester - one who gets the better of others by fraudulent means, swindler + Alphonse de Lamartine to Louis Philippe, 1830: 'Sire, vous кtes la meilleure rйpublique' (French 'Sire, you are the best republic') + bedste (Danish) - grandfather.

Lorcan O'Tuathail (lurkan o'tuhil) (gael) - Lorcan (dim. of lorc, "fierce") des. of Tuathal ("people-mighty"), patron saint of Dublin; anglic. Laurence O Toole.((

bannock - the name, in Scotland and north of England, of a form in which home-made bread is made + blessings + beannacht De agus Muire agus Brighid agus Phadraic (banokht d'e ogus mwiri ogus brid' ogus fadrik) (gael) - the blessing of God and Mary and Bridget and Patrick.

gort (Anglo-Irish) - enclosed field + gort (Dutch) - barley.

MOYRA - Village, County Donegal 

BRAY - Coastal resort town ("The Irish Brighton") South-East of Dublin in County Wicklow. Bray Head is a 793-ft hill projecting from the coast South of Bray + bri (Welsh) - head.


your lordship - a form of address to noblemen

pit of the stomach - the slight depression in the region of the stomach between the cartilages of the false ribs.

poleaxe - a battle axe, to strike with a poleaxe + please

floruerunt (l) - they flourished + floruerunt (l) = pl. of floruit (l) - "he flourished": formula of ancient historians when birth and death dates are unknown.

hoch - exp. of salutation and approval + hoch (ger) - high.

terrify + turris (l) - tower.

Hitze (ger) - heat

three cheers - three successive cheers in unison, freq. for someone or something.

William III (1650-1720) - Dutch prince of Orange and Nassau; later, with his wife Mary II, he ruled England and Ireland. William III beat James II at the Boyne, 1690. He made a treaty with the Catholics at Limerick which he broke or let his underlings break, and the Catholics had as foul, cruel a time of it as ever they had from Cromwell. The Boyne has always been celebrated by Ulster Protestants on "The Twalfth" of July with parades, featuring big drums (Lambeg Drums 398.29) and atrocious behavior to papists. In Dublin (before the Free State) the Ulstermen's brazen calf was a lead equestrian statue of King Billy on College Green which, on Williamite holy days, was painted white (a white horse in a fanlight is still a sign of Protestant sympathies) and decorated with orange lilies (Lili O'Rangans) and green and white ribbons "symbolically placed beneath its uplifted foot." Catholics retorted by vandalizing the statue, tarring, etc., and in 1836 succeeded in blowing the figure of the king off the horse. 

Crom Cruach (krum krukh) (gael) - Bloody Croucher; ancient Irish idol

Down aboo! (Anglo-Irish) - Up with Down! (from An Dъn abъ (Irish) - (County) Down to Victory)

hup - used to urge on a horse, 'hup'

hat - to provide with a hat; hit (dial)


Rembrandt (1606-69) - Dutch painter

Vercingetorix (d. 46) - Gallic chieftain who revolted against Julius Caesar + (notebook 1930): 'Farseengetter ich'.

Poor Old Woman or Shan Van Vocht - Ireland (poetic) 

Caractacus - British chieftain who resisted the Romans (48-51) but was captured and sent to Rome + Carthach (karhokh) - "Loving"; Old Celtic Caratacos.

Vogt, Alfred - Swiss oculist who helped restore Joyce's sight + Vogt (ger) - overseer, warden, constable.

favour - to show favour to, to treat kindly + Favete linguis (l) - "Be well-disposed with tongues!" i.e. be silent: command to citizens at religious ceremonies. 

Intendite (l) - Direct your attention! Attention! + intendete (it) - listen and understand.

dog's life - a miserable drab existence

list - to listen, hear; to like

at it - hard at work, fighting, etc.; busy

like sixty - with great force or vigour + at six and sevens - in disorder, confused.

ulema - the body of Muslim doctors under the headship of the Sheik-ul-islam, which exercised great political influence in the Turkish empire + (notebook 1922-23): 'Ulema (Pers. parl)' (i.e. Joyce saw it as the Persian Parliament).

Sobranje - the parliament or national assembly of Bulgaria

Storting - the Norwegian parliament

Duma - in Russia, an elective legislative assembly

portal - a door, gate, doorway, or gateway, of stately or elaborate construction.

casa concordiae (l) - house of harmony + casa concordia (it) - house of peace.

Hur maar ni, mina froken? (Swedish) - How are you, my young ladies?

Hvorledes har De det? (Danish) - 'How do you do?' (rather archaic; modern usage is Hvordan har De det?)

millecentotrentadue (it) - 1132 + triginta (l) - thirty.

scudi (it) - crowns (i.e. coins; literally 'shields')

ti pote, kyrie, ti pote (gr) - what on earth, lord, what? why, lord, why? + tipote, kyrie, tipote (Modern Greek) - nothing, sir, don't mention it (an expression commonly used by waiters, in answer to thank you)

cha ki patti (Hindustani) - tea

makar (gr) - blessed, happy + makkhan roti (Hindustani) - bread and butter + makkar (Hebrew) - acquaintance, friend.

sahib (Hindustani) - sir, Mr

dispйnseme (sp) - excuse me + usted (sp) - you.

senhor (Portuguese) - sir, Mr

en son (fr) - in his + en son de (sp) - in the guise of

sabes (Spanish) = sabes (Portuguese) - you know

O ta bron orm, a Chothraighe, [an] tuigeann tu Gaedhealg? (o ta bron urum a hohriye, [un] tigin tu gelin) (gael) - Oh I am sorry, Patrick [P/K Split], do you understand Irish?

hai-p'a (Chinese) - suffer fear + lang (Chinese) - wolf + liang (Chinese) - a pair, a couple.

epi allo (gr) - upon another thing + et puis alors, йcoute (fr) - and then, listen; so, listen + Baptiste (Christian name) + tu vas venir dans (fr) - you're going to come in (or to) + le petit bon coin (fr) - the little good corner (looks like the name of a restaurant).

ecou (Rumanian) - echo + batiste (Rumanian) - handkerchiefs.

izmene de bumbac (Rumanian) - cotton drawers

e meias de (Portuguese) - and stockings of

portocallie (Rumanian) - orange colour

os pipos (Portuguese) - the barrels, the pipes

mios (sp) - my + es (sp) - is.

demasiada (Spanish) = demasiada (Portuguese) - too much

grueso (sp) - thick; bulky

por (Portuguese) - for, by

o - (Portuguese) - the

piccolo (it) - small

pochino (it) - a little bit

wieviel? (ger) - how much? + wee (Colloquial) - to urinate.

duro (Portuguese) - hard + one dollar

kocsis szabad? (Hungarian) - coachman, are you free?

go maith (gumoh) (gael) - well (adv.)

tak (Danish) - thank you

mugger - the broad-nosed crocodile of India [(notebook 1922-23): 'mugger (crocodile)'] + crocodile tears - false tears + FDV: And says he: As sure as eggs is known to be what they commercially are in high British quarters my business credit will immediately stand open as stright as that hygienic monument's fabrication before hygienic globe of the Taskmaster's eye (and here the reverent sabbath and bottle breaker uncovered himself of his tricoloured boater cordially inviting the adolescents whom he was wising up to do likewise in like manner) of the great Pastmaster's eye.

liard - a small coin formerly current in France, of the value of the fourth part of a sou. Hence, a coin of small value + liar

nick - to say nay to, deny; to jot down, record

nighty - pertaining to night

taverner - one that keeps a tavern, one who frequents taverns (obs.)

on the make - intent on profit or advancement; also, intent on winning someone's affections; seeking sexual pleasure; improving, advancing, getting better + mike - to loiter; a rest, a period of idleness; to 'hang about', go away, escape; microphone (Colloquial).

buck - man, a dashing fellow

to get it - to receive a punishment, scolding, etc.

James Joyce: Ulysses.15.3369: 'THE NANNYGOAT (bleats) Megeggaggegg!'




sicker - assuredly, certainly + phrase as sure as eggs are eggs.

MOYLIFFEY - Magh Life, Ir. "Plain of the Liffey"; the plain in County Kidare through which the Liffey River flows.  

householder - the head of a household or family + Haushalter (ger) - householder.

years + Jahrhundert (ger) - century.

mammoth - a large extinct species of elephant formerly native in Europe and northern Asia.

ahoy - a nautical call used in hailing

guesthouse - an inn; a house or apartment for the reception or entertainment of strangers or guests.

cowhand - orig. U.S., one engaged in the tending or ranching of cattle + Handel (ger) - trade + Kuhhandel (ger) - shady business.

neighbouring - that neighbours, adjacent

monument - a sepulchre; a written document, record

fabrication - the action of fabricating or 'making up'; the forging (of a document).

hygienic - rel. to hygiene, sanitary


Fir-bolga (firbulgu) (gael) - Bags Men; third legendary colonists + (notebook 1924): 'fir balks'.

trans. ausstrecken (ger) - extend, reach out

boater - a man's stiff straw hat with a flat crown and ribbon band

uplift - to lift up; to take into one's possesion

pickled - drunk + pickle - to put into or steep in pickle, to preserve in pickle; trans. and intr. To pick in a small way, or a little at a time; to peck, nibble.

Stetson - broad brimmed high crowned hat

whileas = while

oleaginosity - the quality of being oleaginous (oily, greasy)

sgocciolare (it) - to drip, to trickle

pendency - the state or condition of being pending or continuing undecided, or awaiting settlement.


capitulo (sp) - chapter + senkapetulo (Esperanto) - without money.

conciliabule - a clandestine meeting of rebels against church or state, a small private or secret assembly + conciliabulum (l) - a place of assembly, public place.

torn - rent or riven by being pulled violently asunder

cordially - heartily, with all one's heart, with hearty friendliness or good-will.

inwit - conscience, understanding + inviting + James Joyce: Ulysses.1.481: 'Agenbite of inwit'.

wise up - to supply with information, make wise, to learn

in like manner - in a similar way

schoolmaster - the master of a school

to tell a story - to lie

to lay in the dust - to be overthrown or fallen

TROY - Ancient Troia, Ilion, on Ilium 

maeror (l) - mourning, sadness + mear mor (mer mor) (gael) - big finger.

mourounomatкs (Modern Greek) - having cod's eyes

verge - to incline or tend, to approach or draw near, towards or to some state or condition + Thomas Moore: song Avenging and Bright [air: Crooghan a Venee; or, The Fenian Mount].

blight - any malignant influence of obscure or mysterious origin; anything which withers hopes or prospects.

muddy - of the nature of mud + Mund (ger) - mouth.

fenny - muddy, dirty; boggy (Anglo-Irish)

song These Bones Gwine to Rise Again

biographer - a writer of biographies + Irish Rivers, The Tolka 395/2: (of Parnell, a poet and vicar of the parish of Finglas) 'Goldsmith and Johnson, his biographers, kill the poet in the following July, 1717; but he lived for at least one year longer than they allow him, for there is an entry in the parish vestry book, dated April 12, 1718, and signed with Parnell's name, in his own handwriting' [(notebook 1924): 'his biographer kills him'].

bunk - a box or recess in a ship's cabin, railway-carriage, lodging-house, etc., serving for a bed + Directly related to the "springing up" of the mummy was the ability of Osiris, as god of germinating grain, to spring into renewed life. The specific link between Osiris, spirit of grain, and the body in the tomb is developed in FW with the phrase "on the bunk of our breadwinning lies the cropse of our seedfather" (55.07). This strongly suggests one of the small grain Osirises placed within tombs. A mold, formed in the silhouetted shape of the reborn (mummiform) god was filled with Nile mud and sown with seed, so that it would soon spring up within the tomb just as would, it was hoped, the dead, who were assured that "thy material body doth germinate" ("Book of Breathing", BD, p. 668). In photoplates such as that found in Moret's Rois et Dieux d'Egypte, p. 104 (reproduced here), the figure seems to be resting on a cot or bunk, which is in fact referred to as "the bed of Osiris" (Mummy, p. 462).

breadwinner - one who supports himself and those dependent upon him by his earnings.

pertinately - resolutely, persistently, stubbornly + praetinus (l) - very thin. 

bean (ban) (gael) - woman

refresh - to impart fresh vigour to, to renew, revive + Joyce's note: 're-freshed' + FDV: The scene was never forgotten for later in the same century one of that little band of factferreters, then an ex civil servant retired under the sixtyfive act, rehearsed it to a cousin of the late archdeacon Coppinger in a pullman of the transhibernian with one still sadder circumstance which is a heartskewer if ever was. For when whenever as often as the archdeacon spoke of it by request all, hearing his cousin's description of that fellowtraveller's features play of countenance, could really see imagine themselves as listening to the cockshy shooter's evensong evocation of the doomed liberator, his hand extended protended towards the monumental leadpencil which as the molyvdokondolin Molyvdokondylon was to be his mausoleum, while over his exculpatory features the ghost of resignation unveiled diffused a spectral appealingness similar in origin and effect to a beam of sunlight upon a coffinplate.

rouse - to stir up, excite to vigorous action or thought, to provoke to activity.

crusader - one who engages in a crusade + pen and paper

puisne - younger; junior (in appointment, etc.)

ferreter - one who searches minutely, a rummager

customhouse - a house or office at which custom is collected; esp. a government office situated at a place of import or export, as a seaport, at which customs are levied on goods imported or exported.

dressy - having more or less fancy details

style - a particular mode or fashion of costume

wellington - a waterproof boot reaching the knee

tam - a soft woollen bonnet with flat circular crown, the circumference of which is about twice that of the head, formerly worn by Scottish ploughmen, etc.

Hemd (ger) - shirt

dicky - a detached shirt-front; a shirt collar; a covering worn to protect the dress or upper part of it during work, etc., variously applied (according to time and place) to: a 'slop' or loose over-jacket of coarse linen coming down to the waist, worn by workmen in the north, or an oil-skin suit.

quid pro quo - one thing in place of another, something for something

pea jacket - a stout short overcoat of coarse woollen cloth, now commonly worn by sailors.

rehearse - to recite or repeat aloud in a formal manner; to say over, or read aloud, from beginning to end.

poppa - papa + pipa (it) - pipe (i.e. pointing with his pipe).

dignified - marked by dignity of manner, style, or appearance

archdeacon - the chief deacon

hot - violent, raging, vehement, zealous, eager

"Was Fichte's work accepted in his day?"

mouther - a declamatory speaker + mother


mastic - a gum or resin which exudes from the bark of Pistacia Lentiscus and some other trees, Formerly much used in Medicine + mercy

pullman - in full, Pullman car (saloon): a railway carriage constructed and arranged as a saloon, and (usually) with special arrangements for use as a sleeping-car.

Hibernian - of or belonging to Ireland; Irish

brimmer - a thing that fills to the brim + tears + Joyce's note: 'bonceye tears, marbles'.

marbled - portrayed in marble; variegated in colour like certain marbles + Douglas: London Street Games 63: 'In Bounce Eye each player gave a certain number of marbles which were polled in a ring. Then one of them held a marble to his eye and dropped it among them; if any others were knocked out of the ring he kept them; if none, his own marble went into the pool'.

synoptically - so as to present a general view + Cyclops - One of a race of one-eyed giants in ancient Greek mythology, who forged thunderbolts for Zeus + Polyphemus - One of Homer's cyclops, one-eyed giant, outwitted by Ulysses or Noman, who got him drunk and blinded him.  

eddying - moving in circles, whirling

awe - the feeling of solemn and reverential wonder, tinged with latent fear, inspired by what is terribly sublime and majestic in nature, e.g. thunder, a storm at sea.

Rundreise (ger) - tour + rund (ger) - around + Reise (ger) - travel.

buck - the male of several animals; a gay, dashing fellow; a dandy

bucker - a workman who cuts felled trees into shorter lengths; a horse given to bucking.

jaunting car - a light two wheeled vehicle with four persons seated two on each side back to back + chaunt = chant + song The Irish Jaunting Car.

interestedness - the quality or condition of being interested; esp. of being moved by interested motives.

clad - covered as with clothing, clothed

frore - frosty, frozen

abound - to be present in large numbers or in great quantity  + around, about

life tree = tree of life - white cedar

blomster (Danish) - flowers + Baum (ger) = boom (Dutch) - tree.

cacuminal (l) - pointed

erubescent - reddening, blushing

Asche (ger) - ash

lustre - luminosity, brilliancy, bright light; a chandelier

pein = pain + Pein (ger) - pain, torture.

Cadenus - anagram of Decanus (Dean), used by Swift in "Cadenus and Vanessa" + FDV: For when whenever as often as the archdeacon spoke of it by request all, hearing his cousin's description of that fellowtraveler's features play of countenance, could really see imagine themselves as listening to the cockshy shooter's evensong evocation of the doomed liberator, his hand extended protended towards the monumental leadpencil which as the molyvdokondolin Molyvdokondylon was to be his mausoleum, while over his exculpatory features the gost of a resignation unveiled diffused a spectral appealingness similar in origin and effect to a beam of sunlight upon a coffinplate.  

crave - to crave to do; to ask, request (a person) of, after, for a thing, to do something.

auricular - an auricular organ or part

receptacle - that which receives and holds a thing; something into which another thing may be put.

particular - items or details of statement or information

bump - a blow somewhat heavy, but rather dull in sound; a protuberance such as is caused by a blow or collision, a swelling.

CASTLEBAR - Town, County Mayo. On 27 Aug 1798 a French and Irish army defeated the English garrison, who fled so fast and far that the event is known as the "Castlebar Races."

Levey & O'Rorke: Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin 194: (of Balfe's opera) '"The secret of my birth," was a wonderful success - the great tenor adding to the effect by, now and then, a judicious "new reading," without marring the intention of the composer'.

whereby - from which (as a source of information); according to which, in the matter of which.

deus ex machina - a power, event, person, or thing that comes in the nick of time to solve a difficulty; providential interposition, esp. in a novel or play + dyas - a name for the permian system (paleozoic series of strata) + Dyas - Jupiter in the Vedas + dyas (gr) - the number two + Dia (die) (gael) - God.

Garrick, David (1717-79) - English actor [Hughes: The Pre-Victorian Drama in Dublin 4: (of David Garrick, a famous 18th century Dublin actor) 'Garrick's school of grimace'].

grimacing - that grimaces (to distort the countenance; to make a wry face)

Grimaldi - the name of the caves in Liguria, Italy, where the skeletons of a type of Upper Palжolithic man were found + Grimaldi, Joseph (1779-1837) - English clown. Because of him, clowns are called "Joey."

hypostasize - to assume as concrete + hypostasis - foundation, essence, principle; sediment, deposit.

substantiation - embodiment; the making good or proving a statement

axiomatic - self evident, indisputably true

orerotundity - well turned speech + ore rotundo (l) - with rounded mouth.

Hughes: The Pre-Victorian Drama in Dublin 4: 'Thomas Elrington' (18th century Dublin actor, mentioned in Swift's Billet to the Company of Playactors).

copycat - one who slavishly imitates another + Copernicus, Nicholas (1473-1543) - Polish astronomer. 

fellowcommoner - an undergraduate at Oxford, Cambridge or Trinity college, Dublin, formerly permitted to dine at the same table as the fellows of his college.

countenance - appearence, aspect, look + continents

pro tem - for the time being, temporarily

locum - substitute, deputy + pro tem[pore] locum tenens (l) - holding the place for a time. 


across +  kors (Dutch) - across.

Joyce's note (notebook 1923): 'yawning abyss' / snoring (dash dittoes 'abyss'); Woman the Inspirer 127: In love, as in friendship, there are divergencies of idea and feeling which at first are almost imperceptible crevices, though they widen into yawning abysses with the flight of time.; MS 47472-150, TsILA: could simply imagine themselves ^+in their bosom's inmost core+^ ^+, timesported accross the yawning (abyss)+^ | JJA 45:189 | 1927 |

seasider - a frequenter of the seaside

cockshy - an construction of coconuts or other objects set up (as at a fair) to be thrown at with sticks or balls.

evensong - vespers, the time of the evensong (usually shortly before sunset)

evocation - the action of evoking or calling forth into existence or activity

doomed - condemned (to some fate)

ventriloquism - the art or practice of speaking or producing sounds in such a manner that the voice appears to proceed from some person or object other than the speaker, and usually at some distance from him.

agitator - one who agitates, one who acts for others; one who keeps up a political agitation.

plangor - a loud or piercing lamentation, beating the breast in grief.

reef - a narrow ridge or chain of rocks or sand, lying at or near the surface of the water.

silk hat - a cylindrical hat having a light stiff body covered with silk plush or shag.

walrus moustache - a large moustache which overhangs the lips

skumring (Danish) - dusk

fane - a temple; an elf, fairy

muezzin - a muslim crier who calls the hour of daily prayers from the minaret.

phrase holy blazes!

fez - a brimless cone shaped hat with tassel attached

brimless - without a brim

Ghazi -  a champion, esp. against infidels; also used as a title of honour. In modern use, chiefly applied to Muslim fanatics who have devoted themselves to the destruction of infidels.

Power, Frank, "Ghazi" (1858-84) - Dublin journalist, jester, he claimed to have been at Plevna and gained the title of "Ghazi" or "Brave" when he led a Turkish cavalry charge, crying "Hooroo for Dublin!" He tried to hoax Parnell with a story of Dublin (he assured Parnell and his employer, E. D. Gray of the Freeman, that be had been shot at and wounded in a skirmish with "extremists" at Clontarf.), and showed a "bullet wound" in his leg which turned out to be a blind boil or "illconditioned ulcer." Power was killed trying to escape Khartoum. 

manslayer - one who commits homicide

protend - to hold out, extend, to stick out

overgrown - abnormally or excesivelly grown, abnormally large, too big + "Overgrown milestone" - Dublin's Wellington Monument.

leadpencil - a pencil of graphite, often enclosed in cedar or other wood

monumentally - like a monument, in a monumental way or degree

molybdokondylon (gr) - lead-knuckle + molybdokondylon (Modern Greek) - lead pencil.

mausoleum - a stately edifice erected as a commemorative burial place for or by some person  of distinction.

stod - a glottal modification in Danish of the last part of a vowel + stod (Danish) - stood.

tillstone - a fissile rock in coalmines etc. + stena (Serbian) - stone + stillstehen (ger) - stand still + Steyne - a pillar erected by Vikings in Dublin.

meisie - girl, young lady or woman + Meise (ger) - titmouse.

skulde (Danish) - should

pon - upon + Chopin, Frederic (1810-49) - Polish composer. 

all over + olovo (Serbian) - lead (metal).

exculpatory - adapted or intended to clear from blame or a charge of guilt; apologetic, vindicatory.

Roland - the legendary nephew of Charlemagne, celebrated in the Chanson de Roland and many other romances (frequently together with his comrade Oliver); hence, one comparable to Roland in respect of courage or warlike deeds; one who is a full match for another + Roland and Oliver - friends in the Chanson de Roland and Ariosto's Orlando Furioso. They were killed in battle by the Saracens because Roland would not - till too late - blow his horn to summon Charlemagne. When he blew the horn, it cracked + phrase a Roland for an Oliver: a blow for a blow, tit for tat. 

ring - to announce by the sound of bells; to utter sonorously, to proclaim aloud.

-een (Anglo-Irish) - (diminutive)

sillos (gr) - "squint eyed": satirical poem + sillon (fr) - furrow.

joue (fr) - cheek + joujou (fr) - toy.

resignation - a giving up of oneself (to God)

diffuse - to spread abroad over a surface, disperse, disseminate

spectral - resembling, looking like, suggestive of, a spectre or spectres, ghostly, unreal.

appealingness - attractiveness, pleasingness; imploringness

gloat - to gaze with intense or passionate satisfaction (usually implying a lustful, avaricious or malignant pleasure); to look or gaze askance (obs.) +  Thomas Moore: song As a Beam o'er the Face of the Waters May Glow [air: The Young Man's Dream].

accurate - exact, precise, correct, nice; in exact conformity to a standard or to truth + akkurat (Danish) - exactly.

effective - actual, taking effect, impressive

coffin plate - a metal plate set in a coffin-lid, bearing the name of the deceased person, usually with dates of birth and death.


bygning (Danish) - building + Genesis 1:1, John 1:1: 'In the beginning'.

unfriended - having no friends

Van Diemen's Land - the original name of Tasmania

skald - an ancient Scandinavian poet [(notebook 1924): 'skald']

maundering -  wandering aimlessly; doting, drivelling +  maunder (obs) - to beg; a beggar.

pote - thrust, kick, a stick for poking, a poker; a drink + poet

weary willie - one who avoids or dislikes work; tramp + wearily + Weary Willy - tramp character in English comic strip. 

semi - - half, partly

signs of the zodiac - the twelve equal parts into which the zodiac is divided, and through one  of which the sun passes in each month.

lenghtily - in a lenghty manner

flask - a bottle, usually of glass, of spheroidal or bulbous shape, with a long narrow neck.

cracket - a low stool; an insect + cracked + cricket cap + (notebook 1924): 'innsigns / bottleneck = poteen / broken cup = tea / old shoe on pole = ? / wisp of straw = bed / broom = whisky / sod of turf = tobacco'.

downtrodden - trampled down; beaten down by treading

brogue - a rude kind of shoe made of untanned hide

broom - a shrub bearing large yellow flowers

blad - fragment, piece, lump + blad (Danish) = blad (Dutch) - leaf.

stockfish - a name for cod and other gadoid fish cured by splitting open and drying hard in the air without salt + Stockfish (ger) = stockfisch (Danish) - dried cod.

longingly - with yearning desire

herbergery - lodging, entertainment; inn + Herberge (ger) = herberg (Dutch) - shelter, inn.

poteen - whisky distilled in Ireland in small quantities, privately, i.e. the produce of an illicit still.

pratie - potato

baccy - tobacco

width - breadth + with

informally - unofficially, without form or ceremony

quasi - - kind of; resembling or simulating, but not really the same as, that properly so termed.

presque (fr) - almost + presqu'оle (fr) - peninsula.


windy - violent, vehement, extravagant

nous - mind, intellect; common sense, intelligence + Wyndham Lewis

melancholy hat - mourning hat + Goldsmith's The Traveller opens: "Remote, unfriended, melancholy, slow, Or by the lazy Scheldt, or wandering Po ..." +  Lewis: Time and Western Man: 'there is not very much reflection going on at any time inside the head of Mr James Joyce' .

pragma (gr) - deed, act, matter, affair

causa formalis (l) - one of Aristotle's four metaphysical "causes"; the others being "material," "efficient" and "final".

Thomas Moore: song Oh! Breathe Not His Name: 'Oh! breathe not his name, let it sleep in the shade' [air: The Brown Maid]

kis waste (Hindustani) - why +  kiska (Hindustani) - whose +  kidhar (Hindustani) - whither + kitna (Hindustani) - how much + baja (Hindustani) - suitable.

tal - tale; tall + Tal (ger) - valley + a tale of a tub - an apocryphal tale, a cock and bull story +  tal (Cornish) = tal (Welsh) - tall, high, eminent.

tem - them + tale + tem (Gipsy) - country.

tumulus - an ancient sepulchral mound, a barrow + Mr. Atherton has rightly observed (Books, p. 133) that the word "tumulum" contains a clear reference to the primal mud-heap upon which TM as the creator-god, after masturbating into his mouth, spat out the first beings. Thus, the "tumulum" is both the mound of creation, and the tumulus tomb of burial.

gav (Gipsy) - town, village

Grube (ger) - hole, mine + grob (Serbian) - grave.

cudgel play - a sport or fighting with cudgels + Cosht-killimengreskey tem (Gipsy) - Cudgel players' country: Cornwall (in Borrow: Romano Lavo-Lil).

Match-eneskey gav (Gipsy) - Fishy town: Yarmouth (in Borrow: Romano Lavo-Lil)

leek - a culinary herb, allied to the onion, but differing from it in having the bulbous part cylindrical and the leaves flat and broad + The leek is the well-known symbol for Wales + Porrum-engreskey tem (Gipsy) - Leek-eaters' country: Wales (in Borrow: Romano Lavo-Lil).

Paub-pawnugo tem (Gipsy) - Apple-water country: Hertfordshire (in Borrow: Romano Lavo-Lil) + Pov-engreskey tem (Gipsy) - Potato country: Norfolk (in Borrow: Romano Lavo-Lil) + po-vengerski (Russian) - in Hungarian.

regnare (l) - to reign + regnans (l) - reigning + regnen (ger) - rain.

level - to make (a surface) level or even

pointer - a useful suggestion or hint

gauge - to ascertain the capacity or content of (a cask or similar vessel) by combined measurement and calculation; fig. to 'take the measure' of (a person, his character, etc.)

compass - range or extent within limits; and, more generally, range, reach, sphere, scope; Music. The full range of tones which a voice or muscial instrument is capable of producing.

melos - song, melody + Crow: The Story of Confucius, Master Kung 131: (in the state of Tsi, progressively learning to play the zither, Kung said) 'I have practised the melody, but have not yet acquired the rhythm... I have not yet caught the mood... I have not yet ascertained the kind of men who composed the music... Now I know who he was... His complexion was so dark as to be almost black. He was tall and stout and his eyes when they looked into the distance had the calm gaze of a sheep... No one but King Wen could have composed this song!'.

yield - to give or put forth, produce, to render

mode - a particular scheme or system of sounds; a way or manner in which something is done or takes place.

manner - method or style of execution in art or literature + Moody-Manners - grand opera company in Ulysses (611). 

Crow: The Story of Confucius, Master Kung 128: (Tsi musicians) 'perpetuated the ancient compositions and by constant and careful repetition of the ancient tunes kept them free from change'

forefather - an ancestor, a progenitor

Volker (ger) - peoples + folkeforfatter (Danish) - popular author.

Peaches - the two temptresses, considered as the fruit that lures; peach is derived from the Latin for "persian apple". Lures and then "peaches" on tattles + Crow: The Story of Confucius, Master Kung 133: (Yen Ying, a scheming Tsi minister) 'persuaded the marquis to propose a prize of two peaches to the two ministers who offered him the best advice. With only two prizes, and three contestants, it was a foregone conclusion that one would fail to win and... resign... Two contestants appeared, and... were awarded the peaches... After they had eaten the prizes... the third contestant arrived. When he presented his plan... it was so far the best, that he deserved both the peaches... In their chagrin and humiliation... the two who had eaten the peaches committed suicide. The third contestant was so grieved... that he also committed suicide'.

Ming - the name of a dynasty which ruled in China from 1368 to 1644; a ruler belonging to this dynasty.

ching - a Chinese authoritative book

to lie low - to keep quiet, remain in hiding

lea - a tract of open ground, either meadow, pasture, or arable land.

ghoul -  an evil spirit supposed (in Muslim countries) to rob graves and prey on human corpses + Holy Ghost - The Divine Spirit; the Third Person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit.

titheman - a collector of tithes (the tenth part of the annual produce of agriculture, etc., being a due or payment (orig. in kind) for the support of the priesthood, religious establishments, etc.) + Crow: The Story of Confucius, Master Kung 123: (a disciple of Confucius asking a woman, whose uncle, husband and son were killed by tigers) ''Why do you not move away from such a dangerous neighbourhood?'... 'But the officials here are not oppressive''.

habitat + hantitat (fake latin) - "haunting place" modeled on habitat - "dwelling place".

is + Mark 16:6: 'he is not here' (the angel's announcement of Christ's resurrection).

Zoas - Blake's "four eternal senses of man" (Jerusalem, I, 36) + Suns 

Armagh - County in Ireland; a Town was the chief Christian center of Ireland from the time of St Patrick.

BARNA - Village and resort, County Galway, South-West of Galway City. The allusion is to Johnny MacDougall as the province of Connacht.  

heehaw - a conventional representation of the bray of a jackass; a loud unrefined laugh.

hill - ill + to fall ill - to be ill or sick.

streamlet - a small stream

coil - to twist in or into a circular, spiral, or winding shape; to twist or wind round (something).

um - them

thermite (gr) - heat + hermit - one who from religious motives has retired into solitary life; esp. one of the early Christian recluses +  termite - a pseudoneuropterous social insect of the genus Termes or family Termitidæ, chiefly tropical, and very destructive to timber.

he he - to utter he he in laughter + wee (Colloquial) - to urinate.

antheap = anthill - the mound or hillock raised over an ant's nest

HILL OF ALLEN - Hill (676 feet), 8 miles North-East of Kildare, County Kildare; famous in legend as the Otherworld seat of Finn MacCool. Seefin, a mound on its summit, is known as Finn's Chair. Alma on Almhain, Ir "whitened." 

barrow - a mountain, mount, hill, or hillock; a grave-mound, a tumulus + BARROW - River, 112 miles long, South-East Ireland, flows South from County Offaly to Waterford Harbor. Connected to Liffey by canal.  

JOTUNFJELL - "Giant mountains," mountain range in Norway +  fjell (Norwegian) - 'mountain'. 

grumbling - a low rumbling sound; a murmuring, a subdued utterance of discontent +  Grummel (ger) - distant thunder.

wonderstruck - amazed, astounded

yunder - yonder

FDV: The data, did we possess them are too few to warrant certitude, the testifiers too irreperible but certain it is that ere winter turned the leaves of the book of nature the shade of the great outlander had stood at the bar of the hundred tribunals, here condemned before trial with Jedburgh justice, there acquitted against evidence with benefit of clergy. The heroic shade looms up big, human, erring, forgivable behind the varied speeches of his fellow men & women. Three soldiers of the Coldstream Guards were walking in Montgomery street. One gave an opinion in which all concurred. It was the women, they said; he showed himself a man afterwards. A leading coming actress who has been called by 1 critic a vestpocket Siddons was interviewed in a beauty parlour and while righting her cartwheel hat, said: she hoped he would be acquitted get an Xmas pardon as the world had been unkind to him: Then he has been so truly wonderful, she added. A dustman named Churches in the employ of Bullwinkle and McHanger McTigue was asked the question in a hashhouse and replied: We have just been discussing this case. All the fellows say he is a game gamey one. A taxi driver took a strong view and said: He Earywigger is a damned scoundrel in private life but folks say he has parliamentary privilege. A barmaid: it would be a shame to jail him on account of his health. Brian [Linsky], the boy curser, was questioned & immediately answered gave a snappy comeback: [I'm for caveman sex life, curse it!] Them two whores ought to be get strangled or axed. Mrs Ida Wombwell, the 17 old girl daring [revivalist] preacher, said of him the fusiliers incident [with the rosiest of cheeks]: That man is a brutebut he is a magnificent brute. Sylvia Silence, the girl detective, said when told of all the facts: [Have you thought] Greatness was his tragedy but he should pay the full penalty. [The ends of justice must not be earwigged.] A sailor, seated on the granit setts of the fish market, was encouraged to speak by his fiancee & said: ____ he was to blame about the two slaveys as he had a perfect right, but I think there was someone else behind it about the 3 drummers. Of the 2 maids one, it is staled, drank carbolic while [of] the other [one], Barbara Feeney, we hear that she having discovered that she stripped well, her hat became too small for her and (Joyce cut off his first draft at this point) 

unfact - a deliberate falsehood made to pass as fact + (notebook 1922-23): 'these data, did we possess them, are too complex'.

legpull - a deception or hoax usu. of a humorous character + by (the) poll - by counting of heads + poll - counting of heads or persons + to pull one's leg - to fool someone.

untrustworthy - not trustworthy, unreliable

irreparable - not reparable; that cannot be rectified, remedied, or made good +  irreperibilis (l) - undiscoverable, unlearnable + irreperible (it) - undiscoverable.

adjurer - one who adjures ('to impose an oath upon another, prescribing the form in which he shall swear'; to bind under the penalty of a curse) + judger - one who or that which judges (in various senses), a judge + adjugo (l) - to yoke, fasten together + adjugor (l) - one who yokes. 

seemingly - apparently + semmi (Hungarian) - nothig.

judicant - one who judges, or passes sentence + judy (Slang) - whore + judicandum (l) - to be tried and judged (adjective).

twos and threes - a children's chasing game for six or more players

Tussaud, Madame (1760-1850) - founded London waxworks, specially famous for its Chamber of Horrors. In FW the Museyroom (8-10) is a waxworks, with Kate as its guide (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake).

wax - to become gradually greater or more striking; to increase in potency or intensity.

lifelike - like or resembling life; exactly like a living original or something in real life.

kudos - glory, fame, renown

complacent - disposed or showing disposition to please

elegious - resembling an elegy; hence, lugubrious, melancholy, mournful + exegi monumentum aere perennius (l) - I have completed a monument more enduring than bronze (opening of last poem in Horace's 3rd book of Odes). 

perennious = pereninial - lasting through a long time, eternal; remaining green or leafy throughout the year.

oblige - to gratify with or by doing something; to do a service to, confer a favour on.

blackthorn - a common thorny shrub, bearing white flowers before the leaves and very small dark purple plums; called also the Sloe; a walking-stick or cudgel made of the stem of this shrub.

gamp - umbrella [after Mrs. Sarah Gamp, a monthly nurse in Dickens' Martin Chuzzlewit, who carried a large cotton umbrella]; A woman resembling Mrs. Gamp; a monthly nurse or sick nurse of a disreputable class.

exposure - presentation or disclosure to view, public exhibition; the action of bringing to light (something discreditable).

quad - quadrangle; a vehicle with four-wheel drive; prison

flashback - introduction of an event of earlier occurence

sate - glutted, satiated; cloyed or surfeited by indulgence of appetite

gowned - dressed in a gown

habit - bodily apparel or attire; clothing, raiment, dress

bland - soft, mild, pleasing to the senses; gentle

sol - sun + sol blandus (l) - the pleasant sun.

slithe - to slip, slide

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known by the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, was an English author, mathematician, logician, anglican deacon and photographer. His most famous writings are 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' and its sequel 'Through the Looking-Glass' [Lewis Carroll: Through the Looking-Glass ch. I: 'Looking-Glass House': 'Jabberwocky': 'slithy'].

nethermore - the lower parts

globule - a spherical body of small size; a round drop (of water, etc.)

maudlin - characterized by tearful sentimentality; weakly sentimental + the Magdalen(e - the appellation of a disciple of Christ named Mary, 'out of whom went seven devils' (Luke viii. 2). She has commonly been supposed to be identical with the unnamed 'sinner' of Luke vii. 37, and therefore appears in Western hagiology as a harlot restored to purity and elevated to saintship by repentance and faith.

corrugate - to furrow

dewed - moistened +  mildewed (Slang) - pitted with smallpox.

ta-ta (Colloquial) - goodbye (i.e. hand extended in goodbye)

Alice in 'Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland' (lived in Victorian England)

limp - wanting in firmness or stiffness, flaccid; flexible, pliant

looser - one who or something which looses (to set free, unbind, untie, to let fly (as an arrow)).

certes - certainly, in truth; used to confirm a statement +  cert - a sure thing.

before + (notebook 1922-23): 'Winter turned leaves of book of nature'.

cead (ked) (gael) - first, chief + cathair (koher) (gael) - city + urbs (l) - city.

tertia (l) - third

outlander - a person from another country or culture

maladictus (l) - accursed + maladif (fr) - sickly + dik (Dutch) - fat, thick + mladнk (Czech ) - youngster, male teenager.

multi vult (l) - many faces, many expressions

magnoperous - operating in a grand manner + magnopere (l) - very much.

bulk - to loom, rise in bulk or mass

bar - the barrier marking off the immediate precinct of the judge's seat at which prisoners are stationed for trial or sentance; a tribunal.

rota - a list of persons acting in rotation; the supreme court for ecclesiastical and secular causes.

tribunal - a court of justice; a judicial assembly

manor - a mansion, habitation; a country residence; the principal house of an estate.

thieves' kitchen - a place inhabited by thieves or other criminals; law court (Slang).

pillow talk - conversation, usu. of an intimate kind, held in bed

chitchat - light chat; light familiar conversation + shit house - a privy.

MARLBOROUGH GREEN - In the 18th century, a small green East of Marlborough Street, bounded roughly by Gardinen and Talbot Streets and Beresford Lane. It was a fashionable promenade, with a bowling green, tea-booths, singers, and bands. 

MOLESWORTH FIELDS - Until the early 18th century, the uninhabited marshy rectangle bounded by what are now Grafton and Nassau Streets, Stephen's Green, North, and Upper Merrion Street. The 20th Earl of Kidare built the 1st great house South of the Liffey (Leinster House) and said "They will follow me wherever I go." Fashionable Dubliners did. 

Jedburgh justice - justice that punishes first and tries afterwards, lynch law [(notebook 1922-23): 'Jedburgh justice (shoot, then try)'].

acquit - to set free or clear from a charge or accusation, declare not guilty

con - - with, together, jointly

testimony - personal or documentary evidence or attestation in support of a fact or statement; hence, any form of evidence or proof.

benefit of clergy - orig. the privilege of exemption from trial by a secular court, allowed to or claimed by clergymen arraigned for felony; in later times the privilege of exemption from the sentence, which, in the case of certain offences, might be pleaded on his first conviction by every one who could read. The ability to read, being originally merely the test of the 'clergy', or clerical position, of the accused, came at length to be in itself the ground of the privilege, so that the phrase became = 'benefit of scholarship'.

thingman - a member of Scandinavian juridical assembly + THING MOTE - The assembly place, usually on a mound, established by the Vikings whenever they settled. In Dublin, the Thing Mote was on a low hill South of the present Dame Street, at the intersection of Church Lane and Suffolk Street. The hill of the Thing Mote was called the Howe, Haugh, or "Howe over the Stein" (Steyne), from haugr, Old Danish "hill, sepulchral mound."   

Mod - the yearly meeting of the Highland Association, for literary and musical competitions.

done him in - had him killed or injured or cheated

beneficiary - one who receives benefits or favours; a debtor to another's bounty.

legion - a vast host or multitude (of persons or things) + Mark 5:9: 'My name is Legion: for we are many'.

Pearce: Sims Reeves, Fifty Years of Music in England 206: 'since Herr Staudigl 'created' the part' (of Elijah).

number - to amount to, or be equal to, in number

Dunlop - a scotch cheese + Joyce's note: 'Dunlop' → manufacturer of tyre and rubber products from 1889 to 1985.

behung - hung about

bissac (French Slang) - vulva

ulva (l) - sedge + ulv (Danish) - wolf + veni, vidi, vici (l) - I came, I saw, I conquered.

lou = low + lo!

to tear limb from limb - to tear all over (in every part of the body)

mortification - a numbing of the vital faculties

expiration - the fact of coming to an end; termination, end, close + uxor (l) - wife.

damnation - Theol. Condemnation to eternal punishment in the world to come, perdition.

annihilation - Theol. The destruction of soul as well as body; the action or process of reducing to nothing, or of blotting out of existence.

Schrei (ger) - shriek

grida (it) - cries, shouts

deprofundis - a profound and agonised expression of despair or misery + de profundis (l) - "out of the depths": Vulgate Psalms 130 + Written from Wilde's prison cell at Reading Gaol to his friend and lover Lord Alfred Douglas, De Profundis explodes the conventions of the traditional love letter and offers a scathing indictment of Douglas's behavior, a mournful elegy for Wilde's own lost greatness, and an impassioned plea for reconciliation.

sisters + suspiritus (l) - sigh + soupirs (fr) - sighs.

Suil-dubhan (gael) - black-eyed

mannequin = manikin - a little man, dwarf

London Bridge Is Falling Down - a children's singing game

to sweep the board - to take all the cards, to pocket all the stakes. Also often transf. and fig., to carry off all the stakes or prizes; hence, to carry off all the honours.

Adeste fideles (l) - Be present, faithful ones (Come, all you faithful)

felon - a vile or wicked person, a villain, wretch, monster + Fidelio - masculine name assumed by Imogen in Cymbeline, and by Lemore in Beethoven's Fidelio, which is based on Bouilly's Lenore or Conjugal Love. Imogen-like chimney sweepers-was thought to have come to dust.   

Flucher (ger) - one who curses

bawl - a loud prolonged rough cry + ball - a glass of brandy (slang) + Phil the Fluter's Ball - Percy French song ('With the toot of the flute and the twiddle of the fiddle, O!'

flout - a mocking speech or action; a piece of mockery, jeer, scoff.

fettle - a state of fitness or order + as fit as a fiddle - in good 'form' or condition + in fine fettle - in fine state.

all + wohl (ger) - well.

chinchin - exp. of greeting or farewell, casual or trivial talk, chatter

chime - to produce a musical sound from a bell, to summon by chiming + came

din - a loud noise; particularly a continued confused or resonant sound + in


joviality - jollity, festivity, conviviality + song Phil the Fluter's Ball: 'Then all joined in wid the utmost joviality'.

swipe - to drink at one gulp

beaune - red table wine produced in France

sherry - the still white wine made near Xeres

cider - a beverage made from the juice of apples expressed and fermented.

negus - a mixture of wine (esp. port or sherry) and hot water, sweetened with sugar and flavoured.

lemonade + citron - lemon + song Hooligan's Christmas Cake: 'There were plums and prunes and cherries, Raisins and currants and cinnamon too' + song Miss Fogarty's Christmas Cake: 'There were plums and prunes and cherries, There were citrons and raisins and cinnamon, too... It would kill a man twice After eating a slice Of Miss Fogarty's Christmas Cake'.

strongers = strong drink - intoxicating liquor, alcoholic liquors generally.

mester = mister + Henrik Ibsen: "Bygmester Solness" (The Master Builder (Solness)).

Beggar and Pegger - appear to be antagonists, mendicant, vs. Welsh stone-thrower. They follow a pattern: personal encounter, Beggar's plea, Pegger's attack on Beggar. The pattern may owe something to Baudelaire's fable (mentioned in W Lewis' Tarr) of beggar and poet who beat each other to a pulp + begge (Danish) - both. 

bag - to put into a bag, to shoot down, destroy

softy - a very soft-hearted person; one who is considered cowardly, weak, or unmanly.

seufzen (ger) - sigh + James Macpherson: The Poems of Ossian: Carric-Thura: 'The soft sigh of Utha was near!'

Eheu, fugaces [...labuntur anni] (l) - Alas, the fleeting [...years glide away] (opening of Horace's 14th Ode of the Second book) + for gassies ~ vergiss es (ger) - forget it.

Power, Frank, "Ghazi" (1858-84) - Dublin journalist, jester, he claimed to have been at Plevna and gained the title of "Ghazi" on "Brave" when he led a Turkish cavalry charge, crying "Hooroo for Dublin!" He tried to hoax Parnell with a story of Dublin risen in revolt, and showed a "bullet wound" in his leg which turned out to be a blind boil on "illconditioned ulcer." Power was killed trying to escape Khartoum.  

throne - to sit on a throne + Trennung (ger) - separation + treenige Gud (Danish) - threefold God.

erring - that errs; wandering, roaming (obs.); deviating from the right or intended course, missing the mark; that is in error, or commits errors in opinion or conduct.

condonable - excausable, forgivable

statue - to represent in a statue, to turn into a statue + status quo - the existing state of affairs (latin - "state in which").

Kuo (Swiss and old high German for Kuh) - cow + Queen + kuo (Chinese) - country, nation.

mess - company of persons eating together + mischief - a cause or source of harm or evil.

king + kuang (Chinese) - light + wang (Chinese) - king.

shu (Chinese) - tree

loom - to appear indistinctly; to come into view in an enlarged and indefinite form + FDV: The heroic shade looms up big, human, erring, forgivable behind the varied speeches of his fellow men & women.

jostling - clashing, knocking or pushing about


mal - - bad, badly, abnormal + recapture - to experience again.

firstshot (Slang) - weak poteen of first distillation

Zurich's sedately riotous festival is Sechselдuten, held in April, when an effigy of the Bogg, a snowman representing Winter, is ceremonially burned in the Bellevueplatz as the bells ring out for 6 PM.

times + tommies (Slang) - English soldiers + (notebook 1922-23): 'Three soldiers were walking in Fleet Street. One gave an opinion in which all concurred. It was the woman He proved himself a man afterwards' + The simple “three soldiers” of the first draft become more and more our familiar Tom Dick and Harry, at levels 3 and 4, themselves peeing (including also the pot on a pole, in “cappapee”), and at level 5 being at Waterloo, as we can tell from “wellesday”.

Soldiers Three - Kipling's privates Ortheris, Learoyd, Mulvaney. Joyce here plays with the song, "We be soldiers three... pardonnez-moi, je vous en prie, etc." + Je vous en prie - you're welcome (literally, "I'm at your service") + Daily Sketch 14 Dec 1922: 'Petition for Reprieve of Bywaters is Ready To-Day': 'Three soldiers were walking together in Fleet-street; one gave an opinion in which all concurred. It was the woman who was to blame. Bywaters played a bad part in the crime, but he was coerced. He proved himself a man afterwards'. 

cockaleekie - a soup made of chicken boiled with leeks + FDV: Three soldiers of the Coldstream Guards were walking in Montgomery street.

cap a pie - from head to foot + cappa, pi (it) - K, P + Joyce's levels: Three soldiers A>soldiers [4 <three<A> free 4] A>, [4 <B>cockaleek &<B capapee> cockaleak and cappapee 4] ,<A 3]

pardonnez-moi, je vous en prie (fr) - excuse me, please + song We Be Soldiers Three: 'We be soldiers three, Pardonnez-moi, je vous en prie' .

MONTGOMERY STREET - Now Foley Street, running West from Amiens (mow Connolly) Station to Mabbot Street. The entrance to the once brothel district, often called "Monto." 

on the other side

finner - genus of whales; finnoc (a white trout)

camp - a company of persons encamped or moving in a group

concur - to agree in opinion (with) + FDV: One gave an opinion in which all concurred. It was the woman, they said; he showed himself a man afterwards.

soup - to increase power or efficiency of; to place in difficulties, to bring to grief + Cain said to his brother Abel, "Let's go out to the field." And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.


Matthew 6:28: 'lilies of the field'

con (Slang) - vulva

wroth - deep anger or resentment; wrath, rage, or fury

mod - modern; mood; modify + mod (Danish) - against + mod (Old English) - mind.

жldre (Danish) - elder + far (Danish) - father.

ruth - pitifulness; the feeling of sorrow for another; compassion, pity; mischief; calamity; ruin.

redd - to set in order, to clear; to save, rescue

Stillstand (ger) - halt, armistice + stilstand (Danish) = stilstand (Dutch) - standstill, cessation, stagnation, deadlock.

private - an ordinary soldier without rank or distinction of any kind

retro - backwards, into past time

terse - freed from verbal redundancy, neatly concise

consenter - one who consents, or is a party to anything + contender - a combatant, rival, competitor, disputant, wrangler.

san (gr) - ancient letter S + santo (it) - saint + Angelus: 'et concepit de Spiritu Sancto' (l) - 'and she conceived of the Holy Ghost'.

Vauxhall - locality in London (a popular pleasure resort on the bank of the Thames) + Joyce's note: 'An actress 'Then he has been so wonderful'' Daily Sketch 14 Dec 1922: 'Petition for Reprieve of Bywaters is Ready To-Day': 'Miss Sheila Courtenay, who is appearing in "The Cat and the Canary" at the Shaftsbury Theatre, put the same view: "I do sincerely hope," she said, "that Bywaters will not be hanged. He is very young, and was egged on by a woman older than himself to do what he did. And then he has been so wonderful in his behaviour at the Old Bailey"'.

boards - the stage of a theatre

noted - well known by reputation, eminent

stagey - having characteristics of stage, theatrical

executioner - one who carries a sentence or judgement into effect, the official who carries out a sentence of death + electioneer - one who manages elections, who uses arts or influence to secure the return of a candidate.

waste basket - a basket (or box) into which waste paper is thrown; also fig. + (notebook 1922-23): 'vestpocket typewriter' Evening Standard 9 Jan 1923, 8/3: 'Miniature Typewriter Weighs 1oz and goes into the Waistcoat Pocket' + Joyce's levels: she has been [4calledA>callit<A4] by a noted [4 <A>elocution<A> 4][4 < critic> elecutioner 4] a [4 <A>waistpocket<A> wastepacket 4] [4 < Siddons> Sittons.

Siddons, Sarah (1755-1831) - English actress. Her tragic question, "Will it wash?," is at 290.19 (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake).


west end - the theatres of the west end (part of London) + WEST END - The fashionable Western district of central London. 

"beauty parlour" is slang for brothel + (notebook 1922-23): 'beauty parlour' + FDV: A leading coming actress who has been called by 1 critic a vestpocket Siddons was interviewed in a beauty parlour and while righting her cartwheel hat, said: she hoped he would be acquitted and get an Xmas pardon as the world had been unkind to him: Then he has been so truly wonderful she added.

parlour - an elegantly or showily fitted apartment, for some special business or trade use.

Peter: Dublin Fragments, Social and Historic 156: (of 18th century shopping) 'What do we know of... grandierells, cherry-derries, and cutfee handkerchiefs? All forgotten terms'.

paduasoy - a strong corded or gros-grain silk fabric, much worn in the 18th c. by both sexes, of which poult-de-soie is the modern representative. Also attrib., and ellipt. a garment of this material.

girdle - a corset, usu. elasticated, that does not extend above the waist + Mrs Anne Bracegirdle (1674- 1748) - English actress.

braces - suspenders, one of a pair of straps of leather or webbing used to support the trousers.

Peter: Dublin Fragments, Social and Historic 154: (of 18th century shopping) 'At "The Half-Moon and Seven Stars", in Francis Street, Irish poplin was to be had'

russet - coarse homespun cloth formerly used by country people + Peter: Dublin Fragments, Social and Historic 156: (of 18th century shopping) 'Damask, Tabbies, Ducapes, Lute String, Paduasoys, black calicoes, and russets for petticoats all could be seen at "The Blackamoor's Head", where the owner moved from Francis Street into Dame Street'.

blackamoor - a Negro; any very dark-skinned person; a devil + THE BLACKAMOOR'S HEAD - 18th-century shop in Francis Street, later in Dame Street. According to Peter's Dublin Fragments (156), paduasoys and "russets for petticoats" could be seen there.  

amongst = among

Peter: Dublin Fragments, Social and Historic 154: (of 18th century shopping) '"The Eagle and Child" was the abode of a chimney-sweeper'

corn - the seed of the cereal plants as a produce of agriculture; grain; corn-whiskey.

hay - grass cut or mown, and dried for use as fodder + Burgundy hay - wine made in Burgundy, a red wine resembling the Burgundy of France.

emptor - purchaser, buyer

Peter: Dublin Fragments, Social and Historic 157: (of 18th century shopping) 'at... the house known as "Black and All Black"... corn and hay were sold'. 

sweet Fanny Adams (Slang) = sweet F.A. - nothing at all

to speak aside - i.e. apart, so as to be inaudible to the general company

confidante - a female confidant + Souvenir of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Opening of The Gaiety Theatre 32: (of the soprano of the old Italian school) 'she was always provided with a patient confidante, on whom she could conveniently lean in the intervals of her paroxysms'.

recooper - to repair faults in, recovery

cartwheel - hat with wide brim + (notebook 1922-23): 'cartwheel hat'.

hat + chapeau (fr) - hat + capote anglaise (fr) - (slang) french letter, condom.

thimble - applied (usually in pl.) to certain flowers and plants

baquet - a small tub + bouquet - a bunch of flowers + baquet (French, Slang) - vulva.

lallen (ger) - babble + lance (Slang) - penis.

git = get

portrait - a drawing, painting, or other delineation of any object; a picture (now rare or obs.) + (notebook 1922-23): 'Xmas pardon'.

orchid - any plant of the orchis family

ether - the clear sky


innocent - doing no evil; free from moral wrong, sin, or guilt (in general); pure, unpolluted.

unkind + (notebook 1922-23): 'The world had been unkind' + Cain - the proper name of the first fratricide and murderer.

odorous - sweet-smelling, fragrant

comparison - the act of comparing + In 'Much Ado About Nothing', Shakespeare gives Dogberry the line 'comparisons are odorous'. It seems he was using this ironically, knowing it to be a misuse of what would have been a phrase ''Comparisons are odious'' well known by 1598/99 when the play was written.


veritable + virid - green, verdant.

rainworm - the common earth-worm

night + (notebook 1922-23): 'An actress 'Then he has been so wonderful''.

Maha, Maya - mother of Buddha 

prana - in Hindu religion, the 'breath of life'; hence in extended uses, a life-giving force or inspiration.

tart - a loose girl, prostitute

obiter - something said, done, or occurring by the way. Also, an obiter dictum (thing said in passing).

dictaphone - phonographic instrument used as dictating machine

etymologist - one who treats of, or is versed in, the science of etymology; one who searches into the history and origin of words + entychia (gr) - conversation + entychalogistos (gr) - specialist in conversation.

praenomen - in Rom. Antiq., The first name, preceding the nomen and cognomen; the personal name; thus the prænomen of Marcus Tullius Cicero was Marcus +       prope-nomen (l) - almost name.

properispomenon - a word having a circumflex accent on the penultimate syllable.

dustman - a trash or garbage collector + Joyce's note: 'a dustman named Churches in the employ - of 'We have been discussing the case All the fellows -' Daily Sketch 14 Dec 1922: 'Petition for Reprieve of Bywaters is Ready To-Day': 'A dustman named Churches, in the employ of the City Corporation, said:- "We have been discussing the case at our wharf, and most of the fellows will sign the petition; in fact, I believe we shall all sign it. Bywaters is only a young fellow, and ought to be let off the death sentence. The woman dominated him and led him astray'.

FDV: A dustman named Churches in the employ of Bullwinkle and McHanger McTigue was asked the question in a hashhouse and replied: We have been just discussing this case. All the fellows say he is a game gamey one.

messrs - pl. of Mr.

salpetre - (so called because the salt occurs as an incrustation on stones) white crystalline substance having a saline taste; it is the chief constituent of gunpowder.

glint - to look quickly or briefly, peep, glance + Gleann-da-loch (glound'alokh) (gael) - Two Lake Valley, Co. Wicklow; anglic. Glendalough; monastic settlement founded by St. Kevin.

vexed question - a much debated or contested question

midday - the middle of the day, noon

collation - a light meal or repast

leaver = liver

bacon + buckrams (obs) - wild garlic.

steak - a thick slice or strip of meat cut for roasting by grilling or frying, sometimes used in a pie or pudding.

kidney pie - pie made of or containing kidneys

hushhush - secret + hash house - a cheap eating house + hash - a dish consisting of  meat which has been previously cooked, cut small, and warmed up with gravy and sauce or other flavouring.

Caoimhghein (kivgen) (gael) - "Comely-birth"; 7th century saint, founder of Glendalough; anglic. Kevin.

propagate - to spread from person to person, or from place to place; to disseminate, diffuse (a statement, belief, doctrine, practice, etc.) + propaganda = propagandize - to carry on a propaganda. Also, to disseminate propaganda.

nullity - the condition of being null or nought; a state of nothingness

crush - destruction, ruin; an intense infatuation; a tightly packed crowd

calamus (l) - pen, reed

cemented - treated with cement + demented - out of one's mind, crazed, mad; infatuated.

brick - a good fellow

buck - to act in opposition to, oppose, resist

(notebook 1922-23): 'a taxicab driver' + Joyce's levels: A more than usually sober [3taxidriverA>trapdriverB>cardriver<B<A3]...

jauntingly - in a jaunty, gay or airy manner

hose - to water or drench with a hose + FDV: A taxi driver took a strong view and said: He Earywigger is a damned scoundrel in private life but folks say he has parliamentary privilege.

runabout - a small light horse-vehicle + song The Irish Jaunting Car + Joyce;s note: 'a runabout'.

Carlyle, Jane Welsh (1801-66) - wife of Thomas, subject of Landor's poem, "Jenny Kissed Me," which is faintly echoed here + (notebook 1923): 'Ginger Jane (car)'. 

take a short view - to think of possible results in the near future when considering something + Joyce's note: 'took a strong view' Daily Mail 23 Jan 1923, 10/4: 'Prison for Typist. Release Before Her Child Arrives': 'In passing sentence Mr. Francis, the Magistrate, said... "I take a strong view... that no child should be born in prison"'.

lorry - a long flat wagon without sides running on four low wheels + Joyce's levels: [3B>He talked A>Lorry hosed<A3] as he [3workedA>talked<A3] . . . . + song The Irish Jaunting Car: 'It belongs to Larry Doolin'. 

rewriteman - a newspaperman who specializes in rewriting (to write in reply; to make revision of, to alter previously published material).

pink - holding to have advanced liberal or moderately radical political views

joint - joined, united, combined

reformer - an advocate or supporter of political or parliamentary reform + Daily Sketch 14 Dec 1922: 'Petition for Reprieve of Bywaters is Ready To-Day': 'A taxicab driver: Bywaters is a silly young fellow, but he ought not to pay the full penalty'.

Joyce's note: 'folks'

brehon - one of the class of lawyers in ancient Ireland

Eiskaffee (ger) - iced coffee

Louigi - Mr Wilder says, a fashionable London restaurateur

mon foie (fr) - my liver + ma foi! (fr) - really!, to be sure!

have + ave (Portuguese) - bird.

omelet - a dish mainly consisting of eggs whipped up, seasoned, and fried

Leber (ger) - liver; heart (fig.) + mein lieber Gott! (ger) - dear God!

egg + proverb You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.

poele = pole + poкle (fr) - frying pan.

unbedingt (ger) - certainly, absolutely

perspire - to give out watery fluid through the pores of the skin; to breathe out, to exhale (obs.)

keep up appearences - to continue to do what is expected in public + tennis flannels - flannel trousers.

pant - to breathe hard or spasmodically, as when out of breath; to utter gaspingly.

infamation - the spreading of an ill report, defamation

flannels - garments of flannel, for boating, cricket etc.; spec. flannel trousers

fullblown - puffed out; in full bloom

frisky - lively, playful

trota (Italian) - trout, fish → trotarella = little trout + trotterella (Italian) - (he/she/it) trots along, toddles.

Joyce's note: 'a barmaid - it wd be a shame'  

rue - sorrow, distress + (notebook 1923): 'they call her B-' + FDV: A barmaid: it would be a shame to jail him on account of his health.

sympathizer - one who or that which sympathizes; esp. one disposed to agree with or approve a party, cause, etc.; a backer-up.

dole - grief, sorrow, mental distress

anent - in respect or reference to, respecting, regarding, concerning

ministrate - to manage as a steward, to carry on, or execute (an office, affairs, etc.); to dispense, furnish, supply, or give (anything beneficial to the recipient).

to wit - Used to introduce a list or explanation of what one has mentioned

syphon = siphon

ehim (l) - ha!, what!

whissle = whistle + proverb It's too late to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted.

Phyllls - in Joyce's library was The Law Concerning Draped Virginity, by Adrian, in which it says: "Though she make water often, Phillis wishes to be thought a virgin." 

scarlet - Of an offence, hence occas. of an offender: Heinous, deep-dyed + Joyce's levels: Ehim! B>It is [4 ever 4] too late to [4 <whistle> whissle 4] when Phyllis wets herC>floods her<C stable.<B<A3][1 <it> It 1]would be [9 TD <a> 9][1[4 <crying> skarlot 4]1]shame[3[4 <A>, honour bright,<A> 4]3]to[4 <jail> 4][3him[4 <A>ehim> jailahim 4] in lockup<A3][10A>, as was proposed to him by the Seddoms personB>creature<B<A10][1[4 <A>no matter> what matter 4] B>what [3C>wrongdoing<C<B[4 <A>merry tricks he<A> merrytricks 4] 3] went [4 <on<A> off 4] 1][3A>with his [4 <revulveher.<A> revulverher 4] 3][1 <on account> in [4 <consequence> connections 4]1][4 <of> with 4][1hisA>bad[3B>him enjoying A>ehim B>being a norphan and<B enjoining<A3] such [3weak<B<AA>wicked<A3]1][3healthA>illth<A3][4 <.> , ehim! 4] 

lock up - jail + Daily Sketch 14 Dec 1922: 'Petition for Reprieve of Bywaters is Ready To-Day': 'A barmaid in the West End: It would be a shame if Bywaters died'.

Seddon - English murderer

meretrix (l) - prostitute, harlot 

go off - (of firearms) to be discharged, explode; to experience sexual orgasm

enjoin - to join, to take part in

illth - the condition of being economically unprosperous or miserable; ill being

Drom Cuill-Choille - Ir, "brow of a hazelwood" or "hazelwood ridge." According to Harris's History of Dublin (1766), "Drom-Chohl-Coil" was Dublin's original Irish name.  

kitty - kitten; wench, a girl of easy virtue + Tyrrel, Kity - air to T. Moore's "Oh Blame Not the Bard".

(notebook 1924): 'B O.T Board Trade'

benklжder (Danish) - drawers


God forgive

jury leg - a wooden leg (in the place of a disabled leg) + Joyce's levels: sisters B>daughters<B murmured in unison: God forgive the jury!

Brian O'Linn - Irish ballad hero, first to wear clothes, make them of simple materials like sheepskin, shells, etc. + FDV: Brian [Linsky], the boy curser, was questioned & immediately answered gave a snappy comeback: [I am for caveman sex life, curse it!] Them two whores ought to be get strangled or axed.  

curser - one who curses + (notebook 1922-23): 'The boy curser'.

shooting box - a residence for temporary use while following a particular sport (e.g. shooting).

BALLYNABRAGGET - Townland, County Down. Baile na Bragoide, Ir "Town of the Pot-Ale." "Bragget" was the product of professional brewers.  

snappy - quickly made or done, sudden

come-back (Slang) - verbal retort + (notebook 1922-23): 'a snappy comeback'.

paw - naughty, indecent, obscene; a natural exclamation of disgust + (onomat.)

(notebook 1924): 'Once more I say -'

caveman - cave-dweller + (notebook 1922-23): 'caveman style (Cyc)' + (notebook 1922-23): 'Jackie Coogan believes in caveman attitude to W' Daily Sketch 21 Dec 1922, 6/1: 'Jackie Coogan Comes to London': (of Jackie Coogan, eight-year old film star) 'He believes in the cave-man attitude to women'.

leash - to beat or lash with a leash, to whip + (notebook 1922-23): 'that woman ought to be strangled'.

cave canem (l) - beware the dog + Joyce's levels: <curse them,> canem! 

hog - wild boar or sow

hoar - a grey-haired man (obs.) + boar

sage Asita (also called Kala Devala) - King Suddhodana's teacher and religious adviser, who predicted that his child will become Buddha + sanitas (l) - health, sanity.

bracelet - an ornamental ring or band worn on the arm or wrist; a fetter for the wrist, hand-cuff + bracelets (Slang) - handcuffs.

grill - to subject to severe questioning; to broil on a gridiron over or before a fire.

sankhya - [calculation, number (Hind.)], an ortodox Hindu system based on dualism whose contact produces phenomenal world.

mango trick - an Indian juggling trick in which a mango-tree appears to spring up and bear fruit within an hour or two.


shady - shaded, producing or affording shade

upsara - (Hindi apsara) a celestial nymph, one of the wives of the Gandharvas (heavenly minstrels).

shadower - one who shadows, one who follows another in order to keep watch upon his actions.

torrify - to roast, scorch or dry by fire + terrified + torrйfier (fr) - to roast, scorch.

bolt - a discharge of lightning, a thunderbolt

Indra - chief of the Vedic gods of India. A warlike, typically Aryan god, he conquered innumerable human and demon enemies and his weapons are lightning and the thunderbolt.

Cuxhaven - city, northwestern Germany, port at the mouth of the Elbe

tosh - neat, snug; sheer nonsense, bosh, twaddle

missioner - one sent on a mission, a missionary; esp. (in early use) a Jesuit missionary + FDV: Mrs Ida Wombwell, the 17 old girl daring [revivalist] preacher, said of him the fusiliers incident [with the rosiest of cheeks]: That man is a brute - but he is a magnificent brute.

revivalist - a clergyman who promotes religious revivals (renewed interest in religion); one who revives former conditions, methods, etc.

coincident - thing or event occuring at same time

interface - to come into interaction with +  fizz - to exhibit strong excitement, to make hissing sound.

grenadine - a silk yarn, a moderate reddish orange, medium sized carnation + grenadier - Originally, a soldier who threw grenades. At first four or five were attached to each company, but, later, each battalion or regiment had a company of them. Though grenades went out of general use in the eighteenth century, the name of 'grenadiers' was retained for a company of the tallest and finest men in the regiment. Now, however, in the British army, the word is retained only in the name of the Grenadier Guards (colloq. Grenadiers), the first regiment of household infantry.

disgusted - feeling disgust or aversion

perpendicular - vertical + particular + the perpendicular pronoun - I, the first person.

Brut (Brutus) - great-grandson of Aeneas (legendary founderer of England) + brute - one of the lower animals as distinguished from man; a man resembling a brute in want of intelligence, cruelty, coarseness, sensuality, etc. Now (colloq.) often merely a strong term of reprobation or aversion, and sometimes extended to things.

Caligula (12-41) - Roman emperor. The name comes from caligae, foot-soldier's boots. Caligula led his troops to the coast opposite Britain (now the site of Boulogne) and ordered them to pick up seashells to be dedicated to the gods of Rome as spoils of the sea (see Letters, I, 245). 

mrdal (Czech ) - he fucked

Magrath - seems to be the Cad, Gill, Snake; he is HCE's enemy, traducer, Anna Livia's special hate. His wife is Lily Kinsella, his servant is Sully the Thug (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake).

bookmaker - one that makes books; a proffesional betting man

Australian + "Eastralia" was proposed by the Sydney Bulletin as a name for a name for a section of Australia.  


SYDNEY PARADE AVENUE - Residential street in Sandymount, South-East Dublin. In James Joyce's "A Painful Case," Mrs Sinico is killed by a train at Sydney Parade Station. 

bulletin - a broadcast report of news, weather, etc.

antipodal - diametrically opposite

here today and gone tomorrow - a catch-phrase indicating a constant change of events or someone (or something) remaining in a place for a short time + strive - to struggle, endeavour to make one's way, against a natural force, e.g. winds, waves + hodie (l) - 'today', fitting with the "here today, gone tomorrow" rhythm of the phrase +  happening tomorrow. 

wire - to send (a message) 'over the wires', to telegraph

splash - the prominent display in a newspaper of an advertisement, headline, or story + cash

cobbler - a clumsy workman, a mere botcher + brother + cabler - one who sends a cable message + cobber (Australian Colloquial) - mate, close friend.


padre - priest, a christian monk

Turridu - hero of Mascagni's opera Cavalleria Rusticana + turris dura (l) - a hard tower.  

matador - in Spanish bullfights the man appointed to kill the bull + song Call Me Early, Mother Dear.

precentor - one who leads or directs the singing of a choir or congregation

S.S. - saints

SMOCK ALLEY THEATRE - Built 1662 in Orange Street, later Smock Alley, now site of church of SS Michael and John (1815), Exchange Street. It was the principal theater in Ireland for over a century, until it closed in 1788. 

proverbial - that has passed into a proverb, or into common talk + proba verba (l) - good words, honorable language.

upsydaisy - Used to exp. reassurance to a small child when it is being lifted + upsy - In the phrases upsy Friese, Dutch, English, 'after the Frisian, German (or Dutch), English fashion' + ipse dixit (l) - he himself said (dogmatic assertion).

mutatis mutandis (l) - 'with the necessary or appropriate changes having been made'; 'with the necessary modifications'; with due alteration of details (in comparing cases).

lord - a husband; a master, ruler; the male head of the household

snuff box - a box for holding snuff; the nose (slang)

Morgan, Lady Sidney (1783-1859) - Irish novelist, author of such works as O'Donnell, The Wild Irish Girl

to take sides - to have the same position or interests

dub - clumsy or stupid person + Levey & O'Rorke: Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin 31: '"Der Freischutz" was performed... The performers of the echoes were "supers." chosen from the Dublin Militia, then called the "dirty Dubs"... when Caspar calls "one," the echo should be "one! one! one!"... Mr. Calcraft... explained and told each man the order, saying, "You, Murphy, are first; you, Daly, are second; you, Callaghan, are third; and, mind you, give the echoes in this order"... Caspar called out "One!" "One!" said Murphy. "Two!" roared Daly'.

flies - pl. of fly - a horse drawn coach +  flies - Theat. The space over the proscenium, including the upper mechanism and the galleries on each side from which it is worked.

drab - prostitute, whore

scaenitae (l) - actresses

Una - according to Mr O Hehir, Irish una = "famine," personified by a woman, typical mother of a family + Unamuno, Miguel de (1864-1936) - Spanish writer + una (l) - one; in one and the same place + mona (l) - alone, solitary + una mona (Triestine Italian Dialect) - a silly cunt; vulva; silly, stupid

sylvia - any of warblers + Silence, Sylvia - Mr Painter says, a detective heroine in an English schoolgirl magazine of the 1920s. She suggests HCE be prosecuted under the act used against Oscar Wilde + Joyce's note: 'Sylvia Silence, the girl detective' Sunday Pictorial 29 Oct 1922, 17/4: 'Advertisement for The Schoolgirls' Weekly': 'No. 2 Just Out... includes all these tip-top stories:... Sylvia Silence, the girl detective' + FDV: Sylvia Silence, the girl detective, said when told of all the facts: [Have you thought] Greatness was his tragedy but he should pay the full penalty. [The ends of justice must not be earwigged.]

Minerva - the Roman goddess of wisdom, anciently identified with the Greek Pallas Athene, 'the goddess of wisdom, warlike prowess, and skill in the arts of life' + memini (l) - remember.

turtling - the action or occupation of 'fishing' for or catching turtle

facet - sharply defined aspect that make up a subject or object of consideration.

cozy = cosy

dozy - sleepy, drowsy

flat - an apartment on one floor

overlook - to look over, peruse, inspect

John-a-dreams - stupid dreamy fellow, always half-asleep (Hamlet, II,ii, 595).

mew - a gull, esp. the common gull + news

easy chair - a chair adapted for sitting or half reclining in in an easy posture, often furnished with arms and padded back.

restfully - relaxedly, placidly

threaded - interlaced, twined; consisting of or ornamented with threads

syllable - a vocal sound or set of sounds uttered with a single effort of articulation and forming a word or an element of a word.

Joyce's note: 'J. Caesar, greatness his tragedy'

attitude - deliberately adopted, or habitual, mode of regarding the object of thought + (notebook 1924): 'a considered judgment'.

Joyce's note: 'ought not pay full penalty'

pending - through the period of, during, until the occurence of, while awaiting; not yet decided, in suspense.

pursuance - the action of executing, a carrying out into effect

notwithstanding - without prevention or obstruction from or by, in spite of

Charley + Dilke, Sir Charles (1848-1910) - Gladstonian M.P. who got into a sexual scandal (?three abed) but came back to politics, as Parnell did not. Mr Senn found a political song: "Master Dilke/Upset the Milk/When Taking it Home to Chelsea". It goes on: "He let the cat-the naughty cat-/Slip out of the Gladstone bag ... Won't it be a dainty dish! To set before the Queen?"  

sulk - to indulge in sullen ill-humour; to be sulky + swilk - intr. To splash or dash about, as liquid.  

to get the sack - to receive one's dismissal (from employment or office), to be dismissed from a situation.

gladsome - productive of gladness; cheering, pleasant + glad rags - one's best clothes, very smart or fancy clothes.

Meagher, Wally - seems to have inherited a pair of family trousers in bad condition and to have been involved in some kind of "troth" (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake).

rating - a naval enlisted man + FDV: A sailor, seated on the granit setts of the fish market, was encouraged to speak by his fiancee & said: he was to blame about the two slaveys as he had a perfect right, but I think there was someone else behind it about the 3 drummers.

cromlech - a structure of prehistoric age consisting of a large flat or flattish unhewn stone resting horizontally on three or more stones set upright.

sett - a rectangular block of granite + (notebook 1922-23): 'granite setts (market)'.

shamble - pl. A place where meat (or occas. fish) is sold, a flesh- or meat-market. 

to eat the air - to be 'fed upon promises'

popular art - art whose forms are favoured by people generally

P/K split, questa e quella (Italian "this and that") and puella (Latin "girl") + 'Questa o quella' from Verdi's Rigoletto (Italian 'This woman or that' ('are the same to me')) + questa (fem. pp. of queror) (l) - complained, lamented, bewailed.

piquante - engagingly provocative

sink into one's stomach - said of something that makes a lasting (esp. painful) impressionon the mind.

wot = what; wit + twat (Slang) - vulva.

near vanished +  Nirvana

affianced - promised in marriage; betrothed, engaged + (notebook 1922-23): 'a sailor in embankment was encouraged to speak by his fiancйe & said I think he was more to blame but I think there was someone else behind it' Daily Sketch 14 Dec 1922: 'Petition for Reprieve of Bywaters is Ready To-Day': 'A sailor, on the Embankment, was encouraged to speak by his fiancйe, and said: I think the woman was more to blame than Bywaters, but I think there was someone else in it'.

walt - unsteady + Walton, Isaac (1593-1683) - author of The Compleat Angler + compleat - arch. spelling of complete.   

gobbit = gobbet - to swallow mouthfuls of food

ther - there

chidden - reproved, rebuked, scolded

fastrer (Swedish) - aunts

sastra - the sacred scriptures in Hinduism + systrer (Swedish) - sisters + sastra (sp) - tailoress + sestra (Russian) - sister.

to saddle up - to get into the saddle

pance - a thought

cor (Portuguese) - colour + cor (Cornish) - manner, way, sort.

to lay one's finger upon - to indicate with precision + Joyce's note: 'I lay' + pressing two fingers upon the deceased's lips is an important part of the ceremony of Opening of the Mouth in Egyptian myth (Budge: The Book of the Dead).

hook and eye - a metallic fastening, esp. for a dress, consisting of a hook, usually of flattened wire, and an eye or wire loop on which the hook catches, one of the two being fixed to each of the parts to be held together. fig. to connect, link + you and I + hook and eye (Slang) - arm in arm.

piscis (l) - fish + pis (pish) (gael) - vulva.

parallelly + half trans. toth bhall (tuwol) - "female-place"; female genitals + puella (l) - girl.

siege - the action, on the part of an army, of investing a town, castle, etc., in order to cut off all outside communication and in the end to reduce or take it + siиge (fr) - seat, chair.

you can bet your bottom dollar - you can be completely certain

drummer - one who beats a drum for public or military purposes; traveling salesman; a thief, vagrant + drummer (Slang) - trousers-maker.

keysar = kaiser - the emperor (Roman), the German emperor

trite - devoid of freshness or novelty, hackneyed, commonplace

meer - mere

merchant taylors - company of tailors

fabling - the telling of fictitious stories, fabulous narration

referend - that to which reference is made, that which is signified by a particular sense of a word.

oddman - the third (fifth, etc.) man in a body of arbitrators, a committee, etc., who, in case of a division of opinion, may give the casting vote.

rex = reaks - pranks, wanton or riotous tricks or practices + rex (l) - king + (notebook 1924): 'odd man King = referendum' Irish Statesman 2 Feb 1924, 662/2: 'The Referendum': 'the Referendum is liable in an extreme case to make the odd man king'.   

fain - disposed, inclined or willing, eager + Joyce's note: 'one is fain' > Oscar Wilde 43: "The Nation" underrated American curiosity.  Oscar lectured some ninety times from January till July, when he returned to New York. The gross receipts amounted to some Ј 4,000: he received about Ј 1,200, which left him with a few hundreds above his expenses.  His optimism regarded this as a triumph. One is fain to confess today that these lectures make very poor reading.  There is not a new thought in them; not even a memorable expression; they are nothing but student work, the best passages in them being mere paraphrases of Pater and Arnold, though the titles were borrowed from Whistler; (MS 47472-152, TsTMA: ^+one is fain in this leaden age of letters now to wit+^ | JJA 45:191 | 1927 | ).

leaden - inert, spiritless, depressing + (notebook 1923): 'leaden age of letters' + leaden age - pun [invented by Alexander Pope?] on Saturnia regna (l): "the reign of Saturn," i.e. the golden age. But Saturn in alchemy = lead (whence "Saturnian days of Lead and Gold" Dunciad IV. 16) (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake) +  Fitzpatrick: Ireland and the Making of Britain 70: 'a Constantinopolitan age of darkness paralleling the age of iron, of lead and of gloom (saeculum . . . . ferreum . . . . plumbeum . . . . obscurum) in the West'.

wit - to know, to find out

diversified - varied in form, features, or character; variegated

FDV: Can it be that so diversified outrages were planned and partly carried out against him the (a) staunch covenanter if it is true that those recorded took place for many are recorded by some who handle the truth carelessly & we ought to be sorry for them for that? The city of refuge whither he had fled to forget & expiate manslaughter, the land in which by the commandment of with promise his apostolic days were to be long, murmured, wd rise against him with all that as it were [with all good things,] do him hurt ghostly & bodily, poor jink, as were he more a curse for them, the corruptible lay quick, the saints of incorruption of an unholy holy nation, the castaway in resurrection of damnation to convince him of their proper sins. Business bred to the stiff upper lip, Humphrey took no only good fighting chances. Yet he was subject to terror. When A tall man carrying a suspicious parcel returning late to the old spot had a barking revolver was put to his face by an unknown assailant [[(masked)] not a Lucalizodite] against whom he had been jealous? Yes and when the waylayer aggravated assaulter [mentioning that he had a loaded pistol, [there being just two alternatives [as either he would shoot him or, failing that, bash in his face beyond recognition,]] pointedly] asked him where he got the fender he was answered [by the aggravated assaulted] in a disguised voice that that was for him to find out? But how correctly untrue. Six feet is not tall. Was it to explode & to force entrance that the man in a butcher blue blouse [from a men's wear store,] with a bottle of stout in his possession seized by the town guard in his very gateway was in the gateway. How true at first time of hearing his statement that he had had a lot too much to drink and was falling against the gate yet how lame proceeds his then excuse that he was merely trying to open the bottle of stout by hammering it against the gate for the boots, Maurice Behan, who threw on a pair of pants and came down in his socks without a coat attracted by noise of gunplay was in bed wakened up out of the land of byelo in bed by loud hearing hammering at emanating from the gate. This battering all over the door & sidepanels was not in the least remotest like a bottle of stout which would not rouse him out of sleep but much more like the overture to the last day if anything.

outrage - violence affecting others, violent injury or harm; a gross or wanton offence or indignity; gross or wanton wrong or injury done to feelings, principles, or the like.

to carry out - to carry into practice or to logical consequences or inferences

staunch - standing firm and true to one's principles or purpose, determined, unwavering.

covenanter - one that makes covenant (a contract, bargain, pledge)

trow - to believe (a statement, etc.); to give credence to, accept as true or trustworthy.

prick - to be in position of attention

James Joyce: A Portrait IV: 'seventh city of christendom' (Dublin; the other six being: London, Paris, Constantinople, Vienna, Moscow and Naples, according to Warburton, Whitelaw & Walsh: 'A History of the City of Dublin').

URUVELA - Buddha spent 6 ascetic years in the jungle of Uruvela, on the Northernmost spur of the Vindhya mountains, during his quest for enlightenment + Ourobybla (gr) - Urine-papyroi, sacred urine-writing on papyrus + viv (Danish) - wife. 

citadel - the fortress commanding a city + FDV: The city of refuge whither he had fled to forget & expatiate manslaughter, the land in which by the commandment of with promise his apostolic days were to be long, murmured, wd rise against him with all that as it were [with all good things,] do him hurt ghostly & bodily, poor jink, as were he more a curse for them, the corruptible lay quick, the saints of incorruption of an unholy holy nation, the castaway in resurrection of damnation to convince him of their proper sins.  

whither - to which

layman - a man who is an 'outsider' or a non-expert in relation to some particular profession, art, or branch of knowledge; a man who is not a cleric.

count - account (a particular statement or narrative of an event or thing; a relation, report).

outrave - to tear out or apart forcibly, to tear or burst asunder

gale - a wind of considerable strength + waves

Adriatic Sea - arm of the Mediterranean Sea, lying between the Italian and Balkan peninsulas + Atlantic

clue - the information or key that guides through an intricate procedure or maze of difficulties.

barge master - the master or owner of a barge + Burgermeister (ger) - mayor + Henrik Ibsen: "Bygmester Solness" (The Master Builder [Solness]).

hejira - a journey undertaken to escape from undesirable environment or to arrive at a highly desirable destination.

silencieusement (fr) - silently + Herold: La Vie du Bouddha 59: (as Buddha flees his father's palace) 'Le bon cheval se garda de faire aucun bruit dans la nuit sonore... les portes s'ouvrirent d'elles-mкmes, silencieusement' (French: 'The good horse refrained from making any noise in the resonant night... the doors opened by themselves, silently').

alto - high, tenor + sonority - the quality of being sonorous (giving out, or capable of giving out, a sound, esp. of a deep or ringing character).

raven - the figure of a raven on the flag of the Danish vikings

Mara - the 'Satan' of Buddhist mythology; when Buddha fled home to seek enlightment, he was tempted to remain by love of his baby son, Rahoulas, and he was tempted by Mara (an evil spirit) with the kingdoms of the earth. 

Ostmen - The name given in Ireland and Iceland to invaders or settlers from Denmark and Norway; esp. the Northmen or 'Danes' in Ireland and their descendants settled in some towns on the East coast of that country.

by (Danish) - city + derby

Old Vic - royal Victoria theatre in London, famous for its Shakespearian productions.

expiate - to do away or extinguish the guilt of (one's sin); to offer or serve as a propitiation for.

manslaughter - the slaying of the human being

revert +   rebirth - a second birth + berth - to moor or place (a ship) in a suitable position.

previdence - foresight + divine providence - divine control, direction or guidance.

bilder - a kind of a horse, a nag + Bilder (ger) - pictures.

deep - to plunge or immerse deeply

movietone - system employed in the making of sound films

league - to form or join into a league; to band together with; to confederate.

lot - that which is given to a person by fate or divine providence; esp. one's destiny, fortune, or 'portion' in this life.

patte - a paw, a hand

papish - papist (an adherent of the pope; esp. an advocate of papal supremacy; also, more generally, a member of the Roman Catholic Church; a Roman Catholic or Romanist) + shee (Anglo-Irish) - fairy.

mine kvinne (Danish) - my wife, my woman

gifte (Danish) - marry

husband + Hosenband (ger) - belt.

halter - to fasten up with a halter

wasteland - land in its natural, uncultivated state; transf. and fig., sometimes with allusion to T. S. Eliot's poem The Waste Land (1922).

lotus land - a place inducing dreaming and idleness

luctuous - mournful (obs. rare.)

Emerald Isle - Ireland (on account of its verdure)

TROY - Ancient Troia, Ilion, on Ilium 

pasture - to feed (cattle) by letting them graze on a pasture; to lead or put to pasture.

fourth commandment: ''You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain'' + Exodus 20:12: 'Honour thy father and thy mother' (4th Commandment, according to Roman Catholic tradition).

apostolic - of or belonging to the Apostles, befitting or suited to an apostle

rise against - to make insurrection against (on, upon) one; to offer armed resistance; to rebel or revolt; to take up arms.

enfranchisable - that admits of being enfranchised; capable of being enfranchised (to admit to freedom, set free (a slave or serf)).


asto (gr) - town + astea (gr) - pl. of astu = towns.

agora (gora - gr) - the place of assembly, esp. the market-place + Near the Acropolis is the Agora, the marketplace and site of the Assembly of ancient Athens. 

helot - a serf, a bondsman

jink - a name given to various frolics formerly indulged in at drinking parties (Sc. Obs.) They mostly consisted in deciding by the throw of dice who should perform some ludicrous task for the amusement of the company, or who should empty a large bowl of liquor, failure in either case entailing a forfeit.

corruptible - liable to corruption; subject to natural decay and dissolution; perishable, mortal + I Corinthians 15:53: 'For this corruptible must put on incorruption'.

incorruption - the quality or state of being free from physical decay, freedom from corrupt practises, honesty.

common or garden - common, ordinary + WICKLOW - County, and county town, Leinster province. Wicklow has been called "The Garden of Erin (or Ire)." 

castaway - one who or that which is cast away or rejected; esp. One cast adrift at sea; a shipwrecked man.

resurrection - the rising again of Christ after His death and burial

convince - to prove guilty, convict

Pharaoh - the generic appellation of the ancient Egyptian kings

Hump-pheres (en + gr) - Hump-bearing + pheres (gr) - bearing, carrying (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake).

exarch - a viceroy of a province under the byzantine emperoros + exarchos (gr) - leader, commander.

proper (Archaic) - own

bred - p.p. of breed (to develop, produce, create, cause) + FDV: Business bred to the stiff upper lip, Humphrey took no only good fighting chances. Yet he was subject to terror. 

a stiff upper lip - refusal to complain or show emotion or fear when faced with difficulty or danger, calmness.

wot - to have knowledge of, to know, wit

short of - having an insufficient quantity of. Also, not possessing, lacking (something necessary or desirable).

for all that - in spite of, notwithstanding (that)


perhaps + per ora (it) - for the time being.

the ancient Egyptian title of The Book of the Dead is 'Reu Nu Pert Em Hru' or 'Chapters of Coming Forth by Day'

WEDNESBURY - Market town, England. It was the site of a battle between Saxons and Britons, 592 AD.  

hump - to put or carry on the back or shoulder + (notebook 1923): 'humping a passport' ('passport' not clear) + FDV: When A tall man carrying a suspicious parcel returning late to the old spot had a barking revolver was put to his face by an unknown assailant [[masked] not a Lucalizodite] against whom he had been jealous?

amid - in the middle or centre of; surrounded by

subject - to bring under the operation of an agent, agency, or process

dense - having its constituent particles closely compacted together; thick, compact.

London particular - London fog [(notebook 1922-23): '"particular" = fog'] + particular - something specially belonging to, or characteristic of a place or a person.

second house - a second performance (in a row) of a stage or cinema

Moore - designating an almanac, the first edition of which, compiled by Francis Moore (1657-c 1715), was issued in 1700 under the title of Vox Stellarum, and which was later known as Old Moore's Almanac + boor - peasant, countryman.

burgess - a citizen + Moore and Burgess - blackface minstrels whose troop, Mr Athenton says, came to London in 1862. One of their catch-lines was "Take off that white hat."

Christy Minstrels - the name of a troupe of minstrels imitating Negroes, originated by one George Christy of New York; afterwards in popular use extended to any similar company with blackened faces, who sing Negro melodies accompanied by the banjo and bones, and interspersed with droll jokes.

barker (Slang) - pistol + Barkis is willing - an indication of a person's willingness to do something (from Charles Dickens: David Copperfield, where it indicates Barkis's willingness to marry).

unknowable - that which cannot be known + Joyce's note: 'you're shot' Connacht Tribune 17 May 1924, 6/4: 'John Keogh in the Dock': (of a raid of the Killimore guard barracks in 1923) 'Keogh... pointed a revolver at Guard Temple saying, "You're shot," firing at the same time, and the bullet went through the bedroom window'.

assailant - he who, or that which, assails or attacks

jealous over - jealous of

lotta - lot of

crab tree - the wild apple tree; crooked, knotted + Crabtree, Lotta - 19th-century soubrette.  

Pomona - Italian goddess of fruit and gardens, represented as a beautiful maiden with fruit in her bosom and a pruning knife in her hand.

waylay - to lie in wait for (a person or thing) with evil or hostile intent; to attack in the way + FDV: Yes and when the waylayer aggravated assaulter [mentioning that he had loaded pistol, [there being just two alternatives [as either he would shoot him or, failing that, bash in his face beyond recognition,]] pointedly] asked him where he got the fender he was answered [by the aggravated assaulted] in a disguised voice that that was for him to find out?

diocesan - one of the clergy or people of a diocese

see - the territory under the jurisdiction of a bishop, a diocese (obs.) + (notebook 1924): 'See of Dublin & Glendalough'.

to hail from (a place) - said of a vessel in reference to the port from which she has sailed; to come from (of a person).

prow - a ship; the fore-part of a boat or ship + (notebook 1924): 'prow of France'.

LITTLE BRITAIN - French Bretagne or Brittany, North-West France; aka Armorica. Tristram died there; Amory Tristram, first Lord of Howth, was born there, or so James Joyce believed [(notebook 1924): 'Little Britain (Armor)']. The "prow" of Little Britain is Cap Finistere. The Matiere de Bretagne is the mediaeval Arthurian cycle. Ptolemy called Ireland "Little Britain" + Fleming: Boulogne-sur-Mer 28: (quoting Keating) 'Niall of the Nine Hostages... invaded the country at the time called Armorica, but now Little Brittany'. 

by the way - incidentally, as a side topic

craw - the stomach + soppper - one who sops (to dip, soak, or steep (bread, etc.) in some liquid) + crawthumper (Anglo-Irish) - ostentatiously devout Roman Catholic (pejorative).

in addition - additionally

reade = red + Reade, Thomas, & Co - Mr Senn says, a Dublin cutler (cutler - one who makes, deals in, or repairs knives and similar cutting utensils).

cutlass - a short sword with a flat wide slightly curved blade, adapted more for cutting than for thrusting; now esp. the sword with which sailors are armed; Comb., cutlass-blade, etc.

centi - - combining form of L. centum hundred, used in the French Metric system of weights and measures to denote the hundredth part of the unit.

hobson's choice - the option of taking the one thing offered or nothing [Joyce's note: 'Hobson's Choice']

aunt (Slang) - prostitute

bash - to strike with a heavy blow that tends to beat or smash in the surface struck.

pitch black - extremely dark, intensly dark

pointedly - with directness, explicitly, exactly

gall - assurance, impudence

vodka - an ardent spirit used orig. esp. in Russia, chiefly distilled from rye, but also from barley or potatoes + what + wуdka (Polish) - vodka (from 'water of life').

blizzard - a furious blast of frost-wind and blinding snow, in which man and beast frequently perish.

Thornton, Ned (Ellmamn says) or Dick (Stanislaus Joyce says) - original of Mr Kernan in "Grace" and Ulysses.

Kane, Matthew (d.1904) - original of Martin Cunningham in "Grace" (Dubliners) and Ulysses. He and Ned Thornton were cronies of John Joyce's. Kane drowned. 

fender - a metal frame placed in front of a fire to keep falling coals from rolling out into the room + PICTURE

aggravated - exasperated, incensed, irritated, provoked

assaulted - assailed, attacked + aggravated assault - any of various assaults that are more serious than a common assault, especially one performed with an intent to commit a crime.  

snap - something worth securing or getting hold of, a good place or job; a sudden snatch or catch at something; Theat. A short engagement + snaps = schnapps - an ardent spirit resembling Hollands gin + snaps (Danish) - schnapps, spirits.

midweek - the middle of the week

sultry - associated with oppressive heat, passionate, voluptuous

showery - raining in showers; resembling a shower

transpear - to appear or become visible through something; also fig. to be apparent + FDV: But how correctly untrue. Six feet is not tall.


feet - pl. of foot (12 inches)

parson - person

lumber - useless odds and ends + number

flaggy - abounding with flags, soft and flabby, hanging limply + (notebook 1924): 'Flaggy Bridge' Connacht Tribune 19 Apr 1924, 3/3: 'Maintenance Contracts. District Roads': 'To maintain for 43 years, 400 perches, of road 16 ft wide, from Portumna to Gort, between Derrybrien Chapel and Flaggy Bridge'.

liv (Danish) - life

hir = her

chamber - in old revolvers, each of the barrels, and in new, each of the compartments of the breeching which contain the charge.

shrievalty - the office or dignity of sheriff + FDV: Was it to explode & to force entrance that the man in a butcher blue blouse [from a men's wear store,] with a bottle of stout in his possession seized by the town guard in his very gateway was in the gateway.

butcher blue - a dressmaker's name for a particular shade of dark blue like the colour of a butcher's apron.

able-bodied - in full health, robust

men's wear - clothes for men

decisive - that is beyond question or doubt, that cannot be mistaken

emerod - hemorroid

temperance - restraint; the proper mixture of elements or qualities + (notebook 1924): '*F* temperance hotel'.

gateway - gate

soliloquizingly - rel. to talking to oneself, uttering in soliloquy (talking to oneself, uttering one's thoughts aloud without addressing any person).

FDV: How true at first time of hearing his statement that he had had a lot too much to drink and was falling against the gate yet how lame proceeds his then excuse that he was merely trying to open the bottle of stout by hammering it against the gate for the boots, Maurice Behan, who threw on a pair of pants and came down in his socks without a coat attracted by noise of gunplay was in bed wakened up out of the land of byelo in bed by loud hearing hammering at emanating from the gate.  

wretch - one who is sunk in deep distress, sorrow, misfortune, or poverty; a miserable, unhappy, or unfortunate person; a vile, sorry, or despicable person; one of opprobrious or reprehensible character; a mean or contemptible creature.

[a] thoise fion ([a] hushe fin) (gael) - [his] capacity of wine

THE HOUSE OF BLAZES - 17th-century tavern on Aston's Quay + Peter: Dublin Fragments, Social and Historic 93: (of 18th century Dublin public houses and inns) '"House of Blazes" on Aston's Quay'.

THE PARROT - 18th-century tavern in the area near Christchurch Cathedral known as "Hell".

THE ORANGE TREE - 18th-century tavern in Castle Street + Peter: Dublin Fragments, Social and Historic 95: (of 18th century Dublin public houses and inns) '"The Orange Tree" was likewise in Castle Street, and "The Glibb" near to "The Sun". "The Parrot" was in "Hell"'. 

The Glibb - 18th-century tavern in Thomas Street, Dublin

THE SUN - (1) 18th-century tavern in Thomas Street, near Castle Street. (2) 17th century tavern in Nicholas Street. 

The Holy Lamb - 18th-century tavern in the old Corn Market + Peter: Dublin Fragments, Social and Historic 96: (of 18th century Dublin public houses and inns) '"The Holy Lamb" was in the old Corn Market'. 

lapse - a slight error, a mistake + phrase last but not least.

leash - to attach or connect by a leash

ram - to cram, stuff, thrust (a person or thing) into something

SHIP HOTEL AND TAVERN - It was at 5 Lower Abbey Street. In Ulysses, Stephen is to meet Buck Mulligan there, but doesn't [Joyce's note: 'Ship hotel'].   


declose = disclose - to unclose, unfold, to show itself, to come to light.

Phil the Fluter's Ball - song by Percy French 

to knock or run up against - to come across, to fall in with

pier - a square pillar or pilaster; a solid structure of stone, or of earth faced with piles, extending into the sea or a tidal river to protect or partially enclose a harbour and form a landing-place for vessels + (notebook 1923): 'gatepier'.

caterpillar (Slang) - soldier

lamely - haltingly; imperfectly, defectively, inefficiently

hobble - to proceed irregularly and haltingly in action or speech

hoy - a cry used to call attention; a heavy or clumsy fellow + hobbledehoy (Colloquial) - a youth between boyhood and manhood (especially, a clumsy or awkward one).

pseudo - - fake, sham, feigned + jokax (l) - joker.

Joyce's note: 'According to his own story to his theory'

process server - a sheriff's officer who serves processes or summonses; an officer of justice under a sheriff, who executes writs and processes, distrains, and arrests.

Zosimus - (1) 5th-century pope; (2) 5thcentury Greek historian who lived in Constantinople; (3) 6th-century hermit who came on every Good Friday eve to give the sacrament to St Mary the Egyptian in a cave on the banks of the Jordan; (4) a strolling band of Dublin, a beggar, sometimes called "the last of the minstrels"; (5) an illustrated Dublin paper (1870-1871). 

bottled - kept or corked up in a bottle

stout + Staub (ger) - dust.

mortial - mortal + mortally - to an extreme degree, intensly.

hammer - to strike with or as with a hammer

magnum bonum - a bottle containing two quarts of wine or spirits; also, the measure of liquor contained in such a bottle + magnum bonum (l) - the great good.

curt - short in linear dimension, shortened

club - any club-shaped structure or organ

sore - severe, stern, hard, or harsh

savage - an uncivilized, wild person; a cruel or fierce person

man about town - one who is constantly seen at public and private assemblies in 'town' + THE SWAN - Inn in the play by Charles Selby, "The Boots at the Swan" (1842). Jacob Earwig, the boots, is comically deaf. For much of the play he impersonates a policeman.  

Maurice (meaning "Moor") - one of the Man Servant's names (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake).

..."hastily / threw on a pair of old sir Bunchamon’s pants, stepped / into his shoes"... (Lost in the same stage as the line on FW 009.01, by the typesetter of the Finnegans Wake galleys. The result is an ungrammatical sentence, in which the reader is not allowed to know that Sigerson / Behan wears the handmedown trousers of his boss, HCE / Sir Bunchamon.) (Dirk Van Hulle / Lost & Found).

hald - hold

bar - excluding from consideration, excepting, except + bare + barra (bore) (gael) - top, tip, point + barra (Arabic) - outside.

to come down to tin tacks - to concern oneself with basic facts or realities + tin tack - a tack, or short light iron nail, coated with tin + teinteach (tint'ukh) (gael) - lightning.

hop step and jump - a field event in which participants cover as much ground as possible by a hop, stride and jump in succession usu. after a running start.

tiltyard - a yard or place for tilting; an enclosed space for tournaments + (notebook 1922-23): 'tiltyard & keep'.

Thomas Davis: song The West's Asleep

obi = obeah - an amulet, charm, or fetish used by Negroes for magical purposes + (notebook 1922-23): 'obi = stomacher' Irish Times 27 Jan 1923, 9/2: 'Glimpses of Japan': 'The ladies are also wearing the obi, a belt a foot wide, which is wound round the body over the kimono'.

ohne (ger) - without

overclothes - 'upper' or outer garments

choker - a wide neckcloth, white necktie, short necklace

Norse - Norwegian + noise

cartage - the process of conveying by cart + Cato the Elder proclaimed that Rome must destroy Carthage: "Delenda est Carthago." (Latin 'Carthage must be destroyed'). An 18th-century theory held that the Irish people was of Carthaginian origin.  

royal road - a smooth or easy way + Ragnar Lodbrok ("shaggy breeches") - viking, saga hero who, tradition says, died in Ireland + Ragnarшkr (Old Norse) - destruction of the Norse gods.  

Dulyn (Welsh) - Dublin + song The Rocky Road to Dublin.

snore - a sound resembling that of a snore; a loud roaring or droning noise

LAND OF BEULAH - Isaiah 62:4: 'Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be termed Desolate: but thou shalt be called Hephzibah, and thy land Beulah: for the Lord delighteth in thee, and thy land shall be married'. In Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, the land of joy where pilgrims wait until called to the Celestial City; a dream-world paradise on the way to Eden in William Blake's poetry; Byelo, Russ: "white".  

maw - the stomach (of men and animals); a gull, esp. the Common gull, Larus canus + cows + Thomas Moore: song While History's Muse [air: Paddy Wack] + Thomas Moore: song While Gazing on the Moon's Light [air: Oonagh].

paddywhack - a rage, passion, temper; a severe thrashing

blind pig - a place that sells intoxicants or liquor illegally

Oonagh (Irish "Una,") - the air to T. Moore's "While Gazing on the Moon's Light." 

mulling - bustle, stir, excitement + Mullingar

battering - that batters or violently assails with blows + FDV: This battering all over the door & sidepanels was not in the least remotest like like a bottle of stout which would not rouse him out of sleep but much more like the overture to the last day if anything.

babel - a confused turbulent medley of sounds + Tower of Babel (Babel related to Akkadian bab-ilu: gate of the god; hence 'door').

sidepost - one of the posts at either side of a doorway, a door-post

Belzebub - The Devil

babble - anarticulate or imperfect speech, such as that of infants; prattle + James Joyce: Letters I.388: letter 10/08/36 to Stephen Joyce ('The Cat and the Devil'): 'The devil mostly speaks a language of his own called Bellsybabble which he makes up himself as he goes along'.

booze - alcoholic drink, chiefly beer

rouse out - to awaken from sleep

song The West's Awake: 'Connaught lies in slumber deep' 

martially - in a martial (of music: appropriate to warfare) manner + martialis (l) - of or belonging to Mars + song Marseillaise.

march - a tune or composition of marked rhythm, designed to accompany the marching of troops + Mars (l) - Roman god of war.

Musikant (ger) - musician

overture - an orchestral piece, of varying form and dimensions, forming the opening or introduction to an opera, oratorio, or other extended composition.

pompery - pomp, splendour, magnificence + pomper (French, Slang) - to booze, to drink +  Pompeii - an Italian town, buried by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the year 79 a.d.

nooning - midday; a meal eaten at noon + meaningless

nocturne - a composition of a dreamy character

reine = rain + Reine (ger) - the pure one + reine (fr) - queen {Isolda}.

hippopotamus (hence, phrase crocodile tears) + potamos (gr) - river {Ana Livia}. 

plore - to weep, wail + pouring

all over the place - disordered, irregular

ruinate - to demolish, destroy

boucher - butcher; one who has officially the charge of treasure, a treasurer

Schurz (ger) - apron

backer - a slaughterhouse worker; repairer of shoes; a supporter; esp. one who bets on a horse or event; one who supports by money or credit; a porter, carrier; baker.

wischen (ger) - wipe + Handtuch (ger) - towel.

Chandeleur (fr) - Candlemass (commemorates purification of Blessed Virgin Mary)

Rejane, Gabrielle - Parisian actress, much admired by Proust. Mr O Hehir suggests also the Regina Coeli (Queen of Heaven) jail in Rome + Regina Coeli (l) - Queen of Heaven (epithet of Blessed Virgin Mary; also the name of a prison in modern Rome).  

wasch- (ger) - wash

welter - the rolling of the sea in a storm; water

whyte - white + night

pinch - a very small quantity + A stitch in time saves nine (proverb) - a timely effort will prevent more work later.

Astraea - Greek goddess of justice who, overwhelmed by the world's injustice, took her place among the stars as Virgo. 

astrologer - an observer of the stars, a practical astronomer (obs.); one who pretends to judge of the influence of the stars upon human affairs.

for the love of - for the sake of, on account of

saunce = sanctus - the 'angelic hymn' (from Isa. vi. 3) beginning with the words 'Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus' ('Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts') + suns


pike (Slang) - depart

song Paddy Whack (This old man, he played ten. / He played knick-knack once again. / With a knick-knack, paddy whack, / Give a dog a bone. / This old man came rolling home) + paddy whack - a spank or spanking.

pamint-ul (Rumanian) - the land

reel - a noise, tumult, disturbance; a crash, peal + real + song 'O weel may the keel row': "As I came thro` Sandgate, / Thro` Sandgate, thro` Sandgate, / As I came thro` Sandgate, / I heard a lassie sing: / `O, weel may the keel row, / The keel row, the keel row, / O weel may the keel row / That my laddie`s in.`" ('keel' is a  synecdochy for boat, row = procede, travel or be rowed).

smoke bush - the Venetian sumach, Cotinus coggygria, which has a feathery inflorescence suggestive of smoke.

cream - the most excellent element or part; the best of its kind; the choice part; the quintessence.

frolic - a scene or occasion of gaiety or mirth; a merry-making; a party

filon (gr) - leaf + filons! (French Colloquial) - let's scram!

cherchez la femme - A catch-phrase, first used (in the form cherchons la femme) by Alexandre Dumas père in his Les Mohicans de Paris (1864), used to indicate that the key to a problem or mystery is a woman, and that she need only be found for the matter to be solved + flamme (sp) - pudding.

famm (Slang) - hand

non oblitus (l) - not forgotten + nonnobli (Ido - an artificial language) - base.

facial + Fisch (ger) - fish.

expression + sprezzabile (it) - contemptible.

scapus (l) - shaft; cylinder; sheet of paper; beam of balance + scapula (late latin) - shoulder + scapolo (it) - bachelor.

bachelor's button + macellaio (it) - butcher.

musclebound - rigid, stiff, tense and enlarged

Beery, Noah - American movie actor

stone = stone weight (14 pounds; 1 pound = 453 gr.) + one

hazel hen - a european woodland groose

elder - an elder person, a parent + Elders - two ancient judges in the apocryphal book of Susanna. They first proposition the young matron and, when repulsed, accuse her of unchastity with a young man. Daniel unmaskes the Elders' lies. In Finnegans Wake they are Four elders, judges who first proposition, then accuse Issy-Isolde. They correspond to the Four wicked barons in Bйdier's Tristan and Isolde who spy on the lovers and report to Mark of Cornwall.  

fall for - to yield to the attractions of; to be captivated or carried away by

bruise root - common daisy (supposed healing virtues)

ginger - the rhizome of the tropical plant Zingiber officinale, remarkable for its hot spicy taste; used when dried and ground in cookery and as a medicinehigh spirit; pep, vigor; a strong brown color.

winter - to affect like winter

actumnus (l) - autumn + auctumno (l) - to cause autumn + auctus (l) - to increase.

waist band - a band or sash worn around the waist

give (I) a pain in the arse - to annoy (someone) very much

orgia (gr) - nocturnal festival in honor of Bacchus

colley - blackbird + chole (gr) - lame, limping + coillidhe (kuli) (gael) - destroyer.

machaira (gr) - knife, dagger, sword + machaire (mokheri) (gael) - battlefield.


leer - a side glance; a look or roll of the eye expressive of slyness, immodest desire, etc. + leer (ger) - empty.

stow - to put away, store, confine, to save for another time

sweet fanny adams - nothing at all

simper - an affected and self-conscious smile, a silly smiling look, a smirk

geezer (slang. Also geeser, geyser) - [A dial. pronunciation of guiser (a masquerader, a mummer)] a term of derision applied esp. to men, usu. but not necessarily elderly; a chap, fellow.

FDV: Notice a fellow who calls on his skirt. Note his slick hair so elegant, tableau vivant. He calls vows her to be a honeylamb, swears they will be pals, by Sam, and share good times in a happy lovenest when May moon shines but that guy is not so tipsy dippy (not on your life not in these trousers) for somewhere he has girl a girl so that is a kniky number two and he would like to canoodle her two too some of the time for he is downright fond of number one and he is fair mashed on peachy number two if he cd only canoodle the two and all three would be genuinely happy, the two numbers, namely, and their mutual chappy (for he is simply shamming dippy) if they were afloat in a dreamboat, his tippy canoe, his tippy up and down dippy hiptophippy canoe canoodle canyou! So in the present case cases which bears bear all the earmarks of a plot. [There is in fact no use putting a tooth on it a thing of that sort and the amount of that sort of thing which was going was simply stupendous.] Next morning postman handed him a letter superscribed to Humphy Pot and Gallows King. This fender coffin, mistaken for a fender, had been removed from hardware premises a noted house of the east which as an ordinary everyday transaction supply funeral requisites of all descriptions. (Here Caracciolo & Nelson). The conscientious guard in the other case swore (adding . . . , a scripture reader too to boot.) swore that Laddy Cumine, the butcher in the blouse, after having delivered some carcasses went & kicked at the door and when challenged before the functionary on his oath by the imputed, said simply: / — I am on my oath, you did, as I stressed before. / — You are deeply mistaken, sir, let me then tell you, denied McPartland (the [meat] man's name).

call on - require, oblige, make a demand upon, depend on +  to call one's shot - to announce which ball one intends to shoot into which pocket (billiard).

skirt - girl, woman

sleek - Of hair: close and smooth, usually a sign of good condition or careful attention.

tableau vivant - a sustained pose, a static depiction usu. presented on a stage with a participants in appropriate costume; a picturesque actual scene.

vow - to promise or undertake solemnly + FDV: He calls vows her a to be a honeylamb, swears they will be pals, by Sam, and share good times in a happy lovenest when May moon shines but that guy is not so tipsy dippy (not on your life not in these trousers) for somewhere he has girl a girl so that is a kniky number two and he would like to canoodle her two too some of the time for he is downright fond of number one and he is fair mashed on peachy number two if he cd only canoodle the two and all three would be genuinely happy, the two numbers, and their mutual chappy (for he is simply shamming dippy) if they were afloat in a dreamboat, his tippy canoe, his tippy up and down dippy hiptophippy canoe canoodle canyou!

papa - daddy, father; lover

pal - a comrade, mate, partner, associate, 'chum'; an accomplice in crime or dishonesty.

sam - oath

love nest - a dwelling of lovers

twit - to tell tales, to blab

twinkle - to talk idly, prate

popgun - a child's toy gun

cream puff - a round shell of light pastry filled with whipped cream; something of small consequence.

dime - costing a dime (10 cents), designating a cheap and inferior article.

missy - a young girl

grum - gloomy, morose, surly

razzle - to live a life of pleasure, to enjoy oneself = to go on the razzle.

craze - to render insane, drive mad

blazing star - comet; one that is center of attraction, cynosure

compris (fr) - understood

wardrobe - a person's stock of wearing apparel, dressing room

trousseau - a bride's outfit of clothes, house linen, etc.

to cut a dash - to make a display, to have a gay or showy appearance

Charley Chance - Dubliner, original of McCoy in Ulysses + charley - night watchman.

tollloll - tolerable, pretty good, passable, 'middling' +  tooraloo - 'goodbye'.

hunker - conservative, a person opposed to change + in Joyce's early plan for a short story entitled 'Ulysses', Mr Hunter corresponded to Bloom in 'Ulysses'.

dada - father; good bye

gel - a jelly-like substance used for setting or styling the hair, sold as a jelly + girls

bottom drawer - a drawer (as in the dresser) used for accumulation of young woman's clothes, the collection of articles for the home that girl gathers before she gets married + REFERENCE

hitch - to fasten by something that catches + hitch one's wagon to a star - to have noble or morally improving aims or desires.

braces - suspenders


grum - morose, sour

dippy - mildly insane, foolish; in love (with) + clean dippy (U.S. Slang) - totally crazy.

phrase between you and me

not on your life - not on any account, by no means

by a jugful - in a great degree, by a great deal

on the sly - in a secret, clandestine, or covert manner; without publicity or openness, covertly.

furphy - a false report, rumor + Furphy - Brewer says that in World War I, Australian latrine buckets bore the name of their manufacturer, Furphy. A "furphy" is, therefore, "a latrine rumor." 

bravo - dapital! excellent! well done! hence, an exclamation of bravo! a cheer.

canoodle - pet, caress, fondle, to indulge in caresses and fondling endearments.

downright - to the utmost degree, very

to be mashed on - to have a sentimental admiration for, to be 'gone' on

chivy - chase, pursue

genuine - properly so called, that is such in the proper sense, real, true + (notebook 1923): 'Yes, genuinely (T)'.

mixer - a person marked by easy sociability, a sociable person

Cherrybums (Slang) - 11th Huzzars (wore red pants)

sham - to pretend falsely to be

afloat - floating

Genesis 7:9: (of the animals entering Noah's ark) 'There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female'.

toff - person who is stylishly dressed or who has a smart appearence + Toft's - hobbyhorses and whirligig at the Mirus Bazaar.

how come you so - tipsy (partly intoxicated), drunk

Farbe (ger) - color

tippy - tiptop, smart, stylish + tippy (Slang) - unstable.

up and down - completely

tiptop - first-rate, prime, superlatively good + Tippecanoe - battle site in Indiana, nickname of the American president, William Henry Harrison (1773-1841). 

finny - provided with or having fins; finned + funny + finis (fr) - ended.

ack - Used for a in the oral transliteration of code messages and in telephone communications + ach (ger) - oh + ack ack ack (World War I Slang) - (signalese) fullstop + FDV: So in the present case cases which bears bear all the earmarks of a plot. [There is in fact no use putting a tooth on it a thing of that sort and the amount of that sort of thing which was going was simply stupendous.]

clap trap - cheap showy sentiment; a trick or device to catch applause, pretentious nonsense.

sentiment +  soudainement (fr) - suddenly.

loaf - a mass or lump (of anything) (obs.)

in the same boat - in exactly the same position + bateau - a light river boat.

so to say + sozusagen (ger) - so to speak.

earmark - a mark in the ear of a sheep or other animal, serving as a sign of ownership; fig. A 'stamp', mark of ownership, identifying mark.

design - a preliminary sketch for a picture or other work of art, a delineation, pattern; the artistic idea as executed.

put one's foot in it - to do or say something esp. unintentionally that distress or offends another person; to get into difficulties or trouble; to blunder + never put a tooth in it (Anglo-Irish phrase) - speak out clearly.

snoopery -  the activity of snooping or prying; surreptitious investigation, spec. into another's private affairs.

day in day out - as each day comes in or begins, and goes out or closes; continually.

Nacht (ger) - night + Tag (ger) - day.

promiscuous - indiscriminate in sexual relations

in rebus publicis (l) - in states, in republics; in public affairs

secular - having a period of enormous length, continuing through long ages + saeculorum sequentia (l) - the sequence or continuity of the centuries +  per omnia saecula saeculorum (l) - for ever and ever. 

sequence - a continuous or connected series

stupendous - amazing, astounding; amazingly large or great

futuete! (l) - fuck! (acrostic)

exultations - shouts of joy, joyful utterances

triumphant - that has achieved victory or success, conquering, victorious

resume - to go on again with (a discourse, discussion, remark, etc.)

inquiry - the action of seeking, esp. for truth, knowledge, or information concerning something; investigation, examination.

postal union - an international agreement to observe uniform regulations governing international mail [(notebook 1924): 'postal union'] +  FDV: Next morning postman handed him a letter superscribed to Humphy Pot and Gallows King.

carrier - a bearer of a message, letter, etc.

(notebook 1924): 'Letters Scotch Ltd'

Vercingetorix (d. 46) - Gallic chieftain who revolted against Julius Caesar  

hight (Archaic) - called

det er (Danish) - that is

losel - a worthless person, scoundrel, good-for-nothing

huck - intr. To higgle in trading, to haggle over a bargain; to chaffer, bargain. Also fig. To haggle over terms, to stickle + huck- (ger) - squat.

missive - a written message, a letter

gummy - gum-like, sticky, viscid + Gummi (ger) - rubber.

chain envelope - a business envelope that may be reused many times

divers - various, different

blanch - white, argent

lavender - the colour of lavender-flowers, a very pale blue with a trace of red

pothook - an S shaped stroke in writing

crook - a hook or bent iron on which anything is hung; a bending or curve, a convolution.

bespeak - to speak of, to indicate, give evidence of + spaking (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - speaking.

washerwife - washerwoman, laundress

superscribe - to write (a name or address) upon a letter; to write one's name at the head of a document: opposed to subscribe.

subscribe - to put oneself down as so-and-so, at the foot of a letter or other document + pencil - to write with pencil.

laughable - that may be laughed at

afterward + After (ger) - anus + after-wit (Archaic) - wisdom after the event, hindsight.

S.A.G. (St Anthony Guide), written on an envelope carries a letter safely through the mails. 

hyde = hide; name of the evil personality assumed by Dr. Jekyll in R. L. Stevenson's story, 'Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' (1886): used allusively in reference to the evil side of a person's character.

hide and seek - applied to action in which one person or thing evades or appears to evade another.

WC - water closet; the west central postal district of London

Lappish - of or pertaining to the Lapps or their language + lapsus linguae (l) - a slip of the tongue.

inburst - a bursting in, irruption

Magyar - of or pertaining to the Magyars, or to the language of the Magyars

Siamese twins - two male natives of Siam, Chang and Eng (1811-1874), who were united by a tubular band in the region of the waist. Hence gen., any pair of twins physically united by their tissues.

twixt - between

stern - the hind part of a ship or boat

swift - one of a pair of shrouds, fixed above the other shrouds, for swifting or stiffening a mast.

Jolly Roger - the pirate's flag

bright - to make bright, illumine

plunge - immerse, submerge, enter into some state or course suddenly or unexpectely.

plight - undertaking (of a risk or obligation), pledge (under risk of forfeiture), engagement.

Percy French: song 'Are ye right there, Michael, are ye right?... and it might now, Michael, so it might!'

cox - coxswain (the person on board ship having permanent charge of a boat and its crew, of which he has command unless a superior officer is present) + cock

Hahn-Hahn, Ida, Countess von (1805-80) - sentimental German novelist who joined the Catholic church because her style had been parodied and because of the revolution of 1848 + Hahn (ger) - cock, rooster.  

to poke one's nose - to poke or pry into something, esp. the matter which does not properly concern one.

Kurbis (ger) - pumpkin

pouch - a mail-bag

litter - odds and ends, fragments and leavings lying about, rubbish

lurk - to remain furtively or unobserved about one spot, to live in concealment or retirement.

dormant - sleeping, lying asleep or as asleep, inactive as in sleep

paunch - the stomach


herm - a statue in the form of a square stone pillar surmounted by a bust or head usually of the god Hermes (very common in ancient Greece, where they were used as pillars, sign-posts, mile-stones, etc.)

pillarbox - a hollow pillar about five feet high, erected in a public place, containing a letter-box or receptacle for posting letters.

illusionist - one who produces illusions; spec. a conjuror or sleight-of-hand performer + (notebook 1923): 'triumph of printer's art' + FDV: This fender coffin, mistaken for a fender, had been removed from hardware premises a noted house of the east which as an ordinary everyday transaction supply funeral requisites of all descriptions. (Here Caracciolo & Nelson)  

blench - a turning of the eyes aside, a side glance (rare.) + at first hand - at the beginning, at the first stage.

Jubal and Tubal Cain - Jubal was "father of all such as handle the harp and organ"; Tubal was "instructor of every artificer in brass and iron" (Genesis, 4.) Their brother Jabal was father of those who live in tents and have cattle. 

handwarp - a kind of cloth + hard work

distinguish + tris- (l) - thrice.

juba (l) - mane + Genesis 4:20: (Lamech (Cain's descendant) had three sons) 'Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle... Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ... Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron'.

hardware - small ware or goods of metal, ironmongery

premise - the place of business of an enterprise or institution

OETZMANN AND CO - Cabinet makers and house furnishers, 60-61 Grafton Street. 

noted - distinguished, famous

gone west - dead

oscar - money, cash

flash - dashing, staggering, swell

lily - white or fair as a lily, lily-white

bolero - a short jacket coming barely to the waist + Lillibulero - Williamite song (c. 1690) ridiculing Irish and Jacobites. Many unconvincing attempts (including one by Brendan Behan) have been made to reconstruct the originals.

game - to play, sport, jest; to amuse oneself; occas. to indulge in amorous play (obs.)

nivalis (l) - snowy + nivis (l) - snow + nivens (l) - winking + nubis (l) - a cloud + nubilis (l) - marriageable.

finery - showy decoration; showy dress; affected or ostentatious elegance or splendour.

upright - erect; following correct moral principles; of unbending integrity or rectitude.

groom - bridegroom

to come up with - to come right forward from the rear; to get even with, get better of.

by jingo! - a vigorous form of asseveration + song We Don't Want to Fight, But, by Jingo, If We Do.

midnight + Mitternacht (ger) - midnight + nackt (ger) - naked.

in the flesh - in the real life, in bodily form, not in picture or photograph

thumbs down - act of rejection, disapproval or condemnation

orse = horse

hash - mixture, jumble, mess

nitrate - a salt produced by the combination of nitric acid with a base + nutrient - a nutritious (serving as nourishment) substance.


analect - the select part, the choice essence + analecta - one that picks up crumbs after meal, a word gatherer + electrolyze - to decompose by electrical means.

chimera - a fabled fire-breathing monster of Greek mythology, with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail (or according to others with the heads of a lion, a goat, and a serpent), killed by Bellerophon + chemical

gasbag - a bag for holding gas, gallon; a person given to idle boastful talk

warder - watchman + wonderwork - a wonderful achievement, a wonderful work or structure.

heiter (ger) - merry

bottled - kept in a bottle; kept under restraint

Helios (gr) - the Sun-god

tob- (ger) - rage, play violently + FDV: The conscientious guard in the other case swore (adding, ......, a scripture reader too to boot) swore that Laddy Cumino, the butcher in the blouse, after having delivered some carcasses went & kicked at the door and when challanged before the functionary on his oath by the imputed, said simply: / - I am on my oath, you did, as I stressed before; / - You are deeply mistaken, sir, let me then tell you, denied McPartland (the [meat] man's name).  

special - a particular person; a male sweetheart or lover; a special constable (correspondent, advocate).

sport - to make ostentatious public display of, show off

conscientious - obedient or loyal to conscience, habitually governed by a sense of duty.

Scripture reader - a reader of the Scriptures; one who is employed to read the Bible to the uneducated poor in their own houses (obs.)

to boot - in addition, over and above, besides


coroner - an officer of a county, district, or municipality (formerly also of the royal household), originally charged with maintaining the rights of the private property of the crown; in modern times his chief function is to hold inquest on the bodies of those supposed to have died by violence or accident + corner

tailliur (talyur) (gael) - tailor

stand - the place where a witness stands to testify in court + on the start - suddenly, without warning.

functionary - an official

up against - confronted with, face to face with

square - honest or straightforward in dealing with others, honourable, upright + quer (ger) - across + Querschnitt (ger) - 'cross section', could mean representative or typical.

mand - bag, hand basket; a question + man

butcher's blue - a dressmaker's name for a particular shade of dark blue like the colour of a butcher's apron.


evening + (notebook 1923): 'on last evg'.

carcass meat - raw meat as distinct from corned or tinned meat

mutton chop - a piece of mutton for broiling or frying, usually a division of the loin containing one rib (having the end of the bone chopped off) and half the vertebra to which it is attached + Joyce's note: 'muttonchepp'.

jute = joute - pottage

on behalf of - as the agent or representative of, on account of

The Four Eastmans, Ltd., Victuallers, are listed in Thom's, 1906 (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake).

eastman - one who come out of Germany into Ireland


victualler - a purveyor of victuals or provisions; spec. one who makes a business of providing food and drink for payment.

unmitigated - absolute, not softened in respect of severity or intensity

deoch an dorais (gael.) - a stirrup-cup (a cup of wine or other drink handed to a man when already on horseback setting out for a journey, a parting glass; Used for: A drink offered to an arriving guest before he has dismounted) + dun an doras (dun un durus) (gael) - shut the door.

rune - a letter or character of the earliest Teutonic alphabet + rules

challenge - to give account of oneself

pretended - alleged, asserted, claimed to be such

hick - an awkward, rude or provincial person; hiccup, a hesitation in speech + hic (l) - this, this here; here.

kick up - to rise forcefully, to provoke; a noisy quarrel, disturbance, row

solemn - Of vows, oaths, or statements: Of a formal and serious or deliberate character.

impute - to bring (a fault or the like) into the reckoning against, to lay to the charge of.

apeipon (gr) - declare, deny, forbid, renounce + apple-pie order - thorough order.

Philip II of Macedon (reigned 359-336 B.C.) - father of Alexander the Great. For him the city of Philippi was named. When Philip was drunk, he condemned a woman unjustly. She said she would appeal from Philip Drunk to Philip Sober.  

imputed - estimated, charged (as a fault), attributed

stress - to lay the stress or emphasis on, emphasize (a word or phrase in speaking).

kneedeep - so deep as to reach to the knee + deeply

tomkin - tampion (plug) + Tom King - 18th century Dublin actor (mentioned several times in 'The Pre-Victorian Drama in Dublin' by Hughes).

gentlewomanly - appropriate to a gentlewoman (a woman of noble birth, a woman of quality).

salaam - the Oriental salutation (as)salam (alaikum), Peace (be upon you). Hence applied to a ceremonious obeisance with which this salutation is accompanied, consisting (in India) of a  low bowing of the head and body with the palm of the right hand placed on the forehead.

meatman - a vendor of meat, butcher

Mr. Phelps - 19th century Dublin actor (mentioned several times in 'Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin' by Levey & O'Rorke).

playful - full of play, frolicsome; pleasantly humorous or jocular, merry + “And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.” (Genesis 4:3-5) 

peeler - one that peels; also, an instrument or machine for peeling + peeler (Slang) - policeman.

phizz - a hissing sound; a disturbance; champagne + phiz - face + Phiz - pen name of Hablot Knight Brown, who illustrated Dickens + 'And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell' (Genesis 4:5) + (notebook 1924): 'face fell'.

obverse - turned towards or against, opposite + Joyce's note: '- obverse of this less idiotic' ('less' replaces a cancelled 'more'; 'idiotic' not clear) + FDV: First these outrages were thought to have been instigated by either or both of the rushy hollow heroines but one shortly after drank carbolic with all her life before her shortly after and her sister in love, finding once while doing chores that she stripped well, felt began to feel her hat too small for her and took to [necking] selling her spare time in the haymows &. But a little thought will allow the facts to fall in and take up their due places. If violence to life, limb and goods has as often as not been the expression, direct or through male agents, of offended womanhood has not levy of blackmail from the earliest ages followed upon in worldlywise?

velveteen - a fabric having the appearance or surface of velvet, but made from cotton in place of silk; (pl.) - trousers or knickerbockers made of velveteen.

dimity - a stout cotton fabric, woven with raised stripes or fancy figures; usually employed undyed for beds and bedroom hangings, and sometimes for garments.

camelback - the back of a camel, having a back slightly curved upward

excess - the overstepping the limits of moderation; extravagant violation of law, decency, or morality; outrageous conduct (obs.)

instigate - to spur, urge on; to stir up, stimulate, incite, goad (now mostly to something evil) + SDV: First these outrages were thought to have been instigated by either or both of the rushy hollow heroines but one shortly after drank carbolic with all her life before her shortly after and her sister in love, finding once while doing chores that she stripped well, felt began to feel her hat too small for her and took to [necking] selling her spare time in the haymows &. + FDV: Of the 2 maids one, it is stated, drank carbolic while [of] the other [one], Barbara Feeney, we hear that she having discovered that she stripped well, her hat became too small for her and § 

either - each of the two, one or other of the two

rushy - resembling rushes, abounding with rushes; quick, hurried; Russian

hollow - having a hole inside; (of persons) insincere, empty, vain + PICTURE

shirt sleeves - being without a coat, marked by informality and directness + in one's shirt sleeves - with one's coat off.

mo gradh (mugra) (gael) - my love + magretta (it) - rather thin.

song I've a Terrible Lot to Do Today

lupula (l) - little she-wolf + lupa (l) - she wolf; prostitute.

lorette - a french courtesan (they went to church at Notre Dame de Lorette).

fit - impulse

carbolic = carbolic acid - a substance more systematically called phenol or phenyl alcohol + Joyce's note: 'she had drunk carbolic'.

pale - to grow pale or dim

soil - to defile or pollute with sin or other moral stain + soiled dove (Slang) - whore.

sister in law - the sister of one's spouse, the wife of one's brother

lupercalia - an orgy + Luperca (l) - she-wolf that suckled Romulus.

dodge - evade

chore - a small piece of domestic work, a little job, a piece of (time-consuming) drudgery.

strip - to unclothe, denude + (notebook 1922-23): 'he strips well'.

tease = strip tease

binocular - having two eyes

jamb - leg, shank

jimp - slender and trim, neat + jump

nautch - an entertainment in India consisting of dancing by professional dancing girls.

girlygirly - a girl, a little girl

fruitful - productive of good results, beneficial, profitable, remunerative + (notebook 1923): 'fruitful hat' O. Henry: The Four Million 201: 'Sisters of the Golden Circle': 'a girl in a loose tan jacket and a straw hat adorned with grapes and roses... The girl in the fruitful hat'.

hat - any office, position or occupation + (notebook 1922-23): 'her hat became too small' Evening Standard 27 Jan 1923, 6/3: 'Woman's Hair-Dyeing': 'Plaintiff stated that... she... had her hair dyed with "Inecta" at the shop. After about two hours her head began to swell until her hat was too small, and there was great pain'.

to take (one's) time - to allow oneself sufficient time (to do something); hence (sarcastically), to be 'quite long enough', i.e. too long: to loiter.

take to - to devote or apply oneself to, to adopt or take up as a practice, business or habit.

necking - embracing and caressing a member of the opposite sex

party - to attend parties and orher social gatherings

spare - having little flesh, not fat or plump, lean, thin

haymow - a part of a barn where hay is stored

lumber room - a room for the reception of lumber or disused chattels

ad hoc - for this purpose, to this end; for the particular purpose in hand or in view + huck - the hip, the haunch + hucken (ger) - squat.

intimacy - euphem. for sexual intercourse

love story

lease - to grant the possession or use of (lands, etc.) by a lease

churchyard - the yard or enclosed piece of ground in which a church stands; formerly almost universally used as a burial ground for the parish or district, and still so used, esp. in rural districts.

soft coal - a coal of low rank; coal that is easily cleft + (notebook 1922-23): 'soft coal (gems)'.

array - a series of things exhibited or displayed in line or order

trunk - the main stem of a tree, as distinct from the roots and branches

in fine - finally, in short, to sum up

coney - a rabbit; the flesh of the rabbit

alla zingara (it) - gipsy-like

chili = chilli - the dried pod of species of Capsicum or Red Pepper. The pods, which are acrid, pungent, and of a deep red colour when ripe, are largely used as a condiment.

dish up - to put (food) into a dish, and set it ready for a meal

Oscar - "Champion": son of Oisin, grandson of Fionn Mac Cumhail.

Mac Cumhail (mok kuil) (gael) - son of Cumhail; patronymic of Fionn.

houri - a nymph of the Muslim Paradise. Hence applied allusively to a voluptuously beautiful woman.

emerald - a precious stone of bright green colour

arrah - exp. of surprise or excitement + Arrah-na-poghue (Ir) - Arrah of the kiss.

lacesso (l) - teasing, provocation; to provoke, arouse, excite, stimulate + lascive - lascivious, wanton.

aslim! (Arabic) - surrender! + Arabic: 'Muslim' means 'one who is resigned' and 'Islam' means 'self-surrender'.

resigned - full of resignation, submissive, acquiescant

Leinster - province in Ireland

dotter - one who makes dots, to walk shakily, totter + daughter + dottir (Icelandic) - daughter.

MacMurrough, Dermot - king of Leinster and Kinsella, who persuaded Henry II to send Strongbow and other Normans to Ireland in 1172. + MacMurrough, Eve or Eva - daughter of Dermot MacMurnough. Orpen says her marriage to Strongbow was a symbol of the union of Ireland and England. Eve MacMurrough is, then, the first Irish bride "sold to the stranger." 

pitch - abode, the open air stand of one who conducts business on the street

perch - a resting place, an elevated or secure position or station

quarter - a particular division or district of a town or city, esp. that appropriated to a particular class or race of people.

Valkyrie - in Scandinavian mythology, one or other of the twelve war-maidens supposed to hover over battlefields and to conduct the fallen warriors to Valhalla.

pucker - a boxer, fighter

packing - the putting (of things) together compactly, as for transport, preservation, or sale.

perdition - utter destruction, complete ruin (now rare); Theol. The condition of final spiritual ruin or damnation, the future condition of the wicked and finally impenitent or unredeemed; the fate of those in hell, eternal death.

sfidare (it) - to challenge

disfido (l) - to distrust + ti sfido (it) - I challenge you + fido (it) - I trust; faithful.

topple - to cause to tumble over or fall headlong, to thrust over, overturn, throw down.

dug - obtained by digging, excavated

dgiahour = giaour - a term of reproach applied by the Turks to non-Mussulmans, esp. Christians.

angelus - a devotional exercise commemorating the mystery of the Incarnation, consisting of versicles and responses, and the Angelic Salutation three times repeated, said by Roman Catholics, at morning, noon, and sunset, at the sound of a bell rung for that purpose + Angelus mei (l) - Angel of me + Angelus Dei (l) - The Angel of God + angelus (l) - messenger.

Arcus-fortis (l) - Strong-bow: Earl of Pembroke, led Anglo-Norman invasion of Ireland + arco, forte (it) - bow, strong (i.e. 'Strongbow').

far off - far distant, remote + farfarus (l) - colt's foot (plant) + farfar (Danish) - grandfather (paternal).

bisavolo (it) - great grandfather

misbrand - to brand falsely or in misleading way + misbear - to misbehave or misconduct oneself.

behaviour - manner of conducting oneself in the external relations of life (also in pl.)

iridescent - glittering or flashing with colours which change according to the position from which they are viewed.

hue and cry - to pursue with hue and cry, to make an outcry; cry of alarm or pursuit

downright - with plain and blunt honesty, without ceremony

dope - a stupid person, a simpleton, a fool

Teufelsdrцckh, Professor - in Carlyle's Sartor Resartus + Teufelsdreck (ger) - devil's dung (implies disgusting filth).

reine = reign

shee = sidhe - the fairy folk of Ireland in gaelic folklore; she

shebeen queen - a woman who runs a shebeen (an unlicensed or illegally operated drinking establishment, any low wayside public house) + quean (Archaic) - a woman, girl; ill-bred woman, whore + Queen of Sheba {'The Land of Sheba - in French, Saba - is actually the land Sheba, the country of the Sabeans. The Sabeans of Persia were famous as magician-astrologers. The name was important enough to be adopted by the mediaeval magicians as a word of power, and it is often found inscribed in magical sigils and spells. This "magical power" idea is continued into the mythology of the mediaeval times, for in The Golden Legends, the Queen of Sheba, through the power of her magical prevision, recognizes that a piece of wood which was used as a bridge across a river was the Cross of Christ (Mark Hedsel: 'The Zelator')}.

kingly - in a kingly manner, royally, regally + (notebook 1924): 'a kingly monarch of royal line, regally robed'.

mien - the air, bearing, carriage or manner of a person, as expressive of character or mood.

regally - in a regal manner + Jespersen: The Growth and Structure of the English Language 135 (sec. 131): 'Kingly, royal, and regal: who is able to tell exactly how these adjectives differ in signification?'

exalted - elevated in rank, station, or public estimation

to give and take - to make mutual allowances, concessions, or compromises

min - abbr. of minute; to remember, to think, tell; to intend

trumpet - messanger, spokesman, a funnel shaped instrument for collecting, intensifying or directing sound.


ravenous - excessively hungry, voracious, gluttonous

lipping - pres. part. of lip

lill - to loll or hang (the tongue) out

zay = say

phrase by the beard of the prophet (Mohammed)

upter - bad or worthless, no good + eternity

rise and shine - a command to wake up and leave one's bed

shaft - an obelisk or column erected as a memorial

stele - an upright slab bearing sculptured designs or inscriptions

Phenicia - ancient land on the coast of Syria

obelizo (gr) - to mark with an obelos ("skewer": horizontal line used as critical mark to indicate a passage in a text is spurious.)

spout - that part of a fountain, pump, etc., from which the water issues + spot

pillar clock - any clock on a pillar + pobal (pubel) (gael) - people, the public + cloch (klukh) (gael) - stone + clog (klug) (gael) - bell, clock.

TOMAR'S WOOD - At the Battle of Clontarf, the aged Brian Boru followed the battle from Tomar's Wood, somewhere to the West of Clontarf, and there was slain. 

bewray - to reveal, expose (unintentionally, and usually what it is intended to conceal).

press gang - a group of journalists + erpress- (ger) - blackmail, exort.

score off - to get the better of, triumph over, to achieve a success

rued = reed

ob - - 'inversely', or 'in the opposite direction'

damnation - Theol. Condemnation to eternal punishment in the world to come; the fact of being damned, or doomed to hell; spiritual ruin; perdition + Matthew 15:14: 'And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch'.

Tatcho - English hair-restorer, marketed in 1877 by R. Sims + tatcho (Gipsy) - true + FDV: But a little thought will allow the facts to fall in and take up their due places. If violence to life, limb and goods has as often as not been the expression, direct or through male agents, of offended womanhood has not levy of blackmail from the earliest ages followed upon in worldlywise? 

tawnie yecks (Gipsy) - little ones, grandchildren

lump - a compact mass of no particular shape, a shapeless piece or mass; often with implication of excessive size, protuberant outline, or clumsiness.

pattern + pattin (Gipsy) - a leaf + patrin (Gipsy) - a Gipsy trail, handfuls of leaves or grass cast by the Gypsies on the road to denote to those behind the way which they have taken (in Borrow: Romano Lavo-Lil).

limb - an organ of the body

chattels - a movable possession; any possession or piece of property other than real estate or a freehold.

often as not - very often, usually

levy - the amount or number levied (the action of collecting an assessment, duty, tax, etc.)

blackmail - any payment extorted by intimidation or pressure, or levied by unprincipled officials, critics, journalists, etc. upon those whom they have it in their power to help or injure. Now usu. a payment extorted by threats or pressure, esp. by threatening to reveal a  discreditable secret.

in it (Anglo-Irish) - alive, existing

fain - gladness, joy (obs.); to take to gladly, show preference for (rare.)

wilde = wild

blossoms + song Lilly Dale: 'O the wild rose blossoms'.

Joyce's note (notebook 1923): 'a whispered reputation' / for strange sins' > Oscar Wilde 34: Willie Wilde came over to London and got employment as a journalist and was soon given almost a free hand by the editor of the society paper "The World". With rare unselfishness, or, if you will, with Celtic clannishness, he did a good deal to make Oscar's name known.  Every clever thing that Oscar said or that could be attributed to him, Willie reported in "The World".  This puffing and Oscar's own uncommon power as a talker; but chiefly perhaps a whispered reputation for strange sins, had thus early begun to form a sort of myth around him.  He was already on the way to becoming a personage; there was a certain curiosity about him, a flutter of interest in whatever he did; (MS 47471b-20, ILA: followed ^+a whispered reputation+^ unwordlywise ^+sins+^ | JJA 45:163 | probably Nov 1923 | ).

inspired - infused or communicated by divine or supernatural power, prompted by, or emanating from, an influential (but unavowed) source + song By Memory Inspired.

hole in the wall - any small, obscure place; spec. in the U.S., a place where alcoholic drinks are sold illegally + HOLE IN THE WALL - Public house, aka Blackhorse Tavern, halfway between Cabra Gate and Ashtown Gate in Blackhorse Lane, which runs along North wall of Phoenix Park. 

blyant (Danish) - "pencil".

Peannlueamoore = peann-luaidhe mфr (Ir.) - "big lead-pencil"

Once upon a time and a very good time it was... ('A Portrait of the Artist as the Young Man') + hoog (Dutch) - high.

VALHALLA - In Scandinavian myth, the hall in Gladsheim (Odin's home) destined for the reception of dead heroes. Finnegans Wake associates it particularly with Phoenix Park, esp the Hollow and the Hole in the Wall.  

there + before metal or anger in Ireland 

фre фr (Armenian) - day by day + еr (Danish) - year.

here + Orr, William - United Irishman, alluded to in the street ballad "By Memory Inspired" which is quoted here. 


dair (der) (gael) - oak tree; letter D + phrase: there's hair!: there's a girl with a lot of hair! (catch-phrase of the early 20th century) + der (Armenian) - Mr, sir (form of address to secular clergy).

hayr (Armenian) - father (form of address to regular clergy).

digin (Armenian) - Mrs

horde - a great company, esp. of the savage, uncivilized, or uncultivated; a gang, troop.

ort - a morsel left at a meal, leaving, refuse, scrap, bit [James Joyce: Ulysses.9.1094: 'Ay. I will serve you your orts and offals'] + ortus (l) - a rising, beginning, origin + Ort (ger) - place, village + orti (Armenian) - son; young man.

orior (l) - to rise, appear; to spring from, to originate + фriort (Armenian) - young lass.

garble - to select or sort out the best in (any thing or set of things); to take the pick of.

garthen - garden + the garden of Eden - the abode of Adam and Eve at their creation, Paradise.

Odin - called the All-father, the chief deity of Norse mythology

Paradise + John Milton: "Paradise Lost" + Pleiades or Seven Sisters - in Greek myth, they were hunted by Orion and his dog on earth, in the sky. The lost Pleiad is Merope, who hides her light for sorrow at the fall of Troy, or for shame at having had sex with Sisyphus, a mortal.


Eve + ave (l) - hail!

Armen (ger) - poor people + Amen

dun (dun) (gael) - fort + dun - dark, dusky (from absence of light); murky, gloomy + doun (Armenian) - house.

menag (Armenian) - solitary, alone

Lousavorich (Armenian) - Illuminator (title given to Saint Gregory, first patriarch of Armenia) + gained retarded access to the kitchen through the subadjacent scullery, ignited a lucifer match by friction... (Ulysses, 546).

barekeadz (Armenian) - living a good life

shoeshine - a polish given to shoes + shoushan (Armenian) - lily; feminine name.

shoudov (Armenian) - hastily, quickly

ogg - a shilling + eggs + ogi (Armenian) - spirit + oog (Dutch) - eye.

gaggle - cackle; a flock of geese, bunch, a number of related things; a company of women.

Ishtar - Babylonian fertility goddess, the planet Venus.

aster (gr) - a star

Saorstat Eireann - the "Free State" or "Republic" of Ireland

Stonehenge - name of a celebrated stone circle on Salisbury Plain; hence applied allusively to similar structures elsewhere + FDV: First, there was a gateway for the suroptimist had bought and enlarged that shack under fair rental of 1 yearling sheep, value of 6d & 1 small pig, value 8d, to grow old & happy in for the remaining years and when everything was got up for the purpose he put a gate on the place and the gate was locked to keep HCE in, in case he felt like sticking out his chest too far and tempting providence. It ought to be always remembered that there was a commercial stopping in the hotel before that and he missed six pounds fifteen and he found his overcoat disturbed. The gate business was all threats & abuse. Humphrey's unsolicited visitor said through the gate first that he would break his head next that he would then break the gate over his head and finally give him his (Humphrey's) blood to drink. He demanded drink and kept abusing him from ten thirty till one in the afternoon without a lunch interval. Earwicker, longsuffering, under restraint in the sitting-out corner of his conservatory, [though it was as easy as kisshand for him to call up Crumlin Exchange,] with only his thermos flask by him compiled a long list to be kept on file (now feared lost) of all the abusive names he was called (informer, old fruit, funnyface, yellow whig, Bogsides, muddle, plander) but did not other wise reply beyond such sedentarity because, as he afterwards explained, touching his wounded feelings, the dominican mission was on at the time & he thought that might reform him. The more considerably unpleasant bullocky finally before he rang off pegged a few stones, all of a size, [and then, possibly but seeing the seriousness of what he had not done, made him leave the stones & having sobered up somewhat,] left the scene after exhorting him to come out outside so that he cd burst him up, proceeding in the direction of the deaf & dumb institute.

for another thing - as another point to be noted

sur - - above

rental - an amount paid as rent

yearling - a year old; in its second year

hogg = hog - pig, sow, boar; to take or grasp selfishly + Hogg, James (1770-1835) - "The Ettrick Shepherd," Scottish writer whose Confessions of a Justified Sinner is used in FW, as Mr Atherton has pointed out.  

kidd - to make known, to exhibit, display

get up - to make preparations for, to organize, finnish

on the place - on the spot, than and there, immediately

by no means - in no possible way, in no degree

pretext - that which is put forward to cover the real purpose or object; the ostensible reason or motive of action; an excuse, pretence, specious plea.

bedstead - strictly, the place occupied by a bed; but long ago transferred to the wooden or metal stand on which a bed is raised; the framework of a bed.

in lieu of = in the stead of - to take the place of, represent, do duty for + loo - a place of shelter.

thereof - of that, of it; from that cause; at the place, there

keep out - to cause to remain without, to prevent from getting in

donkey - ass; a stupid or silly person

jag - a sharp projection or tooth on an edge or surface; a sharp or rugged point of rock, etc. + (notebook 1924): 'pigdirt hanging from the jags'.

thenabouts - near that time, about then

gape - a rent or opening of any kind + gate  + (notebook 1924): 'iron gape'.

Connacht Tribune 16 Feb 1924, 5/3: 'House Burning': 'The door of witness's sister's house had been hasped. -"Why was it?" inquired the Recorder. -Witeness: We had killed a goat, and the door was hasped in order to prevent the cat getting at the goat (laughter)' [(notebook 1924): 'door has pen to prevent the cat getting at goat'].

pat - reduplicated, to express repetition

on purpose - indicating the ground or reason of action

poort (Dutch) - gate + poorters (Dutch) - citizens.

enauter - lest, in case that

providence - the foreknowing and beneficent care and government of God (or of nature, etc.)

unused - unaccustomed

clod - to throw clods of earth at

by the by - incidentally + FDV: It ought to be always remembered that there was a commercial stopping in the hotel before that and he missed six pounds fifteen and he found his overcoat disturbed. The gate business was all threats & abuse.

we + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 607: 'The wee bag of Praties'.

brag - to vaunt, talk boastfully, boast oneself

pratie - potato

(notebook 1923): 'what has gone before (story)'

betreffen (ger) - to take place, to happen + Betreffender (ger) - "beforementioned","the person under consideration".

summer holidays + Zimmer (ger) - room.

dig - to lodge, dwell (colloq.)

puncheon - a short piercing weapon, a dagger; a large cask for liquids, fish, etc.

dick - fellow, man, penis, ditch

free house - a British inn not commited to the purchase of supplies from a particular brewery.

LEIXLIP - Lax-hlaup, old Dan "salmon leap." Leixlip marked the West boundary of Dublin's occupation by the Scandinavians who according to their custom claimed territory "as far as the salmon swims upstream." 

sockeye salmon - a small Pacific salmon (Amer. Indian sukai 'fish of fishes') [(notebook 1924): 'where the salmon were stopping'].

fasting - a season of abstinence from food, a fast

commercial - a man engaged in commerce + Kommerzial (ger) - commercial + Joyce's note: 'what has gone / before (story)' > MS 47471b-20, BMA: It ought to be always remembered ^+in connection with what has gone before+^ that there was a commercial stopping in the hotel | JJA 45:163 | probably Nov 1923 |

corpo di Bacco (it) - by Jove! (confusion between voiced and unvoiced consonants, typical of German pronunciation of Italian).

wreak - to take vengeance, to avenge or revenge + working

Zentral (ger) - central

oil rubber - in Engraving, a roll of woollen cloth moistened with oil, used for cleaning plates, etc.

Osterreich (ger) - Austria


Gaul - an inhabitant of ancient Gaul, a Frenchman + Gaul (ger) - horse, nag.

God save the mark - Used to suggest that a statement one has just made is surprising, untrue or unreasonable.

gosh - an oath or exclamation


Roman - a member or adherent of the Roman Catholic Church; a Roman Catholic + ..."nomads!) / and he missed a soft felt hat and, take this in, six quid fifteen / of conscience money"... (the first *transition* galley proof, Level 6, lacks a full typed line from the typescript which was its model, Level 5. Thus a kind of sense is made by what remains, but it makes a lot more sense of the plot if it is the important six pounds fifteen which is conscience money rather than the eleven shillings rent (a number mostly important for being part of 1132). This would be the first mention of the sum, which appears next when the attacker mocks HCE during the struggle on the hill by asking "Was six victolios fifteen pigeon takee offa you" as they struggle, and which he offers to pay back when he seems to be losing the fight, when "he would pay him back the six vics odd...for what was taken on the man of samples...." (FW82.12-13, 27-8). Joyce clearly intended us to understand that the money taken from the "northroomer", the "man of samples" (he was a "commercial" up until Level 3 when he became a "northroomer"), was the same as that discussed in the obscure fight on the hill, but because of this typesetter's error we have no way of knowing that. Knowing it doesn't solve all the problems of reference in these passages, but it certainly makes a connection we were supposed to have.) (Dirk Van Hulle / Lost & Found).

conscience money - money sent to relieve the conscience, e.g. in payment of a tax previously evaded, esp. in connexion with the income-tax; also, money paid to ease one's conscience + Irish Independent 14 Jun 1924, 2/1: 'SPECIAL NOTICES': 'CONSCIENCE Money. - The Minister of Finance acknowledges receipt of Ј2 10/- from "Kilkenny"'.

Yule (Archaic) - Christmas

weil (ger) - because

swish - to move with a swish, to make the sound expressed by 'swish'


pleasure + blessure (fr) - wound.

swob = swap - to exchange, make an exchange + Schwaben (ger) - Swabia.

brogue - a strongly-marked dialectal pronunciation or accent; now particularly used of the peculiarities that generally mark the English speech of Ireland + James Joyce: A Portrait V: 'the broken lights of Irish myth'.

Brocken (ger) - morsel, crumb + deutch (ger) - German.

reporterage - reportage

der Fall Adams (ger) - the case of Adam

franco furto (it) - unpunished theft

siding - an action of taking sides + Frankfurter Zeitung has been noted since the 19th century for its commercial and business reporting. 

fastland - mainland, continent

periodical - a magazine published at regular intervals

er - exp. of hesitation + er (ger) - he.

constate - to ascertain, state

Brian O'Linn - Irish ballad hero, first to wear clothes, make them of simple materials like sheepskin, shells, etc. 

Melton - a kind of broadcloth; The name of a town in Leicestershire (more fully Melton Mowbray), a famous hunting centre. Used attrib. in Melton jacket, a kind of jacket formerly worn by hunters.

lamb's wool - soft wool shorn from lambs + Lammswolle (ger) - lamb's wool.

wider = whither, wither + und weiter (ger) - and further.

Zurich - the name of a city on Lake Zurich in Switzerland + zurьckschicken (ger) - send back.

thousand + tosen (ger) - roar, rage + tausend und abertausend (ger) - thousands and thousands.

ober (ger) - higher, upper

Donnerwetter (ger) - thunder weather

monkey business - action likely to cause trouble, esp. tricks or unlawful activities + monkey (Slang) - Ј500.

fransman (Dutch) - Frenchman

Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 622: 'I'll make my love a breast of glass'.


bandstand - a platform or other structure for the use of a band of musicians

butchery - a slaughter-house, shambles; cruel and wanton slaughter, carnage + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 991: 'Ree Raw, or The Butchers' March'.

patsy - a person on whom blame is foisted; a butt of ridicule, one with eccentric behavior + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 1339: 'Paddy O'Snap'.

obuses - pl. of obuse - an artillery shell + abuses

roebuck - the buck or male of the roe-deer; a male roe + roebuck's laugh + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 1305: '"I will go to the mountain" or, "to the Roebuck pinnacles"' + Rubek dies on a mountain in Henrik Ibsen's "When We Dead Awaken".

pinnacle - any natural peaked formation; esp. a lofty rock or stone pointed at the top, a peak + song Finnegans Wake, chorus: 'Lots of fun at Finnegan's Wake'.

davy = affidavit + FDV: Humphrey's unsolicited visitor said through the gate first that he would break his head next that he would than break the gate over his head and finally gave him his (Humphrey's) blood to drink.

Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 983: 'Ancient Clan March'.

man about town - a man who frequents clubs, theathers, balls... + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 852: 'The highly excellent good man of Tipperoughny'.

Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 558: 'The Belfast Mountain'.

starling - any bird of the passerine genus Sturnus + Stalingrad + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 819: 'Alas, that I'm not a little starling bird'.

bierd = burd - lady + Bier (ger) - beer + bird

Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 883: 'Long Dance'.

Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 757: 'Adieu ye young men of Claudy green'.

depose - to lay down, put down (anything material); to give evidence upon oath in a court of law + Posen - city in Poland.

black stump - Austral. colloq., a place imagined to be the last outpost of civilization + Bock (ger) - goat + bock (fr) - glass of beer.

quaker - one who, or that which, quakes; a member of the Religious Society of Friends, founded by George Fox in 1648-50 + cracker - a pistol (obs. slang.); a kind of firework which explodes with a sharp report or a succession of sharp reports.

mouse-hole - a hole used by a mouse for passage or abode; a hole only big enough to admit a mouse. Also transf. and fig.

bleat - to cry as a sheep, babble, prate

gale - a wind of considerable strength

tailor + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 1211: 'The taylor of the cloth'.

suiter = suitor + hirsute - having rough or shaggy hair; hairy, shaggy.

Bolshevik - a supporter of Bolshevism. Also transf., esp. as a term of reproach for an out-and-out revolutionary.

heeltap - the liquor left at the bottom of a glass after drinking

gage - an instrument for measuring or testing, a gauging-rod

lanky - awkwardly or ungracefully lean and long + duckling - a young duck + ugly duckling - the cygnet, in one of Hans Andersen's tales, hatched with a brood of ducklings, and despised for its clumsiness until it grew into a swan.

monkeywrench - a wrench or spanner having a movable jaw

stirabout - a bustle, a state of confusion (fig.); a bustling person

temperance - attrib. usually, Pertaining to, practising, or advocating total abstinence, as temperance address, association, badge, drink, lecture, man, meeting, movement, reformation, ship, society, work.

blood is thicker than water - the relationship between people of the same family is stronger than other relationships.

step brother - a son by a former marriage of one's stepfather or stepmother + steppe - one of the vast comparatively level and treeless plains of south-eastern Europe and Siberia.

Brodhar or Brodar - Danish sorcerer who killed Brian Boru

wood alcohol - crude methyl alcohol obtained from wood by destructive distillation + FDV: He demanded drink and kept abusing him from ten thirty till one in the afternoon without a lunch interval.

pitch in - to begin, to set to work vigorously

allege - to advance (a statement) as being able to prove it; hence, to assert without proof.

o'clock + Dan O'Connell + song My Grandfather's Clock.

isba - a Russian log hut + izba (Russian) - cottage.

oven - furnace; a cremation chamber; spec. one of the chambers used by the Germans during the war of 1939-45 for the cremation of Jewish corpses.

irsk (Danish) - Irish

Irkutsk - town in Russia + uisce (ishki) (gael) - water.

wrath - vehement or violent anger + water flood - a body or mass of water in flood.

artillery + Atilla.

wicked - excellent, splendid, remarkable (slang.)

(to go etc.) at a...rate - degree of speed in moving from one place to another; the ratio between the distance covered and the time taken to traverse it.

weather - to wear away, disintegrate, or discolour by atmospheric action

mixed metaphor - the combination of two or more inconsistent metaphors in one figure.

luncheonette - a place where light lunches are sold [Joyce's note: 'luncheonette']

clod - soil, ground, earth; applied depreciatively to the human body as being a mass of 'clay'.

pattern - the original proposed to imitation, the archetype, an exemplar + FDV: Earwicker, longsuffering, under restraint in the sitting-out corner of his conservatory, [though it was as easy as kisshand for him to call up Crumlin Exchange,] with only his thermos flask by him compiled a long list to be kept on file (now feared lost) of all the abusive names he was called (informer, old fruit, funnyface, yellow whig, Bogsides, muddle, plander) but did not other wise reply beyond such sedentarity because, as he afterwards explained, touching his wounded feelings, the dominican mission was on at the time & he thought that might reform him.

paradigmatic - serving as a pattern, exemplary

receptor - one who receives + representive

Dionysius - two tyrants of Syracuse. Dionysius I deported Plato. The elder listened to the talk of his prisoners by means of a whispering gallery, called "The Ear of Dionysius." 

longsuffering - bearing provocation or trial with patience

whiten - to grow white, turn or become white

restraint - an instance of restraining or of being restrained

out corner - an outlying, remote, or out-of-the-way corner or spot

conservatory - a place where things are preserved or kept securely; a greenhouse for tender flowers or plants.

thermos - vacuum bottle

rhipidion (gr) - a small bellows + rhipis (gr) - a fan.

flabel - fan

walrus - the sea-horse

whisker - each of a set of projecting hairs or bristles growing on the upper lip or about the mouth of certain animals + bristle - a short, stiff, pointed or prickly hair or similar appendage on some animals.

tusk - a long pointed tooth + toothpick

compile - to collect and put together (materials), so as to form a treatise; to collect into a volume.

wild goose - a nickname for the Irish Jacobites who went over to the Continent on the abdication of James II and later; flighty or foolish person.

abusive - employing or containing bad language or insult; scurrilous, reproachful.

rejoicement - joy, exultation, rejoicing

fine + foinne (fwini) (gael) - knead, bake; dress; make tidy + fionn (fin) (gael) - fair.

ladies + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 566: 'The rejoicement of the Fian Ladies - an Ossianic air'.


milltown - a sort of drug + Milton, John (1608-74) - English poet, author of Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained. Milton was not just a poet, but also a politician, secretary to Cromwell, who was beastly to Ireland. Milton was a blind poet, like Homer + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 941: 'The Humours of Milltown. A Clare Jig'.

brewster - brewer + Noah Webster

collision - the coming together of sounds with harsh effect + collection

contestation - an act of contesting, competition

Eckermann, Johann Peter (1792-1854) - author of Conversations with Goethe

low water - a depressed, degraded or embarassed state

free - a person of noble birth or breeding; a knight or lady

celestial - a heavenly being; a Chinese

Cluain Tarbh (klun toriv) (gael) - Bull Meadow, site of Brian Boru's defeat of Danes, 1014; anglic. Clontarf.

firstnighter - a spectator habitually present at first night performances

informer - one who informs against another; one who lays an information; spec. one who makes it his business to detect offenders against penal laws and to lay informations against them.

old fruit - a term of familiar address

yellow - craven, cowardly

whiggery - rebellion

wheatear - a small passerine bird; an ear of wheat

goldy - golden, resembling gold + gold (Norwegian) - sterile, barren; dry, failing to give milk

geit - a border on a garment + gate + geit (Norwegian, Dutch) - goat.

backside - the rear, rump

song Yes, We Have No Bananas

YORK - City, Yorkshire, North England + some folk etymologies derive the name York either from Old English 'eofor wic': "boar place", or from Old English 'eorwic': "earwig" + York's Porker - combines Francis Bacon, whose town residence was York House, and Richard III, whose crest was a boar.  

porker - a young hog fattened for pork; a fat or porcine person + The badge of Richard III was not the White Rose, but a boar + porker (Slang) - Jew + song Hokey Pokey.

funny face - a joc. and colloq. form of address

bump - to strike heavily or firmly + song At Trinity Church I Met My Doom.

grease - the melted or rendered fat of animals; butter; flattery, wheedling

butter - unctuous flattery

opendoor - done with open doors, public

auspice - any divine or prophetic token; premonition; esp. indication of a happy future.

Cain and Abel

Swift called the Bank of Ireland "The Wonderful Wonder of Wonders" in a satire in 1720 + (notebook 1924): '8th wonder of world'.

to beat the price - to endeavour to bring down the price, to chaffer for the lowest terms.

moonface - a moon shaped face

hoary - having white or grey hair, grey-haired; ancient, venerable from age, time-honoured.

hairy - having much hair, hirsute; out of date, passe; frightening, crude, clumsy.

hoax - a humorous or mischievous deception, usually taking the form of a fabrication of something fictitious or erroneous, told in such a manner as to impose upon the credulity of the victim; one who is a deception, 'a fraud' + i.e. Jacob

sunburst - a sudden flash of sunlight [James Joyce: Ulysses.15.1469: 'Bloom's weather. A sunburst appears in the northwest' (at midnight)] +  song The Midnight Son.

remove that bauble! - Cromwell, when dissolving the Rump Parliament; bauble = mace; Earwicker was once a member of the Rump (see, 127.33); Joyce comments in his turn on Cromwell by rendering the order as 'remove that Bible' (Hart, Clive / Structure and motif in Finnegans wake).

hebdomadary - weekly + REVUE HEBDOMADAIRE - Weekly journal of literature and the arts, published in Paris since 1892. 


Tamerlane - lame Timur, appellation of Timur, the great Tartar conqueror 1335 - 1405.

tyrannous - marked by tyranny, opressive

blue clay - a clay of this colour + Buckley

tight (Slang) - drunk

acoustic - pertaining to the sense of hearing, used in hearing, auditory

dook - duck + Duke

ARGYLE - County, West Scotland. Scotland highlanders once said "God Bless the Duke of Argyle" when they scratched themselves. The Duke erected scratching posts for his cattle, and the herdsmen used them, too. 

W.D. - war department

gibbering - that gibbers (to chatter, talk nonsense); unmeaning; unintelligible

Mundzuk - Attila's father + Mund (ger) - mouth + Zucker (ger) - sugar.

growler - a four-wheeled cab; a container (as a can or pitcher) for beer

Burnham - the name of Harry Lawson Webster Levy-Lawson, first Viscount Burnham (1862-1933), who was chairman of the Standing Joint Committee of Education Authorities and Teachers, set up on the 12th Sept. 1919; hence applied to the scale of salaries, etc., recommended by this committee and periodically revised + BURNHAM LIGHTHOUSE - Burnham-on-Sea, on the Severn estuary South-West of Bristol, in Somerset, England, has 2 lighthouses, one a unique wooden construction on the sands.

Bailey - the seat of the Central Criminal Court, so called from the ancient bailey or ballium of the city wall between Lud Gate and New Gate, within which it was situated.) + BAILEY LIGHTHOUSE - Lighthouse, South-East tip of Howth.  

artist (Anglo-Irish) - rogue

homely - belonging to home, familiar, intimate + holy

terry - Of pile-fabrics: Looped, having the loops that form the pile left uncutan; absorbent cotton or linen cloth used for making towels, beachwear, babies' napkins, etc.; in the U.S. called terry cloth.

cotter - an entanglement; fig. a difficulty, trouble, worry + terra cotta - a hard unglazed pottery of fine quality.

Waterford - city in SE England + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 450: '"Your welcome to Waterford"'.


ribbonman - a member of roman catholic secret society founded in Ireland in 1808 in opposition to the landlord class + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 993: 'The Ribbonman's march'.

lobsterpot - a basket or similar structure serving as a trap to catch lobsters + lobsterpot (Slang) - vulva + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 567: 'The Lobster pot'.

lordling - a little or puny lord: often in contemptuous sense + lard (Slang) - copulate.

Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 1144: 'Arthur of this town'.

hoosh - an exclamation used in driving animals, etc. + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 946: 'Hush the cat from the bacon - a Cork jig'.

Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 393: 'Leather bags Donnel'.

pauper - to make a pauper of; to reduce to the condition of a pauper + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 1416: '"The ace and deuce of pipering" - a set dance'.

Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 350: 'O'Reilly's Delight'.

borrel - a carpenter's tool for boring holes in wood + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 886: 'Kiss the maid behind the barrel' + achter de borrel (Dutch) - taking a drop, boozing (literally 'behind the drink') [borrel (Dutch) - a drink, a dram] + song The Piper's Tunes: 'He played of Bonaparte who crossed the Alps in winter, / The Union hornpipe, and the Killinick fox hunters, / The song of Patrick's Day, and the jig of Paddy Carroll / and each boy will Kiss the Maid behind the whiskey barrel.'

Gogmagog - a giant, a man of immense stature and strength

swad - bumpkin, lout; soldier + sweet

paddlefoot - infantryman

gouty - affected with gout

ghibeline - a member of an aristocratic political party in Italy supporting the authority of German emperors from 13 - 15 th. centuries.

Luther, Martin (1483-1546) - German religious reformer

hatch - to bring forth young birds from the egg by incubation

muddle - to mix up blunderingly or sophistically, to bungle, mismanage (an affair).

wedlock - the marriage vow or obligation, the condition of being married

tanner - one whose occupation is to tan hides or to convert them into leather; a sixpence (Slang) + Tanner, John (anglicized Don Juan Tenorio) - hero of Shaw's Man and Superman

make - a halfpenny (Dublin Slang)

connie - an unknown person, stranger

piebald - a person of mixed character, a mongrel + James Joyce: Ulysses.6.323: 'Piebald for bachelors' (Bloom musing on the colour of funeral horses).

puff puff - locomotive; an imitaion of the sound of a steam engine

purge - to remove by some cleansing or purifying process or operation, to expel.

Burke's pub, Dublin (which Stephen and Bloom are forced to leave at the end of Ulysses.14).

one of my cousins (Slang) - a whore


grunt - the characteristic low gruff sound made by a hog; an infantry soldier

factotum - a man of all-work; also, a servant who has the entire management of his master's affairs.

lycanthrope - a person displaying lycantrophy, warewolf

flunkey - a male servant in livery, esp. a footman, lackey; usually with implied contempt.

beadle - one who makes a proclamation, one who delivers the message; a parish constable + song 'Yankee Doodle went to London just to ride a pony'.

vamp - a simple musical accompaniment improvised for the occation; to  invent, concoct, improvise for a solo, to improvise tune.

Clontarf + Dorf (ger) - village.

on approval - goods sent to a customer for his examination only (without obligation to purchase) + (notebook 1924): 'one boot sent on approval' Connacht Tribune 26 Apr 1924, 8/5: (advertisement) 'Women's Farm Boots. The ideal Boot for all outside workers... ONE BOOT SENT on approval for 9d. in stamps'.

cumberer - one who cumbers (to occupy obstructively, to block up or fill with what hinders freedom of movement).

The Holy Ground, Cobh, County Cork: a red-light district where sailors used to enjoy themselves while ashore (song The Holy Ground is about it) + (notebook 1924): 'God's Ground'.

stodge - a slow plodding person + stage - conventionalized, stereotyped.

Irishman + Arschmann (ger) - assman.


yuke - itch, itching

tommy - simpleton, fool; a british soldier

furlong - eighth part of an English mile + Furlong, Thomas (1794-1827) - as Mr Staples says, Irish poet, author of The Plagues of Ireland (1824), a plea for Catholic Emancipation. 

plague - anything causing trouble, annoyance, or vexation; a nuisance; colloq. trouble.


cabbager (Slang) - a tailor

Ceannfhaoladh (gael) - "wolf-head"

nancy - an effeminate male, homosexual

scuttle - a large open basket wide at the mouth and narrow at the bottom, usually of  wickerwork, used for carrying corn, earth, vegetables, etc.

salary grab - an opprobrious term for the act of the U.S. Congress of 1873 by which the salaries of congressmen were increased.

Andy MacNish (Rhyming Slang) - fish

up in Annie's room (behind the clock) (Military Slang) - reply to enquiry about person's whereabouts (implies he is a 'bit of a lad').

awl - a small tool, having a slender, cylindrical, tapering, sharp-pointed blade, with which holes may be pierced; shoemaker + all

Bratsche (ger) - viola

Lombard Street - In the center of the City of London, it was the highquarters of the Lombard bankers before the 17th century, and still stands for high finance + Lombard Street West, Dublin (where the Blooms of used to live).

bester - one who gets the better of others by fraudulent means

sublime porte - the Ottoman court at Constantinople; the Turkish government

ban - anathematization, curse + ban, baen (Irish) - woman + ban (Cornish) = ban (Welsh) - mountain, height + Ban (Anglo-Irish) - Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland.

song 'The Wren, the Wren, the King of All Birds'

bom - bum; the sound of a gun

sur = sir

Ophelian - characteristic of Ophelia

cutprice - having or offered at reduced prices + culprit.

one + wan (Chinese) - ten thousand; a large number.

Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 838: 'Castle Costello'.

rope - a number of onions etc. plaited together + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 1336: 'A bed of feathers and ropes'.

rattler - a stutterer; a remarkably good horse + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 348: 'Horace the Rake'.

Fingal - Finn's name in Macpherson's Ossian poems. Fingal is a Scottish hero who comes to Ireland and fights the Danes. The Irish called certain Norse invaders, fingal or fingall, meaning "fair stranger" + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 602: 'The sons of Fingal'.

swayed - bent + Thomas Moore: Irish Melodies: song Sweet Innisfallen.

Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 816: 'A woman and twenty of them'.

fair - a lovely woman + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 827: 'Mammie will you let me to the Fair'.

pop goes the weasel - dance in which each dancer in turn is popped under the arms of a couple with joined hands + Stanford: Complete Collection of Irish Music as Noted by George Petrie no. 1051: 'Plough whistle'.

trader - one whose business is trade or commerce, a dealer or trafficker

vee - "V" + he + nursery rhyme A Was an Archer.

vintner - one who deals in or sells wine, a wine-merchant; an innkeeper selling wine.

sower - a planter of seed, one who spreads abroad something esp. what is obnoxious or objectionable, a promoter of discord.

Armenian - of or pertaining to Armenia or the Armenians + Joyce's note: 'Armenian Atrocity'.

(notebook 1922-23): 'sick fish belly up'

Edomite - a member of an ancient people who were descended from Esau and who lived near dead sea [f. Edom, another name for Esau].

devoid - to empty, remove, to make void or empty + (notebook 1924): 'devoid of the ordinary instincts of the Irish native'.

commoner - comparative of common (a.)

humor + BAD HOMBURG - Aka Homburg, or Homburg von den Hohe; city in Hesse state, Germany; resort and spa. Homburg hats were first made here. 

rabrab (Danish) - 'quackquack', 'duck' in baby talk + raab (Danish) - shout.

miching - cringing, sneaky, whining + miching (obs) - playing truant, skulking, shrinking from view; pilfering, cheating.

Put your best foot foremost.

Woolworth - the name of the retailing company (orig. sixpenny store) F. W. Woolworth PLC, used attrib. to designate low-priced goods regarded as typical of its merchandise.

philosophist - one who philosophizes or speculates erroneously

Joyce's note (notebook 1923): 'pig's bastard' > The Four Million, 'An Unfinished Story' 175-6: Piggy needs but a word. When the girls named him, an undeserving stigma was cast upon the noble family of swine.[...] He was fat; he had the soul of a rat, the habits of a bat, and the magnanimity of a cat.... (MS 47471b-21, LMA: mister fatmeat ^+goutty ghibellins, yorky porker, white elephant, poison booser, guineapig's bastard+^ | JJA 45:165 | probably Nov 1923 | ).

fast - the action of fasting, abstinence from food; arrogance, pompousness

custody - safe keeping, protection, defence; care, guardianship; confinement, imprisonment.

polis - police; a greak city state


allocution - a formal address or exhortation by a general to his soldiers; the action of addressing or exhorting.

deposed - put down from office or authority

anarchistically - rel. to anarchism, admitting no ruling power

invasive - tending to intrude upon the domain or to infringe the rights of another, intrusive.

watch word - a cautionary word or speech, a premonitory sign, a warning + Wedgwood - English Quaker family, maker of china. 

sedentary - accustomed or addicted to sitting still

as easy as kiss my hand, finger, etc. - used to denote the comparative ease of an action.

passive resistant - one who practices passive resistance (simple refusal to comply with some demand without active opposition).

booth - telephone booth

gripe - the action of griping, clutching, grasping or seizing tenaciously + police

ring up - to call (someone) by telephone

Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu: The House by the Churchyard, ch. 1: (begins) 'A.D. 1767'

fundamentalist - an adherent of fundamentalism; also, an economic or political doctrinaire (one who holds some doctrine or theory which he tries to apply without sufficient regard to practical considerations).

future + Fuchs (ger) - fox.

Dominican - of or pertaining to St. Dominic or to the order of friars (and nuns) founded by him.

mission - a special series or course of religious services, sermons, instructions, etc. organized in connexion with a particular church or parish for the purpose of stimulating the piety of believers and converting the unbelieving.


potty - a nursery word for a chamber-pot; crazy, mad + party

Romish - rel. to Roman Catholic religion, Roman

devotion - religious worship or observance; prayer and praise; religious earnestness + (notebook 1922-23): 'the Roman devotion known as benediction'.

rosary - a form of prayer or set of devotions consisting in the recitation or chanting of fifteen decades of Aves, each decade being preceded by a Paternoster and followed by a Gloria.

him + ihm (ger) - him.

gonn = gun + gonn- (ger) - grant, permit.

bullocky - a bullock-driver; language of the sort used by bullock-drivers, swearing + Bullock, Shane (1865-1935) - Irish novelist. In 1927 (Letters, III, 163) Joyce wrote: "More kilos of abuse about E. Mr Shane Bullock calls me a monster and Mr Ben Hecht a Jack the Ripper." 

ring off - to terminate a telephone call, hang up, to stop talking + FDV: The more considerably unpleasant bullocky finally before the he rang off pegged a few stones, all of a size, [and then, possibly but seeing the seriousness of what he had not done, made him leave the stones & having sobered up somewhat] left the scene after exhorting him to come out outside so that he cd burst him up, proceeding in the direction of the deaf & dumb institute.

peg - to aim (a missile) at + Pigott, Richard - obscure Irish journalist ("he played Falstaff to my Hal," Bernard Shaw wrote) who forged the letters which the Times published in "Parnellism and Crime." The forged letters linked Parnell to the assassinating-dynamiting faction of the Irish nationalists, indicated his approval of the Phoenix Park murders. Pigott's forgery was exposed when, before a government tribunal, he misspelt "hesitancy" as "hesitency." Pigott fled across Europe, pursued by Scotland Yard, and, in Madrid, he shot himself. In FW, the pursuit is mixed with the pursuit of Parnell. Who sent Pigott a-forging has not been surely established. FW seems to think it was Gladstone or the O'Sheas. (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake)

glatt (ger) - smooth + Gladstone, William Ewart (1809-98) - British prime minister, "The Grand Old Man" or "G.O.M .,"" The Grand Old Spider" (Parnell's, term), "William the Conqueror", "The People's William." His house was Hawarden + People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones (proverb) - people who have a fault should not criticize others for having that same fault. 

mock - a derisive or contemptuous action or speech; an act of mocking or derision

sour grapes - said proverbially with allusion to Æsop's fable of 'The Fox and the Grapes', when a person is heard to disparage something which it is suspected he would be glad to possess if he could.

wicket - a small door or gate made in, or placed beside, a large one, for ingress and egress when the large one is closed; also, any small gate for foot-passengers, as at the entrance of a field or other enclosure.


volley - to utter (words, etc.) rapidly or impetuously; to discharge (arrows, shot, etc.) in a volley + So slan abhaile (su slan avoyle) (gael) - Safe home here! Here is a "safe home"! (a farewell).

reconnoitre - to make an inspection or take observations of (an enemy, his strength, etc.)

semi - - half [(notebook 1924): '*C* semisubconscious']

polish off - to finish off quickly or out of hand, to do for or get rid of summarily (colloq. orig. Pugilistic slang).

bawling - shouting at the top of one's voice

leave down - let drop

grumus (l) - little heap, hillock

brook - a small stream, rivulet

pace - to move with paces or steps; to walk with a slow, steady, or regular pace

diable (fr) - devil

lionndubh (lyonduv) (gael) - black bile, melancholy + lionn dubh (lyon duv) (gael) - porter, stout.

flay - a fright

flegm - phlegm + fleg - a fright.

splash - to cause (a liquid or semi-liquid substance) to fly about, to scatter

spume - foam, froth, frothy matter + Plische and Plum - according to Mr Atherton, little characters (dogs) in a book by Wilhelm Busch. 

backblock - remote country

boor - any rude, ill-bred fellow

brusk - somewhat rough or rude in manner

put out - to put an end to, do away with, to extinguish

paleology - the science or study of antiquities + Paleologues - last dynasty of Byzantine emperors (1261-1453).

selfdenying ordinance - any course of action by which a person deprives himself of some advantage or benefit (Another member now proposed that no member of Parliament, whether of Lords or Commons, should hold any Government post, either as an officer in the army or in any other way. This he proposed, so that men like Essex, Manchester, Waller, and others, who had proved themselves to be poor generals, should be obliged to lay down their command. Then the Parliament would be free to choose what leaders they liked. At first the lords would not hear of this proposal. The nobles had always been leaders of the army, and they wished still to remain so; but after some time they gave way, and the famous Act, called the Self-Denying Ordinance, was passed. By this, every officer who was a member of Parliament was obliged to give up his command within forty days - English Civil War).

Heiland (ger) - Savior

dissenting - a differing in opinion, disagreement + dissecting

exhort - to admonish earnestly; to urge by stimulating words to conduct regarded as laudable.

seir - seer + sir


Kremlin - the citadel or fortifed enclosure within a Russian town or city; esp. that of Moscow.

broody - contemplative, (sullenly) meditative + bloody

gud (Danish) - god + James Joyce: Ulysses.1.366: 'fishgods of Dundrum'.

Gog - God

thim (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) - them

slog (Colloquial) - to hit, to strike

to go bail - to be certain + you go bail - you can be sure.

Pott's fracture - a fracture of the fibula close to the ankle, of a type described by Pott (in Remarks on Fractures & Dislocations (1769) 57-64) and due to eversion of the foot; loosely, any fracture of the lower fibula.

keddle - kiddy, kid + (notebook 1924): 'Kettle Flatnose' + Ketil Flatneb - one of the Viking conquerors of Dublin, father of Aud + phrase the pot calling the kettle black.

flat nose - one who has flat nose + Walsh: Scandinavian Relations with Ireland during the Viking Period 48: 'Ketill Flatnose, a famous chief in the Hebrides, all of whose family, with the exception of his son, Bjцrn the Easterner, adopted Christianity'.

"Nobody" - name Odysseus called himself to the Cyclops

Polyphemus - One of Homer's cyclops, one-eyed giant, outwitted by Ulysses or Noman, who got him drunk and blinded him.  

Connacht Tribune 19 Jul 1924, 3/4: 'Dunmore District Court': (husband's evidence in a marital dispute trial) 'I could not knock any rights out of her nor anybody else no more than me' [(notebook 1924): 'nor nothing else no more nor me'].

ag briseadh ag milleadh ag stracadh ag buaileadh (a brishe a mile a stroke a bule) (gael) - breaking destroying tearing beating.

song Malbruk s'en va

couplet - a pair of successive lines of verse, esp. when riming together and of the same length + (notebook 1924): 'heroic couplet'.

fugal - of, pertaining to, or of the nature of fugues

tropical - rel. to the tropics + topical - the subject of a discourse, argument, or literary composition; a matter treated in speech or writing; a theme.

elf (ger) - 11


obeyance - obedience

to bid goodbye to - to say farewell + to bite one's thumbs - indication of anger or vexation.

bandoleer - a broad belt, worn over the shoulder and across the breast (fitted with little loops, in which cartridges are suspended).

over + eer (Dutch) - honour.


drip drop - continuous dripping with alteration of sound + drap = drop.

polder - a piece of low-lying land reclaimed from the sea, a lake, or a river, from which it is protected by dikes: so called in the Netherlands; rarely used of similar land in other countries.

song "Off to Philadelphia in the Morning," about the Irish emigration to the US ('With my bundle on my shoulder / There's no one could be bolder / and I'm off to Philadelphia in the morning'). 

slouch - a stooping, or bending forward of the head and shoulders, in walking; a walk or gait characterized by this.

slips - bathing drawers

backword - rude answer + backwards

Healy, Timothy Michael (1855-1931) - Irish politician, protйgй of Parnell's, ratted on Parnell and joined the wolves and priests who hunted Parnell to death. Healy's clerical alliance explains FW's sneering references to him as "Healy Mary"; but Healy is most steadily seen as the disciple who dipped his hand in the same bowl and then betrayed Christ. Judas-Healy fits with the Healy-as-Brutus of Joyce's first-published, now lost work, a poem on the death of Parnell, "Et Tu Healy" + et cur Heli (l) - and why Heli? (modeled on et tu Brute? - and even you, Brutus?) 

duff - dough, paste; worthless, spurious, false, bad + deaf

lurch - to remain in or about a place furtively or secretly, esp. with evil design

moonshiny - insubstantial or unreal, visionary, nonsensical

gorge - a narrow opening between hills; a ravine with rocky walls, esp. one that gives passage to a stream.

bach - a small house + Bach (ger) - rivulet.

adieu - an expression of kind wishes at the parting of friends, sinking into a mere formula of civility at parting. Good-bye! farewell! + adyц (Volapьk) - adieu.

Rochelle - a seaport of western France. In the 16th century, it was the chief stronghold of the Huguenots; besieged by Richelieu 1627-28, it capitulated after great suffering.

exitur (l) - there is exiting, a going out takes place + exitus (l) - a going-out.

bully - worthy, 'jolly', admirable; resembling a bully or ruffian + bullock - Orig. a young bull, or bull calf; but afterwards, and in later times always, a castrated bull, an ox.

acre - a definite measure of land, originally as much as a yoke of oxen could plough in a day + BULLY ACRE - Ancient cemetery of Kilmainham, corner of SCR and Royal Hospital Road. Closed 1832 after thousands of burials in cholera epidemic. 

sieging - the action of besieging, a siege

archi - - first in authourity or order

citadel - the fortress commanding a city, which it serves both to protect and to keep in subjection + THE CASTLE - Dublin Castle, was first built on the site of an early Danish fortress by Henry de Londres, ca 1220; Originally a rectangular fortress, with 4 towers and a moat fed by the Poddie River, it was extensively rebuilt, esp in the 18th century. 

nestor - a wise elder counselor, a grand old man + Nestor - aged king of Pylos in Homeric poems.

Alexis - "Help": name of a shepherd in Vergil's 2nd Eclogue

wink - to give the tip, to make a sign

to give the word - to utter the password in answer to a sentinel's challenge

bar le duc - any preserve of whole fruit (as berries) + BAR-LE-DUC - Town, North-East France, South of Verdun. In the siege of the fortress of Verdun, 1916, it was the railhead for the fortifications. 

deoch an dorais (d'ukh un durish) (gael) - drink at the door, parting drink

BERGEN-OP-ZOOM - Town, North Brabant province, South Neth, at mouth of Zoom River, on the Scheldt estuary. Former a strongly fortified town, besieged in 1588, 1622, 1747, 1795, and 1814-15 + bangen (ger) - be afraid + bangen (Dutch) - those who are afraid + op (Dutch) - on.

yed - a song, poem, tale + yet + yed (Volapьk) - yet.

oxman - man who tends or drives oxen

chambered - furnished with a chamber or chambers. In Archæol., applied to a tomb containing a chamber or vault for the deposition of the dead; shut up in a chamber.

cairn - a pyramid of rough stones, raised for a memorial or mark of some kind

cloudlet - a little cloud + litter - material used as bedding for animals; odds and ends, fragments and leavings lying about.

browse - the action of browsing (feeding upon young shoots and leaves of trees and shrubs).

coombe - a deep narrow valley, a valley on the flank of a hill + (notebook 1923): 'Coombe' + up hill and down dale - all over the place.

eolith - the name given to certain flints which have been found in Tertiary deposits in England, France, and elsewhere, which have been claimed to be the earliest traces of human handiwork, but whose origin is much disputed + (notebook 1922-23): 'eoliths of Kentish weald' + Vulgate John 19:13: 'lithostrotos' (Latin 'mosaic pavement'; on which Pilate's judgement seat was placed on Good Friday) + eolithostroton (gr) - piece of dawn-stone-paving + eos (gr) - dawn + lithos (gr) - stone + strosis (gr) - paving.

Culog (kulog) (gael) - Back-part; Little pocket; N.E. Dublin suburb.

Ath-na-Scairbhe (aneskervi) (gael) - Ford of the Rocky Shallow; town, Co. Wicklow, S. of Dublin.

rectiline - taking or having the course of a straight line; characterized by stright lines.

evaluation - the action of evaluating or determining the value of + evolution

scatterling - a wandering or vagabond person, a vagrant

herd - a keeper of a herd, a herdsman; a spiritual shepherd, a pastor

paladin - a Knight of the Round Table; also fig. a knightly hero, renowned champion, knight errant.

nubilus (l) - cloud + nubila (l) - clouds (i.e. little clouds).

cumulus - one of the simple forms of clouds, consisting of rounded masses heaped upon each other and resting on a nearly horizontal base. Frequent in the summer sky, where it often presents the appearance of snowy mountain-masses + cumulus (l) - a heap, a pile.

same - exactly in the same manner

lancer - a (cavalry) soldier armed with a lance

skal (Danish) - shall

avant - onward! move on! go on!

haught - haughty, noble, lofty

crest - furnished, topped, or adorned with a crest (a figure or device (originally borne by a knight on his helmet), an erect plume or tuft of feathers, horse-hair, or the like, fixed on the top of a helmet).

elm = helm

valle = fall + phrase vale of tears.

briers - troubles, difficulties, vexations

greenman - a man enclosed in a conical framework covered with leaves and boughs to take a prominent part in the may day games; a fresh, raw, or inexperienced man + greenmans (Slang) - the country + Joyce's note: 'greenman rise O' Douglas: London Street Games 59: 'Green Man Rise-O, a very old game... one of us lay down and cover his self with grass and the others run out and hide then they say greenman greenman rise up then he gets up and trys to catch them and the last one thats cort goes it --'.

dun - an ancient hill-fortress or fortified eminence (in the Highlands of Scotland, or in Ireland).

dale - a valley

ulv (Danish) - wolf

horn - a wind instrument more or less resembling a horn in shape, and originally formed of the horn of some beast, now made of brass or other material.

skal (Danish) - shall

roll - (of thunder) to reverberate, to form deep continious sound + song Roll, Jordan, Roll + Lord Byron: Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage IV.clxxix: 'Roll on, thou deep and dark blue Ocean - roll!'

Roland and Oliver - friends in the Chanson de Roland and Ariosto's Orlando Furioso. They were killed in battle by the Saracens because Roland would not - till too late - blow his horn to summon Charlemagne. When he blew the horn, it cracked.  

deye - dairymaid (a women employed in dairy or dairy farm) + days

Deus (l) - God

pro (l) - for + Genesis 22:1: 'And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am'.

Adsum (l) - I am here, here I am (in classic-centered schools [e.g. Clongowes Wood] schoolboy's response at rollcall "Present!").

Anima ad diabolum mene credidisti mortuum? (l) - Soul to the devil did you believe me dead? (Finnegan's Wake 5: 'Thanam o'n dhoul, do you think I'm dead').

festive - joyous, merry + Faust or Faustus - 16th-century magician who sold his soul to the devil, subject of works by Marlowe and Goethe + Thomas Moore, song: Silence Is in Our Festal Halls [air: The Green Woods of Truigha].

Troja (l) - Troy + truig (truig) (gael) - occasion, fact; cause, cause of death.

patriarch - the father and ruler of a family or tribe; a venerable old man; in the Orthodox Eastern Ch., The title of the bishops of the four patriarchates of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem + Thomas Moore, song: There Are Sounds of Mirth: 'There are sounds of mirth in the night-air ringing' [air: The Priest in His Boots].


pullover - used attrib. or absol. to designate articles of clothing that are put on by drawing them over the head; spec. (chiefly in absol. use) a knitted or woven garment for the upper part of the body; a jumper or jersey.

not a bit of it - not at all + sot - to make fool of, befool, to squander sottishly, tipple, guzzle.


cold + cul (kul) (gael) - back of the head.

parritch - porridge (pottage or soup made by stewing vegetables, herbs, or meat) + keep your breath to cool your porridge - look after your own affairs, and do not put your spoke in another person's wheel.

pelt - human skin (humorous or dial.); a skin of an animal worn as a garment

nasty + nass (ger) - wet.

drone - to give forth a continued monotonous sound; to hum or buzz, as a bee or a bagpipe.

blood stream - the stream of blood circulating through the human system + bluid = blood.

acrawl - crawling (to move or progress very slowly)

puff - breath

piff - an imitation of a dull, abrupt sound

extremities - the uttermost parts of the body, the hands and feet

extremely - in an extreme degree; exceedingly, very much

Fionn-glais (finglash) (gael) - Clear Stream; N. Dublin district and stream; anglic. Finglas + feng (Chinese) - wind.

Baile Dubhghaill (boyle dugil) (gael) - Town of the Dark Foreigner (i.e. Dane), N.E. Dublin suburb; anglic. Baldoyle.

humph - a sound expressive of doubt or contempt

doge - the title of the chief magistrate in the formerly existing republics of Venice and Genoa + dose - a short slumber + (notebook 1923): 'Let lying doges sleep'.

weigh - to have heaviness or weight; to be of (much or little) value or account; to be regarded  as considerable or important.

raindrop - a single drop of rain + drip - a falling drop.

Rath Farannain (ra farenin) (gael) - Farannan's (masc. pers. name) Fort; S. Dublin suburb; anglic. Rathfarnham.